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Section 1

Fill in the following

(a)To trade is___________

(b)The early Arab traders used________wind to help them to travel

(c)Around 900C.E the Arab traders started marrying into families

(d)The Arabs travelled in a ship called___________________

(e)The other name for Arabs is_____

Section 2

Answer the following questions.

(a)In November to March monsoon blow from which direction?

(b) Between April and monsoon blows in which direction?

(c)Trade grew rapidly in East Africa between which years?

(d)At what time of the year you sailed

(e)Monsoon winds are found in which ocean?


Write a 5 lines paragraph about Arab trade



The learners look for different Arabs dhows that were used for trading as far back as
4000years ago in the internet. They will print them and read about trading systems and
different Arab dhows; they will also paste the drawings in their books. The learners have an
option of choosing the name of the dhow they want and write a summary about it.

The learners will also value the Arab dhows way of trading and the way they used the
dhows. Latter the Portuguese likely based their designs for the caravel known to the Arabs
as Sambuk.

The learner will know the different types or dhows.

• Ghanja-a large vessel with a curved stem and a sloping omately curved transom.
• Baghalah- the traditional deep sea dhow.
• Basttil- featured long stems topped by large cube shaped stem head.
• Badan- a smaller vessel requiring a shallow draught.
• Boum- dhows with a stem that is tapping in shape and a more symmetrical overall

They will also learn that for celestial navigation, dhow sailors have traditionally used the
camel. This observation device determines latitude by finding the angle of Pole star above
the horizon.

It is primarily used along the coast of Arabian of approximately thirty people while smaller
dhows typically have crews of around twelve.

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