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m y d e s i g n e r p r o fi l e
Fuscequisauctorvelit, acsollicitudin est. Maurisfaucibussollicitudin magna ainterdum.
Utporttitor, nislegetpulvinarbibendum, dui erosfaucibussem, sit
amettemporvelitjustoquis dui.
work experience
August 2015 to September 2015 Maintenance Downtown Properties
January 2005 to April 2010 Assistant Design Coordinator BA Studios California
2000 to 2004 Yale Tech University BFA in Communication Design
academic awards
January 2003 Yale Tech University Silver Award IGX Green Design Competition
Digital Designing, Photo and Video Editing
In depth knowledge of HTML and CSS
Experience in using QuarkXpress
Proficient in both Mac OS X and Windows operating systems
online portfolio

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