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Green heat
One ot Scotland 's mosl exotic gardens. Logan Bolan1c Garden

uses lwo air source heal pumps. and lhe energy required to

near Po't Logan 1n Dumfries and Galloway. has opened the

run this system 1s offset by solar panels on a nearby south

tirst pubhc glasshouse in the UK to be heated enurely by green

facing roof. The new Ahtex glasshouse houses the garden's

energy. The heating design by Harrier Garden Developments

rare South African Hower couectton. h arr ier

Give bees a stylish home with a Bee Brick from the
Cornwall-based desig11 tmm Greenc~Blue. The polished
cast co11crete bricks arc punctuated with a 11t1111ber of
different sized catities that provide an ideal nesting
site for solitary bees. They ca11 be stacked together,
incorporated illfo a wall or used singly as a srnlptural
fcatHre. Ami/able i11 three d(fjcrent sizes, Bee Bricks
wo11 the Soil Associatio11's 2014 lllnovatio11 Award.
Prices start at 12 per brick.

Hig h art
A series of abstract sculptures is currently on
viev1 along the lntenm \Yalkway on New York's

High Line. Created by Argentine artistAdriAn

Villar Ro)as. the sculptures contain seeds and
compost from other parts of the High Line and
will gradually break down dunng 2015 and
generate ne\v growth. The Interim

~Va lk way. a

simp'9 path through existing selfseeded

plants. is at the far end of the Rail Yards. The
third and northernmost point ot the park. the
Rail Yards opened in September and features
planting by Piel Oudoll.


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