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Motivation Letter

Kusnanto Mukti Wibowo

With this letter I would like to explain my motivation to continue my study for higher degree
(Master degree). I have finished my undergraduate study in Physics Department, Sebelas
Maret University (UNS) with focus on material science. I am really interested with the master
research program that being offered by Microelectronics & Nanotechnology - Shamsuddin
Research Centre (MiNT-SRC), the Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM).
My interest in this project is based on my previous majoring, physics and materials sciences,
in which I have conducted an optical-materials-based research. The materials used were
TeO2 and ZnO, of which known as semi-conductor glass. I did a research on absorption and
band-gap energy of the stated glass as well. As far as I know, glass material can be
developed into gas sensor.
Solar cell gets my attention as well, because of its tropical-adaptable alternative energy. It
will be beneficial for tropical countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia because we know
that we have abundance of source. The unlimited and non-pollutant characteristics of solar
cell adding up the reason of why this is such a good idea to develop.
In order to assist my country, I have decided to take my bachelor degree into the next level,
and set a Master degree in the field of physics with focus on nanomaterial. Because I am
sure that obtaining a master degree in this field of study will help me to gain a solid
competence in this field of study. Before I finally go back to my homeland and contribute to
my country.
I believe that my strong technical analyzing experience and background education will make
me a very competitive candidate for Master student at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
in Semiconductor Nanomaterials Processing Research Laboratory in MiNT-SRC. I will be
grateful if I can be accepted to enroll in MiNT-SRC, UTHM. It will help me to live up my
dream in the world of science.

Best Regards

Kusnanto Mukti W.

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