Alberta Education - Programming For Special Education

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Programming for Special Education

Programming for students and children identified with special education needs
Under the School Act, students in grades 1 to 12 in public and separate school boards (excluding charter
schools) who are identified with special education needs are entitled to educational programming that conforms
to Standards for Special Education, Amended June 2004. Similar requirements for ECS children are outlined in
Standards for the Provision of Early Childhood Special Education. Requirements for students with special
education needs in accredited-funded private schools are described in Requirements for Special Education in
Accredited-Funded Private Schools.
According to the standards named above, every student or ECS child identified with special education needs
must have an individualized program plan (IPP). It is up to the school principal to ensure that the school has
processes and a learning team in place to provide consultation, planning, and problem solving related to
programming for students and children with special education needs. The principal assigns teachers to
coordinate, develop, implement, monitor, and evaluate student IPPs. The teacher involves parents and, when
appropriate, other teachers and students, in this process.
More Information
Sample IPP Templates *NEW
Individualized Program Planning
Early Childhood Services and Special Needs
Provincial Testing
Alberta Education is committed to accommodating the needs of all Alberta students to ensure fair and equitable
access to educational opportunities. This includes the writing of provincial achievement tests and diploma
examinations. The General Information Bulletin contains information on accommodations for students
identified with special education needs and outlines the process for granting test accommodations.
Achievement Tests
Diploma Examinations

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