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: 6 SK
: World of Self, Family and I
: Swinging
: Writing
Learning Standards: 3.2.1 Able to transfer information to complete:
(a) linear text

Able to write with guidance:

(c) poems


: By the end of the, pupils should be able to:

complete a text with correct words based on the stimulus given.
write a poem in cursive writing.
create a poem based on the stimulus given.


:60 minutes

Teaching Aids :Poem, activity sheet, picture

Educational Emphases: Contextual Learning, Creativity and Innovation, and Multiple
Set Induction (5 mins):
1. Teacher puts up a picture of a swing.
2. Teacher ask questions about the picture.
what can you see in the picture?
where can you find swing?
how do you play on the swing?
what happen if you fall down from a swing?

Pre-writing (15 mins):

1. Teacher groups pupils into pairs and explain the task.
2. Teacher distributes activity sheet to every pair and puts up the poem outside
the class.
3. Pupils then need to complete the poem in their activity sheet with correct
words by referring to the poem outside.
4. Pupils need to switch places with their partner once they try to get the
information outside.
5. Once every pair completed the poem, they need to recite the poem in front of
the class.


Writing (15 mins):

1. Teacher will recite the poem.
2. Pupils listen and write the poem in cursive writing.


Post-writing (20 mins)

1. Teacher distributes activity sheet.

2. In groups of four, pupils discuss and create a simple poem based on the
stimulus given.
3. Pupils present and recite their poem.
Closure (5 mins) :
1. Teacher read aloud a few words from the poem.
2. Pupils write the words with correct spelling.
3. Teacher and pupils discuss the answers together,

Activity Sheet
Task 1: In pairs, complete the poem by referring the complete poem pasted outside the
Swinging, swinging,
Low and high,
_______ in the green grass,
And up in the sky.
When I'm bigger __________________,
__________________ I'll do everything.
Swinging, swinging,
Up in ________________,
Down by and by.
___________________, then I can try,
When I' bigger I'll ______________________.
Swinging, swinging,
Up to ____________
________ down I go.
-Leila Berg

Task 2: Listen to the poem and write it in cursive writing.


Task 3: Create a simple poem based on the stimulus given.

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