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Permutation and Combination 1, FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF COUNTING Fundamental Principle of Multiplication : If there are two jobs such that one of them can be completed in m ways, and when it has been completed in any one of these m ways, second job can be completed in m ways; then the two jobs in succession can be completed in mn ways Fundamental Principle of Addition : If there are ‘two jobs such that they can be performed independently in ‘m and n ways respectively, then either of the two jobs can be performed in (m +n) ways. Sample If you can go from Mumbai to Kolkata in 3. Example 1 : ways (x, y, 2) and from Kolkata to Delhi in 5 ways (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), then the number of ways in which you can go from Mumbai to Delhi is 3x 5 = 15 as illustrated below. ‘The 15 paths are NY Ya Ya Is Do you appreciate the rule of product applied to this problem. Note that going from Kolkata to Delhi in each of the five ways is independent of going from Mumbai to Kolkata in the three way. ‘The rule of product can also be generalized to situations involving more than two events. If an event X, can happen in x, ways, then an event X, in x, ways, X, in x, ways and so on, then the event X, and X, and X, and .... can happen at a time in XX oe WAYS, Another formulation of the rule of product is as stated below : 2, FACTORIAL If the fist element of an arrangement can be of one of x, different types, the second element ean be of x, different types, .. the K*of the x, different types, then the number of arrangement of k elements (arrangement) is ,X3..0---%4- ‘This rule can be proved in a simple way. In making the K-arrangements, the first element can be selected in x, ways. To ceach of the fist element can be associated an element of one of x, types to give xx, pairs. In turn, each pair can be combined with an element of one of x, types to give X.X2% triples. Continuing this process we Bet A XX, arTangements of the required type. The number of ways in which n different prizes can be distributed among m(< n) persons if each is entitled to receive at ‘most n= 1 prizes, is @n*—n @& me © mm (@) none of these Total number of ways to ntimes = m’ ‘The number of ways in which one gets all the prizes = m. ‘The required number of ways Hence (¢) is the correct answer. ‘There are 4 candidaws forthe post of a lecturer in Mathematics and one is to be selected by votes of 5 men. The number of ways in which the votes can be given is (@ 1048 @) 1072 © 1024 (@) none of these Each man can vote for one of the 4 candidates ‘and this can be done in 4 ways. ‘Similar isthe case with every other man. [_» Repetition is allowed) Hence 5 men can vote in 4° ie, 1024 ways. Hence (c) is the correct answer. For any natural number n, we define factorial of n(n! or [n) as follows mn Note : (n= 1) = 2.054. 3.207 2, 31=3% 2x 1=6, and soon, We can extend the definition of the factorial to zero and negative integers as follows : ie. put Again; 1 1 1 (3)! o a/2)! (7. Hence, factorials of proper fractions or negative integers are not defined. 3. EXPONENT OF PRIME, PIN NI Let p be a prime number and n be a positive integer. ‘Thus, ‘Then, the last integer amongst 1, 2,3, sy (0 ~ 1), which is divisble by p is [zl where | denotes the greatest Le. P n — se aval o 10) 4 22)» [1s eg. [9)-3[2]-2[15]-sere « [3-3 [2]-2[3]-s Let E,(n') denote the exponent ofthe prime p inthe positive integer n. Then, Ea) =E,(, 23....(2-1)a) a] =E,{p- 2p. 3p....|% {o- 2»- 9»--[2]p) [ Remaining integers between 1 and nare not divisible by p] pepe) Continuing in this manner, we get al fal fn] e,0-[]+[5]+[S]+ the largest positive integer such that p* and x, yn EN. (@) Find the value of S(6). Example 13, (®) Show that if n is prime, then S(ny=3. Given or (x= yy => (xen) and (y factors of n* Obviously if d is one divisor of »*, then for each such divisors there will be an ordered pair (x, y). S(n) = number of divisors of n* n) are two integral (a) For n = 6, we have d= 1,2, 3,4, 6,9, 12, 18, 36 S(6)=9. (@) In is prime, then d =1, n and n°; hence S(n) =3, In how many ways we can choose 3 squares on a chess board such that one of the squares has its two sides common to other two squares ¢ Either we have to choose or () Every square of (2 by 2) will contribute four shaped figures by removing any one square out of Number of ways to choose these squares =1%7=49, Fy stave fires = 49% 4 = 196. Gi) In every line it is possible to have 6 0, total oO shaped figures. So total number of such figures = 6x 8x2 = %. ‘Total number of cases = 196 + 96 = 292. Arrich man is on the verge 0 unlimited amount of money and intends to distribute some of its among his ‘n’ relatives with the following conditions, (@) Total money that is to distributed is 4 positive multiple of four. (©) No relative gets more than (4n ~ 1) rupees Find the total number of ways in which the rich man can write his will. Let us assume the total money that is to be distributed is 4K; (Ke natural numbers) and the relative x, receives p, rupees. Shand 0< p, 42-1 ‘Thus, to obtain the number of integral solutions of, Dit Py Py toch Py = Ah, he = Coefficient of x in (ete ttt let (It xt ta ‘Now required coefficients Putting ; x=1,-1 i and ~ i in (1) in succession and adding, we get Alay + ay +a, +...) = (An £04040 eae 10

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