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Amber Barlow

PPE 310 Health Literacy

School Assessment
October 4th, 2015


Assessment Results
Overall Grade: F
During School: 60%
Keep going! You're already well on your way to an Active & Healthy Schools environment. Get teachers and staff
involved, perhaps introduce some additional activities, and you'll be looking great!

Curriculum: 40%
Room for improvement. Studies show the importance of an effective PE curriculum to overall student health and
academic performance. A stronger emphasis on PE can go a long way toward creating an Active & Healthy

Recess / Lunch: 25%

Let's get to work. A few simple changes can encourage students to choose healthy foods over sugary snacks, which
will increase your Active & Healthy score and help students get more out of school.

After School: 60%

Outstanding! Adding one or two after-school activities or a take-home newsletter can make your school an Active &
Healthy center in your neighborhood!

Strengths and Weaknesses

Deer Valleys strengths are that they have a lot of physical activity programs and
organizations offered to the students during and after school. They also offer a lot of options
when it comes to meals for the students and staff alike, so everyone can choose from a healthy
variety of options. Deer Valleys weaknesses is that it doesnt have much health and physical
activity in their curriculum. The other weakness is also one if its strengths, their variety of foods
can be a double edged sword. Whenever you offer salad alongside orange chicken and gelato,
students will more likely take the unhealthier option.


Deer Valley have after school programs for students to join and be active; which is all of
our sports such as football, badminton, volleyball, etc. During school they offer active classes; a
favorite is the dance class taught by a trained dance instructor. For the staff they always offer the
main entre served that day, make your own sandwich, or make your own salad. The drink
offered are water and pop. For the students they offer a lot more. They have the main entre,
pizza, salad, and even a buffet option for children to gorge themselves on. The students definitely
have a variety and have the ability to make good decisions.
The major flaws and weaknesses that were observed at Deer Valley reflect what the
School Assessment tool assessed. Most schools in the Deer Valley Unified School District have a
limited physical education program. Typically they take it only in freshman year instead of a
history course. Beyond that, there is no required physical education. With that, the students have
very limited physical activity during the day. The lowest score in the School Assessment Tool is
the lunch and recess section, Deer Valley scored a 25% on the food that is offered. The eclectic
options for foods offered is not always a good variety. Less is sometimes more.
Policy Improvements
A major improvement and change would be to make physical education mandatory for
every grade level. A lot of schools in other states mandate this so students get physical activity at
least for an hour 2-3 days a week for their whole high school tenure. This much physical activity
would decrease obesity rates and would help the students get their energy out so they would be
more settled in the classrooms.
Modifications to the meals offered at Deer Valley would go a long way health wise and
would save money as well. Only offer a few meal options for them to choose from. No vending
machines turned on during the day. And the snacks that are offered to the students during the day


are healthy and nutritious. There are no fast food restaurants available to the students outside of
campus except Subway, so the students would have healthy options to eat from. The students will
eat healthier meals rather than choosing the buffet.
Using the School Assessment Tool required the user to know a decent amount about their
school. Suggesting the parents and administrators to take the test not only assesses the school and
how healthy it is but shows what is to be expected of schools. Have the administrators, parents,
students, teachers, etc. to take the test themselves so they can see what the school is at based on
their own observations.
Deer Valley scored pretty low based on the authors observations. The scores Deer Valley
show there is a lot of room for improvement and even gives great suggestion on how to get that
score higher. Just starting very small can make a change such as suggesting teachers to hang
posters not only related to their content area but also about being healthy. The halls are very
barren in Deer Valley, hold a Health Week and one day all the students can make posters, make
a mural, etc. on what they think is healthy. Getting the students involved and decorating the
school would create a huge impact.
Signature Assignment
The topic of my signature assignment is physical activity and academic success. With the
limited physical activity Deer Valley students have, I could use my school to see if their test
scores are higher or lower than other schools with more physical activity. If they are lower, I can
use that to further the agenda of including more physical education classes into the curriculum.
School Description
Deer Valley High School is in the Deer Valley Unified School District. The grade level is
secondary/high school. It is an A-rated, Title 1 public school. The area of Deer Valley is a


surbuban neighborbood with an ethnic makeup of 86% of the population being white. DVHS
maintains an average of 2000 students enrolled each year and the average class size is around 28
students. There is no information about ELL students or how many have free or reduced lunch


85308. (2014). Retrieved October 4, 2015, from
Deer Valley High School. (n.d.). Retrieved October 4, 2015, from


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