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1. How to support the preservation of endangered species.
2. In 3rd paragraph, 1st sentence:
Apart from human advantage in both the aesthetic and ecological argument, the
proponents of a moral justification contend that all species have the right to exist, a
viewpoint stated in the United Nations World Charter for Nature, created in 1982
furthermore, if humankind views itself as the stewards of all the creatures on Earth, then it
is incumbent upon human beings to protect them, and to ensure the continued existence of
all species.
3. mean is about mainset (cara pandang)
4. Special, particular, typical, characteristic, peculiar, separate, particular
5. The Endangered species
6. In 2nd paragraph, 3rd and 4th sentences :
Recent research on global ecosystems has been cited as evidence that every species
contributes important or even essential functions that may be necessary to the survival of
our own species. Some advocates of the ecological argument content that important
chemical compounds derived from rare plants may contain the key to cure for one of the
diseases currently threatening human beings.
7. The author mean that we must save the endangered species because people need nature in
all its diverse and beautiful forms as part of the experience of the world.
8. We know hat every species contributes important or even essential functions that may be
necessary to the survival of our own species.


Safik Dwi Nova

D3-Electronic Engineering B

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