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10th grade cover page

week 7 oct 4 -oct 8

We will be reviewing the important concepts in sec 2-4, 2-5,and 4-6 . We will
understand some key concepts such as linear functions, equations , slopes ,
rate of change, and writing linear equations using different methods. we will
study sec 2-4 which is about linear functions and slopes, after that we will
cover sec 2-5 scattered plot. We will have some work sheets to solve in the
class and homework which will be posted on the blog or a practice sheet that
will be given in the class. Please make sure that students organize their
folders and have them go over vocabulary
We will be covering

We will cover sec 2-4,2-5,2-6

Go over vocabulary on the blog
Slopes and linear equations
Rate of change
Writing linear equations
Graoging special functions (if we get to it by Thursday)

1. Slope
2. Rate of change
3. Slope intercept linear equation
4. Point slope for equation
5. Line of fit
6. Regression line
7. Piece wise function
8. Absolute value function
9. Greatest integer function

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