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English for International


Course Book
Miriam Jacob & Peter Strutt

Pea rson Education Limited

Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex, CM20 2JE, England
and Associated Companies throughout the world.
CAddison Westey Longman Limited 1997
All rights reserved . No part of this publication may be reproduced ,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise
without the prior w ritten permission of t he Publishers .
First publi shed by Add ison W esley Longman Lim ited 1997
Eleventh impression 2005
Set in Syntax 8.7S/ 12pt
Printed in Spain by Graticas Estell a
ISBN 0 5B2 23753 X

The authors and publishers would like to t hank the following
consultants and teachers for commenting on t he manuscript: Sarah
Louise Moss, Joelle Bajollc, Ana Maria Ped ucci, Alison Gisvold, Susan
Karaska and especially Diane Conrad- Daubrah, who prOVided
inspiration as well as material for the book . Also students at the
University of West minster and Ham pstead Garden Suburb Institute
w ho piloted materials.
We are gratefu l to all those working in the travel business w ho gave
freely of their time and expertise and w ho agreed to be interviewed for
the book, in particu lar: Christopher Khoo of the Singapore Tourist
Board; Suzan ne Bassett, Sales Executive , China Travel Service (U K) Ltd;
Miss Cumberbatch, Sales Manager, Barbados Tourist Authority;
Lud w ig Szeiler, Prof Dr Dietrich W ildu ng. Cu rator, Agyptisches
Museum, Bertin.
We would like to thank the following for providing help and
information: David Blair at the Welsh Office, Cardiff, Idwal Williams,
the plan ning officer for the LlanberiS area, and Arlon County Council;
Elmeda Shelly of t he Welsh Tourist Board; John Swarbrick; Bodo Hamel
of t he Berlin Tourist Office; Jill Smillie at Conference Venues, and
Dawn Ellis and Pauline Thomas at Conference Contacts; Andrew
Rusack, Sales Manager for East of England , Going Places; Gary Lewis,
Senior Manager, Ground Operations, Air UK Ltd , Stansted Airport; Bill
Craig of American Express Training Dept; Emily F. Jacob.
Also: British Tourist Board; Egyptian State Tourist Office ; Irish Tourist
Office; Intou rist; New Hampshire Office of Travel and Tourism
Development, USA.
The authors wo uld also li ke to thank the editorial team , Stephen
Nicholl, Sue Ullstein, David Riley and janet W eller, and the publisher,
Gillian Rod rigues, for t hei r ded ication and com mitment to the book.
We are grateful to the following f or permission to reproduce copyright
material: Addison Wesley Longman for extracts from LONGMAN
1995; American
Express for an adapted training manual text, Brit ish Airways Holidays
ltd for ada pted extracts f rom a letter by Brian Eustace, Golf Manager
on behalf of British Airways and a Brit ish Airways Holiday feedback
questionnai re; British Tourist Auth ority/English Tourist Board for
adapted extracts from the articles 'Value of Tourism in the UK' &.
'Tourist Spending Breakdown' from t he leaflet NATIONAL FACTS OF
TOURISM, an adapted extract f rom BRITAIN'S STRENGTHS AND
and an extract from the artide 'Dock lands turns its attention to tourism
gro\'/th' in TOURISM ENTERPRISE , January 1993; Commuter
Publishing Partnership for an adapted extract from the article 'How to
write a CV' by Eleni Kyriacou from M IDWEEK MAGAZINE, 1990;

Consumers Association for an adapted extract from t he article

'Tourism the Destroyer - Plans for tourism development..' in HOLIDAY
W HICH? March, 1990; EMI Music Publishing ltd trading as Elstree
Music, London WC2 H OEA for words to the song SUMMER
HOLI DAY Words and Music by Bruce Welch and Brian Bennett,
1963; The Financial Times ltd for an extract from the article 'When it
pays to complain' by Diane Summers in FI NA NCIAL TIM ES 28 July,
1994; The French Publishing Group f or an adapted ext ract f rom YHR
GRAND LOUVRE GU IDEBOOK by Jerome Coignard , Joel Girard and
Christophe Lagrange, trans. Nigel Hollidge; Guardian Media Group pic
for a slightly adapted ex tract from th e article 'A tale of two cities as
intrep id trio lose out on American dream ' by John M ullin in THE
GUARDIA N, September, 1993;
lntouri st ltd for an adapted extract from 'Tailor- made booking
req uest f orm' in t he brochure RUSSIA BEYOND 1994/1995; Lynton
Cooper Travel (London) Ltd for an adapted extract from the brochure
Technical Lt d for extracts from articles 'Cut-and-thrust of contracting'
and 'Room at t he top' in TRAVEL TRADE GAZETIE 14.6.90 &. TRAVEL
TRAD E GAZETTE EUROPA; Pergamon Museum/Accoustiguide GmbH
for ext racts t ranscribed from PERGAMON ENGLISCH ACCOUSTIGUIDE (1991) by John Julius Norwich ; Saga Studio for an adapted
extract from t he 'Pacif ic Cruise Company' brochure SAGA CRU ISE
COLLECTIO N - March 1994-February 1995; Times Newspapers Ltd
for an extract from th e aritcle 'Promotion to the rank of flyer first class
by David Churchill in THE SUN DAY TIMES, 21.11.93. Times
Newspapers Ltd , 1993; United Nation s Environment Programme for an
adapted extract from the article 'Safe Tourism - is it possible?' by Lelei
Lelaulu in the journal OUR PLA NET, Vol 6, No 1 (1994) .

We are grateful to the following for permission to use copyright

photographs: Alton Towers for page 18br; Clive Barda for page 35t;
Margarete Busing/ Bildarchiv Preussi sc her Kulturbesitz for page 89t;
The Bridgeman Art Library for page 7bm, 89br, 89bm, 89b!. IGiraudon
for page 90; Capital Pictures for page 44ml; Going Places for page 30;
The Image Bank/ Lisi Dennis for page 74, I Tom Owen Edmunds for
page 111b,/Renzo Mancini for page 9, IAndrea Pistolesi f or page 46r;
The Kobal Collection for page 20; New Hampshire Tourist Board/Ralph
Morang for page 82t; Pepys Library, Magdelene College, Cambridge
for page 861; Pidor International for page 7tr, 25, 38, 63, 73, 84;
Portsmouth City Council for page 87t1, 87tr; Ski t he American Dream
for page 109m; The Slide File for page 23b; Steamboat Ski Corp/Larry
Pierce for page 109b, 109t; Tony Stone Images for page 7bl,/Michael
Busselle for page 11, IRichard Elliott for page 45, ISuzanne and Nick
Geary for page 87bl, IDavid Hanson for page 37tl, IJeremy S Hibbert
for page 461, ISimeone Huber for page 107, IDavid Mad ison for page
46m, I Hiroyuki Matsumoto for page 88br, I Kevin Mo rris for page 7tl,
IJon Nicholson for page 37br, IGreg Pease for page 481, f Lorne
Resnick for page 18ml. IJo n Ril ey for page 12m, 62; Strawbery Banke
Museum for page 82b; Telegraph Colou r library for page 6br, 6bm,
6bl, 7tm, 21, 23t, 24ml, 24tr, 24tm , 24t1 , 24bl, 24bm , 24mr, 35r, 44 b,
44tm, 50, 52 , 56bl, 56tr, 56tl, 76, 77 , 78, 86bm, 86br, 88t1, 88tr, 88bl ,
111t, 114, IB &. M Productions for page 12t, IBavaria for page 7br,
/ Bavaria- Bildagentur for page 22, IColorifiC for page 18t, 44m r, 44tJ,
/Colorific/Antonio Gusamo for page 6tm,/ FPG for page 24m , 56br,
/James Kay Photography for page 12b, /Masterlite for page 6tl, 18mr,
44tr, IP Tit muss for page 87mr, /VCL for page 94,104; Keith ToUem
Associates for page 70; Trip/Dinodia for page 37mr; Un iversal Press
Syndicate for page 5ot; Elizabeth W hiting Associates for page 71.
Designed by Simon May, Sage Associates.
Illustrated by Kathy Baxendale, Richard Coggan, M ichael A Hill,
Biz Hull, Phi lip Mount (Tin Star), Caroline E. Porter, Debbie Ryder,
Michaela Stewart and Katherine Walker.
Cover photo by And rew Hall.

To the learner
This book is for you if you work in t he t ourist industry or if you
are studying tou rism.

It provides excellent preparation for any of t he major European

exam inations in English f or Tou ri sm in clu ding t he London
Cham ber of Comme rce and Industry English for the Tou rist
Indu stry exams.

What is in English for International Tourism?

The Course Book contains f ifteen units and t hree scenarios, all
based on themes f rom the tourist trade . It includes topics such as:

the effects of tourism on the environment.

how hotels are managed.

how tour operators set t heir prices.

how holiday desti nations are selected and promoted.

Good pronunciation will give you greater confidence, whether
you are dealing w ith customers, taki ng part in discussions or
guiding groups of visitors . The Speechwork sections will give
you t he systematiC, regular practice wh ich is t he key to

To help you improve your reading ski lls, we have chosen a
variety of au t hentic texts from tourism publ ications, and have
deSigned practical exercises to check your understandi ng.

In t he Writing sections you w ill carry out real tasks f rom the
tourism workplace. For example: writing letters, press releases,
brochures and reports. There are model answers for all the
wri ting activities in t he Teacher's Resou rce Book.

What is in the units?

Every unit contains t he sections below. We have used the
same head ings th roughout th e book so that you always know

t.'J hat kind of work you a(e going to do.

Learning Tips
From time to t im e we include advice and information on how
to improve yo ur learning strategies and become mo re
independen t when you study.

~ opens with a few questions, and often some

=-="0. to start you th inking about the theme you wi ll be

- - ; 'g.


After every five units there is a scenario. These are case stud ies
which cha llenge you to use t he English you have learned to
deal w ith authentic situations in internat ional tourism .

-<"""F--=.._ -g activities present realistic and motivating situations


you can practise the language you have studied. You

jake presentations, negotiate t he terms of contracts,

.:..scuss key iss ues, give advice and information, deal with
:omplaints and perform many other tourism-related tasks.

What about private study?

A Workbook with its own cassette accompanies the Course


Book. This provides extra tasks f or study at home or in class

an d includes three review sections where you can monitor
your progress.

The cassette recordi ngs in cl ude conve rsatio ns and discussions

betw~ e n experts in the t ou ri sm t rade. British, American,

We very much hope you will enjoy using English for International
Tourism .

Australian and other int ern atio nal accents are f eatu red , to help
yo~ understand how peop le speak English in different parts of
the world. Tapescri pts of t he recordings are pri nted on pages
11 6- 123 of the Co urse Book.

Language Focus
Here you w ill work on the key aspects of grammar that are
essential for progress at t his level. Language Focus sections
include clear ex planations and activities to help you

Miriam Jacob

Peter Strull

un derstand and use the language effectively.

The Vocabulary sections w ill help you to develop a richer
vocabu lary. These sections introduce and practise many words
and ex pressions req ui red in the tou rist industry. A word Jist of

more than 100 to urism t erms incl uded in the Course Book is
printed on pages 124-12 7, along w ith t ranslations into seven


Professional activiti es


Directory of texts

Languag e

Travel agencies and tour

giving holiday information

Language Focus: compound nouns

Types of




talking about holiday


page 6

writing and responding to

compound <!::dj;cj-. es

letters of enquiry

A Career in

Recruitment and job


writing CVs and covering

taking part in job int erviews


formal and

page 12

. ~~,




nu mbe~

verb f orms


Conversations with customers

Letters about golfing holidays

word stress

Language Focus: simple /coo::! "' _ '1:"_"5.



types of holid:!

stress in vo"ofcs :--:::: - S

in -ate, . jc a..-.:: -2: ~

Job descriptions

How to write a CV


The write way to find a job

Recruitment advertisements
letters of application

Trends in

Tourism organisations and

tourist boards

writing a summary based on

talking and w riting about

modern -day developments

Where People



giving a short presentation

from notes

page 18

Tourist boards, tour

operators, Tourist
Information Centres (TICs),
and travel agents

page 24

types and ~~ ::travel

De\<elopmen t of tourism in


past verb =.:r--!E

Summer holiday


Language Focus: past simiXE :..-:se-:

perfect s;m=-e


definitions if :.:L.- -S-


working with figures

Language Focus: the denr :: ~"XE

designing a questionnaire and

carrying o ut a survey



giving information from a


Speech work:

the sch.......
reading ~,_'1""'!5

Definitions of tourism
Summer holiday

Americans in Europe

A tale of two citi es


-elephone calls



reporting on the nature and

value of tourism in a country

Travel agencies


Travel Agents

taking bookings and filling in

booking forms

page 30

Language Focus:

tagq ft~,,~



w riting a set of instructions:

payment procedures

Scenario 1

Tr.<,'.ref '6enOes and tour

Advi~ng a


page 36


Tour t:IpIY.a:o-s


~,Ind ia


S:=~mboat, Colorado, USA

writing reports

language Focus

planning a package tour


negotiati ng an agreement


Tour ist~llS

identifying strengths and

v.eeknesses of a country

Language Foc

aescribing ways of promoting



Ecological a.,-JI; ~
National u..: .cc.=..
Environmen:a. z:-::


g part in public meetings

~ 6 press releases

.;. ::;.anning meeting




-;;on the welcome is fros ty



~"7\Oti ng

Barbados as a

:o..m. destination



:n5eI1!ations: reporting on ,a
~-iianse.tion trip



- -

- ----clTl. ~


=-~' s

t rip to China

strengths and




Ot3CJ'1bing an itinerary



helping clients make choices

AT:bl1g promotional materials

page 50

the c..7.a:r':
intc:r.a:o- r ~
into-.c:=o- r- =

giving information an d advice

page 44


3oo(ing forms
=xrract from a training manual"5

writing a letter of confirmation

Promoting it

.; holiday booking

writing letters at
recom mendation

page 38

reading brochures

phr~ -

phone ;;ats
payr:;e-: ~""'!5

asking for and confirming

inf ormation
wri ting letters of confirmation




lan gueg,"~

VOC2..btk..- Speecrr



~eiand Encounter

~ tou rism




Professional activities

All tourism providers

!)age 56

Directory of texts

mapping an itinerary

Language Focus two- part verbs

Susan's trip to the USA

writing a fax: improving airport

passenger handling facilities



Rapid speech


word boundaries

Passenger care

making recommendations to a
tourist board



Customer relations


dealing with complaints

Language Focus infinitive or gerund

writing letters of apology

Vocabu lary

adjectives describing

w ritin g letters confirming


o.age 6 2



Melanie Flowers

Unfortunate incidents in a
travel agency

Letters and faxes of complaint 0
When it pays to complain

contrastive stress

Feedback questionnaire

Scenario 2

Tour operator's customer

relations department

-andling: a


reading correspondence:
letters, memos and fa.lles
dealing with a claim for
compen~tion 68

writing Jetters to dissatisfied


-etel Facilities


Language Focus: types of adjective

replying to letters of enquiry

order of adjectives

negotiat ing bookings for

conferences and groups

:age 70


w ritin g letters of confirmation

w riting memos


describing hotel facil ities


Hotels. trade fairs. tour


wciting fm' giving infoemation

t aking part In a meeting to
decide on th e viability of a new

~ X2~ns

:o!g-: 76

hotel facilities
collocations w ith and

stress in compound

Fixing rates: different racking


T ommaso Zanzettol
Richard Williams

Letters from hoteliers



Language Focus conjunctions

A ustral Tours


formal and informal


The Far East Invest ment Group

Speechwork :

pronunciation of
the letter i

w riting a report


TIC Venice


choOSing a site for a hotel

w riting promotional material



to Do

Tourist Information

writing a tourist information

w ritin g and recording an
answerphonc message

- -51:'82


GUided tours






Language Focus relative clauses


museum exhibits
and monuments


pausing, stre5S and


w riting notices
giving a guided tour


Leisure pursuits in New


giving tou rists advice and

suggestions on tourist
describing museum exhibits
and monuments


Language Focus: conditionals

The Neues Museum , Berl in


Tour of th e Pergamon
Museum, Berlin
T he Lou vre, Paris

The Manor Hotel

. ..$p.:-ss

Hotels, airlines, conference


- oii."'Ci

describing conference facilit ies

negotiating rat es
promoting conference ven ues


telephone selling

Language Focus possibllity and

Vocabu lary:



sound and spelling:

silent letters
word stress in

writing promotional letters

5.:.enario 3
: ganising

Tour and resort


designing a programme
of e.llcursiom


Promotion t o the rank of Flyer [I]

First Class




Resort information

~ -:-..If~ons

A.5e 100
:COOpwork/Pairwork B Texts


= Read ing text

= Listening text



11 6


W ord List


of Holiday

Dealing wi th trade and customer enqu iries

How many different kinds of holiday can you think of?
Work with a partner and compare your lists.

a A city break in Moscow

Vocabulary 1

b A three- week expedition to Greenland

2 Put the words (1-9) into the appropriate spaces.

1 wi nter sports
2 self- cateri ng
3 special interest

3 Join the phrases in the two sections a-g and 1-7 to make
complete holiday descriptions.

C A five- day stay in a purpose-bu ilt chalet

4 safari

7 adventure

5 cru ise

8 package tour

6 weeke nd break

9 homestay

d Two weeks on an ocean liner

e A month 's holiday in a mobile home
A bed-and-breakfast stay

a a relaxing ..... holiday w ith old-fashioned hospitality on a

family farm
b a month's .. .... holiday lost in the Amazon rain forest
c a fortn ight's

... holiday for the family in a rented Swiss

to study the geology, flora and fauna

2 in a caravan park in sun ny Biarritz

3 at one of the Center Parcs holiday villages in Britain, France or

d a ten-day . ... . to Thailand, includ ing flights, deluxe hotels and

visits to the Sukhothai national park and the pagodas at
e a two-week .. .... in the Baltic Sea aboard the

9 A trip to Di sney World


lin er

Hol land
4 with t wo nights at the Metropol hotel and tickets for the

5 including a three-day stopove r in Tah iti

6 with free accommodation in a condo in Orlando

a(n) ...... holiday ski in g on the slopes of the Pyrenees

7 in a comfortable guest house near Th e Black Forest

9 a(n) ...... in Amsterdam to visit the Rijksmuseum and be back

in time for work on Monday
h a stay in Mombasa combined w ith a(n) . .... in the famous
Tsavo game park
a(n) ...... holiday, excavating Aztec temples or learn in g English
in London

4 What types of holiday are those in exercise 3? Choose

categories from the list in exercise 2 or add your own.
5 How would you describe the holidays in exercise 3? Choose
from the list in the box below and justify your choice.


for the family



once-in-a -lifetime




Types of Holiday

6 Listen to four conversations in a travel agency and match the
customers to the advertisements.



'J'lu World of Children; Fontmy

The Ued Square, the Kremlin .


St Basil's Cath edral .. at give-away prices.


Flights oJ' Boeingjels and Concord;!

a/ unheatable prius

Place s limited.

R enaissance
Cd away from il all


A luxury holiday at all affordable priu.

A remarkable exhi b ition

-The Age o/thr M edici"

Country cottages andfahulous

firs/as at bargain prius

Tropicnlllltllld H olidays

Book now f or discount prices.

Spainl rain for newly-weds

Derails inside.


Vocabulary 2
7 Fin p the words in the advertisements that refer to the prices
of the holidays. Then listen again and list the words that talk

8 Write the word s from the box a long a line like the one
below, going from the cheapest to th e most expens ive.

abo ut pri ce.

a bit pricey




at rock-bottom prices



free of charge

.... --~



Work with a partner and discuss these questions.

;: Where wou ld you consider it econo mical/ reasonable/

exorbit ant to go for a holiday?

prohibit ive

W hat ki nd of tourist activities in yo ur area are free of ch arge?

c What are the disadvan tages of holidays at rock-bottom prices?

d W hich of t he holidays in the t ravel agent's wi nd ow would
appeal to you?
e W hat wo uld you consider to be the holiday of a lifetime?

Language FocLls
Compound nouns

Apostrophe 5

In Engli sh we can use nouns as adjectives. For example :

water sports

adventure holiday

caravan park

The fi rst word fun ctions as the adjective and answers t he

question What kind of>

The '5 or 5' can be used in expressio ns of time w it h numbe rs:

an hour's drive f rom

a month's holiday

the airport
two days' journey

in Hungary
five minutes' w alk

The relatio nsh ip bet ween t he t wo noun s can be of many

kinds, in cluding:

BUT in expressio ns begi nning w ith a,


mountain slopes, city centre


summer holiday, weekend break

Fun ction

golf course, swimming pool


paper bag. iron bridge


or a possessive and

followed by a number, t he f irst noun is singular. For example:

The to ur inclu des a two-day exped ition to the caves.
The th ree-day train journey was bo ring .
His thirty-mile hike over the mountain s left
him ex haust ed.

So metimes t hree o r more words are combined :

Tourist Information Centre

air traffic control

business travel expenditure

winter sports holiday


M atch the nouns in A and B.


A speciali st lecturer acco mpanies each cruise w hich lasts

seventeen days.

t heme


A speciali st lecturer accompanies each seve nteen-day

cru ise.





incent ive

reso rt

g ui de





accom modation



a It t akes tw o hours t o dri ve to the ai rport.

b The journ ey to th e centre of Lo ndon takes forty-five
c Th e excu rsion incl udes a meal with three cou rses at a
gourm et restaurant.
d You can visit t he vin eyard, w hi ch ext ends over two
hundred hectares.

Work in groups. How many compound nouns can you

make using the word holiday? For example:

holiday accommodation

package holiday

e We stayed in a hote l w ith t hree stars.

From Santi ago t o San Francisco there's a f reeway with
fo ur lanes.

3 Rewrite these sentences without changing the meaning.

For example:
It takes f ive minu tes t o walk from th e hotel to the

It's a f ive -m in ute walk f rom th e hotel to the beach.

9 A guide acco mpanies all tou rs scheduled for f ive days .

h They have produced a f ilm, wh ich last s twenty minutes,
on the A mm assali k region of East Greenland.
Th eir ex ped it io n, w hi ch t oo k six months, nearly met w ith

Types of Holiday

ord stress

: Say these words.




affordab le


ord st ress is very important because if you pl ace the stress

When you note down a new word it 's

the wro ng syllable, other people wil l find it diffic ult to


_-::erstand you .

a good idea to inclurle the stress:

vad the following words aloud and classify them according

bargai n

e stress patterns above.



enqu ire










fo rest








- - . --

......sten and check your pronunciation.

Draw a grid like the one be low.
Fill in the details of the best holiday you have ever had.
Then interview some other members of the class .

Who had t he most exciting ho li day? The best va lue for




Miria m







N. Spain



Type of holiday



Famifiarisation trip

How organised

By rt1y3df

By us


Means of trans port


ear + Boat

f1ane. car.limc\lSttle


Siqhteeeing & eating

Sa;ling, <ating, .,;ghteeeing, walong

Siqhteeeing, culUJr.31 ~s;ts

Value for mon ey

Terribl e!



12 Read these statements about busin ess letters in English. Are
t hey true or false? Do oth er people in the cl ass agree with
you ? What other advi ce can yo u g ive abo ut writ ing letters?
a W hen you write a letter you put your name above you r address.
b It is co rrect to w ri te Dear Mister when beginn in g a lette r.
c In the United States 1st April 1999 can be abbreviated to 4.1.99.

d When w riting a letter to the USA you can begin it with


13 Read th e letter on the left.

e The abbreviation Ms is used to write to women w hen you do

not know or do not wan t to refer to their marital status.
It is rarely appropriat e to use contractions (I'll, don't, isn't)
when writi ng letters.
g If you begin a lette r w ith Dear Mr Grant yo u should en d with
Yours faithfully.

14 Read th e reply on the ri ght.

Why is Mrs M cSweeney w rit in g? W hat inform ati on does

she requi re?

What information is missing?

44 Cedar Avenue

Skyways Holidays
Publica tions Manager
Atlantic House
Haze/wick Avenue
Haywards Heath
West Sussex

Mrs McS\"Jeeney
44 Cedar Avenue
6 November 199

30 October 199

Dear Mrs McSweeney

I am delighted to enclose a Skyways Holidays Golf brochure for nelCt season.

Dear Sir or Madam

As an enthusiastic golfer I am very interested in combining a
holiday abroad w i th the opportunity to receive expert tuition
and improve my handicap.
I would be grateful if you could send me a brochure on
special interest golfing holidays, together with details of
transport, accommodation and any special
out-of-season offers.
Thank you in advance. { look forward to hearing from you in
the near future.

This brochure offers the widest selection of golf holidays available today. Choose
between a holiday near to home in Portugal, Spain or Madeira, or fly further afield
to exotic destinations such as the Caribbean. the USA, Kenya or even Thailand .
Free Skyways UK Flights to Heathrow or Gatwick are available to connect with
many hol idays, and you will lind a host of bonus offers at selected hotels
throughout the brochure. With guaranteed no surcharges, you C<ln be sure of .~
value fo r money. I do hope that this new brochure will help you find the holiday :your choice. Our specialist Golf Reservations Team on 01293 487725 will be
delighted to help you with your booking. or alternatively visit your local ABT A
Travel Agent or Skyways Travel Shop. If you have any specific questions. pleas::;.
call our Golf Advice Helpline on 01293 890572.
We look fOl)vard 10 welcoming you on a Sky-Nays Holiday soon.
Yours sincerely,

Yours faithfully


Avril Sinclair

Heather McSweeney (Mrs)

PS Our Golf Reservation Team on 01293 487725 will be happy to check lability all any holiday for yOu .

Golf Manager

Types of Holiday

-" tier of enquiry

the instructions below and write a letter of enquiry.

::::;n.e the letter to your teacher who will deliver it to a nother

nember of the class.
:(J are Ameri can. You are planning a t ri p t o Europe this
mer and you are thi nkin g of takin g a tourin g holiday in

Before you begin, decide on the fo llowing:


a w ho yo u are
b yo ur age

~ French government tourist office has given yo u an

e yo ur marital status

..xlress to write to:

d jf you w ill be travelling alone or w it h others

e if with others, who they will be.


Your address is 6 11 E. Franklin Street, Richmond,

- - 1 Newbern Avenue

Virginia 23219.

assachuse tls 02 155

If necessary. refer to the Writing Tips below.

discounts that may be available.

Mlen yo u rece ive a letter of enquiry use the inform ation

page 102 to write the reply,

Replying to an enquiry

Making an enquiry


Explain clearly what information you w ish to receive.

Say why you need it.

Use a separate paragraph for each req uest.
Use simple rather than complex sen ten ces.
Delete unnecessary detail.


Answer all the questions.

Give t he client all the information he/she needs to make
a booki ng.
Be friendly and positive.

Use a separate paragraph for each response to a question.

Use simple rather than comp lex sentences.
Delete unnecessary detail.

Useful language

Useful language

I am writing to enquire about.

I was interested in your advertisement in .
I would be grate ful if you could, ..
I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your letterlfax of (date) ,

In reply to your letterlfax of (date) .
We specialise in catering for ...
Please find enclosed ..
If you need any further help or information please do
not hesitate to contact us.
I look forward to hearing from you.

- ... possi ble, look up the address of an Eng lish- speaking touri st

or a tour operator with offices in the UK, the USA,

Canada, Australia, Ireland or New Zealand and write to them

requesting information about a holiday you might like to go

on or prom ote.


A Career
in Tourism
Applyi ng fo r jobs

Work in groups. Make a list of job titles in the
tourism sector.
Compare your list with those of other groups.

2 Work with a partner. Choose two jobs and list the

activities they involve.


listen to six people talking about their jobs.
Match the people to their job titles.

a Prod uct manager

b Conference coordinator

c Trainee hotel manager

d Travel consultant

e Cabin attendant

'-1:_......... 2

Business travel consultan t

Language Focus
Simplelconlinuous verb forms


Look at these pairs of sentences and answer the questions:

Read this extract from an interview in which a woman is

talking about her career. Put the verbs in brackets into
the correct tense. Then work with a partner and compare
your choices.

1 a I work for Exotic Tours.

Is this a temporary or permanent situation?
b I'm working for Exotic Tours.

Is this a temporary or permanent situation?

2 a We fly to Dubai on Fridays.

15 this a regular event or a plan?
b We're flying to Dubai on Friday.
Is this a regular event or a plan?

3 a The 4 p.m. shuttle is leaving.

What time is it?

b The next shuttle leaves at 4 p.m.

What time is it?
4 a She's been working as a hostess.
Does she sWI work as a hostess?

b She's worked as a hostess.

Does she sWI work as a hostess?

5 a When you phoned I was speaking to the manager.

Did the phone call interrupt the conversation?
b When you phoned I spoke to the manager.
Did the phone call interrupt the conversation?

'1 (have) ...... three jobs in my Life so for. I

(start) ...... as dn Overseas Representative in
Yimisia, Greece and Austria, and thm I (work)
...... as an Assistallt Resort Manager for two years

in Turkey. I (head) ...... for promotion when I

(decide) ...... to leave in order to start a fomily.
Anyway, now I'm back in work and for the last six
months I (work) ...... flj It COlltracts E~ecutive so
usually I (spend) ...... It lot oftime with hotel
managers and (llegotiate) ... .. . contracts for hotel

room,. alld services. On top ofthat I (select). .....

new resorts and locations.
At the moment, I've got a trainee with me who

(do) ...... some research into "

2 What is your occupation?
What does it involve?
Are you working on any particular project at the moment?

Speaking 1
Applying for Jobs
_ Work in g roups. Discuss these questions.
_ How do you find out about job vacancies?

How do you apply?

Have yo u ever applied for a job? What did you have to do?

_ In order to apply for a job you usually have to send a

6 Work w ith a partner. Stud ent A read the articl e " How to
Write a CV" below, Student B read the article " Th e Write
Way to Find a Job" on page 103.
Tell your partn er what recommendations " How to Write a
CV" makes about:

curriculum vitae (CV) - in the USA called a resume - and a

covering letter. Th ese documents are very important because
they are the first impression you g ive .
Work in groups. Read the statements about CVs and

A Career in Tourism

personal inform ati on and expe rience.

layout, language and style.
Which of the fifteen points (a-o) in exercise 5 are mentioned
in the article?

covering letters. On the bas is of your know ledge and

experience, decide if yo u agree with them .

A curricu lum vitae is more acceptable if it is hand-written.

= A covering letter should be hand-written.

You shou ld always include a photograph.

The longer a CV is the better.

:: A CV shoul d li st experience in chronological order.


It's best to explain foreign qualifications and give an

app roxi mate equivalent in the country to wh ich you are

When applyina]or a job you'll be in competition with
a number other candidates. So your CV is impor tant
- intell'il!wl!rs will decide whether or not to see )"ou on
the stren9th '?fll'har you hat'e written. Don't jw.t think
it as a list cfJacts; it should sum up your personal,
educational and career history, as well as beina an
indicati on '?fyour strenSlhs and weaknesses.
Here are a.fell' sUBBestions:




= There is no point in mentioning outside activities, hobbies, etc .

- each CV should be customised for th e job you are applying for.
Perfect prose isn't expected; note form is perfectly
acceptable .
Use space constructively; don't mention failures or irrelevant
Don't include your previous salary or salary expectations,
unle;s requested.

Presen ta tion
Always type your CV. Use a good typewriter or word
If a CV is hand-written, it goes into the wastepaper basket.
Use good quality paper. Don't give the impression thi~ is
just another photocopy.
Nc'er send a CV w ithout a coyeri ng leller explaining
which vacanc), you're applying for. If you're "on
spec.", send a short letter explaining w hat kino of post
you'r e looking for.
Don't fax a CV unless you 're asked to. It's a confidential
clocullH'nt .


Yo u can lie on a CV: they'll never f ind out anyway.

\Vrik a lj~t of important headings. These should indulk your

ny gaps in the dates sho uld be explained.

- It's best not to send t he CV by fax unless requested to do so.

name, dattO of birth, your address (anti your e-mail addn:.s:;, if you
han': (me), phone number (at work and at home), your w()rk

rClord and so on.

Always make a follow -up phone call a few days after sending

Start with your most recent job and work hackwards.

off your CV.

Don't lean! out any yilal inrormation. If)"ou sp<'nt a yt'3r or two
travclling, so. Years that arc unaccounted for will st'cm
Don't include any

n cg,!.t in~

infonn ation, such as exam failures or

lost jobs. Be positive about yourself, but don't li t"" or you will

umkrminc )"oursdf from the start .

00n 't ask for )"our CV to bc n .'turnt-d; many compani..:-s k..:-cp
CVs on nit' for future rcfcn:nce.

(adapted from an artil.:lc by Eleni KyJ"iacuu in fIJi.lw<!<!k)


7 Look at Mike Mortimer's CV and answer these questions.

a What was his first post?
b What is his most recent post?

c What kind of experience has he had?

d How has his career progressed?

e In yo ur opinion, is his CV welJ written? If not, w hat chan ges wou ld you make?


Mike Mortimer

Tel. No.
Marital status





157 rue des Laboureurs,


Certificate of Theme P~rk Management:
Miami University, Flonda, USA
Diploma in Hospitality Management: Ncalh
". . d
College, \Vales
Higher Nat ional Diplom~ ~1~~~~~~S~~;~~ute
Recreation Management.
of Higher Education, \Val~s
. ,
BTEC National Diploma In Busllles~ and
Finance: Ferma,na~h Colleg~h~~t:l :~d
Educarion, Ennr sktUen, No
8 GCSEs - Grade B
. .
St Joseph's School, Enmskillen,
Northern Ireland

ENGLISH, mother tongue
FRENCH, tluent
SPANISH, elementary
Merville, France
12/96 - present
Attractions Lead C.oordmator.
1 development of staff on
Pre-opening, superVIsed the persona
standards of custo mer care
Compiled and arranged Safety Operatmg Proce ures

Coordinated the show qua li ty, ensured high STandards of

maintenan ce
Miami, Florida
Intern Supervisor
Implemented the rntem Progr<lm
Planned and presided over Special VIP Events
Supervised the training of new employees on operating
Participated in leadership development and trainer classes
International cultural representiltive
Greeted guests and answered questions
Took inventory of stock, organised shop displays
Organ ised internat ional cultural exchange events
Newbern, Northern Ireland

d I _ d deleoation of tasks
- aocd employees' dally sche u e an
_ .

Tourist Information Assistant/Grotto Tour Guide

Provided tourist information for local area
Guided international parties in one of the largest caves in

attractions m the Park
Mon itored
safe opcratlOn
a f maJ'or

Trained new employees on all aspects of cave guiding

Folk Illusic , judo, water sports


Sports club treasurer
Y olLth group leader

Christophe Allain
23, rue de la Paix
Moissy 77550

Anne Jones
Director, The Newbern Grotto
14 Rodney Drive
Northern [reland

e A Career in Tourism
Writing 1

Choose one of the advertisem ents and imagine you are a candidate for the post. Make a list of
the qualifications and personal qualities that are required to do the job. Design your cv.





Skyways has opportun iti es for cabin crew who will be responsible
for the safety, comfort and en joyment of the passengers on board

TOllr Operator M arketing E xecutive

our ai rcraft, whi lst maintaining our extremely high standard of inHight service .


Are you aged 21-35, of between 160 em and 180 cm in height,

a well-established travel firm operating

and of smart appearance?

escorted tours of Europe (ranging from

Do you have a minimum of four GCSEs or equiva lent (including

Inverness to Naples and from Budapest to

Maths a nd English)?
Do you have a confident, outgoing persona lity and plenty of

Lisbon) for a primarily American clientele.


VVe seek resourceful, well-travelled

Are you able to remain calm and level-headed even under stress?

applicants who not only have inbound tour-

Do you have experience in dealing w ith the general public?

operating experience but also the ambition

If your answer is yes, then in return for your energy and

comm itment to qual ity of service, we offer:

and ability to take OIl certain key

manageme nt roles.

competitive salary

concessionary air travel

The ideal applicant must have "'/P skills, be

literate an d numerate, accurate and

excellent career prospects and training

the opportunity to work for

dynamic, progressive


articulate, and have a real appetite for hard

Interested? Then please write, quoting ref. DM3, with full CV, and



A second (or third) language is essentiaL

enclose a good-quality, full-length photograph to us at the address


Please write with full CV to:

Cla ire Downing, Personnel Assistant, Skyways, Atlantic House,

The Managmg Director, Explore the VVorld

Ltd., Priory Laoe, Buxford, OX18 4DG

-- -

Hazelwick Avenue, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, HH 10 1NP.


ClOSing date: 15 June.

Previous applicants currently on ou r files will automatically be
considered. Please note thot applicants will not receive a reply until
after the closing date.


The r('spomibility you clesene. The freedom yo u'll enj oy.
Do you ha vc at least two years ' exp(~ ri e ncc in a sen- ice -related
ind u.stry - id eall y gain ed in the tra,e1 tradc?
Can you comhine th i ~ with a fre sh, enthusia ~t i c approach ,
strong powers of initiative and ou t standing in terpersonal
skills? If so, Monan:h Hotel s may han:: the ideal opportunity
for you.
A.~ a majo r international hotel group, w e ha,'c 250 three - ,
fo ur- .llld fivc-star hotel s from Gn' (~n l and to the Galapagos .

\Ve are now scek ing someone wi th the '!i e

qualiti{~ ~

t o sell

promotional packages to major tour operators. The role not

only offen rl'sponsihility hut fr eedom as well.

Bas ed at our head o ffice in Bern, you w ill he trave ll ing

extenshely to \j sit ou r cu:;tonH"rs. By contr ihuting to the
c]e\e!opment of promotional ideas you will ha\e the chance to
max imi:;l' your "ales.
Sales experience is not es:;('ntial. Natural cnth u~ i ::ls m and total

commitment to success are morc import ant. D emons trat<

the se and the n :w::lr<ls wi ll he high. A compe ti ti vc salary
(accordin g to age anu expcr iencc:) will be supported by
ben efits , includ ing a fully ex p ens e d car and s ubs idi sed
If this sounds like your kind of challenge, please write with full
pe rsonal history to :

Karl Kiiser,
Jubilaeuf1Isfrasse 28. 3005 Bem, ~\vifzerlafld


Writi ng 2
The covering letter, fo rmal and informal language
9 The letters below do not contain any errors but the writers are
very unlikely to be considered for a vacancy. Can you say why?

Vtttf'An#wny ~er.
1m ~fUr a hofJayjo1> aM. r StlW ycurad i, a
newspaperaM. JImkJ as if if CQlJJt}. be good beawse
!JaUrcompany 15 ueJ1j rM.cus.
TdorlJ ha.ue a lot of epuience (in filet I haven't had a
job befiore) but I've 9d lots of confidence and I aM
on preJty wdJ. wiM pMp/e in general.
Tm baGi~ Ii-ee in JuJ!j but not Au,9ust (because I'm
goin,91lU1lI.!j -/hen) but iJ: Wl!Uid be (ea./J.y a=J iF !jOU
(quId take me an because

H~ K> 9e( a rep'!3

r nred the manl'f1l

tram you soon.


.In ~ with.!fdUr ediW>Ud MfHbd

lurlkr kF our telephone ~dW;n 0(

25 ~er and 1M odrerlUemen.r wlticlt

appeared Hz ;1&;:Jim.u 0/ 2*- ~r .HId.,
J luwe 1M ~ -fq enduse /urewilA a t:<lPif
0(my currrc.dum nku and w=Id ~ 1fC'<
,Ii; acqU4W; 1f~ with tIr contea. ~ .
d~ that

AhaJj ~ I~

with an.

infertllew with a view.ld diJ~ "'tI

appktt/Jidn -in Ffhe,. tidai.l, J ~ /() remain,


10 You have decided to help Mary Roe rewrite her covering letter.
Work with a partner and complete the revised letter on the

Mr Anthony Ma yer

right. Invent any details about Mary's background that you feel

Personnel Manager

wou ld be relevant.

Travel Unlimited

11 You have decided to apply for one of the jobs advertised on

page 15 (either the same one for which you prepared a CV or a
different one).
Write the covering letter to accompany your curriculum vitae.
Work with a partner and compare your letters.
Which creates the better impression and why?

Essex CM24 tRY


Dear ......
In reply to the advertisement
...... (s tate where it
appeared) I Would I"k
I e to appl y for th
are applying for) .
e ...... state what you
As You will see from the enclo se
relativel y
d ( V, although I am
...... ave successfully
...... state what you have
I therefore feel I

...... (state what y

I believe I am hard

ou can offer the firm) .
-WOr rng and reI' bl
ra e and would very
much like to gain gre t
a er work experience
I ...... Interview Whenever ..
... and ...... near future.

Mary Roe

A Career in Tourism



Word stress

Word families, remuneration

12 Match the words in the box with the definitions.

14 An emp loyer w ill probably want to take on someone w ho is:




articu late









opti mistic



a the extra things, such as luncheon vouchers or free medical

insu rance, over and above the basic pay

Match the qualities above with these definitions:

b a small sum given to rewa rd the services of people like waiters

a is able to use information

or tax i drivers
c money paid every month, but referred to as annual earnings
paid to professional and managerial staff

b thinks of other people's

d money paid to a professional person, e.g. a doctor or lawyer

for advice given

c is discreet and t actful in

d shows a lot of enthusiasm

and subsidised accom modation.

4 The consu ltants charged us a $ of 2,000 for an hour's w ork .
S The starti ng $ is 35,000 per annum rising to 40,000 after
two years.

feels conf ident about

the future

listen and check your pronunciation.

16 Using the suffix -able, describe someone w ho:

2 Th e basic remu neration isn't high but she earns 15% $ on

3 The salary is not exceptional but the $ include the use of a car

stress rules for words endi ng in -ate and -ic? Read the words

She left school without any qualifications then got a factory

job, but th e $ we ren't very good.
every tour she sells.

is precise, pays
attention to detail

15 Underline the stressed syllable in each quality. What are the

h money earned as a proportion of the goods or services so ld by

the box.

and energy

money added to pay. usually as a reward for good work

13 Replace the dollar sign in these sentences with a word from

can speak fluently

delicate situations

paid weekly

an individual

is good with figures


e money paid to a manual worker, usually calculated hourly and

9 money that is paid for extra hours of work


you can co unt on

can start work at once

is f rie ndly and likes

corresponds to t he job

mixing in society


Where is the stress in each word? listen and check.

Speaking 2
Job interviews
17 Students A are interviewers; Students B are interviewees.

6 We gave the guide a good $ because she made the visit so


You are going to be interviewed for one of the jobs

7 The company paid each employee a 250 Christmas $ as

advertised on page 15 (your teacher wi ll tell you which one).

profits had never been so high .

S If they' work on a Sunday they get $ which is double their
usual rate of pay.


Make a list of the qualities you th ink the successful

candidate shou ld have. Then make a li st of your good points
and be prepared to sell yourself at the in terview. Think of the
questions the interviewers will ask you and questions you
will want to ask the interviewers.
18 An interview panel from Group B will interview you and
other candidates for that job.

19 Type,

word process or write your CV and show it to you r



in Tourism
Describing patterns of change in touri sm

Work with a partner. look at these pictures and say what
kinds of traveller they show.
Make a list of as many types of trave ller as you can.
Compare your list with those of other people in the class.

2 What do you think is the difference betwee n a traveller,

a visitor and a tourist? Write brief definitions of each

word an~ discuss them with your partner.

Listening 1
Definitions of tourism


Listen to part of an interview with Dr Alberto Garcia, who works for the World Touri sm
Organisation. He is talking about how the WTO defines the words traveller. tourist and

visitor w hen producing statistics on international travel. As you listen. write the words th at
are missing from the chart and. from definitions (a) - (j) in the box below. You w ill need

more than one word in some gaps.



1 Temporary immigrants
3 Nomads
5 M embers of th e armed forces

1 Leisure and recreation


6 Others

The World Tourism Organisations Classification of Tourism

Tourism comprises the activities of persons travellin g to and (a) ...... in places outside their (b) .
for not more than (c) ...... co nsecutive (d) .. ... for (e) .. .. ,(f) ...... and other purposes.

.. involves residents of a g iven country travelling only within their own country.
(h) ...... involves non-residents travelling in the given country.


.... involves residents of one country travell ing to another country.

Trends in Tourism

Commonly confused words
_ Some words are very similar in meaning. and it is important
to know exactly when, where and how you can use them.
There are many ways of describing how we go from one
place to another. Look at this entry from the Longman

Adivator Language Didionary under the keyword heading of

TRAVEl. Use the definitions to complete th ese sentences.

= If you' re visit ing Madrid. w hy not go on a day.

to Toledo?
:3 The ..... was delayed because of air traffic

congestion over Heathrow .


. on t he fe rry was very ro ug h.

- The t rain ... . fro m Mad ras to Bangalore was


= The Titanic sank on its maiden .


Why not hire a car an d go for a ... . in t he country?

There's a volleyball team on ...... and t hey want hotel

The museum is a short bus .... .. from t he tou rist
information office.

W hen recording vocabulary you can:

use similar word networks or word t rees.

include grammatical inform ation,

use phonet ic scri pt or you r ow n syst em.
w rite a sample sentence to illu strate t he
mean ing.

make an accu rate t ranslation.

draw a picture.

Word families
5 Work in groups. Add as many words as possible to this
network and create new branch es. Use a dictionary if

12 hours etc) Ewn wlvn you get ttJ Vancouuu tMrt'S still
a 90 mimdt flight liP to the islands.
voyage j'Yll-ld31 a long journey In a boat or ship In CI
Valerit did not likt long voyages becaUSf silt sUfftrtd/rom
srosi.cknw. I Tht voyage from Europe WO-S 0 hazardr;w
undtrtaking, with nmIJ)' sros ond strong winds.
crossing "hosu) ~ 'kn:/ a short journey in a boat or
ship which coes from oneside ofa sea,lake. or other area
ofwaler lO the other side !n C)
Tht/errycrossinlllt'G.S f/)ugh, but l/lCkily1ltm~ o/us uJue SM
sick. I Wt boardtd ont o/tht tourist/erries/or tht croS!ing
/0 Staftn Islalod, ho~ 0/ tht Stall~t 0/ Libert)'.
drive jdralY/ a journey in a car III singular)
Llttit was txptetfng Mr at seeM and tht dri~ acron tou:n
would bt slO!1Jfr btreusro/lhrroin. i a 12 hour/lS min ute
etc dr ive (;that takes 12 hours. 15 minutes elc) Tht six
hDurdrilJt uas worth il (0 s~nd Ihe wtektnd u:ith him. ! go
for a d rj \'e (;drh'e ~me\l'here. jusl for enjo),mcnl)AnyoTiti
fancy gain, for a driL't~
ride /r.ud/ a short joumer in a vehicle such as a car, or
on a bicycle or a horse rn C)
He preferldtd to ~asltPJor fhtetUirt two hourruu. 1bike/
car/ hor se etc r ide On {he car ride back/rom tht ai,port
lit fold hrr all aboIJt his trip. I go for a r ide ("'ride som<!wherejusl for enjoyment) If's a l,;iTy/aSl bike. IJa you want
10 go for a ride.1
tour jlUa r, a planned journey during which a politician.
E'lltcrtainer, or sports team visil.s several different places,
usually within a fixed period of lime In CI
The Kine has II/f/Or 0 sixu.wk tour 0/ Australia and New
7.Iland. I We halle had a reque$l to indude liIoso as one
o/f Mcit its t;i.sited on our lOur. I Planning has alrrody begun
for nat )'tOrs rtq;by !Qur by the Fijians.

necessary. Some words have been g iven to start you off.



. drive~

/ .../

lexpedition H


Listening 2


6 listen to a song sung in 1963

by a British pop star called Cliff

Peter Hughes looks at how our horizons

have expanded and the Ii/orld has shrunk since J 963

Richard. Put th e lin e endings in

t he right order.

Line endings





wanted to


Match t he line endings with the lyrics.

We' re all going ... ... sum mer ..
No more working .. .. .. week or ..
Fun ... ... laughter ...... summer ..
No ..... worries .. .... me or ..
.. .. .. week or
We' re going .... .. su n sh ines.
We're going ...... sea.
We've seen ..... . the.

Now Jet's see.

...... su m mer ..

...... things they always .

...... going on a su mm er.

To make .. ... . come.

..... . me and.
7 Li sten again. Fill in the remaining gaps.

8 Work with a partner. Discuss the way holidays have changed
during your lifetime.
9 Read th e articl e about the way tourist destinations have
developed over the last three decades and answer these
qu estions.

a What was the film Summer Holiday about?

b How mu ch did two weeks in Majorca cost in 1963?
c How much did it cost to go to Australia?
d W hat were package holidays like at that time?

e Why did package holidays have to last a long time?

Acco rding to the article, wh ich long-haul destinations
have opened up since the 60s?
9 How has Australia become a to urist destination?
h In w hat w ay has technology affected tourism?
i How has politics affected tourism?

"We're all going 011 a summer holiday," sang a Brllish pop star,
Cliff Richard, way back in 1963, but he and his musicians never
thought 01 going fu rther than ex-Yugoslavia. Their adventure in Ihe
Iilm Summer Holiday illvolved buying a london bus and driving
Ihrough Europe.
The few package holidays available were 10 places such as Ihe
Costa Brava, Palma, Austr ia or Iialy. Holidaymakers Ilew in a
pislon-engined aeroplane such as the Lockheed ConSlelialion and
paid about forty guineas'for 15 days in Majorca.
AI thai time package holidays were rarely shorter than Iwo
weeks. This was because the government wou ldn't allow tour
operators using charier fl ighls to sell a holiday for less than the
price 01a relurn licket on a scheduled airline to the same place. As
a result, the number 01 people able 10 alford a holiday abroad was
The expallsion 01 popular Iravel has been explosive. Around
250,000 people took a package holiday in 1963; in 1992 the ligure
was 11 million. Increased prosperity, of course, has made this
possible but th e biggesl influences have been polilics and
technology. Take Auslralia. In 1963 you would have spent your life
savings gelling Ihere. Now you can go 10 Sydney on a two-week
package and stay at a four-star holellor a fraclion ollhat price .
II was a mixture of polilics and technology that brought the
Greal Barrier Reef alld Sydney harbour wllhin reach. For years Ihe
nalional airlines had opposed any competilion from charters but,
as the Australian economy decl ined and with the success of the
bicenlellary celebrations, revenue from tourism seemed more and
more allraclive. So the polilicians changed Iheir mind and charlers
slarled up in 1988.
The new techllology was in Ihe aircraft itself, the Boeing 767
two-eng ined jet wilh the range and economy 10 bring a whole
calal ogue 01 long-haul destillations into the package holiday
domain. Thailand, Illdia, Mexico, East Africa, Ihe Slates and the
Caribbean all have Iheir place in the mass markel brochures Ihanks
10 Ihe new aircraft.
Politics with an even bigger "P" have opened up paris of the
world that lhe most adventurous would have been reluctant to visit
Ih irly years ago, even if they had been allowed in. Now several
international airlines lIy 10 Ho Chi Minh City, forme rly Saigon, and
the tourisl call scramble through the Vietcong's secret network of
lunnels which have beell specially widened for broad-bollomed
westerners. China now welcomes tourisls who throng Ihe
Forbidden City, cruise up the Yangtze, and marvel al lhe Terracolla
Warriors at Xian.
As for Easlern Europe, Ihe Russians .,antlourisls almosl more
than there are lourists to go Ihere, and in Ihe Czech stale visilors
stroll through the lairy-tale streets of Prague in their millions. In
Ihese cities a complete legacy of archileclure has been handed
down intact St Pelersburg wou ld still be recognisable 10 Peler
Ihe Grea!; Prague is slill much as Mozart knew it Whatever else
the communisls did, their neglect of ancienl buildings has proved
10 be an unexpected boon and has preserved Ihe beauly of enlire
cily centres.
(adapted from an article in E:'(pressiollsj


A gui nea was worth 1.05.

e Trends in Tourism
Language Focus
The past simple and the present perfect simple

Here are some examples of the use of the past simple tense.
Around 250,000 people took a package holiday in

c The present perfect can be used w ith:

ago, last year, in 1994.
d The present perfect can be used to talk abo ut

In 1992 th e figure was 11 milli on.
Prague is still much as Mozart knew it.

past events whose effects are felt now.

e The present perfect can be used to refer to the future.

Here are some examples at the use of t he present perfect

2 Complete the definitions of these tenses using the words

simple tense.
The expansion of popu lar travel has been explosive.



moment of speaking

unspec ified



It has now also become possible to crui se up the

When t hey 've built t he new airport, t hey 'll be able to

Th e past simple ref ers to an event or stat e t hat is seen as

accommodate more passengers.

. ..... or ..... in time.

Decide if these statements are true or false.

a The past simple can be used to describe past

The present perfect is used to refer to events which are

viewed as occurri ng at an ...... or ...... t ime in the past. The
event is perceived as hav ing .. .... relevance and is

events or states.
b The past simple can be used w ith:
so far, up until flOW, over the last few years.

con nected to the.

Complete the passage below by putting the words in brackets into

either the past s imple or the present perfect simple tense.


Tourism to Spain goes back to t h e 1930s, but
package tourism re a lly (take oJf) ...... in Spain
during the late 1950s a nd 1960s. The post-war
economic a nd population growth plus the
increase in leisure time a nd
dispos able income in Northern Europe
(coincid e) .. " .. with Spain's policy to
"welcome tourism , offering a reliable
climate, beaches. a diffe r e nt culture
and l ow pric e s. Th e favourable
exchange rate and competitive cost o f
living (be) ..... . additional incentives.
Mass tourism (begin) .... . .
towards the end of the 1970s but the
familiarit y w ith Spain and fa lling
standa rds (l ead) ...... to a poor image
of th e count ry as a holiday
des tin atio n . As a result, Spain (fa ce)
...... co mp e tition in th e la t e 1980s
from other Mediterranean a nd long-h a ul
destinations. At that time com petitive airfares
across the Atlantic to Florida and the low cost of
living in Am erica (mean) .. .... that m any people

(prefer) ...... to go to the States rather than holiday

in the Ibe rian peninsula. Even so, in 1993 Spain
(welcome) .. .... over 57 million visitors - 8 per cent
of GNP - a nd (account for) ...... 24 per cent of all
Britain's outbound tourism.
The Spa nish tourism industry
(make) .. .... many mistakes in the early
years wi th the building of high ris e
hot e ls and poor to w n planning.
Ho wever. the situati o n is c h a n g ing.
Over the last few years th e government
(restrict) ...... building and is providing
grants fo r organisations and t ra ining
in th e tourist sector. In addition, it
(impl e m ent) . .... . a n inves tment
programm e to modernise pub li c
s ervice fac ilitie s and infrastruc tu re
and to protect the environment. And
with th e h e lp of soft loans whic h the
government (ma ke)
available for
r e furbishments . many h oteliers (improve) ...... the
standa rd of accommodation provided in order to
meet the new stricter guidelines.


Past verb forms with -ed
10 There are three different pronunciations of -ed in regular past

tense verbs.

O nl y write the CONTENT wo rd s; om it others, especially

grammatical wo rds:

+Re train 'ill/eave at 16.45.


I! I

lId I




How is the ending of each of these verbs pronounced?






You can also u se your own invented abbreviations. For

The average noon temperature in Singapore is 31 0 C falling to
23 C at night all year round. Rain is frequent , often in the iorm
of short downpours. Humidity is between 75 Jnd SO per cent.

Av. 12 p.m. temp. = 31 C

23 night. Pre'l' rain. Humid. 75-80%

Listen and check your pronunciation .

Speaking 1
14 Look at the way this paragraph has been put into note form.
Rewrite it in complete sentences,

11 Work in groups and di scuss these questions.

a What was your local area like fifty years ago?
b Was it attractive to tourists?

+ 20"", vi5itcrs ~ HUf1..qary ia$t YMr. TIT..a1 ('.a. = 4im

c W hat changes have there been since then?

(incl. approx. 23m on hoiiday) ----" profit $44Om

d How have these changes affecled to urism?


Writing 1

pr~. yr.). Profit +bxau~

ij,'tho' r.o. tourist5


sr..ayed < rriqhts than


Taking notes in English

Listening 3

12 Work w ith a partner and discuss these questions.

a When listenin g to a talk in your own language how do you

take notes?
b Do you w rite down everything t he speaker says?
c How do you choose w hat to write down?
d What advice w ould you give to someone about taking notes
in English?
13 Here are a few tips to help you make notes.
Use recognised abbreviations:


for example




go to /lead to

as soon as possible

- -< --- >

less than/fewer than


more than

015 Listen

to Christopher Keoh talking about recent

developments in Singapore. Take notes under t hese


Trends in Tourism

Speaking 2
16 Work in groups of four. Within your group you will work in

Team A

Read the Ireland fact file below.

two teams of two people, Team A and Team B.

You are going to give short talks on tourism development in
two different countries.

Discuss tourism in Ireland.

Team A look at the information on Ireland.

Team B look at the information on Egypt on page 104.

Make notes and plan your talk.

When you are ready, give your talk.

Decide what you will tell Team B.

Ireland fact file



Dublin .,



Recent developments


The present situation

beginnings of tourism unknow n

real expansion over last 30 yrs

become 3rd largest export earner

1845: horse-d rawn coach service

operating round Ireland (4,000 miles/day)

govt. hel p

employs 91 ,000

promotion of special interest hols, e.g.

golfing, hiking, fishin g

appeals to younger generation &

special purpose English langu age

appeals to Irish Ame ricans in search of



(19: all visitors""- Britain

1895: 1st package tour ....- A merica

independe nt travellers

1920: 1st official tourism office

special attraction: the cultural holiday
(Dublin, Blarn ey, Kilkenny)

1941-45: food scarcity in

the UK -..- US soldiers visit Ireland

visitors: 55 % . . - Britain

to eat better

post 1945: plentiful food supply in
Ireland -..- British visitors


avo stay: holiday 11.1 days

VFR 10.4 days

Writing 2
-7 Either write up a full description of one of the fact files, or research an area of your choice and
w rite an account of the development of tourism there.








l '



People Go

Describing the role of tourism in an economy

Working with figures

Work in groups. Look at the pictures and answer these questions.

a Where are these places?

b How long would it take you to get to each place from w here yo u live?
c How wou ld yo u get there : by air, road or ... ?
d What is the time difference:

between these places and your country?

between these places and GMT?


2 This article is about three French women who set off on holiday

and received an unpleasant surprise.

Read the article and answer these questions.

a What was their American dream?

b Why is the article entitled "A Tale of Two Cities"?
c Why weren't they suffering from time zone changes after
eight hours' travel?
d What was the "minor inconve nience"?
e Who is they in "They simply had no idea"?

How did t he policeman finally manage to ex plain the situation

to them?
9 W hy were they unw illing to take phone calls?
Has anything ever gone wrong for you or for one of your
friends on holiday? What happened?

A tale of two cities as intrepid trio lose out on American dream

he three French women had set out bound for adventure.
The hotel was booked. They had their holiday cash. They
we re looking forward to th e autumnal sce nes arou nd
PortSmouth. New Hampshire. It didn 't seem that fa r away, the
United States. Only eigh t hours on a fe rry fro m Le Havre. They
had preferred to take the boat, rather rhan fl y. But even they were
surprised at how little they we re suffering from the time 'lone
changes. There was only a minor inconvenience, it seemed. They
stepped into a taxi, asking for the She raton. Th ey had already
booked for a three-day stay, and paid a $500 deposit. But th ose
cabbies. T hey simply had no idea. Drive you about for hours. and
still unable co find a luxury hotel as hig as the Sheraton.
Th e police became involved when the cab bi e (urned in
desperation to the Portsmouth co nstabulary. He was unable to
trace the fa mous ho tel. UThey were adamant they had booked
into the Sheraton in Portsmouth, " PC David Crouch said. "They
asked if t h ey we re in Portsmourh and I sa id 'Yes'.

Then they asked 'Is this Hampshire?' and I agreed. It was all a
great mystery, so I asked jf they had a brochure from the hotd
and they produced a pamp hl et. I spotted the word Portsmouth,
then saw that it was in New Hampshire, USA. I pointed to the
map on the lea Aet and showed them Portsmouth, then ran my
finge r down about half an inch and said 'Look! New Yo rk! ' I
didn 't know if they were going to laugh or cry when, in broken
English. they asked 'Are we in the wro ng COUntry?' Fortun ately,
th ey saw the funny side and burst ouc laughing. I've been doing
thi s job for 3 1 years and this is the first time 1 have co me across
anyone who acc id entall y ca me to the wron g co untry fo r a
holiday." The three wom en, two in their twemi es, one a iinie
older, were raken to the (wo~ s t a r Arcade hotel in Portsmouth .
Th ey plan to return ho m e this mornin g, accordi ng to the
receptioni st, Sa ra de Bathe. Th ey were fighting shy of all
telephone call s. Particularly long-di stance ones.
(from TI"Guardian)


Where People Go

Speech work 1

British and American usage

3 If the French women had managed to get to the USA, they
would have heard people using American English words
and expressions.


"I would've kind of liked to stay lon ger at a coup le of places."

Match the words in A and B which have the same meaning.



a check

a closet

a cupboard


an elevator

ground floor

a faucet

a lift

fi rst floor

a one-way ticket

a fortnight

a round trip

a restroom

a tap

a retu rn

a toilet

W hich sound occurs most frequently?

Th is sound is the most common sound in English but it is
spell in many different ways.
Listen and write down the words you hear. Underline the
letter that corresponds to the I ~ I sound in each wo rd.
7 Read the sentences and phrases below. Where are the I ~ I

sooner or later

t here and back as soon as possible

I' ve been given a brochure for Singapore.

I'd like to look at the figures for South-East Asia. I want to

do an analysis of all the data to see if we're meeting our

Americans in Europe

each of these topics:

for in stance

We went to Great Britain and managed to visit London,

O xford, Stratford-on-Avon, and Yorkshire.

Listening 1
Listen to an American family talking about their holiday in
Europe and take notes on the comments they make about

not at all

twenty per cent

Her itinerary was totally unacceptable.

two weeks

a si ngle

In exercise 4 Penny says:

I;) w;xi d kamd ; ia lk (~ ste l IOJpr dt d k" Pdi d pie lslzl

Which words are British and which American?

The schwa sound


Listen and compare your pronunciation with that on the





Language Focus
The definite article
Look at t he foll owing and put th em into log ical groups.


the Himalayas


the Seychelles

the Alps


the Gobi Desert




the Nile

Coun t Dracula

Austral ia

Lake Michigan

the Pacific

the temples of Bangkok

the beaches of Goa

Lake Ontario

the Parthenon

the Thames

Buenos Aires

Lenin's Mausoleum

the Mediterranean

the Uffizi

the Czech Republic

the Louvre

the Sahara

the United Kingdom


Madame Tussaud's


the United States of America


the Mayan ruins of Yucatan

St Basil's Cathed ral

t he West Indies
the Yangtze

2 look at the examples and write ru les fo r the use of the in each case.
Ru le 1: t he Uffizi, the Prado, the Victoria and Albert

Rule 6:

Innsbruck, SWitzerland, Europe

Rule 2:

t he Nile, the Thames, t he Atlantic

Rule 7:

Napoleon, Count Dracula, Pri nce Charles

Rule 3:

t he Seychelles, the West Indies, the Philippines

Rule 8: Lake Ontario, Everest, Lake Garda

Rule 4:

t he Sahara, the Alps, the Rock ies

Rule 9: the beaches of Goa, the Tower of London,

Rule 5: the Czech Republic, the USA, the UK

the Mayan ruins of Yucatan

Rule 10: Madame Tussaud's, St Basil's Cathedral,
\...e\\\~ ~ N\G.\l~~\e\lm

Th e wo rd the has been deleted from thi s article.
Put it back whenever necessary. The fi rst paragraph has been done for you.

eventy pef cent of Britons believe visiting

bookings are also down to Disneyland near Paris.

London is more dangerous than going abroad,

British fear of London is not shared by nine million

while in Scotland this rises to 80 per cent. These

foreigners who visited capital last year - London's

findings come despite a number of tourist killings

attractions, such as Changing of Guard being main

in Florida, Egypt and elsewhere in Africa,

according to Lunn Poly, the travel firm which

reaso n why Britain was world's si xth tourist

destination. At least 25 per cent of British families

polled a random sample of 1,030 adults about their

are expected to holiday abroad next year, and a

holiday intentions.

record nine million are forecast to book a foreign

T rips to Florida from Britain fen by 20 pcr

package holiday.

cent last summer and nearly half of people who

It looks as if b igges t beneficiary wi ll be

were polled said they would not go there next year.

That is bad news for Disney World in Orlando, top

cheapest country, Spain, where bookings are up by

50 per cent - not least because peseta has [allen

American attraction for British tourists, and

faster than pound.

Other uses of

Where People Go


a We use the in superlative expressions:

The biggest inf luences on tourism have been
politics and technology.
b When the identity of the thing referred to is clear

from the context:

I' ll meet you in the lobby. (It is obvious wh ich
c When the identity is made clear by a follow ing


d W hen a noun or adjective is used to create a

The Russians w ant as many tourists as
The dollar is wanted everywhe re.
e When the noun referred to has been previously
She bought a map and a guidebook but took
the map back. It w asn't detailed enou gh .

The pri ce (that ) you gave me was w ron g .

Other omissions of

c Before nouns used in a general sense:

a Before nationalities, when referring to an

Ask here for information.

She's British but her husband is Greek.

Tourism earns foreign currency.

b When referring to an ability to speak a language:

He's very gifted at languages. He can speak
Fren ch, Ru ss ian, German, Spanish and A rabic.

Speaking 1
9 Work in two groups. Group A look at the grid below, Group B look at the grid on page 105.

Discuss what should go in the gaps. Then work with a partner from Group B to check your answers.





Bra z il


Bra s ilia
Cze c h


Cro w n


Hun ga r y




J apan



S\va hili. En g li sh
Kuala Lumpur

Bahasa Malay, Chinese, English


Swi tze rland
Tuni s ia


Swi ss Franc

Turke y


Ukr a ini an

lO in many cases the nationality is the same word as the language (French - French); but sometimes
they are different (British - English). Do you know any others that are different?


Listening 2

01 1 listen and write down the figures that you hear.

Working with figures
a We say 9 mi//ion (NOT '9 millions).
We say 9 million foreigners (NOT 9 million of ... )
BUT we say millions of foreigners, thousands of tourists, etc.
b For figures over 100, British En glish uses and between the hundreds and the tens:
two hundred and fifty-seven
USA: two hundred fifty-seven
nine hundred and eighty-three
USA: nine hundred eighty-three
a thousand or one thousand
We use and when there are no hundreds:
onela thousand and thirty;
but we say one thousand before a number of hundreds:
1, 548
one thousand five hundred and forty-eight (NOT 'one thousand and five hundred .. )

c If we use a decimal we say point. Each figure is said separately:

zero point three five
zero point five
nought point three five
nought point five

eight point seven five
eight point seven five

d Fraction s are expressed using ordinal numbers:

a third 1/3

a quarter 1/4

e Note these mathematical term s:

2773 = 9
27 = 9

a half 1/2

two fifths 2/5

three quarters 3/ 4

eighteen multiplied by/ times thirty-four equals/makes/ is six hundred and twelve
twenty-seven divided by three is nine

Many figures are pronoun ced individually:

A Boeing 757
seven five seven
Flight 8A 818
eight one eight
Your reference number is 995.
nine nine five
My room number is 631.
six three one
My telephone number is 205478.
two oh five fou r seven eight
g From, to , and by are used to indicate changes in figures:
Th e price has risen by 5%, from $100 to $105.
h W hen speaking about money we say the currency unit after the fi gure:
fifty-five pounds
eight hundred Canadian dollars

Speaking 2

12 Read these calculations aloud.

cost of coach hire = 500

r etal no. of visitors to Singapore

7,750 with 10% discount

I>reakeven =:30 PAX


7,750 775

500 = 16.66 a head

2/5 were holidaymakers = 2,560,000


1/6 were on ~usiness = 1,066,666

5 coaches

1,550 eac h =

Describing tables and pie charts


13 Work with a partner. Student A look at the statistics in the

exercises below. Student B look at page 105.

Ask your partner for the information which is missing from

the table and answer hi s/ her question s.



Where People Go



14 Write a questionnaire and, if possible, interview some

foreign visitors to your town or city. Not everybody speaks
English of course, but you should be able to find some
people who can. It is probably best to do this outside a local
tourist attraction.
Ask the visitors about:
the places th ey have visited.


The Pompidoll


t he type of transport used.

w here t hey are staying and for how long.

w hat special purchases they have made.



the reasons for their travel.

The British Museum

3.8 m

Compare your findings with those of other members of your

class and write up the findings of your survey using charts
and statistics where appropriate.
15 You work for the market research department of the UK
tourist board. You have been asked to write a short report on
the nature and value of tourism to the UK. Use the
information from Speaking 2.



Present the figures in this pie chart to your partner. Then

li sten to your partner talking about tourist spending in the
UK and complete the information on the pie chart opposite.
L2,iOOm in

2 6,659






by ov.:cr5n.S

1 8,553


yisiw rs to UK carri<:rs

f lO,665m by UK
ove rnight

9,003 m by
UK rcsiJc:nu
on day crips

D.89 1m

by OVCJlQ$ visitors in fhl' UK



Taking and making holiday bookings


Vocabulary 1

The alphabet

Two - part verbs

How are these letters pronounced?


4 The verbs in the box are often used when making telephone

calls. Use them to fill in the gaps.

Make sure you know how to say the English alphabet.
2 Work with a partner. Student A look at the card below.
Student B look at the one on page 106.

Tell your partner your name, address and phone number (on
the business card), and write down your partner's name,


hang up

put someone through

cut off

get through

ring up

get back (to someone)

a Sorry, I don't know w hat happened. We got ..
b I'll ...... you ...... to her extension.
c The line is constantly busy - I never seem to be able to ..
d Could you ...... a minute and I' ll see if she's in her office.


e Would you ...... Sky Air and ask if t hey have any seats on th is
Saturday's flight to Delhi?
f I'll make some enquiries and ...... to you by eleven.
9 Don't ...... yet; t he call may be diverted to another number.


5 What would you say in these situations?

address and phone number.


hold o n

SAlT AM ...


181 1486236234

a Someone phones but the call is for a coll eague w ho works on

t he second floor.
b The lin e went dead. Th e person yo u were speakin g to rings
c You're on the phone but need to get a file from the office

next door.


d You're on the phone but haven't got all the information to

Listen and check your pronunciation.

hand. You need about an hour to get it t ogether.

e The number is constantly engaged.

You want someone else to call Global Tours for you.

Talking on the phone

Here are a number of expressions that you m ay find useful when maki ng a phone call:
May I speak to/with ...

I 'm afraid she's not answering her

Hold on a moment, please.

,'m returning youreal/.

I'm sorry, there's no reply.
Can I take a message?

1'1/ iust put you on hold.

I'm sorry, you 've got the wrong

Shall I get him/her to call you back?

M rs X will get back to you.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

Sorry, could you r epeat that?

I'm afraid he/she's not in at the



Travel Agents

Language Focus
Asking questions
3 Study the way these tag questions are made.

In formal situations it is more polite to ask questions

indirectly, especially at the beginning of a conversation. For
example, when asking a customer for inform ation, it can be

A visa is compulsory, isn't it?

You're not leav ing until next month, are you?

better to use an indirect form such as Could you tell me

when you were born? rather than When were you born?

Th ey havent confirmed the booking yet. have they?

Look at the questions below. What do you notice about the

way indirect questions are formed?

Tanya, pass me the brochure, will you?

You won 't forget to fax me the details, will you?

Direct questions

Indired questions

How far is it?

Can you tell me how far

Let"s have a look at the schedule. shall we?

You had a single room last

it is?
How much does it cost?

didn't you?

Why do we use tag questions? What is their function in the

Cou ld you tell me how


much it costs?

4 Sometimes a question doesn't really function as a question.

Do you know how long

the journey takes?

How long does the

journey take?


What are the rules for the formation of tag questions?

For example:
Why don't you try a holiday in Scandin avia?

2 Which of these is correct? How would you reply?

Lets have a look at the schedu le. shall we?

Would you mind spell ing

that for me?

Would you mind to

spell that for me?

Do you mind if I sit here?

Do you mind if I'm

How would you categorise the following?

Shall I look after the paperwork for you?
Would you like me to make the visa arrangements?

sitting here?

Would you care for a cup of coffee?


The following questions have been jumbled. Put them in the right order.
For example:


spell you cou ld me for Linares?

Cou ld you spe ll Linares for me?

details if the yo u r mind do check ?

sharing mind twin you a would bedroom ?
me you is can what tell fax your number ?
for I necessary shall t he make arrangements you ?
you in mind filling wo uld this form me for ?
want many you how could you me tell to with go
you like would to me hold put you on ?
you won 't sharing be t win a bedded room you wi ll
reqUirements yo ur entry draw the r may attention to
again on they are aren't strike the traffic controllers

Speaking 1
Telephone skills

6 DISCUSS with your partner:

? (2 answers)
air ?

Speaking 2


if \he (hqr~Sth'<t


'.f InNiIh.


a The Impression you wo uld like clients to have of

b The Impression they should receive of your firm
c How you can give this Im pression over the

Listening 1

a W ho made a good impression and why?

b Who didn't make a good impression? Why not?


..f:_____ ..;>

YOU. ~~
" , I\





8 Work with a partner. Student A look at the text

below; Student B look at page 106.

\~ ,

\~ ~



You work on the switchboard of Skyw ays
Holidays. Take the telephone call. No one is

available in the sales department at present.

Offer to take the name and telephone number so
that the caller can be contacted.
2 Yo u work in the sales department of Skways
Holidays. Return Ms Penelope McBain's cal l.
Find out what she reqUires and take down the
relevant details.


0 7 Listen to six telephone calls and answer these questions.

Think of an adjective to describe each speaker.

people ?


Intonation in questions


Li sten. You will hear the same question twice, with different intonation.
Which sounds friendlier? Why?
If your voi ce is flat and has little expression in it, you may sound bored
and uninterested. This often provokes a negative response in the listener.
$0, w hen you want to ask a' question beginning w ith a verb raise your
pitch on the last stressed word. This helps to make you sound
more polite and interested .

10 Read these questions aloud. Th en listen and compare your intonation with that on the tape.

Can I help you at all?

Would you mind spelling that for me?
Can you te ll me you r number at work?
Sorry , cou ld yo u repeat that for me?
Could you please give me your passport number?

f Do you have any idea how long it takes?

9 Could you tell me w hat the price includes?
h Can I get back in touch with yo u later?
Can you tell me w hen you wish to return ?
Do you mind if I ask you how old you are?

Intonation in tag questions

11 Tag questions can be said in two ways. Th e intonation either rises or fall s:
a She isn't goin g, is she?
You haven't paid yet, have you?


b She isn't going, is she?

You haven't paid yet, have yo u?

If we use falling intonation (as in a) we are looking for confirmation or agreement.

If our voice ri ses (as in b) then we don't know the answer and we want to know.
Listen. Which are real questions, which are requests for confirmation ?
12 Work with a partner and complete th is conversation.
A G ood morning. (a) ...... some help or are you just (b) ...... ?

B Good morning. W ell , I was co nsidering taking a short skiing trip.

You don't happen to have any bargain packages, (c) ...... ?
A Ah well. As it so happens, yes. But could you first give me som e
idea of where and when (d ) ...... ?

B Anytime between now and mid-March really, but the sooner the
A W ould (e) ...... ski in E urope or America?
B I was thinking of Switzerland or Austria but it's more a question of

cost and good skiing. Could you suggest where (f) ...... good
intermed iate to advanced ski runs?
A Mm, well ... We have a seven-night self-catering deal to Verbier in

Switzerl and and that's 259, and one to Alpach in Austria for 169.
Both leave this Sarurday. That's not too short notice, (g) ...... ?

13 Li st en and co mpare your answers. Th en act out the conversation.

B No, that's fine. Vm, my partner prefers Switzerland so I guess I'll

take that one. Er, could (h) ...... airport (i) ...... ?
A Yes, Gatwick.

B And the plane comes back to Gatwick,

A That's right.

(j) ...... ?

B Fine.
A Right, well, let me take a few particulars. Could
you (k) ...... name (I)
BYes, Bogd;tn Kom inowski.

A Urn ... yes... ,er, would you mind spelling that for me?

o Travel Agents
cfttT 0 URI S T

MrI Mrs I

Fi rst na me

Tel. No.


Su rname

Nuional iry

Ms I Miss

_ is co mpu Isory on an I ntourist Travel
mnea holiday.

D<posirof IOO per f.a fe-paymg

. passenger or full

We :usume you reqUire

' . our I nsurance UN LESS '

i nsurance premium

payment when navel is within 8 weeks.


you h ave made alterm.u \'e arran gemen ts for


greater or com parable cover.

V isa per person

_-- _ -_- - -

D eposit per person

js mode by credit card. II,eeTedItcnr,d
CNlrgt! foml mWf be completed.

I wa rra nt that I am auth
ortsed to m ake this booki
I ha\'e read an d agrc:c to abide by the booki

A visa is compulso 1').' Th C visa

. charge will
aucom:uically be added to the invoice

d" .

ease III in thc standard application form.


co n m ons and orher information St:t our in the

brochure rclevam


my holiday.


Reading 1
Booki ng fo rms
14 Look ~t the booking form for holidays in Russia and say
whether these statements are true or false.

a The customer has to purchase an Intourist travel insurance

b Clie nts do not need a visa.
c If you make a reservation for fo ur people ten weeks before
departure, you have to make a de posit of 400.
d Deposits cannot be made
by credit card.
e Full payment is due two
months before departure.

o ' Listening 2

5 Listen to someone make a holiday booking over the telephone.

Note the details of the traveilers, their trip and payments.

After you have listened work out the sum of money the caller
will write on the cheque.

Speaking 3
16 Work with a partner. Take turns to be Student A and Student
B. Student A works for a travel agency taking bookings.
Student B wants to go on holiday (choose a destination).
Act out the beginning of the conversation. Student A should
note down information about:

_ the holiday
_ the dates
the customer' s name.


Reading 2
17 Read the extract from a travel agency training manual.

Then copy and complete the flow chart.


Ask Ihe clicnllO sign the

Collect Ihe

ONCE THE client h as signed the booking form. you must collect

the approp riate deposit payment. If the dient pays in cash or by

cheque, yOll should issue a receipt according to office procedure
and then forward this payment to the tour operator concerned.
However , if the client pays with a credit card, you should
make sure he or she has completed and signed the credit card

section on the booking form. You may find also that from time
to lime th e operator m.1Y want the client to sign a Standard
Sales Voucher instead.
Of course, it is important for the client to lake out insurance.
If the tour operator's insurance is chosen. make sure the
booking form is correct ly completed and then add the premium
to the deposit.
Should the client decide on an alternative insurance policy
or perhaps no insurance at all (not to be advised). make sure
this is properly noted on the booki ng form. Remf'mbf'r that if
yo u sell our own group's travel insurance, you can earn up to
45 per cent commission.
Once the booking form has been signed. it should be sent to
the tour operator immediately . If the opt ion expiry date is
coming up soon, it is best to telephone and make arrangements
to extend the option so as to a void any risk of the booking
arriving too late. When the tour operato r receives the booking
form, all the derails such as f1ighr reservations or hotel rooms
will be confirmed.
[t is a good idea to note the date by which you should get
the confirmation or the invoice back - usually two to three
weeks after the booking. It is also a good idea to make a note of
the dale by which the client must make fu ll payment (usually
about six 10 ten weeks before departure). When confirmation is
received you should check the details to make su re they are the
same as those in your file and on the photocopy of the booking
form. Finally. the confirmation shou ld be sent to your client.
highlighting the latest date for payment.


2, If Ihe dient pa)'li in ca.~h Of by

2b If the clien! pa'),S by credit can!,

lhcque. you

hl!fshe should


Dt-ill wilh insur::mce

], If the TO in~urance is chosen,




Scnd off booking form 10 TO
for confirm:J.tion .


<b Make a nott: oflhe dalc when

If'he expiry date is imminent



3b If the ciiC'nt takes OUI hislhct

you should relci\"e




When eonfimlll.lion is recei,cJ


Make u nOle o f when the client

adapted from American Express Training ManUllI

Vocabulary 2
18 The extract on the right also comes
from the trave l agency training
manuaJ and completes the description
of the booking procedure. Fill in the
gaps with words from the box.

ABOUT EIGHT WEEKS before the client is due to travel, full payment for the holiday must
be collected. Make sure YOU check each booking form ro see exactly when payment is

. and make a note all your (b)

. If [he client cancels after the (c) ...... date for final

payment. hefty cancellation charges apply. You must safeguard yourself against Cd) ...... for



these charges by ensuring you are holding iull payment before the date thai ca ncella tion
charges (e) ...... into force.







As far as tour operators Me concerned. lale bookings are bookings made after the date

when fu ll payment


expected. So usually a late booking is one made less than eight

weeks before (f) .

Since cancellation charges would apply immediately in this case. it is essential that you
should collect full payment at the lime of booking. If tbe client is unable to pay at once,



take out a{n) (g) ...... on the holiday and (h) ...... it when they return to pay by an agreed
date. at which time the client must (i) ...... in full .
When payment has been finalised you are then ready to (j) ..... . the travel documents.

Travel Agents

Writing 1
19 Write a check li st of pOints for new ly-trained staff to remember when making a booki ng.

Speaking 4
20 Making a holiday booking by telephone
Work w ith a partn er. Take turns to make and take a telephone booki ng for a holiday.
Before you begin, list the sort of information you will need in order to fill in a holiday
booking form. Student A look at the information below. Student B look at page 107.

You want to go on holiday to Cefalu in Sicily. Ring up to make a booking and check the details.

Cefalu. Sicily


ihings to see and do?



Credit Card



4773 0978 6337 2451

E xpiry






~ 0171 . . lOCO

You will receive a phone call from a client interested in a tour called "Venice and the Verona Opera",
Reply to his/ her enq uiries and take dow n the details. Charge the full amount of the ho liday to hi s/ h er credit card .

Venice and the Verona Opera

15 July

25 August: 7 days

Performances of La Boheme, Norma, NabuccQ, Aida and Ofello to choose from (tickets for two

performances in the second sector of the Arena in Verona).

Plus a full tour of Venice and the Venetian villas of the 8renta River and a stay in Venice.

Price: from 795. Insurance 18.

Includes flight from LGW, three nights' HB accommodation in Verona at the Hotel Borghetti in ensuite rooms. Three nights' bed and breakfast in Venice at the Grand Hotel Principe on the Grand
Canal. Waterbuses to St. Mark"s Square depart from the main station just a few metres away. All
transfers between the hotels and the airports, plus the services of local hosts and guides.

Writing 2
21 Write a letter of confirmation to J. Wilkes. enclosing the tickets

and the detail s of the holiday in Ven ice and Verona.


Scenario 1
Advising a Client
Giving information a nd advice on specific ho liday destinati ons
Work in two groups. Group A look at the text below. Group
8 look at page 108.

You are trainee tou r operator sales staff for Paradise Holidays
pic. Today you are attending a train ing session. You are
learning about the ameniti es and facilities at a new resort .
Work with a partner from your group. Read the brochure
extracts about Goa on page 37 and follow the instructions
Answer these questions .

2 Note the important facts about the resort and the hotel under
these headings.


Yo u have recently received advance inform ation about a

package. You think it's called the Sheraton Colorado but can't
be sure. Ring up the agent at Dream Holidays In c. and find
out about the hotel and the resort.
In particular, you want to find out about:

a Where is the resort?

b How long is each holiday?
c At what time of year can you go?


You wo rk on behalf of the social comm ittee of a large car

manufacturer. The chai rman of this com mittee' has asked you
to give him some information about skiing in the USA.
Approximately forty adults are th inking of going, plus twentyeigh t children. The chairman himself will be going with hi s
wife and four children aged 5, 8, 12 and 14. They all realise
that skiing in the States is a bit pricey but they are looking for
value for money.









3 Discuss these question s.

a Which are the most popular weeks?
b What type of client is attracted to this type of holiday?

the precise location
its size
hotel amenities
rates and discounts

transport to and from the resort
skiing and equipment hire
eating out

It is important to find out whether the children will be catered

for as well as the adults in the party.
Activity 4
Work with other people from your group.
You have now gone back to your consultancy oHices. Were
yo u impressed by Dream Holiday's description of the
package? On the basis of what you have heard , wi ll you want
to recommend this Ame ri can hotel and the resort?
Discuss your recommendation s with your col leagues. What

Activity 2
Work with someone from Group B. He/She is a travel
You are at your desk at Paradise Holidays pic. A travel
consultant contacts you by phone. Use your notes to answer
the caller's enquiries.
Activity 3
Now change roles. but keep your partner from Activity 2. You
are an independent travel consultant. Your partner works for
Dream Holidays Inc.

will you want to tell your client?

Activity 5
Write to your client to give your opinion of the hotel and the

Scenari o 1, Advising a Cl ient

Sinquerim Beach
Relax on Goa' s golden beaches or swim in the luxuriant sea
under the protection of Aguada Fort, built by the Portuguese to
guard agains t intruders.
Visit the unspoi lt ecosystems of the Western Ghab and the
habitat of the King Cobra.
But no journey to Goa is complete without viewing the
treasures of the ancient Hindu city of Goa which now lies
in ruins. Nor should the Portugue...e old city with its fine

churches and temples. in particular the sixteenth-cen tury

BasJlica of Born Jesus a nd the Sc Cathedral be missed .
Finally, you' ll love shoppi ng in the colourful markets where
vendo rs in traditional costume sell everything fro m fabrics.
jewelle ry and spices to a variety of souvenirs.

The Garden of Eden Hotel * * * *

Set in lu::.h tropical gardens leading on to the beach thi s modem
hotel offer.; a good standard of accommodation in the main
building Of in garden cottages. All rooms are en s uite, with airconditioning, patio or balcony, T V, telephone and mini-har.
Regular entertainment includes beach barbecues, folk dances
and live music.

Hotel Amenities
2 swim ming pools
coffee shop. shopping arcade
2 resta urants: traditional Hindi
and Portuguese Indian

2 garden


On the beach
wOll er-skiing

c ruises can
be arran ged

Holiday c ode IND 309


health spa
beauty parlour

h~'inJsho ",'er

Room type

or bath/patio

Clr halrollY

bed & IU'HkfllSt


evening entertai nment


No. of nighb


from 01 Nov to 17 Dec

Scheduled from Gatwick to Dabo] im. Transfer to hotel

approximafely 50 mins.

from 18 Dec to 23 Jan



from 24 Jan 10 02 Mar




from 0) M ar 10 24l\lar



Courtesy buses to the cit ies of Old Goa and Panaji.

from 25


from 06 Apr

Value Plus


10 05 Apr



JO Apr


5 16


No supplements
For honeymooners



n ours of sunshine






3 1' C










Planning and negotiating holiday packages

Writing letters of confirmation and reports

Work in groups and discuss these questions.

What do you think a foreign tour operator wants from a hotelier?

What do you think a local hotelier wants from a foreign tour operator?
Who is in a better position to negotiate?
What problems do you think there might be?

2 Work with a partner. Student A read the text below. Student B read the text on page 110.

Before you read the article below, check you know the words in the box. Use a dictionary if necessary.
to feature (in a brochure)

to bluff
to brief

a hike (prices)
to barter

(room) allocation
an upgrade

to bargain
a shortfall

Read" Hotel Contracting" and answer these questions.

a Who is Gary David?
b What does his job involve?
c In his opinion, how cooperative are the hoteliers he has been working with?
Tell your partner about Gary's job. Make notes before you begin.

Hotel contracting is one of the most cruci al activities of'
any holiday company's business - it is also one of the most
demanding with an cndless round of reso rts and hotels and
the inev itable negotiations of next season 's rates.
"'We need hoteliers as much as they need us,n said
Cadogan Travcl 's tour operations general manager Gary
David , who has made thirty-four visits to nine destinations
featured in the winter brochure. "'But they play gam es;
there's a lot of bluffing going on."
He claims this year to have toured 170 hotel and selfcateri ng properti~s, vi ewed 500 bedrooms and visited
sixty-five handling agents. This is in addition to briefing
couriers, inspecting hotel notice-boards to make sure
material is well displaycd (it often isn't), visiting the
tourist offices for each destination and dealing with forty
airlines that serve the r esorts.
"There are all sorts of polities," said Mr David. "1t is a
question of attitude as well because some hoteliers like
bigger operators while others do not."

At Gibraltar's Rock Hotel. the manager agreed to

contributions for advertising and brochures, whereas in
Tangier, the Rif Hotel manager refused to move from his
20 per cent hike in rates.
HO\vever, bartering for room rates is only one aspect of
Gary David 's work. Others cover increases in room
allocations, upgrad es, added extras such as '\-vinc, fruit or
flowers, afternoon tea, improved child reductions, longstay deals and contributions toward s advertising, which arc
all used to improve the o\'era ll deal.
Another way of getting a better deal from hoteliers is to
introduce a new section to the brochure which promotes a
top hotel in each resort, and use this as a bargaining tool,
or g ive out awards to tempt them to give better discounts.
"In Gibraltar I' ve had to drop two hotel s beCause of
poor standards so I\-e got a shortfall in capacity. I'vp got
now to push for increased room allocation, but I'm dealing
with hoteliers who don't need me because most cater for
business tramc.
(adapted from Tra,"el Trade Gazelle)

o Tour Operators
3 Work with a partner. Choose five new words from the text you read. Explain their
meanings to your partner.

Writing 1
4 Work with a partner. You are research assistants for a tour operator called Exotic
Dest inations. Write a report on the relationship between your management and
resort hoteliers. Use the two articles "Hotel Contracting" and "When the welcome
is frosty", your own id eas and the headings below as th e basis for your report.

W hen you read a text in

English you may notice that
some of the vocabu lary can
be grouped around a topic.
For example, in t he two texts,
there are many words w hich
can be grouped around the
t opic of money.

Most short formal reports

have a format similar to

At the request of the MD, to carry out a survey on the relat ionship between
our management and resort hoteliers.


Title page or heading - this

should be clear but short.

Our hoteliers and our Tour Operations Department w ere approached

and asked to complete the questionnaire.

Terms of
reference/Objective - this
states w hy the report is
being w ritten.

The findings were analysed .

Procedure - the method

used to co ll ect information.

Findin gs - w hat was


Conclusion s and
recommendations - a
sum mary of you r report

A questionnaire w as designed in consultation wi th senior marketing staff.


3. 1

Tour Opera.tions outlined the following difficulties;


and suggestionsfor the

fut ure.

Hoteliers tended to focus mainly on money and methods of payment.

After drafting yo ur report,

check it:

Does it have dear headings

and a numbering system?

Is all the information

relevant and necessary?

Is it logically organised?

Is the language in the right

style for the intended


Research Assistant


Is it easy to read?

Is the English correct?

listen to part of a meeting between Maria Rodrigues, the MD of Exotic Destinations, and
members of the Planning Committee. They are discussing a new package t our to Cuba. Then

answer th ese questions

a W hy are Exotic Destinations interested in startin g a package to
b W hy do th ey think they w ill be competitive?
c W hat load factor w ill they be working on?
d W hat kind of overheads are mentioned?

e W hat are they going to charge for a two -week package?

How wi ll they compensate for thei r low profit margin?
9 W hat is t he difference between their rates and those of their
Il Why does Richard wa nt the f inal package prices?


Speech work

6 listen to David talking at the meeting.
What words are missing from the gaps?
(There is more than one word in each gap.)

"Well, (a) ...... us their seat rates and (b) ..... . a discount by taking a time slot
(c) ..... been able to fill. So (d) ...... 270 seats at approximately 250 each

for twenty-five weeks in rotation.

And (e) .. .... by the marketing people (I) ..... . probably be working
on load factors of about 80 per cent - so we should be doing OK.

7 Decide if contractions are possible in these sentences. Then listen and check your answers.

a W hat wil l it be like?

b She has been working there fo r six months .

c She has to do a really difficult job.

d There is a lot of bluffing going on.
e Th ere are all sorts of po litics involved.

I have had to drop two hotels.

9 She was in Majorca last week.
h You should not have told them our profit margin.
She cannot have fin ished by now.
Pass me th e ashtray, will yo u?

8 Read the phone conversation that took pl ace the following day between Maria
and Sim on, the Assi stant Managing Director. Underline all the auxiliary verbs, the
forms of be and have, and the negatives. Decide if they cou ld be contracted. Practise
the dialogue with a partner.

Hello, Maria. I am sorry I cou ld not make the meeting. I sho uld have been there but my
plane was delayed and you know w hat it is like getting back from th e ai rport. Th ere are
never any taxis when yo u need them. Anyw ay, w hat was it like?


Well, my secretary has typed up the minutes and you should have got a copy on your
desk. Can you see it?

Sim on



She mu st have forgotten then. Anyway, I will f il! you in w ith w hat we discussed.
Urn, yo u know, do not you, that I have negotiated a site at Guardalavaca. Well , we have
now been ab le to squeeze some very competitive rates from the hoteliers.


Good ! And did you discuss how much we are charging the punters?


550 for two weeks.


Yo u cannot go as low as that'


We can!


J mean we have to otherwise the competitio n will take away ou r custom.

It is ve ry tight but w e have got no alternative !

I see what you mean but I think w e had better t hink agai n. I w ish I had been
there because I reall y do not agree that th e price is right.

Listen and compare yo ur pronunciation w ith that on the tape.


o Tour Operators
Language Focus
The passive
Read these groups of sentences and decide which are in the active and which are in the passive.
a We've been approached by Sky Ai r.
b Sky Air has approached us.
c I'm told by the marketing people that we' ll probably be work ing on load factors of about 80 per cent .
d The marketing people tell me th at we wi ll probably be workin g on load factors of about 80 per cent.
e The broch ures should be sent to the travel agents in Odober.
They should send the broch ures to the travel agents in October.
9 All expenses must be au thorised in advance.
h You must get authorisation for aU expenses in advance.

The managing director was given the information.

Th e information was give n to the managing director.

k He gave the managing director th e information.

It was stipulated that the agreement would allow for increases in the cost of aviation fuel.
m Sky Air stipulated that the agreement would allow for increases in the cost of aviation fuel.
n It is said that an influx of to urists will destroy the plan t life.
o Environmentalists say that an influx of tourists will destroy the plant life.

p She was paid $2,000.

q Th e tour operators paid her $2,000.

2 Answer these questions.
a When do we use the passive rather than the active voice?
b How is it formed?
3 Match the following statements about the passive to th e examples in 1 above.

Sometimes it is appropriate to say who carried out the action .

Modal forms can be used.
Ve rbs with two objects can be made passive in two ways.
Passive constructions beginning with it are used to ma~e a statement more formal or impersonal.

Complete this letter to Mrs Marinelli by expanding the followi ng notes.
Dear Mrs Marinelli,
This is to confinm our recent discussions, At the meeting / hold /25 January / it / agree that:
1 500 rooms with sea view / make available / Grand Canyon hotel/3D March - 25 November / weekly basis,
2 We, Global TOUr5, / require / infonm the hotelier / 4 weeks advance / if we wish our allocation I cancel, The account

settle I 1 month after close / of the holiday period i.e. by or before 25 December.
3 All payments/ make I U5$. The ratesforthisyear lfix/ advance 1$1 = 1650 lire,

4 It bring I attention / tour infonmation I nat display / last year. Therefore suitable space I must provide I for our
company leaflets and notices I display,
We trust we are in ~reement on all these points. I remain I disposal I raise I further points.

It has al50 come notice / your copy of the contract / never ratum. I I grateful I complete I without delay / return to our
Head Office.
It note I this aereement I valid /2 year5./6 months' notice I require in writing I in order it I tenminate.
Yours sincerely,


Putting Together a Package
9 Work in groups. Look at the following steps in planning a new tour programme, and
put them into a logical order. Add any stages which you feel are missing.

Resort representatives are recruited and trained.

Exchange rates and a selling price are fixed.

Bulk hotel accommodation and airline seat rates are

The final destination is chosen.

The brochure is printed.

Economic factors are investigated; patterns of demand are


The brochure is designed.

The first holidaymakers arrive.

New potential sites are compared.

A trial costing is drawn up.

Are there any stages that could be done at the same time? How long do you
think the whole process takes? At what stage are Exotic Destinations in their
planning of tours to Cuba (page 39)? What else do they have to do?

Re-opening for the summer

10 Work in groups. You are re-opening your hotel for the summer season.
Decide what needs to be done.

o Tour Operators
Negotiating an Agreement
Wo rk in groups of four. Within your group you will work in two teams of two people.
Team A consists of the Marketing Manager and the Chi ef Negotiator for GETAWAY,
a tou r operator. Team 8 consists of the Commerci al Relations Manager and the Chief
Negotiator for VISTAS, a chain of travel agents. Team A look at the text below. Team
B look althe text on page 111.
look at the agenda on the right. You have just finished

discussing item 2. Read and discuss your negotiating


would like

to have guaranteed eye-level racki ng in all

Age nda 12/03

Sales of GETAWAY Tours
1 Minutes V
2 Review of foreca sts fOI' next seaso nV
3 Commission l evels
4 Rack ing
5 I "cent i yes
6 Policy on complain ts
7 Edu cat i ana 1 s

IIlem 5
they ask for incentives, offer SOp to the person confirming

the booking. You would make this payment monthly,

worI:ing from the departure date. If they pay quarterly (like all
your other clients), you can offer 1.10.

IIMr 6
Your policy is to acknowledge complaints within five days and
where possible to give a full explanation w~hin three weeks.
Often a lot of time is needed to check up on all the facls .
IIlem 7

Writing 2
12 After your negotiations between GETAWAY and VISTAS,
write a letter to confirm your agreement. Use this outline as
a model. If you haven't reached agreement, you will have to
modify some of the wording.

D ear

You can offer an educational for the travel agency staff which

this rear will be to India.

This is a summa ry of the points we

cO\'cred during our meeting of (date)

Before you start negotiating with VISTAS you should decide:

what you want to achieve.

you r order of priorities.
w hat you think V ISTAS w ill want.

It was agreed .. .

2 Sales, Display and Racking Policy

how much you are prepared to accept.

w hat you think V ISTAS wi ll be prepared to accept.

Decide who will



say what. Then negotiate with the VISTAS

The policy on this will be .. .

3 Incentives
Afte r discussion, it was decided ...

4 Customer complaints
It was agreed ...

5 Educationals

Useful negotiating language

These will .
Making a proposal


I suggest we .

Yes, but.
I'm afraid that's ou t of the

Our position is that ...

We 're sure you 'lf agree ...

I'd go along with that

Point taken.

W ith best regards

We appreciate your
position but ...

Yours Sincerely

I see your point but ...

Let's be realistic.
As we see it . .


Promoting a Destination
Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of tourist destinations
Giving presentations
Writing brochure texts

The photograph s show some popular aspects of Britain. Work in groups

and discuss these questions.


Why do people come to your country?

What do they do when they are there?
Is it the perfect place to come to or are there some disadvantages?
Why do you think people want to visit Britain?
What do you think are the negative features of Britain?

2 The table li sts so me of the positive and negative features of Britain as a tourist destination.

Does this correspond to what you think Britain is like?

Is there anything you would like to add to the table or take away?
Produet strengths

Friendly people

Lack of foreign language skills especially good-quality,

on-site interpretation in other languages

Historic cities/pleasant countryside

Utler and pollution, particularly in london and on some

polluted beaches

Many types of accommodation

Good network of Tourist Information Centres

Produet weaknesses

Attractive coastline
Good shopping facilities

Channel Tunnel
Toll-free motorways
Widespread availability of lead-free petrol

Wide variety of good cuisine

limited supply of modern budget accommodation in

urban areas and on transit routes
limited booking services for some types of
accommodation (e.g. self-catering and farmhouses)
Insufficient investment in connecting road/rail transport
High rail/tube fares
Perceived difficulty of driving on the lett

Perceived high costs

Perceived low quality by some visitors

Good choice of language schools

Variable standards

High standards of health and hygiene

Poverty and violence in a number of inner cities

Free press/media

Politically stable

Attraction of the Royal family/historical


f) Promoting a Destination

Writing 1
3 Think of the strengths and weaknesses of your own country as a
tourist destination and produce a similar table for it.

Listening 1
4 Does your country have a government organisation which is responsibl e for
the development of tourism? If so, what does it do?

listen to Ann Trevor talking a bout the way the Barbados

Tourist Authority promotes the Caribbean island within the

trade and answer th ese questions.

a What is the Barbados Tou rist Authority' s marketing strategy
for Barbados?
b W hat does Ann do at trade fairs?
c How does the BTA wo rk w ith to ur operators?

d Why does she mention Almond Beach Village?

Is her work the same as the work of t he tourist authority
in your country?

Vocabulary 1
Advertising and publicity

5 Ann talks about promoting and marketi ng a destination.

Make three networks round the headings advertising.
public relations and promotions.


Use the words and expressions in th e box and add as many

words as you can.




trade fairs






ex hibitions


special offers

press releases



promotional videos

talks and presentations

6 Work with a partner and compare yo ur networks. Th en discuss



w hich strategies are the most and least effective and under
w hat circumstances.
7 Nouns in Eng li sh can be countable (like a trip) or uncountable
{li ke travefJ. Match the uncountable nouns on the left with the
countable noun s on t he right which are associated with them.




a f act

advertisin g

a close watch


a recommendat ion


a coin


an advertisement


a study


a step forward


a suitcase


Listening 2
Describing itiner aries


Tour operators, airlines and national tourist boards often run

"educationals" (also called "familiarisation trips") for people

in the travel trade who are in a position to promote a
particular destination.
Listen to Helen lee describing a familiarisation trip to China
and follow the itinerary on the map. Then listen again.

Which of these places are mentioned as part of the tour?

the Forbidden City

the Terracotta Warriors

t he Summer Palace

the 8anpo Village

the Jingshan Park

the Temple of Heaven

Shanghai River Tour by night

the Yangshuo Orch id Garden

the Potola Palace

Speaking 1
Fam itiarisation trips
9 Work w ith a partner. Student A read the text below. Student B read the text on page 111.
Tell your partner about the itinerary below in your own words.




Ha va na



de Cuba


Depart London mid-morning Tuesday on VIASA via Caracas.

Arrival late evening in Havan a. Direct to the Horel Plaza,
opposite Central Park in old Havana, the area famed fo r its
old Spanish Days.


2 - 3

Explore H avana. Visit to a handicraft centre and the Guanahacoa

museum on the outskirts of Havana, which has rooms dedicated
to the influence of Mrican cultures on Cuba. Free time to wander
the streets of old Havana and appreciate the city's fine
architecture. Vis it to The Museum of the Revolution, the old fort
and the Cathedral.


City tour, includin g the Moncada barracks which Fidel Castro

and a group of followers failed to storm in 1953 in an early
abortive attempt to seize power. Good museum s in Santiago
include rhe Casa Velazquez dating back to the 16th Century and
the Museo Bacardi. (Optional).

Excursion to the Basilica in El Cob re, a village 18 miles

northwest of Santiago. Transfer to airport and return to Havana.
Accommodation in the Pla'la Hotel.


Return home


Visir to a cigar factory. Transfer to the airport for flight to

Santiago de Cuba in the east of the island, famed for its buildings
and bea utiful settings. Overnigh t scay in Las Americas hocei.

f) Promoting a Destination

Language Focus
Referring to the future
During her talk Helen Lee used a number of verb forms when referring
to the future itinerary.
I'm going to describe the iti nerary to you .
2 You'll be visiting most of the famous places .

3 From Beijing we go by coach to a smaller city in the North.

4 The guide will take you on a sightseeing tour.

5 We' re flying there the following day.
6 By the end of the tour hopefully you'll have learnt a lot

about China.
Match each of the verb forms above with a description
(a-d) on the right. Th ere may b e more than one answer.

a She is referring to a schedule which is programmed in

advance and possibly difficult to change.
b She is talking about an event that w ill be completed at a
given future time.
c She is announcing her intention to do something.
d She is describing arrangements that have been made.
As you can see, it is sometimes possible to use more than
one futu re form although there might be a slight change in
emphasis. What is important to remember is that will is
only one way of referring to the future.

Study the following sentences. and say which verb form
is appropriate in each case and why.

a Could you ring the airport and ask what time the first
fl ight to Brussels shall leave / leaves'
b (The telephone rings - it is 10.55.). O h, that'll belis to be
Rosa. She said she'd ring at 11.
c We'd better hurry up - it looks as if it's going to rain/will

be raining.

m On the second night of the programme everyone will be

going/will have been going to a cabaret show.
2 Using what you have learnt from the previous activity,
read these grammar notes and write your own sample
sentences to illustrate their use.
a The present simple can be used for a programm e or
regular schedule w hich is unlikely to change.
b The present continuous can be used to refer to arrangements.

d The Antarctic will certainly become/will certainly be

becoming an important touri st destination .

c will can be used to make a deduction, or to make a

factual prediction.

e You haven't got a car 1'1/ give/ I'm giving you a lift jf you like.

d will or ' II can also be used to make spontaneous offers.

It's not surpri sing he won't do/is not to do any work for
you - you don't pay him!
9 Don't panic! I'll have finished/'ll be finishing the report
by Wednesday afternoon.
h I won't have/am not having time to see you -1 '1/ have
finished /'1/ be finishing the report on Wednesday aftemoon.

e won't, as well as predicting that something will not happen,

can also be used to indicate a refusal, or lack of willingness.
going to can be used to predict future events based on a
presen t evaluation of circumstances.
9 going to is also used for a personal decision or intention.
h is/are to refers to events which (Complete the rule.) ...

Ricardo says he doesn't attend/won't be attending the

mee"ting - he thi nks it will belis to be a waste of time.

The future continuous (will be + verb -ing) can be used for:

The Prince of Wales is to open/ will have been opening

the new theme park on April 1st.


k We will have/a re having an office party on Friday after

work for Justyna. She will work/ will have been working
for us for twenty years.
I'm fed up with working here. I'm going to try/will try to
get a better job somewhere else.

Collect examples of language illustrating a grammar point

you want to learn. You can find these examples in
documents you read, in grammar books, or you may make
a note of something you have heard.

events which (Complete the rule.)

The future perfed (wi ll have + past participle) can be used

for an event that will be completed at a given future time.
k Th e future perfect continuous (will have been + verb ing) can be used (Complete the rule.) ...

When you have collected enough examples you can try to

work out the grammar rule(s) for you rself, discuss your
ideas with other learners, and perhaps be able to teach
them things they didn't know!


Vocabulary 2
Broch ure language
10 The brochure is probably one of the most important documents used in the promotion of a destination.

Brochures use very descriptive language to make holiday destinations sound attractive.
Read this description of Salou in Spain and pay particular attention to the highlighted words.

alou has 8llJthe ingredients for a perfectlseaside holiday . Its

With it s ma1Ye ll ou. beach, dyllio harbou r and man y

tma.joJl attract ion is a cng ,wide beac h of sari, gently,.

magnificent- seafood restaurantc; it is a resort in its own right. But

belving sands, backed by a tinet tree-Jined promenade. East of

th e beach you will f ind uncrowded street s a longs id e a

whe rever you stay in the Sa lou area you' ll have access to

IiQLe h ost

pl eas ure s : supc rliJ bathing , ~ vcry. kind a


picluresque coast line with prettYI wooded areas and several

watersport and, by ni ght.lPlen.ty ot: excitement in

smaller bays.

and discos. Another LimpressLv attraction is the tfuly amazing

West of Salou is the aHractive< fishing vill age of Cambril s.


Aquapark at La Pineda, a Shortlbus ride fro m Salou itself.

Descriptive adjectives
11 Each of the groups of three adjectives below can be used to describe
one of the nouns in the box. Match each noun with a set of
adjectives. Can you add an appropriate adjective to each set?
Use a dictionary to help you.



mo untain s


2 l ow~ ri se
1 rolling
3 quaint
old -world
cha rmi ng

4 relaxed

5 spectacular 6 un spoilt
stri king

7 ruined

8 secluded
un crowded

Writing 2
12 Th is text about a holiday complex is informative but not very
descriptive. Decide where the words in the box may be
placed in the text to make the holiday complex sound more



13 Work with a partner. Add descriptive words to the following

passage, but this time choose the words you want to insert.
Then compare your text with one written by another pair of


This holiday camp/a. is within reach

ifthe bay and the sea. There areJour

tennis courts QI'ai/able ro BUest.f and
the Sandy Lane Go!fdub is just a bus
ride alVoI
Hole Town exudes on atmosphere with
its streets and houses. H&tch the world
80 byJtom the aye terraces or sample
dishes in the restaurants.

flood lit
wh itewashed
seclud ed, rocky
cob bl ed
free-of -charge

easy~go in g

many welcomin g
id eally situated
mou t h~ wate ring

Tangier with its bazaars and architecture

provides a taste of the Orient. It has sporting
facilities, including golf. tennis and sailing.
Watersports can be enjoyed a long its coasts
which have beaches. You can try your luck in
the casino or window~shop dow n the
boulevards of the quarter. The Mendoubia
Gardens. a palace and antiquities are just some
of the attracti ons that Tangier has to offer.

Promoting a Destination


Pausing and rhythm

14 You work for a major tour operator and have recently been

involved in setting up Cuba as a new destination. You are

preparing the soundtrack for a promotional video praising the
attractions of the island. Below is the text you will have to
read . Your text will have to synchronise with the video

images and you should therefore be careful to respect the

pause boundaries ( / ). the stress markers, the intonation
patterns and the speed of delivery. Record your soundtrack in

a language laboratory or, as homework, on to an audio

cassette. Then compare your recording with the tape.

If I mention D.l.l2g to you, I what are the ~ things / that immediately / come to mind? / ~ / Communism /
and QgMI I. Maybe it's not ~ idea / of the perfect holiday. / Well, you're ~! / Because in fi!g / Cuba has
changed / and it's ~ / for the better. / And so why do many more people / ~ decide / to have a fantastic
holiday in Cuba? / Well, the t ill1 reason / is that Q112g / is an affordable tropical destination / with fan~

/ and wa tersports / as good as anywhere. / The ~ reaso n / is the ~ / and their music /

~ as they do / such

a variety of ethnic origins. / And fM1 / but not

~ / the history of Havana

especially / its association with two great / twentieth-century ~ / Graham ~ / and Ernest Heminway.

15 Write your own commentary for a video about a place you like visiting.

Speaking 2
Making a presentation
The language of presentations

16 You have recently returned from a familiarisation trip t o a

holiday resort and now have to report back on your visit.
Decide which resort you went to and which tour operator
paid for your holiday. Prepare a presentation. Talk about the
resort itself and also about those facilities offered by the tour
operator. Include the following:

Good evening, everyone.
Thank you for inviting me to speak on .
Tonight I am going to talk about
Introducing your talk
I would like to start by .
I sha ll begin by .
Then I w ill speak about.
Thirdly I will talk about ...
And lastly.

The main part of the talk

Let us begin with ...
As far as (the accommodation) is concerned.
Moving on to .
My third point deals with .
And last but no t least ...



After the presentation, work in groups and discuss these

Summing up/ conclusion

50, in conclusion, you can see that.


Saying thank you and ending your talk

a Could everyone hear yo u?

b Did they understand yo u?

c Did they think yo u sounded co nfident?

Thank you all for listening so attentively.

I hope I have been able to tell you a little about .
Before I sit down I would first like to thank ... for ...
Does anyone have any questions?



Considering environmental issues

Taking part in meetings
Writing press releases




by Bill Watterson

Work in groups and discuss these questions.
a What could be the negative impact of
tourism on the followin g?

historic sites

beaches and the coastline

the countryside

wi ldlife
the host community's culture


Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

b W hat kinds of initiatives have been taken to co unteract some of these adverse effects?

2 Thi s article was written for a magazine called Our Planet and, using the example of Waikiki,
describes ways in which small island states can develop sustainable tou rism . As you read,
make a note of the things that a developer should and should not do.

Safe Tourism
OST RES()URCE~rOOR island states trying to ma nage to
surv ive in th e global economy cannot afford to
neglect the economic opportunities tourism offers. As
they su ffe r fro m the continuing slide of internationa l
commodity prices, Illany have no alternative but to offer their
natura l heauty - and cheap laho ur costs - to attract the

tourist indust ry. Foll owing the ru les for sustainahle to urism",,,hile tough - cou ld red uce th e risks to the environment.
so, \I;!HAT RUI.ES keep you profitab ly safe and s usta ina bl y
beautifu l? The first ru le is: keep tourists alt in one place fo r as
long as YOll can d uring their visit to yo ur island . Leav ing aside
the thorny issues o f foreign ownership and o\"ersaturatio ll ,
Hawa ii can teach us a few things ahout safe to urism. T he
world's most re-.:ognised tollrist destination is \Vaikiki. Now
Waikiki ''''as not always a beach - it was a swamp before
de"dopers trucked in white sa nd to create the fabl ed stra nd .
Th e hotels o n \Xlaiki ki all rose Out of th e same swamp and
recla imed lan ds. Which neatly encapsulate s yo ur second rule
of safe tourism: do not displace all)' existi ng desti nations.
WA IK IKI ITSELF, \'I7ITH some 30,000 hotd rooms, covers little
more than sevcnter:n city blocks. Despite its small area, the
great m a j or i t~ of th e fi ve million tourists w ho visit H a' . . aii
every yea r do not ventu re beyond thi s luxur io ll 'i ghetto, mw.:h

to the delight of the indigenous ~ommullitjes. Ha . . e YOLI ever

tried to get an hotel room outside o f Waikiki on the island of
Oahu? It is tough to find a n hotel. And there are no plans to

. , Responsible Tourism

appron" :m y morc, sa)' aides to Go\'crnor John \X' aihe'e,

Ha wai i's fir st Polynesian governor. Governor \X'a ih e'e seems
proud of th e fac t that he ha s not appron:'d a major tourist
devel opment since he took office.
AI\'U THF. R RULF: T .-\I-:1'. fewe r touri st" who wi ll stay longer and
spend more. A report co mrnissiollC'd oy the (former) H awa ii
governor's o ffi ce found that the four million pcople who visited
thC' islands in 198 4 spent an .werage of ten day" and unlo:J.Jed
$1,000 per head. Not a good sign, hecause infrasrructura l
t:olls rrm::rioll and maintena nc e costs, alrend y ho\"eri ng nroLlnd
(me hillion dolbrs a year, risc to kc'e p li p with slIch huge
numbers of visito rs to <1n islan d S{;lte with ;ltotal population (")f
ahollt a million. And do not forger that close to 60 per cent o f
the tourist receipts are imm edi;1teiy rep;1tri;1tcd off island.
\\:'l rH THE COi\'CFNTRAT10N on volume, mass.ive horel s had to
hehuilt TO cope with the millions of bodies that the airlines
wcre dumping on the island ~ with competitive f.1rcs dcsi);fled
ro pur bottom s on the much larger numbe rs o f scats in the huge
747$. In many cases the hit;ger hotel" were relying on pilCkage
tours for h,llf th eir OC(UP;l1lcy ratl'S.
AN D WH AT IS wrong with big: hotels? You Ci111 imagine the
amount of water, energy, personnel, roads and th e like whidl
h;1vc to be diverted to "lIch la rge con structions - paid for hr
loca! tax-payers. Buildin); huge hotel s req uire " enormous
;ln10 unts of moner whi(h arc av,lilahle on ly in the metropolit:J.1l
(ount ries, w hich in turn mean s handing own ership over to

off-i "l a nd \.."orporations. Owners from disranr places ha ve <.1

hisrory of tying their (onti nued p resence ahroad ro the amount
of incen ti ves offered by th e authoriti es, which are already
sa ddled with the infrasrructUTal COSts, \.... hile the vast majurity

of revenues from tourism arc cepa triated off-island.

H A\,\'A lI HAS REDIRECTED its efforts to attract fewec visitors ()f
a higher calibrc. By so doi ng, the resorts 3re sma ller, less nlsd y,
a nd much more plea!'iant places to visit. It was ironic that th e
most successful, and expensive, cesorts in Hawaii were the
smaller ones like Hana Maui R;1 nch, which had neither
tc\evision nor ai r-conditioni ng. Han a Malli Randl did ha ve a
cultur:ll show , hut it did nor feature professiona l emertainersthose dancing for the guests were tht" maids, ga rdene rs,
accountants and managers of the horel , aJi of whom wc re locn l
Pol ynesians. Yet it L'ontinlles to enjoy some of th e highest
re turn rates an ywhere.

to another rule: in volve the local community.

Ens ure your success i'5 sh;Jred hy them. Offer local farmers and
business folk the first opportunity to provide you r resort with
food. A letter from your resort to a grower guaranteeing to bu y
all the y can grow of certain vegetables (an be lI '5ed hy the
farmer to get a favourabl e loan from the loca l bank . Instead of
importing, f oc example, an arti st-i n-residence, which is
fa shiol1i1 ble in tht: top resorts, appoint loca l art ists, and import
a coasral-botanisr-in-residence, and give the findin gs to th e
10CII :J.llthoriries, rhereb), increasing the knowledge the
comm unitr has of it, own Jl <t turai resources. Also cons ider
marine bi o l()gisrs, mllsit:ologists, :J.gronomists, and for rhe
reall y confident and sav,,)", mytholog ists. Tn other words try to
im p ro ve thl' lot of the loc:lis. If yo u d o not, rhen you arc
sentencin g yourse lf to eventu:ll bilure ",hid wi ll manifest itself
in surl y workers and insults hurled at your ho rel guests. \"x!hen
yo u fir st notice thes(' signs - find a buy(,r, quick.
(a rticl e by Lele-i Lelaulu in Oll r Planet )

Wo rk in groups and discuss these questions.

W hat advice w ould you give to a deve loping country tryi ng to en large its tourist industry?
:. Wh ich of these pOints co uld an overdeveloped tourist area take note of?


Speechwork 1
Word boundaries
_ The word sequences in the box occur in the article you have just
read Clines 14-18). How would you say them aloud? What happens
when one word ends in a consonant and the following word begins
with another consonant? Listen and check.
recognised tourist destinations

fableg ,trand

reclaimed land s

second rule

: These phrases are also taken from the article, Practise saying them
aloud and compare your pronunciation with the tape.

tried to

visit to

cheap labour costs

the great majority

tourist development

neither television nor air-conditionin g

ow n natural resources

island states


Protecting the environment
6 Michael Leech is Managing Director of a company called
Overland Encounter, which organises adventure holidays to
remote destinations. He is very concerned to protect the sites
he visits and talks about the way he thinks the environment
can be protected.

What steps would you take to make sure that no damage is

done to the environment?

Listen and answer the questions.

a Michael mentions patterns of behaviour which an operator
can encourage among tourists. What are they?

b W hat, according to Michael, is a "key factor"?

c In w hat way is tou ri sm now putting things back into the
environ ment?

7 What guidelines would you give to tourists about:




Would these be the same wherever they travelled?

Speechwork 2
Word boundaries, linkage


Read these expressions aloud.

What happens when a consonant sound is followed by a
vowel sound?
Listen and check.


global economy
a small area

tourist industry
fo reign ow ners hip
economic opportu ni ty

Listen again to this extract from the interview with Michael

Leech. Write the words that are missing from each gap.

10 Work with a partner. Take turns to be A and B. Read this

conversation aloud.
A OK, so tourism can have a beneficial effect by generatin g
income and creating employment, but what about its effect
on the environ ment?
B Well, jf you're not careful it can cause serious prob lems.
A You mean allowing tourists to go to Antarctica, t hen letting
them trample all over rare plants?

Are these words pronounced separately or are they run


"I know you're very (a) ...... environmental issues at

Overland Encounter but, in practical terms, what can a
tour operator do to make sure that tourists don't
destroy the beauty of the thing they came to seer'
"Well I think you have to get involved in what we
call '(b) ...... ' tourism. You can't deprive people of their
interest in wanting to travel. But what you can do is to
(c) ...... patterns of behaviour which will introduce them
to a country in a responsible way. That means, for
example, making sure that, on an adventure holiday, n o
detergents are used in springs or streams and that no
(d) ...... left behind after camps. It means, if you're
visiting a (e) ...... like the Antarctic, that people must
respect the rules and not damage (f) ...... or go too near
the penguins. It means providing travellers with a pack
with (g) ...... how to behave and what to do to best
preserve the cultures and places visited."

B Yes, but it's no t only in remote areas w here this eco logical
damage is be ing done but also in modern, highly
technological countries like Britain.

A What do you mean?

B In areas of natural beauty such as Snowdo nia; f irst, t he
footpaths have been eroded away. Secondly, w here the
t ourist s have strayed off the paths the vegetation has not only
been killed but the soil is now unfit for cu ltivation.
A Mm - this is w hat's happenin g in mountain areas where there
are too many ski slopes, isn 't it?

Listen and check your pronunciation.

Responsible Tourism

Language Focus
Reporting verbs

verbs are often used to report w hat someone has said . Do you know th~m all ?















pOint out






They can be followed by a clause beginning with that. For exam pl e:

The protest movement claimed that the environment wou ld suffer but the chairman of the planning comm ittee

guaranteed that it would be protected .

These verbs can be followed directly by to.




pro mise

th reaten

The hotel has agreed to reduce no ise levels after midnight.

The protest movement has tlueatened to blow up the planned development.

Some reporting verbs are followed by a person then to. These include:


in struct





in vite




They persuaded the operator to drop the project.

She warned them not to go ahead.

Choose suitable verbs to complete the extract. (Often more than one answer is possible.)

N A STRONGLY-WORDED article published two weeks ago, Vanessa Gardner, editor of Tourism

Alert (a) ...... that "Green Tourism" is just another marketing gimmick to lure eve n more touri sts to new

destination s and make even more bucks for the operators. She (b) ...... that tourism brings foreign

income to developing countries but (c) ...... that alllhe local population get out of tourism is the privilege of
making our beds and shining our shoes. And she (d) ...... that the marketing people are wrong to (e) ...... that a
holiday can only be Green if it takes place in an undiscovered part of the \\o'orld and costs the earth. She
(f) ..... that

you only need twenty rich foreigners descendin g on an Amazonian village to create more

environmental and cultural damage than 10,000 ordinary holidaymakers enjoying themselves in a resort
where there is no fragile ecosystem or culture left to ruin.
But in another article which appeared in last week's Travel Gazette, Antony Jay of Outreach Adventures
pIc di sagreed. He (g) ...... that Green tourism was just a fashion and (h) ...... that operators did care about the
future. And to prove it he (i). . to donate $ 100 per person to the Worldwide Fund for Nature. Ho w man y

businessmen would do that?


11 Match the verbs in A with the noun phrases in B to make expressions which are often used in meetings.


round in ci rcl es




to a decision

in vite

the proposal

(someth in g) to the vote
the subject
common ground

12 This is an extract from a meeting about tourism in Goa.

Fi ll in the gaps with expressions from exercise 1.

The chairman (a) ..... . from the audience.

Mr Singh

I would like to (b) .. .... of cost - who is going to

pay to clean up the beach?

Mrs Patel

Mr Chairman, we've already debated these issues

- we must now (c) ....... I know we hold opposing
views but perhaps we can (d) ....... But if you want
my op;nion, we must (e) ...... - either we

encourage tourism or we remain poor.

Mr Dahar

But look, we're (I) ...... ; if we don't (g) ...... now

we'll be here all night.

Mrs Devi

I think we have discussed the matter enough.

We must now (h) .

Mrs Patel

I (I) ...... ; it 's an excellent idea.

13 Match the adjectives in A with the nouns in 8. Use a

dictionary if necessary.
a foregone
a fruitful


a heated


a key


a stumbling
a vested
a workable

14 What is missing from these sentences? Use the expressions

from exercise 13.
a Perhaps the main ...... to responsible tourism is the profit
b There' s been a very ...... between local pressure groups and the
Min istry of Tourism and most of the prob lems have been
c There 's no point in holding the meeting - the result's a
d He owns a number of hotels in the area so he has a ...... in
promoting the growth of tourism.
e It's not the best solution but it's a.

. for the time being.

There was a ...... on the proposal to build a new motorway and

some people got very angry.
9 Although the effect of tourism on the environment is a .
some people still dont want to measure the effects.

Responsible Tourism

Holding a public meeting

15 You are goi ng to take the roles of different people and debate the
pros and cons of a major to urism developm ent in an area of outstanding
natural beauty. First read this newspaper article and summarise the main pOints.

Ambitious plans to spend 100 million 011 a disused

slate mine in north \Vales arc causing a flerce disputc
among locals. The tourist development is planned to
ce ntre around a "OlIarrytorium", with a guided visit
down the mine, and a residential complex built around
eight dry ski slopes, a tropical park with

illumin ated waterfalls, lasers and

hologra ms and an adventure playground.
The disused mine is at Glyn Rhonwy,
less th a n a mil e from the vi ll age of
Lla nberis, on the northern edge o f the
Snowdonia Na tional P ark. It has been
bought by Arfon Borough Council which
has asked several develop ers to come up
with plans for redeveloping the site.
Re ce ntly
LeisureLand has come up with a project
whi ch, besides the Qyarrytorium, also includes hotels,
conference facilities, shops and restaurants, and a sports

ccntn.:. Most controvt.:rsially, rh<;rc an; also plans for

thirty "holiday farm stead s", eac h co nsisting of about
twenty far m- type cottages.
However, since the proposals were published in the
l ocal paper, peapk have started objeding. A protest
gro up ha s betn fOfmed, headed by
Gwynncrh Jones, whose house overlouks
GI)'11 Rhol1wy. Although cafeful to givt.:
credi t to the council for buying and trying
to develop the arC.l, the protest group
feels that the sc he me would ove rwhelm
t he vjIlage and be alie n t o the natura l
beauty of the region.
The matter is now being debated at an
extraordinary cou n c il meeting in thl:
town h all at w hich a dc cisioll 011 th<.:
future of Arfun m u st b<.: rC<lt:hcd .
Representati ves of all the viewpoints of the 10..:a1
..:omlllunity have been invited.
(I.!x rra...:t frull1 Holiday

16 Work in groups. Your teacher will choose a chairperson w ho should use the role card below. Your teacher w ill tell th e other
people w here to find their role cards. You can add your ow n ideas to the suggestions on the cards.

The chairperson
You r role is to make t he meeting go smoothly and Jet everyone have th eir say. Di scussions ca n get heated and you
may have to remind participants to remai n poli te, not interrupt, not monopolise t he discussions and so on.
Here is some useful language:
Opening a meeting Right, shall we ge t started?
Th e first thing we have to discuss I
decide is .
Inviting comm ents

Could we stick to the subject under

discussion, please?
Perhaps we could co/ne back to that
I'll come to you in a fiji/lUte .

I'd like to give the floor to .

Mrs Olsen, is there anything you

would like to say'

Closing the

Are there any further points anyone

Does anyone have any further



wishes to make?

W ould you like to come in here?

Directing the

We seem to be losing sight of the

main Issues.

With respect, f don 't think that is

entirely relevant.

To sum up, .
Are we all agreed on this ?
Shall we take a vote? All those in
favour? All those against?
I declare this meeting closed.

17 Write a 250 -word press release reporting what was said at the pUblic meeting about th e development at Glyn Rh onwy.


Analysing transport requirements
Planning a transport network

Work in groups and list some different means of transport.

Then discuss these questions.

a W hat are the advantages and disadvantages of each one for
long or short distances?

b How do you prefer to travel? W hy?

Listening 1
2 Susan recently went to the USA for three weeks. The map

below shows the places she stayed in or visited during her

trip . Listen to Susan making the final arrangements for her

trip and answer these questions.

a W hat is an open -jaw ticket?
b Why doesn 't Susan want to use the Grey hou nd bus?
c Why doesn 't she want accommodation booked in
Las Vegas or LA?
3 listen again and follow Susan's route. Write the dates, tim es
and means of transport.




Language Focus
Two-part verbs (Phrasal verbs)
Two-part verbs are formed by comb ining a verb with a
preposition (or particle) to change its meaning:
I get up at six o'clock.
The plane takes off at 7.30.

2 A verb can be used in the same sentence as a preposition

witho ut changing its meaning:
I took the book off the table.
In this case, take and off do not make a two-part verb.
3 The same combination of verb and particle can have more
than one meaning:
The plane took off. (leave the ground)
He took off his jacket. (remove)
I can take 5 per ce nt off the price of a ticket. (discount)
We are going to look at three types of two-part verbs:
Transitive verbs take an object:
He took off his jacket,
In this sentence his jacket is the object of the verb.
2 Transitive phrasal verbs are separable. The object can be
placed between the verb and the particle:
The travel agent sorted out her itinerary. (sort out =
The travel agent sorted her itinerary out.
3 If the object is replaced with a pronoun (it, him, me) the

verb is always separated:

The travel agent sorted it out.
Which of these sentences are correct?

d A: Can I have the bill?

B: Sure, I'll make it out now.
e Th e board of directors set up a meeting for 4 p.m.
These verbs take an object, but are inseparable. The object
always goes at the end:
A tour gUide wi ll look after the grou p.
A tour guide w ill look after th em.
Put the words in italics into the right order:

a around / Chicago / looked / she.

b There are new airli ne safety regulations: can't / get / tour /
operators / them / round.

c for / made / nearest / taxi / stand / the / we.

d the / chance / she / at / jumped / to visit the Himalayas.
e old / an / he / into / ran / friend / at the airport.
Intransitive ve rbs can not take an object and cannot be
separated .
Th e bus broke down.
We had to hang around for three hours while they
mended it.
Put the words in the right order to make correct
a checked in/before the flight/forty-five minutes/we
b in Dubai/flights to Hong Konglstop over
c fell throughltheir trip/at the last minute
d backed out/but/we had a deallthe hotel chain/we thou ght
e after/broke even/finally/the hotel/three years of losses

a Susan's uncle put her up.

b Alicia saw off him at the airport.

PhrasaVprepositional verbs

c She took up the option.

Some verbs have three parts:

The holiday didn't live up to our expectations.

Replace the words in italics with a suitable phrasal
verb , Do as many as you can, then listen to the tape
(Listening 1) again to check or complete your
a I've pretty well planned and formulated w hat I'll be
able to do while I'm there ...
b So I' ll be departing on 1st September .. .

My uncle wi ll be collecting me from the airport and

accommodating me for a few days ..

e Are you sure your budget will cover that?

I've been economising for this and I really don't want
to lose the opportunity of seeing the Niagara Falls ...
9 Wait a minute ..
h The on ly problem is that you' ll have to wait with
nothing to do in Chicago ..
. I really need to reduce costs so I'm hoping to be able
to locate and see again some old friends ..
I'll write the itinerary for you ..

d You can travel quite eas il y on the subway and if you

want to sightsee .. .


Vocabulary 1

4 These words are all connected with transport.

Put them into logical sets.








make for


see off

iet lag

ru n out of


ticket col lector

registration number

break dow n


station wago n


set off

drop off



press on



ha rbour


Add two more words to each set and co mpare

your sets with those of other students.
5 Imagine that you recently accompanied a group of travellers on a trip involving several means of transport.
Write a short account of the trip using as many of the words in the box above as you can. For example:

Af 6 1Bpm. w~

5et off ffl7m V,chlritl 'Station. ~~d -/he O~;eY1r Express '" ow fj~sr-c1"s<; ccmpar/ntetlt ..

Listening 2

Understanding rapid speech, announcements

6 It can often be difficult to understand announcements mad e


Making announcements
Your teacher will give you a number of messages w hich have

in public pl aces, especially if the public-address system is

poor. listen to the messages.

messages and play them to the rest of the class. Did

Wh ich wo uld yo u hear:

everyone understand? If not, what was the problem?

on a train/at a railway station?

on board ship?

c at an airport/on a plane?
d on a bus?
listen again and note the information.


Speaking 1

Word boundaries
7 liste n and notice w hat happens to the sounds at the word
boundaries in these examples:
Th e next time.
M ind the doors.
Now try saying these se ntences . Which so unds disappear?
Which so unds run together?
a Here in the main square, on your right, is the famous l ean ing
b Passengers are adv ised not to leave th ei r luggage unattended.
c We 're now approaching Pi geon Po int. Tobago, w here
passe ngers can disembark.
d Wo uld M iss Andreas please report to the Purser's Office?
e Captai n Nolan would like to welcome yo u on board .

Listen to the tape and check.

to be given out over a public-address system. Record the

Vocabulary 2
Synonyms, British and American English
9 When she went on her trip Susan had to und erstand some of
the words and expressions which are used in the USA but
not in the UK. The ones in the box below are all to do with
Find the pairs of synonyms and put them under the correct
headin gs.

For example:


driving licence

driver's license

pun cture


driving licence

city centre
lin e




car park




estate car

parking lot


statio n wagon
driver's license

pavemen t


D o you know any other w ords t hat are different in British

and American Eng li sh?

o Transport
Passenger care
10 Travelling can often be tiring and uncomfortab le. What kinds of things can be done
to make the journey more agreeable for the passenger travelling by these means of





11 This article describes how Gatwick Airport in the UK has made travelling easier for

business passengers.
Decide which of the extracts A-G match the numbered gaps in the text. There is
one additional extract which does not belong in


any of the gaps.

Look ing at w hat London Gatwick Airport has done, the

sol ution now, in hindsight, seems obvious.

Many airlines offer attractive incentives such as free

limousine and helicopter t ransf ers, advance seat
reservations and priority baggage handling.

But Fast Trac k has other benefits for the business trave ller.

For the busy executive, it is not so much that time means

money, rather that he or she usually cuts it f ine when

The best ideas in business are qUite often the most obvious.

6) Even at the busiest times of the day, it now

takes business

passengers only a minute or two to pass through the

barriers to go airside.

getting to t he airport.

This system, called Fast Track , enab les First and Business
Class passengers f rom al l airl ines using North and South
Terminals to use a special dedicated ro ute through passport
control and security checks.




For example. business travdlecs passing through Europe's

airporrs have co nstantly bemoaned the fact that however
much their ti cket COS t , or however mu ch they were

The special entry gates to

departure lounges. however,
only operate up unti l 2 p.m . The ai rport's research has
shown that the bu lk of business travel Aights we re before

pampered in-flight the real hold-ups always came when

th is time, with only a handful afterwa rds when the regular

passing through pao;sport co ntrol and security, or waiting in

duty free.

control points had no queues. However. it is a position that

is regularly reviewed by the airport.

1 8~

________________~1 Ie

That las t-minute report to finish, or taking just one marc

phone call, has speIt disaster for many business travellers

sudd~n ly finding themselves at passpon control behind a

plane-load of holidaymakers who are Guite happy to rake
their time - after all they arc going on holiday.

However, it is a simple fact that no other airport appeared
to have tackled the problem successfull y until Lo ndon
Garwick became the first airpo rt in the UK o r Euro pe to
implement a "red carpet" priority sys tem especially for First
and Business Class travel lers.

A pass is give n to eligible passe ngers at check in.

For instance. those who have hurried to the airport without

the time to pick up any foreign currency can collect preordered currency from a special Fast Track desk at the
airport's bureaux de change. Or if they travel to th e airport
via the Gatwick Express. they can use the credit-card phone
on th e train to order the currency o n the way from Victoria.
Forgotten to buy a prese nt for rhar important contact you
are going ro meet on arrival? Instead of queu ing up wi th the
le isure travellers ac the duty free co unters. f as t Track
pass-holders can take adva ntages of their own check-om.
N ot surprisingly. Fast Track has bee n a smash hit with
London Gatwick passengers (numbers using it have
increased from 40. 000 a month when it first narted, to
65, 000 a month at present). Perhaps the fact chat other
Europea n airports are looking at em ulating the Fast Track
idea shows how big a step forward it is in taking the hassle
out of business (fave!.


Dealin g wit h co m pta ints
12 Unfortunately, not everything runs as
smoothly as in the previous article!
You work at an airport in your country
and have received this fax from Gary
Richards, Ground Operations
Manager at Skyways.
Work with a partner. Read the fax and
discuss Gary's complaints.
Then write a reply to explain how you

are dealing with each complaint.



L. Atien;o:a, Airport Admini stratioJl

G. Richard.~ Shwavs
05 106
' , .'

No. of pages inc. this one: I

ncar Mr Aticnz.a
Thank you for

mont h .

yo~r hospitality ofT('n~d to Peter Forster, John Carlyle and myseIf earI'leT t hi s

Since my visit, OUT Chairman, Francis Pilrkcr has visited and

items which he considers need impro,-emcnt :' .
on IS r eturn reported certain

\lvithT~s::.CIi\'ery and installation of two additional set.~ of scales for check-in should be dealt
2 All bags should be presented at check-in Th
subjected to 5ccurit)' screening and proper e~ce~:r~alggSno excuse [or bags not being weighed,
' " age payments not being collected.
3 I hope that with
he able to com~lele tfeCj~~ri~~~:r~~:~e~~';:;r;::t~:.cra[t cleaning teams will speed up and
4 Representations should be made urgentl . and s
.1110\\' bOal'ding to t k i f Y
. trong y to the authontles which at present
a epace atoncscto steps only W e }
and they should be us-ed.
lave wo sets 0 steps to the aircraft
5 Only one piece o[ cab' b
make sure that t1li.~ ruling Ij: i;~:~c~::s.asscnger is allowed Oil to the aircraft. Can you please

6 Finally, on arrh'al the Chainnan had to wait som e fif ' .
the plane . This speed of dclivet')' is entirely unac~eptabl2 mmutes for hi5 baggage to come ofT
Many thanks for your help in these matters, and I look forward to hea ' f
Yours sinccrc! v
nng rom you soon.
Gary Richards~ ,
Senior Manager. Ground Operations

Speaking 2
Making recommendation s
13 Peakland is a mountainous country which has few natural resources. Sixty per cent of the
population is employed in agriculture but there is a rural exodus towards Sommerton, the
capital, and the coastal ports. However, the situation is slowly changing and will certainly be
accelerated by some recent developments.
Read this newspaper article about Peakland and discuss this question. Do you think foreign
investors will be willing to invest in tourism developments in Peakland?

Following the astonishing discovery last year of the world's

largest dinosaur graveyard - hundreds of skeletons
unearthed in near-perfe ct condition - the Peakland
government yeste rday announced its decision to go ahead
with the creation of Tyrannosaurus Park. a huge open -ai r
dinosaur museum and leisu re complex eighty kilomet res
from the cap ital city, Sommerton.
It is hoped th at this attractio n will draw tourists away
from the troubled DinoWorld theme park in Westla nd an d
attract foreign currency.
However, despite the enthusiasm of both national and
foreign investo rs, the eventual success of the venture very
much depends on the ability of the government to revitalise
it s transport network which, like much else in Peakland, has
suffere d from yea rs of underinvestment and neglect. Fear
of its neighbours, travel restrictions and, until re cently. a
limitation on private car ownership had left the country with
poorly maintained roads and an inadequate rail and
telecommunicat ions network.
Despite this heritage, Prime Minister and leader of the

Republican Movement, Richard Hardcastle is conv inced that

the find represents an opportunity for the count ry to
become a major player in the tour ist in dustry. At a press
conference last night, Hardcastle declared, "Until recently.
Peakland was one of the most isolated co untries in the
wo rld. with an unconvertible currency and few political,
trade or tra nsport links to the outside world. Now the
moment has come to create the wea lth and prosperity that
will take our country into the twenty-first century."
It is true that the situation has begun to change. Hotel
projects on the unspoilt western coast alrea dy represent the
largest single source of foreign investment. accounting for
an estimated $275 million. And Arab world investors are
building a second bu sin ess hotel in the heart of Sommerton.
Much will depend on the government's capacity to
fi nance the transport infrastructure that is lacking. Already
overtures have been made to the International Investment
Fund and the Central Bank for Reconstruction and

o Transport
14 Work in groups.
You are members of a think tank for the Peakland Tourist Board. Study the map of
Peak land and the summaries of the various transport infrastructure projects that have
been suggested. Which would you recommend to the Tourist Board?


,,,..------'- .






I Tyra~nosaurus







Peakland airlines





~elieve th~ ~~~:~t~~~~:~ ~~:~~ternational.

development of aIr transpo

If tourism is to develop in a big way It can only ~o s~ Y d
attracting visitors on long-haul flights from:~ eVfeaO~:ior
world They therefore advocate the constru Ion 0 bl
airpo~ to the west of Sommerton which would ena e SWI

transfer to the Park.


h ve come up with a

In addition, Peakland engmeers a

rt fifty

revolutionary Super Helicopter ~ able ~dt~~:s~~untry

eo Ie at a time. A network of hehpa s ar~~
~IOS~ to resort developments is, in their OpiniOn, bound to be
a sU"ccess .

The SNCF (the French national railways) has tendered for the
construction of a high-speed train network linking Sommerton
with the capitals of other countries.
They point to the success of the tren alta. velocidad in Spain and
the train

a grande vitesse in France. They propose to adapt the

rolling stock to the varying needs of passengers, for example,

family compartments and on-train activities such as hi-fi music,
video entertainment, telecommunications services and catering
arrangements to su it international tastes.
The SNCF pOints out that tourists visiting Tyrannosauru s Park
are unlikely to come by car. The chances are they will be more
interested in a short all -inclusive break with rapid through trains
taking them door-to-door.



McKenzie and W hite, the British construction company, has put

The Peakland ferry operators and the naval shipyard

in a bid to build a motorway network w hich wo uld link key

on-Sea are anxious to see a substantial development In cruIse

the otential of Lake Nessa as an

towns and cities with border countries.

They argue that road transport accounts for 77 per cent of all
world international arrivals. It is flexible as the driver can control

holidays. They pO'"t to

mons ers

P h

~t Sta~gate

nd the tales of fantastiC

t~~~h ~~yS~::~~~it~ri~ t~~e ~~:d:n depths of the .Iake.

(!Very aspect of the journey: the speed, the duration, the route

I t f longer crUIses
They also highlight the potential popu an Y 0

taken and the destination.

from Funbu ry on the Western Ocean.

In addition, Peakland roads are uncongested and wou ld provide

great scenic variety.

They remain

McKenzie and White are sceptical of the value of a rail network,

feeling that, in all probability, it would damage the environment
an d be unsuited to the terrain of the country.

sce~t~cc~ ~:~~:~tf~~~~dO~eT~:~~~~::~i~sa:~:k

and doubt very

. W Id despite government intervention.
claimed Last year, Dlno or ,
made r~cord losses and saw its share prices plummet rom

to $13.

Dea ling with complaints


Reading 1

Work in groups and discuss what personal qualities are

4 Work with a partn er.

necessary when dealin g with the publi c.

Student A read t he text below. St udent B turn to page 112.


Read t his case st udy about an unfortun ate inciden t in a t ravel
agency and an swer th e qu esti ons below.

2 What sort of perso n are you ? You are no doubt:

respo nsible
friend ly

t idy


Unfo rtunately, some peo ple are not. Use th ese prefixes to
describe peopl e who be have in the opposite way:
un -





numher of years ago I was wor king in a retail tran'l

agency, where one of the employees, a young woman of

sixteen, was coming to the e nd of her first week at w ork. She
was wdl dn~ sl'c d and we ll groomed, m.lde good eye contact
with those who entered the ag('ncy. and look<:d in c\'er)' w ay a
pieas.,nt trainee tran,l agent.
At thi .;

3 Wh at prefix is used to form th e opposit e of all t hese verbs?







t im l~ , ~hc wa~

not ex pected to sell travel products,

hut had heen instructed to carry out a few simple

admin istrat ion tasks and to sit w ith the assistant manager to
ohsene bow the cmtomen were d('alt with, and how the
paperwork was processul . At this carly stage in her career she
was not expected to deal with a customer her self.

On one particular afternoon, a regular customer cal11c in

to pay a balance . He was a valued CU!itomt:' r who wou ld book
se vera l fairly expensin~ tours in the course of,) year. He was a
\'ery plcasant lll an who was quire fr iend ly, but who liked to
feel spedal , in that he was always treatcd well and received
the best se rviCl~ from statY He talked with the asshtant
manager for ~omc time, and then asked a few questions

or the

new traH"1 assbtant - h(m' ~ h l.': lih~ d the job an d how <;he


gt:tti ng on. He t hen turned his attention ha(:k to the assistant

manager and startt"d to write a cheque for his holiday balance .
"\-\'hat is thL' da tl~ tod ay?" he asked . "It's the thirteenth ,"
rep li ed th e assistant manager. "Oh, Friday the th irtee nth ," he
.sa id. "Unluck~ for some! " "Yes," sa id the new traiuee. "'YOll
nen:,r know, ~'otlr dH' (lue might bounce!"

a Who was involved?

b Were the travel age ncy staff experit::nced?
c What kind of mistake did the staff make?
d How do you think th e customer fe lt?
e How would you describe th e staff and their behaviour?
Tell yo ur partner w hat happen ed.
What lessons can be learnt f rom the two situation s?

4IiI Customer Relations


You wi ll hear Melanie Flowers talking about a
fl ight she made from l ondo n to Dallas.
Decide if these statements are true or fal se.

Correct any false statements.

a They we re late check ing in.

b The airline staff tried to hide from the

c The co upl e were given preferential treatment

because of their children.

d They were content to be able to go to

e The hotel in Houston turned o ut to be mu ch

better th an they'd expected.

In San Francisco the airline staff were
extremely rud e.
9 Melani e has learnt to be fi rm w ithout bei ng

rud e.
Have you heard any stories about unfortunate
travel lin g incidents? Tell yo ur partner how

they were dealt with,

Contrastive stress
6 We often place the stress on a particular word in order to compare or contrast it with another word.
For exampl e. on the tape yo u heard:

The plane wo uld leave in two hours and, instead of flying direct to Dallas, would take us to Houston .

Listen to Melanie again and find other examples of contrastive stress.

7 Read these sentences aloud. Which words are stressed?

a Did yo u wan t to t ravel by cha rter flight or scheduled?

b It was n't so much the lack of comfort as the level of noise in the hotel.

c You can' t go on a visitor' s passport. You need a full British passport.

d She said she wanted a room at the front of the hotel not at the back.
e The fligh t wasn't delayed - it didn 't even exist.
Was it you who booked the holiday or you r wife?

9 I wanted to know where th ey were travelli ng from not where they were travelling to.
Li sten and check your answers.


Language Focus
Infinitive (to) or gerund (- ;ng)?
look at these examples:
I wish to claim compensation.
(NOT * 1wish claiming compensation.)
I suggest writing to the manager.
(NOT ' I suggest to write to the manager.)

Put the following verbs into two groups: those that are followed by an infinitive and those followed by the gerund.



an ticipate



decid e
fai l





recomm end

2 Some verbs can take both the infinitive and the gerund but with a change of meaning.
Can you explain how the meaning of the verb changes in each of these pairs?

a They stopped to take extra passengers on board .

b They stopped taking extra passengers on board.

2 a You must remember to write to them.


You must remember writing to them.

3 a I'll try to phone her w hen the meeting finishes.

b I'll try phoning her whe n the meeti ng finishes.

4 a If you wan t any compen sation it will mean taking them to co urt.
b Sorry, I didn't mean to take yo ur seat.

5 a He went on complaining about his holiday for at least half an hour.

b After describing the terrible journey he went on to complain about the state of the accommodati on.

Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. Use a second verb in
the infinitive or the gerund each time.
For example:
She hasn' t got enough money to travel fi rst class.
She can't afford to travel first class.

If you don't pay the invoice soon there may be a 10 per cent penalty charge.
If you delay paying the invoice there may be a 10 per cent penalty charge.

a I think it would be a good idea to write to the tou r operator.

I suggest .
b Wou ld it be inconvenient for you to wait a little longer?
Would you mind ...
c OK, yes, I made a mistake about the time but not th e date.
I admit .
d I'll do my best to have an answer within a week.
I promise ...
e If I we re you, I would make a strongly-wo rd ed complaint.
I recommend.

The guide said she certain ly did not turn up late.

The gUide denied".
9 It would require us to make a change in the schedule.
It would mean.

4l!> Customer Relations

Reading 2
Handling a complaint
8 In the Listening section on page 63 you heard how an airline
treated a customer who had a complaint. Think about

situations when you have complained and answer these

a How did the person you spoke to react to you r comme nts?
b W hat actio n was take n to solve you r problem?
c How satisfied were you with the result?

9 Read the article on the right and decide if these statements

are true or false.
Correct any false statements.
a A di ssatisfied customer w ho makes a com pl ai nt w ill usually fly
again with British Airways.

b About one sixth of SA's satisfied customers defect to other


c Both sat,isfied and dissatisfied customers w ill fly w ith SA again

in about the same proportions.
d SA gives money to customers jf they complain.

e Customers are anxio us to find ou t who was responsible for

th ings going wrong.
It is not a good idea to adm it to being in the w rong.

Speaking 1
10 Work with a partner.

Take turns to make/ deal with a complaint in four different

situations. Student A read the text below. Student B turn to
page 112.
Situation 1 You have just checked into a hotel and you have
noticed th at there are no towels in the bathroom. You go
down to reception.

Situation 2 You are the manager of a hotel and f eeling

pleased w ith yourself because you have a 100 per cent
occupancy rate for this week. A customer has just asked to speak

to you.

Situation 3 You arrived at the resort yesterday o n a f ifteen

When it pays to complain

A dissatisfied customer who co mplains is just as likely to
remain loyal as a com pl ete ly sa tisfied custo me r. This
surprising sta te of affairs h as been observed by Bri tish
Airways, which has rurncd the handling of compla ints into
somethi ng of a science.
C harl es We iser, BA's head of c ustom er re lat ions,
calcu lates that about 13 per cent of cusromers who are
complerely satisfied wi th BA's service may not Ay with the
airline agai n. "Perhaps they changed jobs, found a frequent
flyer programme which better suited their needs, or maybe
they felt it was time for a change of airline," he says, writing
in the July issue of COllSumer Policy Relliew, the journ al
published by the UK's Consumers' Associarion.
Half of all cus tomers who expe rience prob lems but do
no t complain, do nor intend to use the airline agai n. This
contras ts with the customers who are dissatisfied bur do
complain - just 13 per cent of this gro up will defect, the
ident ical rate of defectio n as the "satisfied " group, says
C learly, ir pays ro encourage cusromers to complain, and
to encourage complaints departments to turn themselves
from "blame" to "customer retention" departmentS, he says.
\'{Ieiser's guide [Q sat isfy in g compla in ts includes the
fo llowi ng points:
Apologise and "own" the problem. Customers do not
care whose fault it was - they wan t someo ne to say sorry and
champion their cause.
Do it quickly - customer sat isfaction with the handling
of a co mplaint dips after five days.
Assure customers the problem is being fi xed. Co mplaints
depart ments need to know th ei r compa ny inside out and
work with front-li ne departments.
Do it by phone. Many departments are frightened of the
emotion customers often show when things go wro ng, but
customers appreciate a personal apology and reassurance th e
problem will be solved.

day package but t he cou rier failed to turn up in t he morning.

You are angry because you feel you have lost half a day you
had paid for.
Situation 4 You work in a travel age ncy. A customer has j ust

Language for handling complaints

come through the door and is looking angry.

Introducing your complaint

I'm not one to make a fuss. but.

I don't want to complain, but ...

I'm sorry, but I really feel I have to make a
complaint about.
Handling a complaint
I'm sorry to hear that.
Let me take the full particulars.
I fully understand.
1'1/ do my best to sort it out.


Letters of apology
11 Do you agree or disagree with the
following statements?
a You should thank the person for
having made the complaint.
b You should avoid making an apology
unless it is requ ested.

c You should never say anything was

your fault.
d You should never blame a member of
staff who works in the same
organisation as yourself.
e You should always explain the cause
of the problem.
You should say that the error was
9 You should say what action is
being/has been taken.
h You should make some sort of special
offer as compensation.
12 You are the General Manager of a
catering firm wh ich has been
subcontracted to provide food, drinks

and table service to a famous

museum. You have recently received
this letter of complaint.
Before you read the letter, think of
some of the reasons someone might
have for wanting to complain about
the catering. Then read the letter, see
if your predictions were right and
answer these questions.
a Wh at is your reaction to the letter?
b How do you explain the poor services
she accuses yo u of?

Pear 5i;
Jam I1/Til1111 to Cdmplaln a/JdZ(f file appa/(m,.1
sfw7dard o,cSdtl1ce / rec.e<l/ed !jB5fe<day af file ffBrif?lg6
/-(tlSetff11 C",cnk Shop.
Cin t3/1fU-tn (he seir-sert/ice resmur;:mf at fhree o'ddCk
~ fnend"Md1" mund a /l(ft"1j bng qaeue. It/e had Iv ro/f%Jt

iWlJ frag5 be1'fffe flndlilg a clean tJ7Ie. (!)nce af fhe etmnw we

/dund m~t 01' #;e IWir' hadg07le eKcept I1n- #7/W, Ifr'ed
man-~M opM S<V1~cAt'5 tMdlhecm'dode. ~ere M:i'S
flO me 1Z> serve t(s - a gu'f rpshed up t7J1/y ~ '" me:tn
smrfed to he(p hH115&11' -0 soup. '7lte gtrloblilOuslt; had no
ffainit11; she iwttu1l nei8t&1" whaf ff7e soup Mi$ made of'

"'!: wnefltu- fltem were ClII!f f11tlYe

6dndMcheG tU/W1a/:;Ie.

(7e!/7lHfiude~ 11011 Glre a~ed wiln '" big cardbtmrd btIX

and tlw'ew SdI11e 6~icA padro tm iIle c1:mn-rer)
!he tWl> girls af flte drinks c.mnt&r ~e also s/(7W
and 5~. .l had a 1lJn-/fUIU<te u=t r$r a coll'ee half'
spitted a"""'oss I11fj {rqy and fIIere wets a lim'fte.- Mlif

kr ~e one cash

t:?t(ln t7J2eration.

I NzlS dlSgksted to

!ind file cutlerg OWU-MUllin dried

bloDs of' Ibzm! andgmase. 7/re mble /fie tJl:CUpied MIS dfr~
and lina/(y flte SOUp Z btJYgM k/?:rS greasJl, heav!/ and'
Q/ler-5;;u~d I regret- fv sa,! thar / tvllG SICk In the
I1Ufseum mfel5i

5I?dT~ Clfitifwzzr--ds.

A/eme of'#tIS IS an &,I(aager-aI7dn. I ca;utof helleve -I/taf

such afr(7l:/t7l1S Sef"IIlCe couJd eKisf In a wn-ld-lillnt7Us
insfifuhtm. I was embMnts&;/ and fUrious "'ot only Ibr
~~elf' bttf on bt?halr a( #Ie visill71's Mlo Cdme Iv
#Us OlliffMSe be<udllid CYttnlr!;l.


I am a regulevr l/iSlf1:r tlna; ClS an eHlp/t?!Jee -!fie frcWd

mdttsfr!/, In '" ptJ5dim -to t'eamtn1end #taf vi61fzm; bt75'Mff
#Us reGtmfranr tmless J receive a letter IndfCcd0g whatmeasu~s fjtJU !#fend ,z, mA-e ro Itnprlflle -!fie let! of' service.

c What wo uld you do?

13 You want to apologise to Ms Shapur
and have made some notes. Expand

them into a letter of apology.






Letters of apology, useful expressions


Please accept my sincere apologies for _..

I have thoroughly investigated your complaint ..

I apologise for the incon ven ience.

.. . due to circumstances beyond our control.

I wlfl personally make sure .

can assure you this will not happen again .

14 "Send" your letter to a partner. Is

he/she satisfied with your response?

was sorry to hear that .

tl!> Customer Relations

Speaking 2
A feedback questionnaire

The Skyways rep should:

15 You recently went on a Skyways holiday and you weren't

very satisfied about some aspects of it.
Use the questionnaire below to help

you think about what

could have gone wrong with your holiday.

Then work with a partner and take turns to phone the
Skyways representative (your partner) to complain .

try to establish the exact nature of your complaint

say w hat action will now be taken
w rite a letter outlining w hat has been agreed.

- =-==============-____
-:::::- ----::----::
What was the departure dale?
What class did you travel in? With which airline did you fly'! -


Check-in service
Cabin staff s help and attillldcs
Meals served
O ,'crall in-flight experience

I\ T











L oca tion


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _






Cl c... mliness



F..\ IR




O verJ.1I








N /A





Brochure information
R eservali o n ~ sen' icc

Overseas representatives
Airport I hotel transfe rs
Car renl ..11
Optional excursions




( iUO O










l !NU KEI .Y


Scenario 2
Handling a Complaint
Dealing with correspondence about an unsati sfactory holiday
Mr and Mrs Austin recently went to Turkey on a holiday organised by a company called Cheapside Tours, w hose
Customer Relations Manager is Mr Massey.
Unfortunately, they felt they had to complain about their holiday to the local representatives and to Mr Massey.

Here is a record of their correspondence.

Read it and arrange the letters, memos and fa xes in chronological order.


Hotel Scimitar


Tel: + 90 024 87394857
Fax : + 90 024 87394858



To: Customer Relati ons Dept., Cheapside Tours


Fax no.: 90 024 87394858

Dear Sir/Madam
Booking Reference No. 690202/593

Dear Sirs,

We arrived last night at the Hotel Scimitar, having booked a VIlla room .

Breach of contract c laim

alf of Mr and Mrs J. Austin who have instructed us to
We are acting on beh
th terms
seek recovery for losses sustained through your failure to ~p,y. e
and conditions relating to the purchase of a holiday advertised '~ your
brochure GHEAPSIDE TOURS LTO in accordance with the requirements of

the legisJation in force.

The extent of oor client" s less is set out in the schedule below an~ we will
be pleased to have your proposals for an amiable settlement within a

The villa room accommodation WClS basic, the floor was uncarpeted and
dirty. Worse, water was dripping through a green stain on the bathroom
ceiling and the bathroom stank.
After mvch discussion with the staff (consisting entirely, it seems, of
tra inees) we persuaded them on deposit of a cash sum .to ~1I0W' us to
move into a sea-view room in the bUilding. This room IS SImple but

barely adequate.
However it can never iustify the description if) your brochure of I~.'<u~
accomm~dJtion'. The air conditioning is broken (the temperature IS 40 C)
and t he te levision does not work. The ro~m is. noisy with continUOUS
mt/sic from the disco at night and the sWlmmmg pool by day.

, ','1' )'\; '

We tried man y times today to contad your local representatives but

Yours faithfully,

(/~- .

v") 'J~ \


to 110 avail.

C. W. Whitney

We are treating this matter very 5er;ously and require you to move us to
another hotel that matches the 5tatements in your brochure and to do so
Would you please telephone

Details of loss
Telephone calls
Facsimile transmissions
Additional food costs at the Hamada
Reom upgrade charge at the Scimitar


From: J . Austin, of 75, Silver Birch Lane, Newton, Essex, CM34 9

Mr G. Massey
Customer Relations Dept
Cheapside Tours
345 Hall Lane
London WC2 1Ef



us on receipt of this fa x.

Scenario 2, Handling a Complaint



Facsimile cover sheet

To: Mary D., Mr Massey's secretary
Company: Cheapside Tours

Fax: 44 932 880552

From: J. Austin
Company: 75, Silver Birch Lane. Newton,

Essex CM34 9AD

pages including this cover page:
Dear Mr Massey
Further to our two faxes sent to you from Turkey at the
beginning of August we note that you have not had the
courtesy to contact us in any way. As you know this is a
breach of the tour operator's code of conduct and we are
referring it to ABTA and our solicitor.
Yours sincerely

To: Mr

Massey, Manager Customer Relations

Pamela Watson, Area Manager, Tu~key
Re: HI and Mrs Austin

Helena Leary has passed on a request to deal with the

case of Mr and Mrs A'.lstin wi"!.o have been making life
difficult for us.
After having been moved to the Hamada they no.... find
the catering inadeq~ate. I 've svoken to Patrice
Visseyre, the food and beverage manager, who has done
his best to cate= for their strict vegetarian habits.
They are complaining that they have had to pay an
ext ra $8 on the a la carte menu bue this is normal
They have instructed their bank not to honour the
cheque which made ou t when they transfe=red to
the Hamada.
They are now th~eatening legal action. In my opinion
they do not have a leg to stand on. It is true that
the air conditioning was not functioning but this was
rectified shortly after their arrival and we have
done everything we can to meet them halfway.


Hotel Hamada, Bodrum, Turkey
Fax: 90 024 Bb47382

Facsimile cover sheet

To: Mr Massey
Company: Cheapside Tours
Fax: 44 932 880552
From: J . Austin of 75, Si lver Birch Lane~ Newton, Essex CM34 9AD
at present at: Hotel Hamada, Bodrum, TUrkey

Fa)(: 90 024 8647382

pages includin9 this cover page: 1
Dear Mr Mass-ey
Your local representatives and so-ca.1led customer relations department
are either incompetent or unconcerned.


To: Hr Massey, Manage~ Customer Relations

From: Helena Leary , TOUr Representative, Bodr~~
Re: Mr and Mrs Austin
have ~ecently spoken with two irate clients who feel
that the Hotel Scimitar is substandard. I have not been
able to deal with the matter myself due to pressure of
work but they were given a sea- view room after ~aking
their initial complaint and have now been moved to the

They have mentioned noise leve ls but this is the first

time we've received any complaints. The vast majority
o f guests seem to enjoy the nightlife when on holiday.
As the H~~da is more expensive I asked them to make a
payment of 50' of the excess rate.
I've informed Pamela Watson, the Area Manager.

Ms Leary ~ould not be bothered to insped the Scimitar Holel despite its
being only a five-minute walk (rom her offices. Nor would she supervise
our transfer to the Hotel Hamdda.
Given this behaviour we were not surprised that your senior management
faifed to telephone as promised by your seaetary

2 Who are the following?


Pamela Watson
Patrice Vissey re

The Hamada is marginally better than The Scimitar but the standard of
service is poor. It ;5 certainly not 'a superbly appointed hotel, the perfed
choice for discerning guests who seek deluxe comfort in a tranquil setting'
as described so misleadingly in your brochure.

Helena Leal)!

We have no intention of letting this matter drop until we have received

full compensation for a ruined holiday in circumstances which at best are
negligent and at worst fraudulent.
Yours sincerely

t? That

What are Mr and Mrs Austin complaining a ou.

I am about to fax my bank to stop the cheque which I was required to

make out to cover the more expensive rates at The Hamada

0 W

extent do you think they are justified?

yare the Managing Director of Cheapside Tours an~

. '
tation but. at the same time,
anxious to malOtaln y.our repu t ff On the basis of the above
ou have confidence 10 your sa.
d 'de what to do next and then write to
correspondence, eCI
the couple to tell them your decision.


Descrihing hotel facilities
M aking and answering enqu iries
Serting ra res


I-liS H OTJ:::lS: \Vhat is .lhsolutdy c ~H' nti<1 1 i,~ the cor (~ _


w (,ll -


t'(luipp<,d roolll with all lb,: I'; l('i)ities ('xp('(kd h, tilt' t'U~t (>lll<'r. T

Work in groups and discuss these questions.

must be Iwrfc ct. Then \\ h,)t I i:xp ... t.1 of

hotd is til<' t"irde Jround th is

roum .~Udl .I S llh'd ing f,wilitie s, h.m(lu t't fa dlitit's, h,II' and rd.lXaTion

a What do you expect from a good hotel?

art'as which fo rm th l ' first eirel", .lround the ('orf' . W hat I ('xPt', t ;l n~T

b Which of these do you consider the most important?

Tlut is the alllhk IK l', the (ItJ a lit~ o f ~ ef\'iu' and what [ t;all the


facili t ies



Reading 1

int,lngi hl c-s . Tlw t'w;tomn go,',~ from tho.' outside ring into th e l"rl'

h('t'allsc he (,xP"t"t.~ the co re tu Ill' thlTc . I du not think p ....Jpic ~t.lrt

wilh the cor(: . They star t at til(' int.1ngibl<, ,lIlt l til<: ady.mT,lg' of Hilton
is it dOt'S ha n~ ,111 int,mgibk I'klnl'nt around!llt" to n'.

2 Work with a partner. You are going to read about the

organisation of two hotels, as described by thei r respective
managing directors. Student A read the opinions of
Tommaso Zanzotto, Chairman and Chi ef Executive of Hilton
International on the right.

STA I; F :

th ink tilt" most important thing for sta rr is attitude

AttitlHk :1SS llm t'~ you hal(' the right tools Il l ,h ind YO!!. For in',
thl'f(~ j)llJ~t he the right dwck- in sy~h~ m .'II rn.:c ptinn and roo l1l ,,,,' ]"\' il'<;;

must h,we the right hack -up.

:-0 tv

lilt', .ll!itud<, is tht' IIL, t ingredient

but not the only ingr..di t'nt. I st.lrted Ill )' ("art'c-r in a trd\d agl'ncy in

Milan \\h u l I \\".IS sl;\~'nt<:t"n . \Vlwll )U U go into the .Igc'n<;) ~o\l ljk e th,~

Student B read the views of Rich ard Williams, General

st,lll" 10 ;l~k how ru u ar.; t.' \~' n if they ha ll' :,lrrady d OIl t' tklt 1 SO timl' S

Manager of Sandy lan e, Barbados, on pages 112-113.

th nt

When you have finished reading your t ext, as k your partner
questions to find out about:

the good features of Richard Wi lliams's hotel.

the staff.
the room-pric in g policy.

day bt.'C.HlM; it is ,1

uni(lu,~ ""periL'nce to you . It i" a tough joh . [

rtTogni st' it is no\ l'asy . T he hu ma n touch - IMrtieularly in the h()r.. 1

l)lls i n,' ;;'~ . that i,~ o ne plan' l"tlm p lltl'r~ \\"i ll llt'HT tJL:L' on:r

RATES: P r idllg mll~ t be a 10(',11 str;llt'gy in

is. [ am agaimt dis<"ounting just fo r the ~ake


01 what the hOh'l

or k<'{:pi ng thL' (:ustOrlllT .

Th<.-n: is a prit'e for a product <Inti the ,'llsto nwr m ust pay that in ord ...'!"

for Ihe q ualit y o f .'rvi n : to h<~ nl.lintaillt,tl. [ do not hclinc in giYing


an imprt'.' l'io n which is tlirr.'rent fr '-,m n'alit ,.. For

in ~ tanc c

mikag<, progranll1\('s - .< onwbo,ly i, paying fo r lhcs(' .s nllll,\\'lwn' ,11lt1

th,lt is not Llir on the l'llstOIlH'I", but compditio ll rnako you do things

his favourite stay at a hote l.

,,hich you do not think art: nl' ceS$Jril y righ 1. If I find ,1

w hat he dislikes at a hotel.

do th;,\. I d o not ha n :

w hat he would like to see happen in the industry.

.l Ild it w ill not he th ~! sh,l rt,ho ldt'rs. Thl: {"()st wil l pa ss through thl'

( )f

Answer your partner's questions about Tommaso Zanzotto.

~ (Ill1lior\

I will

,I magic so lutio n. Bllt I hdi<.- n : thJ! all the zilli on~

miles w hil;h \'"i~ t all on'r tht, \lorld, sOlllr hody w ill par /01' tl1t'1ll

~pkIll th rough di tferent pricing Jncd1.lni~m s . Tlwre is no sudl thing a~

,I frt T Ill IKh . Loyalty must IX' built 011 lrU l~ rc-Jations 1',1111('1" than the fad

Speaking 1
3 Discuss these questions with your partn er.
a Where would you prefer to stay - at Sandy Lane or at one of
the Hilton hotels?
b What are your best and worst experiences at a hotel?

) tH l

h.H': a fe'" miks frolll nH'.

FAVOURI TF STA Y A T A HOTEL: Cl u h Mcd in Bali. A

combi nation o f lH'nts ("onlrihu lt.'d 10 this ren' lIl' ~tJ.y. Om' \\-'l.~ thL~ fad
I "'as dl'H1gi ll g jobs so I was 1"0.' 1-)" rela".-tl a nd it " 'as al so Illy t,,,,:nt)"-

fifth wedd ing anni\<"r.sMY. \Vhat \\ ,IS parti C"ulJrl ) good wa~ t h(~
Jrn].i,'nce .md th.; pk a~.)nt ,ntilLl<J" o rth<~ stall.
DISLI KES: Th.: hotds I <i l ) not like arc thl: OIl t'S \l ith no p,'rsol1.lli t)"
(,r tla vour o r any thing J,)(",II . If tl11'rc an, ')m.~ hotels in ou r gl'o up

"hich Ill'ed to Illm'c .llong route II'(~ w ill do something.

O N E WISH FO R T HE INDUSTRY: That gOI"<~ rnrn l' nt and soc iet~.
rt'dlistC tr.1\("] and tourism i~ ,~lI('h


po \\tTfll l econo mic d ri H't". It Ius 10

\)(' tJh' n into ".:rious planni ng ('onsidl' l".J.t ion ill ,Ill cou nt ries.
(from Tr,m~i 1",1, /.: (;<J ~ ,'I/c)

4D Hote l Facilities
Vocabulary 1
4 Which of these facilities would you expect to find in a deluxe hotel such as Sandy La ne
or a Hilton Internatio na l hotel? Are there any you wou ld add to the list?
Is this the same for all co untries?

trouser press
cable television in room
ornamental gardens
li ve entertainment

free garage space

air conditionin g
DD telephone

flood li t tennis court

sauna + jacuzzi

beauty salon
tea/coffee-making faci lities

outdoor or indoor swimming pool


gift shop


Language Focus
Adjectives and word order
Adjectives can be divided into a num ber of categories:
Qualitative: these adjectives identify a quality that someone or something possesses.

an attractive area

a famous hotel

a cheap room

a pl easant stay

2 Classifying: these adjectives are used to classify the following noun.

a double bed

a separate entrance

a single room

Classifying adjectives are not normally gradabJe. We cannot say

entrance is separate or it isn't; a bed is a double or it isn't.

a bridal suite

"a very separate entrance or *a very double bed. An

3 The normal order for adjectives is:

o qualitative e classify in g:
a small f urni shed apartment
a special free offer
4 If there are more than two adjectives in a phrase, the order is:

a pleasant rural setting

o subjective opinion e qualifier (size, age, shape) ) colour e origin

o what ki nd? w hat for? e head noun
an exq ui site M ing-dynasty porcelain


a large double bed

what the noun is made of

a beautiful antique china rose bowl

5 Compound adjectives are formed by join ing two (or more) words w ith a hyphen:
an up-market hotel
self-contained accommodation
well-appointed rooms

an out-of-the-way resort

Put the words on the ri g ht into the co rrect order to complete these sentences.
a We ate some
b One of the guests stole o ur
c In t he lobby there was a

local excellent dishes seafood

pot antique silver pepper
writing Flemish heavy
sixteenth-century desk

d The cook's look in g for a

e ~ Each room has a

bowl large red salad plasti c

red-and-white enormou s
superb bedside Japanese lamp

2 Match the words below to make compound adj ectives.

Th en add a suitable noun of your choice to each one.
ai rseason
wellm inute
selftim e
audiocu t eq uipped







3 Write a short descripti on to be included with each of these

photographs in a leaflet publicis ing the hotel.



Stress in compound adjectives


If an adjective is used before a noun, the stress is usually

placed on the lirst part 01 the adjective. Listen.
a 'self-contained fl at


a 'well-furnished lounge

But if the com pound adjective is used after a verb the stress is
on the seco nd part:

The flat is self-con'tained.


44 Cypru s Street
London NI 1ST
Dcar Mrs Adams
We refer to your kin d kIter and thank you for your interest in the

The lounge is well-'fumished.


Enclmcd please fi nd the requested b mchures about the GRAN D HOTEL

Where is the stress? Say these phrases and sentences. Then

listen to the tape to check your pronunciation.

Please do not hesittlle to con tact mc personally if you have any questions
or if "'e can bc of any assiStance to you and \I,e would be ~'ery pleast."tl.

a much-travelled woman

to welcome you at the GRAND HOTEL BERLIN in the near fUl ure

a new ly-wed couple

a wo rld-famo us brand

Y ours ~ incerely.


Maria Wamneboldt
Rcseryati ons Manager

an easy-going atmosphere
The bar is air-conditioned.
The conference room is well-eq uipped.
Th e furniture is old-fash ioned.
The food is all home-made.

IGreat Eastern Hotel

Toleranz Str., Berlin

Reading 2
6 Mrs Adams is planning to visit Berlin for the first time and
has written to four hotels asking for information. Here are
the lour replies. Which hotel do you think she is most likely
to be interested in? Give reasons for your choice.

Dear Mrs Adams,

Thank you for you r letter and your interest in ou r ho tel. Enclosed we
send you our hotel brochure w ith the price li st.
The Great Eastern Hotel is situated at t he famous corner T oleranz
sfr, an d Unter den linden near the Brandenburg Gate, We have 320
rooms, one restaurant, 3 meeting rooms for up to 45 persons and a
lobb y bar.
For your reserva tion you can call ou r booking offic e by phone 6743

28 1 or you can send a fax t o t h e number 6743 678,

We wou ld be happ y to welco me you in o ur ho tel.

Lindenbaum Hotel
Mrs Adams
44 Cyprus Street
N1 1ST

Ttl n U l l ~J
f ". 27 12211 6

Morgan Althaus
Sa les Manager

Sehr geehrter Mrs Adams,

I Goethe Hotel I

ich freue mich, daB Sie unserem Haus so groBes Interesse


G" uhm,,,jlt 19,7. 107/3 B"Ii"7i:ltj,,,,; (030) 87 97 19 Fu: ( 030) 87 OJ}6

Gern ubersende ich Ihnen unseren Hausprospekt.

In der Hoffnung, Sie bald als Gast in unserem Haus begrOBen
zu kOnnen.
Mit freundlichen GrOBen,

Angela Badel

Mrs Adams
44 Cyprus Street
London Nl 1ST
Dear rvlrs Adams,
Thank you very much for your interest snov.n in our hotel. Enclosed you w ill find
our hotel brochure and the room rates,
Inside the brochure you w ill find the restaurant, but this is closed, We do only
serve drinks at the reception,
You asked about other facilities sucn as litness room, conference halls ,md
restaurants. But w e have none of these. We area middledass hotel w ith 40
rooms and vIe don't need these facilities.
I am not sure, if you leally mean our hotel? Because your questions 1001::. like you
el<pected a first-class hotel.
Arryway, I hope to w elcome you in our hotel,
w ith kindest regards.


Q) Hotel Facilities

Writing 1
Describing hotel facilities

7 You are the Reservations Manager at

School of European Studies

a large hotel in Berlin. You have

received this letter. Reply using the
information below.

5, Rolfe Street

WC2 12X
2 December

Dear Sir/Madam,

The above-flam d' .

e JOstHute IS intending to h ld .
on "The Secret Services of P (C
. 0 Its forthcoming conference
OS - ommumst Bum
". B .
N ovember next year.
pc In echo from 27-30

I would be grateful if you would let m k

e now whether
m a POSHlOn to host th'
your oteJ would be
. . .
I S conJcrence and provide m '
. .

your facllJI'Jes and ta riff: t i .

e with a descnptlOn of
s or approximately 100 delegates.

1 look forward


hearing from you.

David Murray

Conference Coordina tor

17 air-conditioned conference rooms (1400


simultaneous translating/ interpreters' booths

7 seminar rooms
single and double rooms and suites, all air-conditioned
with en-suite facilities
views over gardens/historic sites
swimming pool. sauna
4 restaurants and bars
multi-storey car park (240 cars)
price for 100 delegates (full board + conference facilities)

x 3 days



Pricing policies
8 Work with a partner. At the beginning of this unit you read
about two different hotels - Sandy lane and Hilton
International. Discuss these questions.
a W hich do you think was the most expensive to stay in? Why?
b Do you think t he price of a night's stay is the same for aJi

c How does a hotelier fix the price of a room?


Listen to Nick Patterson, who is Manager of a large london

hotel, and answer these questions.

Section 1
a Nick mention s four different rates. What are they?
b Under what circumstances wiJl he allow a discount?
Section 2
c How do British tour operators do business w ith overseas

Section 3
d If overseas tour operators cannot fill their all ocation, what
does Nick do?
Section 4
e What do British hoteliers do to maximise sales?

Vocabulary 2
10 At one pOint Nick uses the expression supply and demand. There are many fixed expressions in

English which have two words linked by and. The order is fixed - we cannot say ' demand and supply.
Read these sentences and decide if the two words linked by and are in the right order.
a It takes us three months to negotiate all the terms and

9 I don't have all the figures and facts with me but we had an
occupancy rate of about 90 per cent last June.

b The contract hadn't been signed so it was void and null.

h I have to get out of the city from time to time to get some
quiet and peace.

c The carpet in the lobby has to be of good quality to stand up

to the wear and tear of conti nual use.

We have to keep the reception area looking neat and tidy or it

creates a bad impression.

d A whisky, please, and a tonic and gin.

e There are no hard and fast rules on discounts; they vary
according to the type of clientele.
It's not easy to open a hotel; there are so many regulations
and rules to co mply w ith .

Every year the auditors check our profit and loss accounts.

k Our reservation system isn't scientif ic. It works more by error

and trial than by anything else.

4D Hotel Facilities
Speaking 2
Negotiating a group booking
11 Work with a partner. Student A looks after the business travel arrangements for an international organisation
called ATLAS. Student B works in Reservations at the M aple Leaf Hotel. Student A read the text below. Student B turn to page 113.
Read the information below and then phone
your partner at the M aple Leaf Hotel to make
a booking. Make notes.
You w ant to book rooms at a ho tel for a
co mpany meeting and trade prese ntation
involv in g a nu mber of executives f rom yo ur
overseas subsid ia ries.

You have recently seen an ad ve rti sement for

the Maple Leaf Hot el and are goin g to ph one
the hotel t o make a boo kin g, prov ided th at
the faciliti es meet yo ur ex pectations.
In all, seve n members of staff w ill need
accom mod ation for fi ve ni ghts f rom Monday
10 July. Three of them w ill be acco mpanied

by th eir w ives.
Yo u wil l also need t o book a co nference
room , incl uding lunch, for twen ty-five
people f or 11 and 12 July .
Yo ur basic requirements are that:

t he hotel should be close to public


th e rooms should be of a good

stan dard w ith private bath a nd so o n.

th e staff should be a ble to re lax in
pleasant surrou ndings.

t he business f acili ties sho uld be spacio us, p rofessional and


The trade presentati on on 11-12 Ju ly is very importan t as

ATLAS w ishes to show potential customers f rom all over th e
wo rld t hat t he co mpa ny is successf ul and knows how to treat
clien ts we ll.
Yo u want t o know t he price of rooms, group di scounts, the
charge fo r the hire of busi ness meeti ng faci liti es and the

Writing 2
12 Write a memo to your boss outlining what has been agreed
with the M aple Leaf Hotel.

method of payment.

Write a letter confirming the detai l s of the reselVation made

The names of the perso nn el to stay at the hotel are:


Ms Patty Bowe n, M rs Maria Spada, Mr Ph ilippe Trud eau,

M r Sti g Joha nsso n, Mr a nd Mrs Bohler, Mr a nd M rs Aki ra

Nakamura, and M r and Mrs Andreas Gryllakis (not arriv in g
until 8 p .m.)
Your address is 10 1 Welli ngton Street, Ottawa, Canada,
K 1 P5TI Tel : (613) 23 8 5347
Your cred it card number is: 453 1 78629413. It expires in
April next year.



Assessing new ventures

Promoting hotels

Prev iew
Work in groups and discuss this question. What factors does
a hotel chain take into account when choosing a site?

Listening 1
2 Kelly Cooper, who works for Austral Tours, is at the World Travel Market in london and has
stopped in front of a stand promoting holidays on the island of Tioman, Malaysia.
Listen and take notes on accommodation and facilities. Use these headings:


Writing 1
3 After speaking to Ludwig Szeiler, Kelly Cooper sent a fax to the CEO of Austral Tours. Here is
the beginning of the fax. Complete it.

To: Cathy Mays, CEO, Austral Tours
From: Kelly Cooper
Date: 07/11
No. of pages: 1
Subject: Tioman
Dear Cathy,

This morning I met LS from Tioman Promotions. What they have to offer is as follows:

El Selecting Locations
Pronunciation of the leiter;

4 Work with a partner. Decide if the letter i in each of the words below is
pronounced I 01 I as in time, II I as in rich or I I: / as in key.
Put the words in the box into three columns (according to the pronunciation of the underlined sounds).

Then listen and and check your answers.










Sri Lanka





0 5 Read this postcard aloud paying particular attention to the pronunciation of the underlined words.
Then listen and check your pronunciation.
Dear Joyce.
rm 5t:a)oing here on a minute tropical

island off the """% of Fyi.ltta"""

ninety minutes to get here by biplane
and i5""'Yremote. Peoplecome here
for a few day!; to ..;,.; d""" and relax.
It'. ""'Y hot ..;tIl ""'Y 1it;tJe ..;,.; or
oI1ade to keep the temperature """'"- I
spend most of my time 6tJnlnrthing.
"'Yevening they organise live
mtertainment at the hotel which;5
very enjoyaf:M but I ~ldn't want to live
here pmnan<ntly-there'. not/ling to

91, Bognor Road


See you ooon. lDve. Monica.

Speaking 1
London, an established tourist destination.
6 Work with a partner and discuss these questions.
a Why d'o tourists want to go there?

b Where do they want to stay?

c What factors do they take into consideration when booking a
7 Work with a partner. Look at these possible locations for a
new hotel. Discuss the advantages and drawbacks of each
site. Decide where you would build your new hotel in
London. Then compare your ideas with others in the class.


8 Read this article about Docklands and answer these questions.
a What are Dockl and s' stren gths and weakn esses for tourism development?
b Wo uld yo u advise a hotel chain to in vest there? Why? Why not?

Docklands turns its attention to tourism growth

the mi gh ty Canary Wharf
Towe r. is the new fa ce of touri st London. Th e London
Docklands Devel opment Corporation, through which the
Government's g rant fundin g for the area is channelled, is
"ex tremely supporti ve of the London To uris t Board initiati ve"
according to Sunny Cr0l1ch. it s dire ctor of marketing and
public affairs.
" London is th e premier gateway for visi to rs to thi s
country - a nd we mu st mak e sure we do not lose that
p()sition," she says . "Dock lands are not top of the attractions
visitors want to sec. althou gh Engli sh Touri st Board surveys
show LI S 10 be about number six o n the li st o f prioriti es. a
pl ace visi tors go to on th e ir second or third trip. What we
have to offer is a new fa ce.


" It is fascinating to show groups of overseas visitors, who

have come to London w ith im ages of anc ie nt heritage and
twditioll, somethin g: that is new an d modern. Canary Wharf,
for example, i s prohably the wo rld 's lar ges t urban
development project.
"Docklands is an area that is dynamic . changing, as it ha s
been over the centuries - and there is plenty for visitors to see.
There is Tower Bridge , of course, with its walkways, and the
new Desig n Museum on the south side of the river. On the
north side, there is the Tower itself and St Katherine's dock.

Our co mmuni cations links with the rest o f London are also
good. We have the D oek lands Li ght Rail",:ay, buses ~nd , by
nex t May, we will have completed our road programme when
the Limehouse link is o pen ed . And the DLR. which now
operates between Mondays and Frid ays, w ill open at
weekends from next summer:'

Airport success
And, of course, there is London City A irport, which now has
connections with seven major European cities, Its popularity is
rapidly improving - but we Briti sh see m slow to rea li se its
adv,mtages, as some 80 per cent of its passengers arc inbound.
Prev ious criti cis ms that there are few shops, restaurants,
pubs, wine bars and so on in the area are no longer valid , add s
Sunny Crouch. "Terence Conran now has three restaurants on
the south side and in the ne wer area there are at least twe ntyone shops, plus half a dozen pubs, restaurants and other places
to eat and drink," she says.
Furthermore. there are now more than 1,000 hote l beds in
D oc kl a nds , including th e n ew Scan dic Crown a nd
Internation a l Britannia hote ls. " Dock land s attracts over
500,000 visitors a year," say.s Sunny, "antl, in tourism terms,
we have an important cluster of attractions . We are finding
that visitors pick up the Docklands Light Rail way at Tower
Bridge. take it ri ght through Dockland s to Island Gardens.
then w alk through the foot tunnel to Greenwich and take the
boat back. That way, they get the best possible view of what
we have,"
The Docklands development story is far from over. "We
ha ve plenty of land in the Roya l Do cks area and we are
looking for touri smlIeisure type developments for this because
we feel that in the present climate we don' t need any more
office schemes," says S unny . " F o r exampl e. there is the
London Dome project, to create a magniticent covered bowl
for sporting eve nts, conferences, concerts and so on."
Finance, it seem s. is almost in pl ace for this ambitiou s
project - with the backers undeterre d b y the failur e of
Olympia & York . developers of Canary Wharf, where, until it
was temporarily closed follow in g an attempt to plant a bomb
there, the tower (the tallest office building in Europe) was
attracting 5,000-6.000 visitors every weekend, eager to see the
unique panorama of London from its top fl oor.

(from Tourism Enterprise)

Cf) Selecting

Listening 2

Formal and informal language
9 In formal situations big and a lot of are often replaced with

11 The Far East Investment Group is looking at hotel investment

opportunities in Lond on and has recently comm issioned a
survey fro m Lewis, Dupont & Kruger, a fi rm of independ ent
consultants for leisu re and tourism. Read the letter th at

other expressions.
Choose words or phrases from the box to replace a lot.

accompanied their findings.

For example: a lot of facilities = extens ive facilities


a lot
a lot
a lot
a lot


a great deal of

a wide range of



Forth Street.

of lan d
of growth
of tourist attractions
of interest in the area



9 September

Dear Mr Pang.

Choose words from the box to replace big.

For example: a big bill = a hefty bill



We are pleased to present our study of the proposed

FEI G hotel developrl'lent in London .


As is customary w ith market studies of this nature.

our findings are only valid for a limited period of time.

a a big refurbi shm ent

b a big change in market demand

The estimates are based on the most reliable

c a big lobby

evidence available at the present time.

d a big profi t

We look forward to presenting the study to you


arranged at the Hilton Hotel on 27 September

10 Work with a partner. Which sentence in each pair would be

more suitable f or a formal report?

Yours sincerely,

a You asked us to look into the id ea of putting some money

'Jil I ~'7


into a hotel development.

b We were asked to in vestigate the potential of investment
in a hotel develo pm ent.

Milton West

2 a Our preferred locati on is in dose proximity to Canary

W harf.
b The place we liked best is ve ry near to Canary W harf.
3 a Lots of hotels in the subu rbs had to let peo ple pay very
low rates to get enough business.
b A subst anti al number of hote ls in the suburbs were o bliged
to charge exceptionall y low rates in ord er to ac hi eve an

Listen t o the representatives of Lewis, Dupont & Kruger

presenting their findings to a meeting of the FEIG and take

notes based on these head ings.

ad~q uate volume of busin ess.

4 a Demand has begu n to improve and increased reven ues are

begin ning t o compe nsate for the Jean years.



b Demand has begun to pick up and bi gger revenues are

begin ning to make up for th e bad years .
5 a This section is about t he way we work ed out the f igu res,
the things we took in to account and th e w ay we we nt
about getting an approx im at e idea of profi ts in the f uture .


b This section detai ls the calculations, assumptions and

methodology w hich form the basis of estimated profit


Language Focus
Read this extract from the study you commissioned concerning the construction of a new hotel

in london. Note the way in which the underlined words are used.

In recent years, hotel development in central London has been hindered by restrictive planning policies,
lack of suitable sites and high building costs. Howe ver, there is now growi ng pressure from hotel chains
wishing to develop, and several sites have been earmarked for consideration. Furthermore, the British
Tourist Authority has forecast a shortfall in hotel accommodation by the end of the decade.
As a result, it is our opinion that the time is ripe to invest in the constmction of a 300 bedroom,
three-star hotel to meet what is forecast to be a signiticant shortage of bed space.
Which of the underlined words:

introduces a contrasting point of view?

shows a consequence?
introduces a new piece of informatio n?

2 Group the following words into the above three categories.

despite this

what is more


in addition

on the other hand







Complete the extract using the following words:

first of all

as a result


wh ile


on the contrary



hotels to offer extremely competiti ve tariffs and (a) ... ... make a profit? There are

a number of a nswers. (b) ... .. . , slIch hotels, all built on the same pre-fabricated model, can make savings in
constructiun costs. (c) ....... by keeping staffing to a minimum, using automatic check-in and providing
self-service breakfasts, there are economies to be made in operating costs. (d) ....... budget hotels have
standardised furniture and fittings which can be bought cheaply in bulk.
(e) ..... ,

the market for budget hotels includes many people with limited financial means such as

low-income families, retired people or touring sports teams.

The growth of budget hotels has been the cause of some co ncern in the hotel market as many
traditional one- and two-star establi shments are unable to compete. (f) ... ... , thi s concern is probably
unjustified . Budget hotels have an educational role to play in introducing new sections of the popUlation to
the habit of stay ing in a hotel. And (g) ...... budget hotels will continue to inlluence the market place and
possibly take some custom away, qua lity hotels offering a high leve l of service sho uld not see these
"competitors" as a threat but, (h) ....... as an opportunity to expand the hotel-staying public.

Selecting L ocations

Speaking 2
12 Work in two groups: A and B. Group A works for The New
Londo n Hotels chain. Group B works for Peake, Jones and
O' Hara Investment Bank.
Th e New london Hotels chain wo uld like Peake, Jones

b W hy does the hotel need such a large restaurant?

How soon w ill they achieve a satisfactory room occupancy

d How do they hope to pay for the mainten ance of the health
dub facilities?

and O ' Hara Investment Bank to invest in their projected new

hotel in Docklands . Both sides have agreed to meet to
discuss the viabi lity of the project.

13 Discuss the argu ments you will present in the meeting.


Look at the papers for t he meeting and answer these

Meet w ith the other group to discuss the project.

qu estion s.

a Whe n do Peake. Jones and O'Hara forecast that

the restau rant w ill be maki ng a profit on lunches and dinners?

Projected New Hotel in Docklands


No. Rooms: 100 - all doubles with en-suite faci lities.


Restaurant covers: 250 - to allow for special fun ctions.

Res idents' Bar.



Fitness and health club: free to residents and open to non -residen ts.
2 private rooms for functions.


The plan is to develop special eve nts banqueting facili ties for local (,:orporate
entertaining. The restaurant will be partitioned and partiall y closed when



Health Club Revenue

.,;nne<. (in<, of-.i. ' ...... ")


not in full use.


low So!ll,.;on
Mid ~_
High s..~n
1 Nov-3 1 Ma.
1 Aptil - lOJ"n"
lJ ul~-310c1
Annu.. l br.ilk_n
irot .. lS%



To cover costs of equipping, maintain ing and staffi ng, the health club

membershi p will be offered to the local community and businesses.


o +-.,-~~~-~



= 150,000 PER


fam il)'




Projected no. yr. 1





(per 6 members)

Total re,'enue

Projected no. yr. 2



Projected no. yr. 3







Writing 2
15 W ri te a report outlining t he decisions made at the meeting betwee n The New London Hotels chain
and Peake, Jones and O'Hara.

16 Work in

groups. You work for

a consultancy group. You have

been asked to look at t he hotel investment opportun ities in

your area.

a where it wo uld be feasible to bu ild a new hotel.

b what kind of establishment it wo uld be (category. number of

17 Write a full page advertisement

about your hotel for the local

W ri te and tape a radio commercial for your hotel.
Write a report on new hotel investment opportunities in t he

rooms, etc.'.
c its faciliti es.
d you r anticipated cl ien tele.
e how you would advertise and promote the hotel.


Thing s

(,' Ii NAP }[

--(-- ...





to Do
Giving tourist advice on loca l attractions and events



l ook at the map and discuss w hat visitors to Portsmouth, New

Hampshire in the USA can do there.

2 Read these extracts from a guide to leisure pursuits in New Hampshire

and choose one of the places in the box to complete each gap in the
text. Note that there are more places li sted than gaps.

Wentworth by the Sea Golf Club 4 Seabrook Greyhound Park

,. . . ._._._.-..-

7 Water Country

10 Portsmouth Maritime Museum

2 Salmon Falls Stoneware

5 Whale Excursion

8 Harbor Cruise

3 Science and Nature Center

6 5trawbery Banke

9 The Children's Museum


Think of New Hampshire's Seacoast and what
comes to mind? Welcoming sandy heaches and
warm summer sun? Or do you picture ocean
crui ses . deep-se.l fi shing, (<'I mil y attractions, :l.Ild
an abundance of tax-free shopping? Perhaps it's
a fair, a jaa festiva l, or charming antique
shops, fascinati ng museums, histo ric homes and
a glimpse into this counrr}"s beginnings? Picture
all these t hi ngs, and }'ou've onl)' begun to
picture what the Seacoas t region offers.
Portsmouth was the first colonia l capi tal of
New Hampshire a nd its appea l is im mediate.
T he ci ty incl udes a teo -ac re ou tdoor mu seu m
known as (a) ...... , so-ca lled because in 1630
the fir st English settl ers chose the sire for their
new plantation, naming it for the abundance of
w ild fruit s they found along the shores of the
Piscataqua river.
Th e spirit of early Amer ican crafts is
captured in (b) .... , prodw.:ed at the En gine
I-louse in Oak Sneet. Each pot is hand-made
and individ ually decorated wi th a trad itional or
countr} design.
(e) ..... is open aU year round and is packed
with amusing hands -on activ iti es for toddl ers,
including the Yellow Submarine, the Computer
Cente r and Arts Area.

fur the
best family ollting ever? Over twenty acres of
rides .1I1d exc it ing atrra..;t ions plu~ the huge
wave pool, adv e nture r iver and octopu~ b lue
And if you want ro <:olllbinc b lu es and
greens come to the (e) ., .. ,.. Thi s is more than a
success ion of fairways, putting greens and
b un kers, it's a w h ole snies of scenic
experien<,es. The fifteen ho les present a unique
c ha ll enge and an absolu tel y fan tastic view o f
the spectacular coastl ine.
Follow Route 1 to Odio rne St:tte Park, the
at Seabrook Sratioll\ T he
si re of th e (f)
more than thirty exhibi ts and displays focus on
th e Seacoast env ironment, and how Seabrook
Station safely u ses uranium to produce
electricity. Take a fascinating imaginary journey
nearly 260 feet below sea level to Seabrook's
coo ling tunnels. View local marine life in the
ro uchpoo l and m:ea n aquariums - .111 this, a nd
m uch more besid es .
No visit would be complete witho ut 3. cruise
on the open wate rs of the Atlantic Ocean. Sai l
Out on a (g) ...... and get a cl ose -up of the
ocean's great giants w ith expert commentary by
an experienced naturalist.
\,(!hy not bring your f'lmil y to (d)

G) Things to Do

Vocabulary ,
ding in -mg
Words en

3 Can you name

these activities?


, hands-on activi'I's
Ie '
4 I
-, e activities
and amusing
0. f so
n Ih e passa
e we re d dofIhink
me mor
t haI you cau Id describe as
rtner an
Work wilh a pa "
d exhilarating,
, ming pOD ,
. g entertammg an
d swim in a sWIm


r;;.,.;: ---~;~~; ; :; ---;~~--~~

". ~Irt

'" " -ct"

. .an
5 We
. ..


bowlin g

sk i






, ,
, n Cenlre,
local Tourist Informallo our area,
Design a leaflel for ~ whal visilors can do In y

describing in Enghs

. formation on.

Incl ude In

' onu menls,


museums, art galleries,

mtu ral beauty or h"storic
Interes .
f outstanding na
places 0 ..
nd facilities.
local amenities a

eating out.


Pausing and stress

0 7 listen to the message which has been recorded on an answerphone. Is it easy to

understand? If not, why not?
0 8 Now read the text of the message and place a line where you thin k the speaker

should pause, and underline any words you think should be stressed. Then listen to

the second version of the message and check your answers.

Thank you for calling SELEKTABED hotel reserva tions. Unfortunately. no one is available
the moment. Please note that office hours are 9
open from 9.45

to take your booking at

to 5.30 on Mondays to Fridays except for Wednesdays, when we are

to 5.30. On Saturdays we are open from 9 o'clock in the morning to 1 o'clock in the afternoon.

If you would like information on hotel availability outside office hours you can ca ll 0891 211402.
For reservations, please call us during office hours. Thank yo u.

Speaking 1
Answerphone messages
9 Work in groups. You work for a local Tourist Information

Centre. Your manager has as ked you to write an

answerphone message for when the office is closed. He
wants the message to include general information about the
office and he would also like it to be possible to contact ou tof-hours call ers the next day.
Decide what information you will need to give and how you
will ask for the information you require.
Write th e message and practise reading it aloud.
Then record it on to a cassette and play it to the rest of the
As you listen to each message, make notes on the
information and instructions given.
Which message (other than your own!) did you find the

G) Things to Do

Language Focus
Which of the following conditional sentences:
a describe a usual state of affairs?

b talk about the past?

c make an offer?
d make a recommendation?

e make a polite request?

describe situations wh ich are unlikely or impossible?

1 If you buy a travel pass, you pay less.
2 If you go to the Natural History Museum, you 'll be able
to see the special exhibition on dinosaurs.
3 If I were you, I'd avoid the crowded areas.

4 If you had a car, you'd be able to visit the safari park.

5 If you'd been here last week, you'd have seen the
6 If I'd known you wanted a theatre ticket, I'd have got one
for you.
7 If you have enough time, you might want to visit the old
8 If you're looking for something really exciting, you
should go to the Museum of Horror and Torture.

9 Should you have any problems, please let me know.

10 If you'd like me to phone them, I'll do it for you now .

12 If you want a cheaper place to stay, you'd be better off

at the Dolphin Hotel.
13 If you hadn't made the booking in advance, you'd be
w ithout a bed for the night.
14 If they hadn't created the proper infrastructure
beforehand, they wouldn't be hosting the next
15 I'd be grateful if you cou ld fill in this questionnaire before
you go.
2 To sum up, which ofthese is correct?
a In English there are strict rules for the sequence of tenses
in cond itional clauses and main clauses.
b The sequence of tenses is not absolutely fixed and
depends on what you want to say.
e You can use any sequence of tenses in cond itional
clauses and main clauses.

3 Other ways of making a conditional:

Unless you've other plans, you could visit the Museum
of Science and Technology.
You shouldn't get lost providing I provided (that) you
take a map.
Anyone is allowed into the casino on condition that they
are over 18.

11 If you'll just fill in th is registration form, I'll make the

booking for you.

Fill in the gaps appropriately. There may be more
than one possible answer.
a If you . .... modern art, you.

b The old Town Hall ...... if it ...... a tourist attraction.

c If you need any more advice, .
d If you ...... just come this way, . .... yo u where it is on
the map.
e If I ..... you, I ..... travelling in the rush hour.

I ...... told them that you ...... coming if I .


h There shouldn't be any difficulty getting to Gbteborg

...... that the ferries run to schedule.
If you ...... now, you .... .. there before the match starts
but I doubt if you ...... time.
If yo u ...... stay for more than a week , you . .... better
off getting a cheap rail pass.
2 If you were the mayor of your town/city what would
you do to make the place more attractive to tourists?
If it did become more attractive, how would you
control the extra influx of people?

9 You won't be able to hire a car ...... you've got a valid

driving licence.


010 Listen to a conversation


recorded in a tourist office in Venice

---- ....

and find the places that are mentioned on the map.

Li sten again and write down the intensifier which is used

before each adjective.








places to stay

transpo rt

amaz ing



g uidebook

recomme nded



Speaking 2
11 There is a Portsmouth in New Hampshire, USA, and there is
a Portsmouth in Hampshire, England.
Work with a partner. Take turns to be tourist information
clerks. Student A look at t he map and information below.
Student B turn to page 114.

You are a tourist information clerk in Portsmouth,
Hampsh ire, England. Read the information here and on page
87. Note the important pOints. Then answer your partner's
questions. He/S he is a tourist.

Isle of Wight


Traditional home of the Royal Navy, now a world-famou s centre of maritime heritage


Henry VIII';; Mary Ros<:: sank in 1545 and was mise<!

in 1982
- over 20,000 a rtifacts reeoyc rcd
- hull ref.lored and conscn 'cd


Lord l\cl\on's tlag~hip at T raf:llgar. l li05

tells the sto ry of the sailors who manned Ihese sh i p~
through the ccnluri e:;
- the aircraft carriers and miSSile-carrying
- Th~ Museum is open daily. etccpt Christmas Day

Closing times: 5.30p.m. March to October; 6.45p.m. July to August

4i) Things to Do

Natural History Museum

Wildlife dioramas and geo logy of th e

Portsmouth area

Full-size reconstruction of Iguanadon (our

local dinosaur)
Riverbank scene and audi o-v isual di splays
From May to September see British and
Europ~an butterfl ies fl yi ng free

Opening times:
April - October 10.00 a.m. - 5.30 p.m.
Nove mber - March 10 .00 am - 4.30 p. lll.
Closed 24 - 26 December

~U CKLER'S do/p'
18th l.:l'lItury vilJage on banks of B -, 1

Recrearld as 18th C


cau leu '\..Iver

emur), ship-building village

Tells rh e story of village life

Nel son's ships built here

River cruises
Picnic areas and riverside walks
T ransporr b


~.':.~~~~fi~" ~:,:"~r.,,,.,,u.,,s..c.,.s...,,ro._n_l
12 Change roles. Student B is a tourist information clerk in
Portsmouth, New Hampsh ire, USA. You are Professor
Pitruezzella from Bologna Univers ity in Italy. Yo u and
your colleagues have just attend ed a conference on
pollution and the environment.

Ortsmouth bus station

Ask t he tourist informat io n clerk if he /she can suggest

things to do during the day and eve nin g in Portsmouth.
You have heard that you can see w hales off the New
Hampshire coast. Ask if this is right. Ask if there are any
good restaurants in Portsmouth, or must you make do
wi th hamburgers till yo u return home to Italy?


the Past
Guid ing to uri sts rou nd p laces of interest

Work in groups and discuss these questions.
a When was the last time you visited a museum?
b What did you see there?

c How was it displayed?

d Why do we keep things from the past in museums?
e What is the role of a museum in society today?

2 Read the introduction from a guidebook to the Louvre and
answer these questions.
_1iIiiii~ 3

a What was the aim of the Grand Louvre project>

b What was it that made people ve ry angry?
c What is the pu rpose of a museum according to leah M ing Pei?


Listening "1
Listen to an expert talking about the reconstruction of the
Neues Museum in Berlin and answer these questions.

a What are the choices facing the architects?

b How do the expert's views on the design of a museum
compare w ith leah M in g Pei's?


Work with a partner and discuss how a museum can

encourage visitors to keep coming back.
Then listen to how the Neues museum intends to deal with
tourists, and answer these questions.

a How does the museum intend to encourage the frequent

b What wi ll the museum do for the groups on a thirty-minute
c How will th is help the individual vis itor?

d According to the speaker what are the disadvantages of

museums li ke the Louvre?
Do you agree with the speaker's view of how a museum
should be organised? Gfve your reaso ns.

HE DECISION TO tum the Louvre into the world's biggest

museum was taken in the autumn of 198 1 by the French
President Franc:;ois Mitterand. The challenge lay in turning what
was basically a nineteenth-century museum into a modern
mu seum equipped to handle the ever-growing number of people
anx ious to see and learn ab out art. The first step towards
creat ing the "Grand Louv re" was to create more exhibition
space and to reorganise the collections, so that works could be
presented both more logically and with more breathing space.
According to a number of experts the most rational way to
reorganise the mu se um wa s to use the area beneath the
courtyard it se lf. This is just what the Ch in ese-Amer ica n
architect leah Ming Pei decided to do. He had been named to
design the project, without a prior competition being held, in
March 1983.
The architect's choi ce of a 71-foot high pyramid, albeit of
glass, created a storm of protest. Many believed that this
hi storic site was already "saturated with architectural ~ty le s .. ."
I.M. Pei, who designed the striking East Wi ng at \Vashington's
National Gallery, wanted to turn this historic palace into a
modern museum . He wa nted to create something ali ve and
welcoming, without destroying the history of the place, and he
s uccee ded in persuading the a uthori ties to accept his
transparent. reflecting prism.
Pei is convi nced th at museums shou ld playa role in
educating the public. With competiti on from so many other
f{mn s of recreation, mu seu ms must be in vitin g enough for
people to want to spend the day there. At the same time, the
architecture mu st be functional, so that museums can offer
bener service in more comfmtable surroundin gs. Even more
important, mu seums should not on ly be a place to see art but,
thanks to their arch itectural quality , should be an aesthetic
experience in themselves.

~ Marketing the Past

Speaking 1
5 Work in groups. Describe your favourite museum or art gallery to your group.
Tell them:

w hy you like it.

how the museum attracts tourists.

how it copes with large groups.

how the archi tecture of the building is used to show off the exhibits.

Have you ever taken a party round a museum?

6 The guides at both the louvre and the Neues Museum need specialised vocabu lary to describe the artefacts.
Work w ith a partner. Put t hese words into logical sets. Give each set a title. Add three words to each set.
Which sets would a guide describing Ancient Egyptian exhibits in the Neues Museum need?
Which sets would a gUide in the National Gallery in london need?

















scu lpture


Writing 1
Descriptions of artefacts
7 Use the words in the box to comp lete this short description of the bust of Nefertiti.

The bust 01 Nelertiti. Look al the taunless symmelricallace enhanced

by make-up lastelully applied to brows, .






8 Write a short description of one of these paintings.

When you visit a muse um ,

monument or art gallery it is a
good idea to pick up leaflets,
or buy the guidebook, in you r
own language and in English.
Th en you can study the
quality of the translations
(they're not always good !)
and also learn any new

Christi na of Denmark by Hans

Lord John and lord Renard

Stuart by Anthony van Dyke

M adame M oites Sier by Ingres


Holbein the younger (1538)


Listening 2
9 listen to the guide describing artefacts in the Pergamon
Museum. As you listen find Athena. Zeus and Al kyo neus in

the pictures on the right.

10 Are these statements true or false?

a Pergamon was the name of a man.
b The monu men t was buil t 2,000 years ago.
e It has always been co nsid ered one of the wonders of the world.
d Th e Gauls had come from Eu rope.


The frieze sym bolises two victories.

The giant attacks Athena with hi s serpe nt.
The w hole frieze is painted in bright colours.
You will see another monument.

Pausing and stress

11 Why is the speaker in listening 2 easy to understand?

li sten to another part of hi s tour and mark where he pauses.
M ark a short pause with I and a long pause with /1 .

Now let's follow the path of the gods

and walk up the processional avenue
towards the great gate ahead of you.
Remember as you go past these lions
that they were not only admired as
wild, noble and free animals but that
they also represented Ish tar, the
goddess of love, the sky and of war.
Ishtar was the patron goddess of the
Babylonian army and the enormous
ga teway that you are now approaching
was named after her. The original
decorations revealed much about the

12 In spoken En gli sh we use stress,

we want them to know.

religious life of the city. They showed

that the avenue was decorated during
the time of King Nebuchadnezzar II to
mark the path of tile annual new year
procession when statues of the gods
were carried with great ceremony from
a speci al banqueting house to tile
main temple of the city. As the gods
were believed actually to inhabit these
statu es it was very important that
whatever they saw should please them
and so a great d ea l of effort was
lavished on this processional avenue.

pauses and pitch to draw our li steners' attention to w hat

New information is announced by a change in the pitch of th e voice.

look at the follow ing excerpt from a guided tour of Prague.
Mark your own pauses I and draw an arrow above th e words where the pitch rises .
Practise saying the excerpt aloud. If possible, record yourself. Then compare your voice patterns

with those on the tape.

G06d morning, ladies and gen tlemen. ~ name is Teresa.

Lft me first welcome you to our tour of The Kralovska
Cesta or Royal Mile. This was the route which was taken
by the Kings and Queens of Bohemia on their way to
coronations or to festivities in Prague. We start here at the
Powder Tower. It is so~ca"ed because it served as a
gunpowder store in th e seve nteenth and eighteenth
centuries. It had originally been a tower of the town palace
during the Middle Ages. Let us now w alk through the

archway and into Celetna street which is named after the

bread - the ca lt - that was baked here in the Middle Ages.
On your left is the old mint where Bohemian groschen and
ducats were coined. A little furth er down we will pass two
houses that are part of Charles University, w hich was
founded in 1348. It's the oldest university in Central
Europe. Now we enter the Old Town Square. In the centre
you can see a memorial to Jan Huss, the reformer.

49 Marketi ng the Past

Language Focus
Relative clauses

Rel ative clauses are used to make two separate

The Rosetta stone, which was found in 1799. enabled

statements into one sentence. For example:

This is what the Chinese architect. lea h Ming Peh. decided

Champollion to decipher the hieroglyp hics. ("w hich was

found in 1799" is extra information - it does not define

to do. leah Ming Pei had been named to design the project
in March 1983.

the Rose tta sto ne, "That " is not possib le in a nondefining relative cl ause.)

This is what the Chinese architect. lea h M ing Peh. who had

3 Which of these is defining and which is non-defining?

been named to design the project in March 1983, decided

How do

to do.



a The Greek goddess w ho represented war was called Athena,

2 Relative clauses can be defining or non-defining.

b King Charles IV , w ho was a Czech king and built t he

The pyramids which / that were built up until the Third

famous Charles Bridge in Prague. must have been a good

military command er.

Dynasty were made of mud and brick, not sto ne.

( " w hich/that were bui lt up until t he Third Dynasty "
identifies and defines a particular kind of pyramid.)

Make sentences with these words . You will have

to add extra words.

For exam ple:
Aph rod ite/G reek goddess/represen ted love and

Ch/;rle5 6ridgtl
520.TI lc'g, 10m
.,," de..te5~

on iG
pillorskrw-ned ",'t!1
30 stat\lt'!/Flcct \'tI

so~\'t' ni rs

Aphrodite was a Greek goddess who

rep rese nted love and beauty.


Alexander the Great/born 356 Be/father/King

Ph ilip of Macedon ia
Alexander t he Great, w hose fathe r was Ki ng
Ph ilip of Macedo nia, was born in 356 Be.
a Tower of London/ 11th centu ry/built by W illiam
the Conqueror/ both prison and palace
b Statue of Liberty/American Museum of
Immigration in base/seen by all visito rs arrivi ng in
New York by sea
c Taj Mahalloutside Agra/built as a testim ony to
d .cataco mbs/early Chri stians buried/a maze of
underground passages
e Assyrian King Nebuchadnezzar/ built the Hangin g

Ol ~


circa 13BQIG~llc

rr.uroi$l1)uilt rnfm
p:l1cr of Chllries

,,"" of
ProsuelUned with


boroque fo~es

The Little Square!



founT!li~:;ve bes'

SG'u ore of tile

W4ter in town

~i~1m: ~f th ~


Gardens of Babylon/o ne of the Seven Wonders of

the Ancient World

v'e"r\s cf R ~Il.

O'dTa\II-ll Ha:V

years old

AD 141Cl'

possible, record it and listen to yourself. Beg in

your g uided tour 'Good morning lad i es and
gentlemen. We're starting our t our of Prague
today in the Old Town Square ....

the ~ser ttJIIIn or-d

PrDfue GCstie


Mozart/father a violinist at Archbishop of

Salzbu rg' s court/learnt to play t he piano/ t hree
2 Work with a partner and use the notes to w rite a
tour of Prague. Practise giving your tour and if

TC'r\ll Brid; !.'


every hour

Old TOWM Si:jucre



Writing 2
13 You work as the local representative for Skyways Holidays in Sorrento. Italy.

Your boss has left this message on your desk.

You have the poster below on your wall. Use it as an example to design and
write a similar poster.

JOIn us 011

A do} lflr ~ Ttl/oti and lkj"rJells1Vtlla JE$/e


dmt Uro,h lhr ybillc H,{(s kldlt f<Jflorilf'lic

Lllnch al a $mll[riJlkfliJ
Afternoon in {he

fTldJ-niflCtlll luwlJSana




!he htf6

,arJens b/1/11 In ISf1

Pmo l'OTto

!1aml iJllhf cascades alit/.Joulllilll/s. F.,clax In. lhc cool (jfress iWel/tllS.
P(farl 8 a17. - Relllm 6.')0,,,,
IB ,DDd) ltre
See VtJ:i alluq/lOn!_, lidtls

~ Marketing the Past

Speaking 2
14 Work in two groups. Group A look at the text below. Group B turn to page 115.
You work as tour guides at the conference centre in Graz. Austria.You have been
asked to plan a two-hour walk round Graz.
Read your information. Plan your route. Prepare your talk. Give your talk to someone
in Group B.

oz,. ko.rL- t.o.nzens Un:ve('$i~~_

-Fouflded IS'i!5 CIS Jesu": College/
ret>""l.!:: ~ l'\"",,,isso,nce s c':j ' '''
l~gO j 2.5 , CXXl sl-udOl'\ts o !tend


2 The Clock Tower-

'1 . R I'3r,""age

dott1s f.-- 1556


ofOorLod!j of COMForta l",o,\jS a ~I I,er.-/

d"stinac;on of """''' ~

p' L9riMS I presen toc nu.rc l, "",de 1114- /


i Mrre~iue.


~~ 10. Cit~ f.rK !bunCo inSdeskJned and caSt f> r


Worl d

-Fa irl n 1%,3/

two side pie ceS

now in fh r is

lI.cascle-b..:luro 1L;.i3/
qoi+lic. sfy 1ejdovJ>le
spi('t)l Sro.i("CQSe..

t>""'/t IIf- 99

s: Toe To",n Ha /I -

neoc.\Qs~;'KQI to",n hn ll ~,:---,.~~~rAf

b\.li It: bee"""",,", I$zg and

l~ q3 /"'pIQc~


pa lace

I~ . CochedrnL- a th_-ba.::led
....lIII!!!:- cat7>ed rnl ln the Go fi-loe >t:l /e/ Jl'-;I[!I~"

pic.hife of- the s<:oWSe 5

of God on side of

6. Londhous-presO<\t - d"'j
of prbvinc.jaL ",o...",.,,....,,,,,t;-


re...,delled ~ DOMenl'co
dell 'Allio In 113 57/ Renaissance

cowl::yord s...rrou.nded b j

""o9 n;f,'cent a.rca.des

Church cOfTIrnemoro \; i "'3

the Blo.L\I:. Deathj

atta,-R, b::J t he T .... r RS

$no"" n as tl,e invaS Ion of-

tne locust.s
, . Resionul A"""a L- worlds Ia.t'l:Je 51;historicaL armou"d / 30, 000+ harnesses
a.nd wea.pons ~ 161+ n"' C""b~

15 Collect information about your local area and design a guided tour for a group offoreign students

visiting your town. Or choose a museum you would like to visit and give a talk on one of its exhibits.




Describing a nd promoting business a nd conference ven ues

Work with a partner and discuss these questions.
a How are business travellers di fferent from other travellers?
b How can an ai rline cater for their special needs?

2 Read this article from the business travel section of a British news paper and answer these questions.
a What is it that airli nes cannot " have both ways"?
b How easy is it to get an upgrade?
c Why w ill it " count as no~ght " if a t raveller is weari ng jeans an d a T-shirt?
d How can a busi ness travel agen t help?
e How could a bu siness person try to get on the 7 p.m. Concorde fl ight from London to New York?
Why should a business trave ll er try to si t next to noisy chi ldren?

Promotion to the rank of Flyer First Class

HOW EASY is it to get an airl ine upgrade? Obviously

On th e ve ry compet iti ve tran satl anti c rou tes,

it is happening all the time - how else would business

however, il is a different story. Both US and British

and sometimes first class cabins be full so often?

carriers - and certain European ones - are keen to w in

Airlines ca nnot ha ve it both ways: they cannot

busine ~s.

bemoan the ir low yields and losses yet claim that the

might encourage you to tl y with them again. There is

cabins up front are full of bona fide full -fare pay ing

no more powerful ince nti ve for a business traveller


tl,an the lure of an upgrade up the aircraft or the Holy

albeit not at any price, but at a cost wh ich

But when the cheapest economy ticket price on the

Grail - an upgrade to Concorde. BA knows full we ll

transat lantic route is between nine and te n times

the drawing power of Concorde and does upgrade

cheaper th a n for a business c lass ti c ket , many

certain executives when appropriate to this speedy, if

executives have no o ption but to fly economy and

not exactly comfortable, sovereign of the skies.

hope for an upgrade.

But while

tran ~ atlanti c

upgrades are sought for the

Some carriers are known for their s tring e nt

comfort th ey pro vide, upgrades to bus iness class

approach to upgrading. Most Far Eastern carriers,

flights are more status sy mbols than of real practical

such as Singapore and Malaysian Airlines, are loath to

benefit on short-h op European fli g ht s. So w hat

upgrade unless there is no other option. UK tra vel

strategy should the savvy business traveller adopt? A

agents suggest this is due to the importance of status

seven-point programme co uld be:

in the Far East and the granting of it to those who

have earned it. i.e. , paid the fare.

1. Dress smartly - the single most important rule.

You may fee l it is more comfortable to travel in

e Business Travel


tracks uit

and it is. if you are sitting in

spec iali st business travel agent . there may be dea ls

economy. But w hatever else you may have going for

that offer effective upgrades. Airline Ticket Network

you at the check- in it wi ll count as nought jf you are

(0800 727747) can often find business class !lights at

wearing j eans and a T- shir t. For men thi s means

the same price as you would pay economy on another

weari ng at least a jacket and tie at the check-in . For

airline, thou gh you may ha ve to fly Air India or

women, a smart suit or dress is required. Once you are

Iceland Air.

on the plane w ith your upgrade it does not matter

what you wea r.

If your company will pay for first class travel but

nor the supp lement for Concorde, try A ir France

2. Join a frequent-fl yer programme. This is the

Concorde instead: the fare is equivalent to SA 's fIrst

simple st and most painless way to get an upgrade. US

class price, although you have to fly to Paris (!light

carriers. saddled w ith many millions of unclaimed

included) to catch the supersonic jet.

mileage points, are happy to let yo u use some of them

5. Check in late. Experienced users of this system

on an upgrade. BA always g ives fi rst upgrade priority

arrive just wi thin the all owed check- in time in the

to its silver and gold Executive Club members. These

hope that full economy or business class cabins might

cards are onl y ga ined if you are a frequent fl yer

get them either into business (with someone else

anyway and so SA reco g ni ses yo u de se rv e any

bumped up to fi rst) or into first class itself. Some ve ry

upgrades going. If upgrades rather than free fli ghts are

experienced and determined upgraders try this w ith

important to you, join a scheme that is most likel y to

BA 's 6.3 0 p.m. daily flight to New York from

hike you up the cubi ns.

3. Use a business tra ve l agent. Earlier this year

Heathrow Terminal 4 on the possibility that they may

get onto the 7 p.m. Concorde fl ight.

Wagonlit'i Travel ran a special promotion with United

6. Be confide nt. Those executives arrivin g at the

Airlines which meant that all United fli ghts booked

check-in desk brimming with conlidence will often

through the travel a genc y were automatica ll y

give the aura that they s hould be upgraded.

upgraded. It is worth checking with yo ur business

Unfortunately for women, this is more of a sex ist male

trave l agent to see if any similar deals are in the

ploy to predominantly female check-in staff.


7. Keep trying. Even if you fail to be upgraded at

Booking through a big agency. moreo ver, should

the check-in, the savvy traveller knows that all is not

g ive yo u a bett e r cha nce. Gi ve n the vo lume of

lost. It helps sometimes to be seated next to noisy

business that the multiple travel agenc ies place w ith

children in economy. Get out some work or, better

the airlines, th e n they arc usually wi llin g to g ive

still , a portable computer and look busy. Then, while

priority to their clients when space is available. Not

people are still being seated, ask a flight attendant if

always though , sinc e if an upgrade was always

you can speak to the senior steward or purser. If you

a utomat ic, th e n clients wo uld always book the

are smartly dressed and look li ke an obvious business

cheapest flights.
4. Shop around . With or without the help of a

traveller then many flight staff will be sympathetic

and move you up.

(from THE SUNDA Y TIl\'fES )

3 Work with a partner and discuss this question.

What advice can you now give to a bus iness traveller who wishes to fly in comfort
without having to pay for it?

Speaking 1
4 Work with a partner. Role play this situation. Student A works as a check-in clerk for
an international airline. Student B is an econom y class passenger. Student B would
like an upgrade to business class .


Speech work
Sound and spelling
4 Some words have silent letters -letters which are not pronounced. For example:
g arantee

I 9""I';)ntl: I

How are these words pronounced? Say them aloud. Then I islen and check.













5 Some words are pronounced in different ways even though they are spell the same.
look at these pairs of sentences. Where is the stress in the words in italics? How would
you say them?
1 a He was

presented with

a gold watch when he retired from the company .

b He thanked the company for the

2 a This


year they have so ld a record number of package holidays to the Seychelles.

b The highest temperature was recorded yesterday in London.

3 a Please allow me to introduce my business associate, Mr Riley_
b Our company does not like us to


with employees from rival operators in the resort.

4 a Immigration officers refuse adm ission to anyone travelling w ithout a passport.

b All refuse must be put in the bins.
5 a The bank agreed to transfer f1.4m from the tour operators' New York account to their bank in Switzerland.
b The transfer from the airport to the hotel w ill take fifty minutes.
listen and check your pronunciation. Then practise saying the sentences.

0 6 How are these words pronounced?

su it













Read the words aloud. Then listen and check.

Gi) Business Travel

Language Focus
Possibility and certainty
There are many ways of indicating how sure we fee l about an event. For examp le. we use
modals to make predictions of varying degrees of certainty. Read these sentences and match

them with the descriptions 1 - 3.

a He'll have got there by now.


He must have got there by now.

He should have got there by now.

1 a possibility

He could have got t here by now.

2 a certainty

He might have got there by now.

3 an expectation

He can't have got there by now.

9 He won't have got there by now.

2 We also use phrases to express degrees of probability and certainty. Most of these sentences
contain will but the degree of certainty is determined by the words printed in italics . How certain
do you think these statements are? Give each sentence a % score. 0 % ;;;; impossible; 100%

= certain.

The first one has been done fo r you.

a The results of the enquiry are a foregone cone/us ion . They'll refuse all planning permission.

b There's no way they'll agree to build a new airport so near to the city.


c I doubt very much whether the company w ill pay the supplement for Concorde.

d In all likelihood, you' ll get an upgrade if you book through a business travel agent.
e It's just possible that we' ll make a profit next year.

It's a safe bet that they'll t ry to force us o ut of the market.

9 The chances are that yo u' ll be able to get a bette r seat provided that you're smartly dressed.

h In all probability, share prices wi ll continue to rise.


There 's a slight chance that the project will attract more foreign investment.
There's a distinct possibility that the air traffic controllers' dispute w ill be settled soon.
k There's little likelihood of t heir allowing us to hire extra coaches.
Th ey're bound to increase their prices next year to allow for infl ation at the very least.



For each of the sentences below, write two sentences wh ich keep the original meaning.
Use th e words in capitals in each sentence. The first one has been done for you.

a In all probability we' ll be able to catch the 10.15 train .


The chances are we'll be able to catch the 10.15 train .

We should be able to catch the 10,15 train.

b I hard ly think she' ll want to hang around for a stand -by f light.
c I'm sure they've left by now otherwise t hey'd have answered t he phone.
d It's impossible for them to have arrived - they only left an hour ago and it takes at least two hours, if there's no t raffic!
e If we' re lucky, we may well be able to charter an ai rcraft for an early morning flight.



You will hear Agnes Johnson talking about how they
promote The Manor Hotel as a business venue and
conference centre.
Decide jf these statements are true or false.

a The Manor uses the services of over 500 conference agenc ies.
b The stand ard rate of com mission is 8 per cent.
e The age ncy always takes the dient to visit the hotel.

d Making company contacts is a comp licated process.

e Corporate clients tend to make rapid decisions on their choice
of confe rence ven ue.
The Manor relies far mo re on direct sales prospecting than on
printed advertising .

9 The sales staff are authorised to negotiate conference rates.

h The local Shakespeare festival is popu lar with delegates.

8 look at this meeting room in The Manor Hotel.
Match the words in the box with the objects in the room.

flip chart



pO inter
remote co ntrol

marker pens



slide projector

4 Business Travel
Speaking 2
9 Work with a partner. Student A look at the text bel
Student B tum to page 115.


D ay delegate rate:

includes coffee, lunch, afternoon tca,

cordials, conference equipment and

YO~ work f~r A lbatross En gi neering pic and have been aske
to fin d a sUitable local venue for a full-da '
Y sem in ar. Professor
Markowitz w ill b ..
e giVing a ect ure on new techniques ,n

ebIect neal eng'Ineermg

. In
. the mornin g. and th is wi ll be follow ed
y yo ur annual general meeting in the afte rn
u require a ecture theatre for fifty people Ring Th M
Hotel and find out w hat t hey have to offer. .
e anor

room hi re - minimum 25 peopl e

24-hour residentiaJ


inclusive of mid-morning coffee,

lunch, teas, cordials, room hire,



conference equipmenr, Jinner, deluxe

""',._ _ _........_ , . . . _bedroom and country house breakfast

2 ~ou wo r~ for Th e Manor Hotel in the ven ues department

Y:~krece've a phone call from Tangerine Computers of N~W

. On th e Tight you have information on day and 24-h
conference rates. You will not need to
so you can be flexibl'
e In pricin g.


pay agency com mi ssion

10 You. work for an international hotel and have recent!
Senior Management Team. Work'
. y received thiS memo from a member of the
G h
In groups and bramstorm you .d
ra am Whittaker's request.
r leas, t en write your response to


Graham Whittaker


Marketing Dept.


11 October
Circular letter promoting business

As you know, last year saw increased competition from

within the trade and we feel that the time is ripe to look at
some fresh ideas in an attempt to capture a larger market
share than we have so far been able to do.
I would be grateful if you would draft a convincing letter
which can be mailed to the managing directors and
business travel managers of organisations likely to be
interested in offering travel as a means of motivating and
rewarding their staff.
Would you please:
include information about the kind of facilities we are
able to provide
outline a package we can market
include itinerary, special events and attractions
state why our area is th e ideal place for them to come.


Scenario 3
Organising Excursions
O rganising an excursion p rogramme
Work with a partner. You both work as resort representatives
for the same tour operator. Your teacher will tell you which



The :Irea is known for its loc~l blue crystal and distinctive ceramics.

STUDENT A: Yo u are th e new resident Resort Representative

The main sho pping centre is in the Glasshouse

Centre, a pedestrianised area where you can __ g("e?tt" ~ .
find stores of international renown.
N O COtvlYJ1 l5Sron

in Lakesburgh , a thriving cosmopolitan city on the shores of

Lake A urora. Thi s is yo ur first job. You we re appointed last
night when the local rep suddenly reSigned to go and w ork
for a rival operator.
STUDENT B: You are the new Tour Representative in
Lakesburgh, a thriving cosmopolitan city on the shores of

Lake Aurora. You have just arrived in the resort, a few hours
ahead of the tourists. This is the first time yo u have been

Today is the first day of th e holiday season .

Your company specialises in short city-break holid ays, twoand three- night stays. The brochure promises a full optional
excursion programme with evening activities.
Your first plane-load of package tourists arrives this evening at
6 p.m. local time. Th ey w ill be stayin g from tonight, Friday, to
Monday mornin g on half board. Bef ore 6 p.m. yo u must both
find out w hat there is to do. Yo u w ill need to know times,
prices and discounts for your clients.
You w ill be interested in any commission yo u can get for
yo urselves , since yo ur pay is not very good . The previous reps
left yo u a tourist guide in the hotel w hich they have
annotated w ith their comments.
Look at the gUide togeth er and design the itinerary.
2 You would lik e to be able to repeat this itin erary weekly
throughout t he seaso n. Approximately how much commission
w ill you rece ive if thirty people go on most of your
3 Compare your itinerary and your commiss ion leve ls w ith other
tour operato r represen tatives .

There also are many soU\'enir shop~ -Fr-iendly,

and around the Old Tow n Square.
hefpFu f ow~s

for (.II/your po/lery and g/(.ISl~'
~~ 5~ In: get"
eXna ' 0 com.
GiftsJotal/ fh( fiumly.
good selac..tian
54, O ld T own Square
______ pricey
Guided tours
NB: eo"ect vauchet'5 +
Fret ntlranu
?f IVE m all 9uesfs.


Factot), sMp
VOUCHER.S == 5"/.. d lScoul'tr on marked
28, The E spla nade
price. ~ fh~
-*THE CERAMIC GROTTO = IS '}'o ~,.,.,rn/SS lon -to ME
('... mr al/d 'l.Cl.ltrh your gifts .f/in
into shape.
Gptn daily 10-5.
73 , New Crescent

ch",ttiM9 lAp

R cntrwnd Ih( ~,,'orld fi'lXr fo
pottny atld g/ass'Wlire.

20, The Gl asshouse C entre "\

!JO In




traditional cuisine in pl<asant - - nice place, gd.
5~o Corn.
table d'hOtrfrom 10.00 per hrad
98, The E splanade
tel : 876 439 8876


2...Ct"/0 Com.



guiridon s(r'fJiu
it la carte p om .10.00 per IJ/!hd
19, Circus Road
,,10192 8347459

beAt- pricey fOf" gueG-rs

Best harnoor"ger"G eo,er-!!

V pop. wil-h

Amrrican nflpllrtlnf
apm m.-12 a.m.
10, The E splanade
td: 129 4857694
Se[ meal: { 12.50


pri't'lltr roolllfor parliu


42, M ount H adrian

t9.a ren beHer school d,nners ~
tel: 128 394 8576
15"", COM .
traditional cuisine from 20 a head
+ake 1. par"+y (::::t week.

Scenario 3, Organising Excursions


Theatre, Concerts, Ballet


Th F- 1 d
15% com .
e .sp ,n, e
~ bad-rempe.t"ed landlordTHE JOLLY ROGER
hafes -!mArisfs


784, The Esplanade


,.- 9

. Wa"<ltl "9 "ole

v. rriehdly

lo'}'." Com.

39, The Old Town Square



of 12- 24-


9 p.m.-3 '.m.

911'"/., ge-t In

10.00 per person

10% Com.

IYea be.l""-e 10

+ tree eafs f dr-inks

epm ThursdarSulIdoy inc/.
5"0 COtyl.
on reservations
coupl e - - on ly

accom pan y


hiacl. tie uplional - V upmarket8 p.m.-4 a.m.
no Corn. (

open 12 p.m.-3 a.m. -..,

.nin . si"okes 5

,yee 25 chips if take.

beaufiful Views

easy on Feet
6%eom .

.,= ,

-J! ". "




JPwal tnta~sl ar: n duploy at

wheYe did they find +hem I

. .

tbissp~((ac/llaralitomohj{~((;lIntion -

10% Com.

53, Aurora Boulevard

Wor-th every peYlrlY!

H Ollw Ihru gall~rin, (hanging

Walking tours of old town:

__ sfurdy
visit this picturesque quarter with
medieval houses and cobbled

Hourly boat trips on la/:.e:

2.50 per person.



gps of :10"

Tours d~part ewry ro.W hoUri from

10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
.3.50 per person

'2''''1 ' . '"

Tel: 876 94987 982

County history nlUJl'um with new,
~xhibilS, r~S/'Jrl'd bisloric
J/ructuru and ghosl lO'Wnl
20% COm.
435, The Mall




-' ... ", ) /


Su IIx amazing vidl'os, lift-siud
' - V. pop.
r~plic(li, uniqm: displap lhal 'Will
""0 COrn. l!
mlnlain lIN who/~familyfor helln.
50/0 c:liscolAf1t on
gps of 15 +
79, Lakesburgh St.

_ _ no male gps
10 p.m,-2 a.m.
15% - must-

Optm nightly

20 per person

.. .'

~.i ~"~"1'

9Dod dea Is IYom

-lime -to -lime

C LUB~0(eatl!

open nightly


JOlltt lllmierolightly
all seats .(12


Night Clubs, Casinos and Discos


T et 876 92J 2387

an evenin9


3ppon 9ps of 25 +
ppon gps


"-- gd. plac.e 10 end

8, lctty Point


Box office: 839457834867


-IV... +he price of 1

5eo.fs 10, 15. f zo
boring! -Taur-ists love if

-";) , 0




an cares


25% Cowl.


} (l/m uy /hr'Jugh Ilm~ fro m

cam. on 2 p .'m .

fu/A" o"ly

monthly wilh Irxol and nalio1lal!!!!!!!!:>- who?



dinosaur age 10 praml-day wildlift



\!. Inl-eres-h~


duiglleJfor hands-on, ;nll'radive.
' - V1eed +0 book
flU! learning aboull/x orIs,
of scnOO( Dar~es
uiel1us and hUll/ani/in.
r _. -r,


A harDiJIIl' maJt"pi~u housing
18th II) 19th unlury watercololln

sfut:'f'y !

gd . 9al'"dens/grea-t views
15% ccm. gd. +eahouse
- greaf fi:rr- Soma. peace
and qUIet


Groupwork / Pairwork B Texts

o Types of Holiday


(p"gc II)

You work for a travel agency which belongs to a group called Europa Tours. You have
received a letter from a potential customer.
This extract from your catalogue shows the kinds of things you have to offer.
Write a suitable personalised reply and send it back. If necessary. refer to the Writing tips

on page 11.



12 days

De parture day


Ret urn


Mar. 27


Apr. 3, 10, 17,24


May 1, 8,1 5,22, 29


Jun e 5, 12, 19 , 26


July 3, 10 , 17,24 , 31


Aug. 7 ,14, 21,28


EiffeL TO"ller

if) 1>o..r'is

Pri ce includes 11 nights

accomm odatio n in twin

r 0 0111 S

with en -suite facilitie s, 11

continental breakfas ts and 6

dinner s. S 5 single .'iupplcmc nt

per night.
No chjld discounts.
l<lUring : by modern airconditioned cruise-line r coach .

No overnight travel.

ChQ:teQU at;


l'e r tu./Yl emo.R;"3 at


Groupwork/ Pairwork B Texts

f) A Career in Tourism

Speaking 2

(page 13)

ipagc l 7J


Tell your partner what recommendation s "The Write Way

to Find a Job" makes about:

personal information and experience.

layout, language and style.

Which of the fifteen pOints (a-o) in exercise 5 (page 13)

Work in a group. You are recruiting employees for one of the

posts described on page 15 (your teacher will tell you which
Write a short profile of what you expect a good applicant to
be and prepare a list of questions to ask the candidates you
have short-listed. Make notes under these head ings:

are mentioned in the article?

The Write Way to Find a Job


ANSWERI NG advertisements is o ne way of findin g a


j ob. But th e re is a bi g gap be twee n the number of


vacancies filled and those advert ised. So writing on


spec. to employers can often be a good idea.


The object is to get the employer to see you - no


more, because the best you can hope for frolll such an
approach is an interv iew. Asking straight out for a job
is fam1 because it in vite s a yes or no response. As no
onc will offer a post to an unknown quantity the answer
will always be negative.
There arc a number of golden rul es:
Try to research the name (speJt cOlTcctly!) of a spec ific



write to.

Put yourse lf in the employer's shoes. Thi nk of wha t

18 Now work with the others in your group a nd interview

"ndidates from Group A for the job. When you have seen all
the candidates make your final selection.

G Responsible Tourism

you have to offer.

T ry to keep you r CV bri ef - one page is eno ugh ;


perfect prose isn't cxpected - note fonn is acceptable.

(page 55)


Gear your CV to the job and organisation. No two CYs

G. Jones

should be exactl y alike.

Leader of the local protest movement

If you' ve been in work. explain your dmi es and how

Views on the proposed tourist development:

your work has evolved. Demonstrate on paper that yo u

are a potential asset.
Lisl yo ur ou ts ide interests and skill s. Don' t forget
your language abilities. Participation in sports can show

your capacity for team work.

If your cover ing letter is in Engli sh it should be

checked by a native speaker. You should state at the
begi nning why you are w ri ting and then try



Develop the a rea into a high -tech busin ess park


keep the

reader interes ted. You mu st establi sh that yo u would

li ke an interview. Edit ruthlessly. Go over your lener as
many times as necessary. Search out and get rid of all
unnecessary words and sentences.
(adapted from an article by
Geoffey Golzen in THE T[\IES )

tourism creates mai nly temporary , seaso na l employment

the few permanent jobs unlik ely to go to locals
community w ill not benefit overall
will create land speculation, ca usin g house pri ces to rise
and forCi ng more youn g people to leave the area

permits the area to be levelled and landscaped

area wou ld blend in with t he surrounding cou ntrysid e
creates wealth in the a rea
creates a permanent and stable wo rkfo rce in the reg ion
avo ids the inevitable congesti o n a nd disruption caused
by excessive tourism
sustains local culture a nd language


. , Trends in Tourism
Speaking 2

(page 23)

16 TEAM 8
Look at the map and read the lact fil e.
Oiscuss tourism in Egypt.
Deci de what you will tell Team A.

Make notes and plan your talk.

When you are ready, give your talk.

Luxor -

Egypt fact I i Ie

Recent developments

The present situation

to urist attraction since " th e dawn 01


1963/4: Ministry ofTourism se t up

1798: Napoleon's Egyptian cam paign

-----..- new interest in Egyptian culture

1960s: > 1m tou rists / yr.

avo stay: 8 1/2-91/2 days

gradual increase in no. of carriers and

hotels ---.- 3.6m arrivals in 1992

attractions: classical tour (Pyramids,

1869: 1 5t Thomas Cook tour

Nov. 1869: open ing of Suez Can al ;

2nd Cook tou r

1992-94: adverse publicity ~ fall in


visitors: 43% """- Arab world

57% ......-Europe & N. A merica

Lu xo r and Aswan)
Nile cruises
package charters (Hurghada on t he
Red Sea)

1950s: tour o perators and hoteli ers in


o Responsible Tourism


(page 55)

M. Jones
Owner of small gift shop and resta urant
Views on the proposed tourist development:

we lcome influ x of tourists

valuable bu si ness opportunity
unemployment in the area: 10.1 % (recently son had to
leave hom e to live and wo rk in Lon don)

Greens are in a small minori ty - should not be allowed to

influence such an important decision

w ildlife has never been in danger

derelict min e an eyesore


GroupworklPairwork B Texts

e Where People Go
Speaking 1 (page 271
Discuss what should go in the gaps in t he g rid . Then work with a partner
from Group A to check your answers.




Buenos Aires

Spani sh


Au stria

Schi lling
POrlug uese

The Czech Republic











Shilli ng



Spani sh


Swiss German, French, Italian, Romansh


Arabi c, Fre nch

A nkara



The Ukraine

Speaking 2



14 Ask your partner for the in formation which is missing from
the table and answer his/ her questions.

Listen to your partner talking about the value of tourism to

the UK and comp lete the pie chart below. Then present the
figures in the pie chart on page 106 t o your partner.




- ..





1'0. OF VlSlTORS


4 .0m

T he F.iftel T ower


The Nari(Jnal Gallery


26 ,6 59




o Responsible Tourism




15 Speaking (pJge 55)


Enicnaillll",;n t

M . Hamilton
Leisure/and's vice-chairman

Views on the area:

the Ll anberis area: tourism potential

work in shops and cafes is seasonal

in summer the Snowdon mountain railway, which runs from
the village, takes over 150,000 people to th e sumrmt, and has
to turn many away

during the winter, Uanberis is dead

area losin g valuabl e hum an resources (exodus of We lsh speak ing people to the big cities)

improvements to the main roads from England int o North

Wales - more peop le coming into the area
jf th ere is nothin g for the extra number of tourists to do, they
w ill wander round th e National Park , causing unnecessary



Tran'[ with in UK
Accommodatio n


LeisureLand w ill :
establish a year- round tourist attraction

create 300-500 temporary constru ction jobs

create 1,000 permanent full-time jobs for local Welsh speaking population
create controlled entertainment for the day trippers
save the National Park from damage

o Travel Agents

(page 30)


Tell your partner your name, address and phone number (on
the business card), and write down your partner's name,
address and phone number.

Speaking 2

(page 3 1)


Jamien Jansen
'!.lau rit!;t;.3de ():~

Your name is Penelope McBain. Telephone Skyways

Holidays for information about holidays to Puffin Island.

KliOG :\p snt'ct;.

Ask to speak to the sales department. If no one is available.

leave a contact number.


2 You will reci eve a telephone call from Skyways Holidays.

You require brochures and prices on holidays to Puffin
Island. Your address is 6 Leybourne Cresce nt, Bristol, Avon,


The N(: lht',r IJnd ':>


;)" ~I7~H~'_..,,,,,,!!!'!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!,!!""'!!!!!!!II!!!!!!!_~

Groupwork/Pairwork B Texts

Speaking 4

(page .lSi


You will receive a phone call from a client interested in a tour of Cefalu in Sicily. Reply to his/her enquiries and take
down their details. Charge the full amount of the holiday to his/her credit card.


June 16

July 14

Cefalu: situated on the northern coast, 1 hr from Palermo. Picturesque

Arab-Norman town dating from 5th century Be.
A Norman cathedral in the town square contains some of the finest mosaics
in Italy. The town sits under the Rock of Cefalil on which the Temple of
Diana was built.
All Sicily's classical and medieval sites are within dri vi ng distance. There is

also a sandy beach near the town centre.

Programme: Included in the price are scheduled Alitalia flights from London
LHR, tran sfers and accommodation at the ** *Kalura Hotel (half board). The
hotel is situated in a quiet bay 20 mins from the centre. All rooms are
decorated in Mediterranean style and have private bathrooms. Typical
Sicilian cuisine. Activities include creative writing, painting, photography, a
Sicilian folk night, trips to Palermo and Agrigento and a country lunch
including wine and a picnic with a walk up Cefalu Rock.

Price: 579 for 1 week. 180 for a second week. Insurance 19.

You want to go on a holiday called "Venice and the Verona

Opera" in June or July. You have two weeks' holiday. Ring
up to make a booking and check the details.



2 Kingston Avenue

Venice & the Verona Opera

Things to see and do?
Accom modation?

redit Card


Tel: 0161 434 3591

6289 0150 6885

Writing 2

Expiry date :


~ 372

J. WI ~ ES

06 /20 06


Write a letter of confirmation to M. Figuereido, enclosing the

tickets and the details of the holiday in Cefalu.


e Responsible Tourism


(p,' ge55)


B. Hall
Chair of Snowdonia National Park

area would be spoilt by: heavily

congested roads, day trippers, litter

local infrastructure could not cope with


the coachloads from Manchest er and


if people want the sort of tourist

attraction being proposed they should


Views on the proposed tourist


people com e for natural beauty and

too great a burden on local hospitals


and the police

go to the seaside

Scenario 1 Advising a Client

(pagc3 6)


Activity 1
You are trainee tour operato r sales staff f or Dream Holid ays

You have recentl y heard about a hotel there but yo u cannot

Inc. , an American tour operator. Tod ay you are attending a

remember the nam e. It was so meth in g like " Ed en" .

training session. You are learn ing about the am eniti es and

Ring up yo ur partner who works for Paradise Holid ays pic

faci lities at a new reso rt.

and find out about:

Work w ith a partner from your group. Read the brochure

extracts about Steamboat, Colorado, on page 109 and follow
the in structions below.
A nswer t hese questions:
a W here is th e resort?
b How long is each hol iday?
c At w hat time of year can you go?

2 Note the important facts about the resort an d the hotel under
t hese headings:



precise location

transport to and from the resort

f acilities
rates and discounts
hotel amenities

leisure activities

th e cl imate


Activity 3
Change back to the role yo u had in Activity 1 , working for



ameniti es

faciliti es

He/she is now an independent travel cons ultant and he/s he

cu isine

w ill tel ephone you.



souve nirs

rat es

3 Discuss and answer these questions:

a W hich are the m ost popu lar weeks?

b What t ype of cl ien t is attracted to this type of holiday?

Dream Ho lid ays Inc. Keep yo ur partner from Activity 2.

Use yo ur notes from Acti vity 1 to answe r t he caller' s

enqui ries.

Activity 4
Change back to you r role for Activity 2, worki ng as a travel
consultant. Work with other people from Group B.
You have now gone back to your consu ltancy offices. Were

Activity 2

you imp ressed by Paradise Holiday's description of t he

package holiday to Goa? O n the basis of w hat you have

Now wo rk w ith someone from Group A.

heard, w ill you want to recommend this Goan hotel and the

You are a t ravel consu ltant wo rkin g for a large bank. One of


their staff has asked you to research a w inter-sun holid ay in

Di sc uss your recommendation s with yo ur colleagues. W hat

Goa for herse lf and some col leagues.

w ill you tell your cli ent?

Th ey have set asid e about 500 per person per week .


Your cl ient wants to find out about:

Activity 5

a good reso rt.

W rite to your client to give your opinion of the hotel and the

a good hotel.

resort in Goa.

if there are thin gs for her teenage ch il dren to do.

how the hotel w ill cater f or t hem.

if there are any ch ild d iscounts.

GroupworkJPairwork B Texts

Colorado, USA
Apres-ski and Eating Out

Facilities for Children

Th e ski resort and o ld town of

Steamboat boast mOT t than
sixty restaurants offering a
cosmopolit an sclc(.1:io n of
Cajun , Italian and even
Vietnamese dining. Th(!TC a n~
Steam boat favou rites like O ld
West Steak House and
gourm et mountai n dini ng at

Nurscry/chi ld <.:,uc: JI)r <.: hiJd n n a,!{ed 6 mont hs to 6 .


g;lrnrcs/ puPIK:1 m,.ws / arts and cr.lrU fo r m In -~ kii ng ,hlldl"i;Il.

Kids' Va,.. ti"n Cente r: fur chi11.Ircn aged 2 1/: to 4

}"(",lI":'O . ~L: i

i nl!-trudion

and supcr\"i~ion in a special arc .. w ith ;l ski-li ft just for r hild n' n .

Rough Riden::J.:.j instruction ami .'\u p "f\'i sion for agt'~ 5- 15 yean

K.C.'s nile duh: ('wning c-ni]cbrf' for children, Ach-anl"C n.':\;(nJ.tion.~ f]uin.,o.

Resort Shuttle

Ragna r 's where you ' ll enjoy a

::==~!!~~.f~~;;:: starlit
sleigh ride before a

R un:. r~-guJMly frorn Slt"mlboal Spring..; 10 Stl' amil<o.I t Ski are.1l IInt illall' at night.

fabul o us dinner w ith the lights or the vall ey set o ut hdow.

Away from the mountain, Stea mboat agai n scores high .
Tah- your pi ck from a morning hot air balloon rid e ,.,.ith
celebratory champagne, snowmob ili ng, ice skating and
shopping (jeans and Western hoot.s arc r ea l bargains).

The Hotel
, . - - - - - - - - - - - - . Sh('ralOn Sk.lmhoaf ]tcS<) rt ........

GI. nuilldy ski-out and ski-in, th ...

Sh"T,lI on ('nju) s an iJ,allocJ.tion
~ dj an' nl

to [hi: Sih,r Bullet

Pri ces indude: round trip air trayc] hy schcclukd airline to

Gondola . Wi thin yan ls orthl~ h()ld


are numerous shops plu~ th e.:

Accommod ati on for the stated number of' nights on the

basis shown.


,~ ki

and lift til.-kd onilt".

AI.(.1)m m'ltla ti cm : spa(ious gu

room ~ h ~\.

Airport and hotel taxes.

tw,) , I"uhl,: quC'cn ~izc

~....~._ IX'IIs, prj""tc h".!c-ony, ("'.. hk TV &;

Child reductions for childre n under 12 sharing w ith t.wo


m(>"it: ~



300 rt><)m.s an, l suil "'.~

D aily fligh ts Lonrlon~Dcn\"(,f conn("cting witl, .I()fn l~ t k llights D o;:nnr


hot rubs and j.lCU...... 'S



fi.tnc:u ;mel

St"camlxnt Spring~ , a rnt' n ' 5 mil ... ~ fruln th ... rt"!<Qrl. Rl'gular



( ..hargc) , priu.ll l>.l lh

I llllow\r .

an" m usag<:

r ..o m

,.. Iet s(" f\'k c

w .stur"'

ski rl'ntalh hup

Ski Facts

SI [EIt AT()N STF..'.MI-IOAT KE.s() ln

Il,,~"n Ty~

Double Queen

Ski li(t~: 20


Room only


n" . "f nights

. - - - - - - - " . . : - - - . . . , AW' fag<- annual snowfall : 325 in. h(~

T r "il>: 106 t), c r SO m il ...~

dro p of 3 ,600 Ii

~k irN

" ........ .l<luh, ,h.ril1g

frum 1 J N,,, tn 07 I),..




Crus:<i(""(JUn ~ : 1 1 . ; mil ~

frum OS \.)ect" 14 1)0.,,'





Ski lOO.: houl: 100 instru(1or~

r... ,,,,





frvln 12 On 10 03 J ~n





front Of J= 16 01 I'M>


11 25



fr6m 02 ",.j, \" os I'd ,





rrom ()<I r'd, III IS 1'..1>





(r" m ll> Fd,[" IS rob.r





rrnm 16 Mu In 22 ,\br










uni'lu(" pfogrJ.fnm .. f"r .d'-.m("("(/


Ih c r I(-mp(ro1\ ur, in (Iu' r ....~ rt 011 6,<XX) rl i~ 2SF. Colder on

the- ~a.k...

( 10,600 ff) . SI Nm l)()JI ha.:. a ,If}" pleasant and imigorating dim.ilc: '"'ith

~ k.alin;.:,

I.~D."' I" l l 1)",.

rr"," B
.~II r

liltl., w ind, so !ittl ... wi ncl , hilt .-free l .

Acti vities un- th e slopes: iu'

Al l holidays

LongN I tnil : 3 mil ...s


is a


Sk,P""'s fat.. : ,..;:, :'\\\'. N E

Th., BilI~' Kidd Cefltr~ for

pc-rfr,' .~ Ic.iing


Child Price


1U 29 Mar


n<n :n L ,Ut!in9

dog~ . .drigh
sboppin-J- bor-.oe riding.

in,j""f t ..n ni!.

rid t.'\ (includi ng mountain dinner tn\J r.~ ) hJ II,)uIling:.

tlwrm,ll hot ~pr illgs


(3 Responsible Tourism




F. Evans
Town councillor for twenty years and vice-chairman of
the Snowdon National Park committee


Views on the proposed tourist development

ridiculous to turn down an opportunity to create 1,000

the 600 new houses are not sold o utright or as timeshare

Arlon Borough Council ow ns the land - can insist that

apartments, but rented strictly on a week ly or weekend



w ith out jobs, th e lan guage and cu ltu re of Wales w ill be

the council can make su re that the Welsh language and

cultu re are promoted, e.g. hold festivals of Celtic music

no additional financial burd en to the co mm unity-

and Welsh arts and crafts festivals

grants can be obtain ed from the We lsh Tourist Board, the

Sports Council and th e EU

e Tour Operators

ir,lge 38)

Before you read, check you know these words in the box. Use a dictionary if necessary.

ou tstanding

to hold down (prices)

to cover (overheads)

a brand name


to be o ut of pocket

to settle up

sluggish (business)

to go bust

Read " When the welcome is frosty" and answer these questions:
a To w hat extent can a hotel ier trust a to ur operator?
b How do tour ope rators attempt to persuade hoteli ers to take less money?
c How did a hotelier in Spai n react?
Tell your partner about how hoteliers work with tour operators.
Make notes before you begin.


If holidaymakers get a cool reception in some holiday destinations it may have more to do with the

practices of some tour operators in the UK than with the hospitality of the local hoteliers.
Ma ny hotel owners and local agents feel badly treated by Britis h
tour operators. Some of them have lost a small fo rtune when
unsecured trade creditors have gone bust. They feel especially
bitter when an ailing competitor is taken over: the new owners
may continue to do business under the same brand name. and yet under no legal obligation to settle any outstanding debts. As a
result. hoteliers may be out of pocket when a tour operator ceasel'
t.radi ng. even though the salTle compan y, now under new
ownership, is sending its customers to the sa me destinations.
So it comes as no surprise if hoteliers accuse tour operators of
sharp practice. For example. allegations have been made that tour
operators use their position to force down the rates for \vhich hotel
rooms wefe originally contracted. Sa les may be booming but the
tour operators will tell the hotelier that business is sluggish and
that the rooms can only be filled if they discount their prices.

11 0

Another tactic is 10 claim that competitors are hold ing down

their prices and that the only way to remain in business is to do
likewise. The hotelier can do nothing to prove the contrary .
Hoteliers also suffer from cash flow probJems through deJJys in
payment. Although most settle li p within a couple of months,
so me operat ors have heen known to request a fresh allocation of
bed -nigh ts when they st ill have not paid for the previous season.
So if you're going on a package dont be surprised if the
welcome you receive is less than enthusiastic - the chances are
that the roOIll \IIJS contracted at a rate that w ill barely cover
overheads . But you wou ld still be in a better position compared to
some unfortunate holidaymakers in Spain last year. One British
operator had forced a reluctant hotelier to accept J greatly reduced
rate with th e result that \vhen the tourists arrived their rooms had
been re-allocated to a foreign operator offering a better deal.

GroupworklPairwork B Texts


(page 43)

Negotiating an Agreement

Age nd a 12/03
Sales o f GETAWAY Tour s
1 Minut es V


2 Review of f orecas t s f or next season v '

3 Commi ss i on lev el s

Look at the agenda on the right. You have just finished

discussing item 2. Read and discuss your negotiating
position on the remaining item s with your partner:



Item 3
You would like to receive commission of at least 13.5%.

You realise th is is optimistic; your average is 12%.

Item 4
You can guarantee eye-level racking in larger agencies. but
smaller shops will display brochures at their own discretion.
Item 5
As an incentive to sales staff you would like to see a
payment of 1.25 per person paid to the consultant who
confirms the booking. This wou ld be paid monthly working
from the departure date.
Item 6
You feel that any customer complaints should be dealt with
in writing by the operator within a week. Customers need
to fee l that their complaint is getting somew here.
Item 7
You would like educationals for your agency staff.

Racki ng
I nce nti ves
Policy o n co mpl a ln ts
Edu cat i onals

Before you start negotiating with GETAWAY you should


what you want to achieve.

your order of priorities.

what you think GETAWAY will wan t.

how much you are prepared to accept.

what you think GETAWAY wi ll be prepared to accept.

If neccessary refer to the Language Tips on page 43.

Decide who will say what. Then negotiate with the
GETAWAY representatives.

Promoting a Destination

Speaking 1

(page 46)

Tell your partner about the itinerary below in your own words.

ICELAND Outline itinerary

Thursday: evening flight from Lo ndon

fruit, vegetables and flowers are grown in

H eathrow to Keflavik. Transfer on arrival

greenhouses heated by geothermal water.

to H otel Island in Reykjavik.

Visit to the Great Geysir, after which all

Friday: morning City Sight-seeing T our

others are named. Drive to G ullfoss,

and afternoon

consid ered by many


exp lore or shop at leisure.

Saturday: (New Year's Eve): late morning


be Iceland's most

beauti fu l waterfalL Cascadin g in two stages

exc ursion co the Blue Lagoo n co bathe in

into a spectacular 15 km gorge , the falls

its mi lky blue waters. Eve ning V iking-style

are often partl y froz.en at this tim e of the

banquet. Just before midn ight firewo rk


disp lay. See the New Year in with a

Stop at La ugarvarn, where steam emerges

celeb ratory glass of Brennivin (Icelandic

at the edge of a lake , form ing a natural

sch napps).

sauna. Optional swim in the lake! H ead

SmuJay: (New Year's Day) : Th e Gold en



Reykjavik and listen to a few sagas

C ircle - a fu ll da), [Our. Leavi ng Reykjavik

on the way. Di nner in the evening.

we travel over Hellisheidi Pass to

Monday: Return



Hve ragerdi , the "green house village" where


!>Customer Relations
Reading 1

ip,'gc 62)

Speaking 1

(page 611



4 Read this case study about an

unfo rtu nate in cid ent in a t ravel agency
and answer the question s.

Situation 1 You are a hotel receptionist. A custo mer has just come into the lobby
and wants to speak to you o

a W ho was involved?

Situation 2 Yo u are st aying at a beach reso rtoThe hotel room is fine, but outside at
ce rtain tim es of day there is an unpleasant smell coming f ro m the local m unici pal

b Were the travel agency staff experienced?

c What kind of mistake did the staff make?


d How do yo u t hink the custom er felt?

e How wou ld you describe the staff and
t heir behavio ur?

Te ll your partner what happened.

What lessons can be learnt from the
two sit uat ions?

HEN I FIRST ~ tarted in the l ravd

industry, I worked in:t slllall
retail agency w hich was owned
by a very pleasan t and k llowlcdgl'ablc m an
w ho was liked and respccted by all of his
customers. One day 1 W AS Jistcning ( 0 him
dealing with some customers w ho wan tcd
Right st!'ats to Ma lagd at vcry short notice,
and I learned a valuable lesson which has
held me in good ste;:.d in my dealing w ith
customer.;. The incident occurred in the:
days before travel h:ld become fully
computerised an d so m y boss found himself
telep honing a number o f companies to

rubbish dump down the road. You ask to speak to the manager.
You are a resort representat iveo Som eone has asked to speak to youo

Situa tion 4 You bought a ret urn airline ticket f rom a travel agency but t he w ron g
time was w ritten on the ret urn t icket and you m issed your flight. You had to
purchase ano th er ticket for a later flig ht (which, to make matters even w orse, was
delayed), and as a resu lt you missed a very important business meeting. Yo u wan t to
kn ow w hat th e agency is going to do about it.

chexk av,lilab ilicy for the customer , ;lIld this

was taking .~o l1l e rimc . W hih: h e W;IS wa iting
to gct through to operators, he struck lip a
conversalio n with the (;ustoillers which
cvcntually led to their asking his opinion on
rhe me rit of the h u~e choice of chartcr
airlim's operating on tha t route. T his
happelled [0 be a pet subject of his, and he
went into gr.lphic detail about the merits
and picf.. tIL.. of each ca rrier. Fi nally, he said,
"T he worst flight I cver had was w ith D ... D
airlines. T he sratT were ru de, tIle food was
awti.1i and they even ran out of dury-frecs."
The customer thanked him for his advice

and thCll attention w as switche d back to the

call that was being answered by the tour
operator. Up to now, no availabil ity had
been fo und, but on thi" occasion ;\ flight
with suitable ri minb'"S was ;Ivailablc. The
cllstomer wa~ quirc satisfied with th e pricc
and decided to book strAightaway. As my
boss and thc tou r operator began to p roces.~
the booking, the customer said "Oh, by the
way, which airline arc we flying w ith?O'
My boss asked t he operator, looked very
shclopish, t hcn looked u p at the custom e r
and quil.., tly said, "Uhh .. . it's D .. .D
A irlines.o,


HIS I IOTEL: It' s a \'f: ry spcl..-ial place - H,lThadru as ,\ desli natiun is easy to
rloalh so people l'an decide on a witim 10 come here to rd ax. People ha\'c
M) lin lt.': leisure limc now, .it is important to IUH'c somc wh(Tc likt: Sand),
Lane which i ~ ea.~y to visit. \Vc .. Iso ha,"e a huge advantage tx-causc of its
loeatiun un l'asily the: best heach surro unded by d pr h'ate hOllies in a
private estate- . T he hotd owns 400 acre:; hu t has only 120 rooms su it
ne,'(Or SlOtOIllS husy even w h~n we ar e fu ll. People also like the elegance of
the hOld, thc C"O rals to n ~ whit'll dlanglos colour from white tn pink as thc
sun sets, and the theatre of mahogany trees J.TOuntl .
STA fF ; We have just under four slall, about 3.~ to ('wory gut'st" roo m .
which is a nice ratio because it allows us to he \'c ry allentivc. T raining is
\"cry dt'ar to my heart - ahollt 2 5 p~r CtOnt of o ur train ing bUOgl' t g()(.'s on
tcd mit:<l l ski lls as t hc Tt~t is o n attitude and motivation. 'We st:nd staff
oV('rscas to work in hotd ~ such as thc Sd\"ov in London MId II)("i1' stall' com c
lucre so the), are. alw J.)s 1"Jr ning. Tlut wh;t imprcss,os me t h\' mm t is thl'
flOil~ n(lI i l1(Oss of th;.: stair. \Vh ~rt! c1 S<.~ dm:s a maid come in on h(T day o il' to
b ring fru it from h.-r garden lilr a gUl~~ 1 who dOl's not f~d well?
RATES: We think our "<ltt-s arc good "alul'. In th\ ~ surnnll:r the rail's
arc lo",,: r which \\" t~ think is spt..'(;talular \'J.]ue bCl"3Wie you gl't txac:tly the
itanw S(rvio.. olll(l itilos as in the winkr. WI~ aIm consid cr I:'m ililos \.... ry
important and haw just built a childn"n 's villagc in th..: grounds and o ller


adjo in ing roo m s for U S$100, compl .... tc w ith su fI d ri n ks and l"(mkilos
instead uf a. m illihar. Our d ominant market i.~ .~ti Jl couples ageel lorty or
on;.. .
GU ESTS: Our d rc.'!s code !ionh' times caUSNi p ro hlems lxocause we w ill
r efusc c n try 10 di n ne r if someon e is nut smart enoug h . Som c li nH;:;
l'llebrit il'S will try to bend the ru lt~$ w hich is a shame he-cause othLT guesls
do n't lik..>: it if excep tions arc mad L,.
r AVOURITE ST AY AT A H O T EL: (;alll'}" Bay in An tigua.. WLo go
thert! quik a lot because: I can n.,.l lly n .. lax thcr..: after the form ality of Illy
hold . I can go 10 dinnlo" in shorts and without s h(K,~s . T he atmosphere is
rclaxlod, hut the scn 'i(;e and the food arc cxnolle nt . I like not having any
ai l' cond itjoning and b eing ahle to , rirtually roll out o f heel into the .~("a. A
lo t of placrs you can u nwind, but you don't glot tht: good Sl~ r \' ic:(: - hcrc
),ou get hoth .
I)J S Ll KF S: \V I pa rt icu larl)" .lisli ko.: a n.: t: ity h()teis wher e t he
Illa.nagl~m (;n t and oW lw r.~ d on't bring an)' sellse of ra ring. Thc), gin: you a
Ix:<1 in a box and stcrik , wlorigillal surroundings. You don' t hJ.w: to ~pt n d
a 'int une on a I"Uom to nnd good plac....s .~e) it's not just a q ul~s t io n of price.
ON E W ISH H)R T H E INO U STRY: T hat we co uld get oyer the
proh lcm of sC<lSonal ity. [ \\'i ~h I could ~omt'ho\\" get J.ITI)S.~ the lIIe~""lgc thal
the Caribbean is a heautiful place ill lhc :'UlIlIlItT.

GroupworklPai rwork B Texts

o Responsible Tourism

ID Hotel Facilities
Reading 1

Speaking (pageS5)


(p'ge 70)

When you have finished reading th e text on the opposite


page, ask Student A questions to find out about:

B. Morgan
Local teacher

the good features of Tommaso Zanzetta's hotels.

the staff.

the roompricing policy.

his favou rite stay at a hotel.
what he dislikes at a hotel.
what he would like to see happen in the industry.

Views on proposed tourism development:

woul d result in ca rs coming over Ll anberis Pass at th e rate
of one every four seconds on a summer holiday weeken d
would create havoc on the roads
Welsh language and cu lture wou ld be seve rely affected
by the num ber of holidaymakers from England - al ready

Answer your partner's questions about Richard Williams.

Speaking 2

difficult to keep the ancient language and culture of Wales

al ive
this new housing estate w ill be used by people from the
North of En gland as second homes
they w ill be a separate community givi ng nothing to the

(page 75)

Student A will phone you to m ake a booking . Use the
information from the brochure to answer his/ her queries.


Make notes.

the 600 houses w ill be empty for most of the year

You have no single room accommodation free as from 12 July

but you can be flexi ble on pricing.
Make sure w hen tak ing any booking


you have the names of all the guests and th ei r

requi rements.
you have a forwarding add ress and telephone number.

Maple Leaf Hotel

TIle Maple LeoIHolel is conveniently located jive minutes./rom
I.he L.B. Pearson International Airpor/. and downtown Toronto.
TIle Maple Leaf overlooks CUI eighteen-hole go~f course.

$95-$125 ICan adian)
Double $ 11 5-$ 135
S uites
From $265
Check- in 3 p.m.; check-oul 12 noon .
Group di scounts: see residential delegate rates below.
All major credit cards accepted

Room guarantee policy

First' night's d eposit is required to guarantee a room if
arrival after 6 p.m.
Cancellation must b e made prior to 6 p.m. on a nival date to
receive a full refund .

Room facilities
Color lV. in-room movies, DO telephones. mini-bar.
soundproofing. hairdryer, all rooms en suite .

Business Center
The Maple Leaf has a fully-equipped business cen ter wit h
six private m eetin g rooms and three offices. offering its
guests a comprehensive range o f services. including 24hour faCSim ile a nd telex, photocopy ing. \vord processing.
e- mail , int.erpretation and trans lation.

Conventions and meetings

Meeling rooms





Size (sq.ft.l

Rate lull day



] Peaks


Pinl! View






$ 150
$ 120

Lecterns. flip charts. slide projectors , OHPs. white boards and

stationery supplied at no extra charge. Audio-visual
assistancc aVailable .
Daily delegate rate
Includes morning tee1. and coffee. hot and cold bullet. lunch .
afternoon tea. main meeting room hire, $32 p er d elegatc.
24hour residential delegate rate
Includes above, plus thrcccourse table d h6tc cvenlng meal ,
overnight accommodation . full American breaklast.. S Il O per
delegate single oceup.:mcy and $90 per delegate double
Clients must b e able to guarantee at least fifteen delegates per
day to be able to ben efit from th e daily or rcsidenLlal dt:legate

A la carte three-course menu from a pprox. $35 p er person.


G) Things to Do
Speaking 2



You are P. Frumkin, a modern hi storian from Boston
University. You are staying in London. You have hired a car
and come down to Portsmouth for the day together with

your nine-year-old daug hter, Caroline.

As a modern historian you are particularly interested in
sailing and maritime history. Caroline doesn't have a long

attention span and tends to get bored quite easily.

Ask the tourist information clerk if he/ she can suggest what
you can do for the day.
2 Now change roles. Student A is a tourist and you are a
tourist information clerk in Portsmouth. New Hampshire.

Read the leaflets. Note the important pOints. A tourist has
just walked through the door. Answer his/ her questions.

John Paul Jones House

Cuirled lOurx ot lilr, ilollsp. and lIlUSDUln by attendants
in period costume

Ruill. in 1.11(: mid-1 8th century

Home of Caplain .Ioh n PUll! .Jones for a time during tile America n
War of Independence
Now the home of ~\)rlsmouth
Historica l !-iocif',l,y

Open ,
W(,ckday, 10.00 ani. - 4. 00 p.m.
Sunday 12.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.1TI



Founded 1970, overio()kiflg Portsmouth's historical harbor,

serves a (J-course, gourmet dinner by reserved seatillg,

Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

comp rist:S 4,47 1 acres o f tidal waters
48 miles

of inland Atl;1nric bay.~

Estuary habitat includes tidal creeks, w oodl.and s and open fi elds

E'Cpaima th~ natural fiuma dnd ftO rtl ofthe arM.

Whale Watch Expedition


Discova tbe Ri'L,t:f PisCIltd'llla 's heritage (md the
adventure of sail aboard flu Pisces:

All trips guided by naturalists.

Data collected is sent to New England

A. Inland River Cru ise

marine research centers.

through a peaceful world of winding ri\'c[s and the expanse of

We have access to three whale zones.

Great Bay.
A great cruise for natll r,llists.
I n the fall, sec: an abundance of migr'ltory bird life.

Humpback. fin. right, minke, sei whales, as

well as whitesided dolphins can be seen.

B. Evening C rui se
Enjoy a jaunt around the harhor for our version of H appy H our.
Or rcla..x w ith


favorite drink and take in sunset over the harbor.

C. Isle!<; of Shoals
Visit nine ,,\'ind~wcpt i"i;mds just si..x miles off-short:.
These islands have pbycd a vit,ll rok in the legcndary folklore of the

SC'lc()a~t. with



histo ry sp3nning nC:lrly four ccnturies.


r ruJitk>nuljQoJs. Illli(/u<'0' prcp'J{<,r Loc,J/cJ on Porr;mouth'\ h istori c IHludront.

u[\JoilH lowls, ,mJ a.flnJfm

I'isiwrs. Tll is is

a /ru tr relaxing ,qourl1Jcr

o r r:ric ncc in all armo>rhcrc uminiiant of days 90111: by.

Groupwork/Pairwork B Texts

~ Marketing the Past

Speaking 2

(page 91)

You work as tour gu ides for Summer Tours of Switzerland. You have been asked to plan a
two-hour walk round Rapperswil . Read your information. Plan your route. Prepare your talk .
Give your talk to someone in Group A.


~ 1It-$q .

13h. Cut,"'H Castle..


of lbIish Na/:ional

-r11e /.Je\fr'<
Cc-etrj cYl<Lpel) to the. chw"ch d "l;es

M.. ,e""",

';'-0'" l$"to to 19'2.1.5,""" 1975



t;I-1ea. has Pee" 0. ~,.,,,,,,,,,t;


devo/;e.d I:n 1'olo...a<

CJ>I'\tribbO>1 b> w.,stel'l
civi LiSllC.Ol1 01\ the -I:opfloOV

of tioe. cQst/e.

3. (ApuGhil'l.


.... Of'IQsW~

(1606) h'j bie

G1J, ior. i1o ,.,.
WIth se A"th:>"~'s
9~otto <UOd


if. RP;e. G.....d""s:

IZappeY5wilJ coat oftJ.nHf


of /;ovO vo5e!'.

frv .... ;Two. i:P octob<w; a .

b WoF 6,000 (<6e buSke{ (;t.

-bloo .... -a VoS. -blAsk -fb... .e.v"':f

~/e Iw"'3 1ft Rtl{!Pe'Swi!..

~ Business Travel
Sp,eaking 2

(page 99 )

You work in the venues department of The Manor Hotel. You

2 You work for Tangerine Computers of New York. You are

interested in holding a three-day business seminar in the UK
for local businesses on the benefits of your new software
packages. You will be sending a team of eight senior
employees who will require accommodation for four nights.
You expect there to be some thirty local people attending on
each of the three days. They will not require accommodation.

receive a telephone call from Albatross Engineering. Using

the information below. answer the enquiry. Find out what
equipment the client requires . All equipment is provided free
of charge if you have prior notice.






Ring The Manor Hotel and find out what they can offer.

Will they provide OHPs, flip charts and so on? Do they have
a local area network you can demonstrate your software on?

TJx Bijhop F orlo(/u RlY.iflj

15.9 x 8.5 m 150/da),



M palple

1.50 people


B ri llflny R oom

6.4 x 7.3


.051 day



Gumr"y Rt;,()/f/

8.5 x 9.2









Ta pescri pts

o Types of H oli day


Lisren ing

Conversation 1

Travel consultant: Hello, can I help you?

I've been working in the local office of a

major travel agency group in the United States for

Wo man: Urn .. well, yes perhaps. Last year we went

to ItiIly in December and stayed at a small, relatively
cheap hotel in Rome and it was very nice, and the
year before that we spent the New Year in the
Canary Islands, but this year - well , we're sort of
looking for something a bit more exciting and
adventurous - something that'll give the kids a treat

or a negotiation - something like that. It's a pretty

the last three years. I

personnel has to come f or a meeting or a conference

competiti ve market because when a company is
going through a bad patch t hen travel is often one
of the first things that gets cut. So we try to include

for Christmas

a number of incentives,
own profit margins.

vcry reasonable and ~uccessfu l package put together

by ... (fade)
Conversation 2

window and we'd like to find out a bit more about

what it includes.
Travel consultant: OK. What exactly is it you want

to know?
You ng woman: Er .

well. we're getting married in

er ... I have to try t o find

corporate clients who will regularly use us when their

Travel cons ulta nt: Well, how about this , there's a

Young man: Hello, we saw your notice in the

but of course that cuts our

I'm on a programme where every month or so I

change departments, so I started off in the

restaurant and then spent some time in the kitchen
and went into the reception and at the moment I'm
working in one of the offices and learning
accountancy and financial management, and then .
er ... at the end of that I hope I'll get a job in a
position of responsibil ity either generally or in a
particular department.

three months' time and we've decided we want to

go somewhere exotic - you know. the holiday of a

make sure everyone is in the right seat, then show

lifetime sort of thing, not just Benidorm or the


them the safety proce,jures and seNe drinks and a

snack. It's not easy to combine this job w ith a social

Travel consultant: Oh well. I think it's definitely Bali

life because I'm frequently away from home. This

I basically have to be friendly to passengers,

for you. There's a speCial offer at the moment w ith

w eek we're stopping over in Dubai so we won't be

three extra nights free on the island of Lombok,

back tor another couple of days. But I enjoy the

contact w ith people and we're part of a good team.

um ... which is about twenty minutes' flight off the

coast of Bali itself.

Young man: Lombok. I've never heard of that

beforehand to make sure that everything is ready. I

Travel co nsultant: Well, that's one good reason for

check that the eqUipment is in the right place and in

going there. It's completely unspoi lt.

working order, that all the catering has been looked

after, the hotel reservations have been made and

Yo ung man: And how much does it cost?

I have a checkl ist of points which I go over

Travel consultant: Well, it's very competitive. Would

you like a brochure?

things like that. Then when people arrive I welcome

Conversation 3

folders. Next w eek we're having a big do with about

Travel consultant: OK sir, I've booked you into a

600 participants so ... (fade)

three-star hotel and I' ll make out the flight ticket


5 I have to deal with the public and take their

bookings for flights, hotels, tours, car hire and that
sort of thing. It's quite hard work and the basic
salary isn 't brilliant, but I get a performance-related
bonus and commission so I don't do too badly . I'm
doing a training course at the moment because I'd
like to specialise in incentive travel. In fact I have an

Man: Oh by the way, I'd like to hire a car and make

interview next w eek

now. So that's Alitalia flight number AZ1621 and

then there's a train connection to Florence. Right.
And how are you paying?
Man: American Exp ress.
Travel cons ultant: Fine. Can I have your card? Thank

them and give them their badges and information

my own wayan to Perugia. Is t hat possible for you

to do from here?

or three years' time we have another destination or

Travel consultant: No problem, sir. What kind of car

resort to offer in the catalogue . This means that I

What I have to do is to plan ahead so that in two

do you reqUire?

have to vi~it and travel around t he region, contract

Man: Oh, the most economical.

Conversation 4

w ith hoteliers and service providers and so on.

Obviously, I have to deal with

a lot of money

Dr Garcia: Good question. We have now, in fact,

adopted a kind of common language - a set of
definitions if you like - so that when various
countries coHect statistics on tourism they are all
measuring the same thing. And so the WTO now
classifies all travellers under various headings. The
most important of these for statistical purposes is
that of visitors. But obviously, for tourism purposes,
we don't count people such as temporary
immigrants, border work~rs, nomads and other
groups like diplomats, members of the armed forces
and people like that. And then v isitors are broken
down into two separate groups: tourists who are
overnight visitors - that is, people w ho stay for at
least one night in some form of accommodation in
the country they're visiting and same-day visitors
who do not stay the night. For example passengers
on a cruise stoppIng over in a port or people simply
on a day trip.
Interviewer: How long can tourists stay in a country
without ceasing to be a tourist and becoming a
Dr Garcia: Not m6re than a year. And the reason for
the visit must be different from the kind of activity
he or she is usua lly employed in. So the purpose of
the visit h as to be for leisure and recreation, for
business and professional reasons, VFR .
Interviewer: VFR?
Dr Garcia: Yes, that is: visiting friends and relatives.
Or perhaps people are travelling for health reasons
to a spa or somewhere like that or going on a
pilgrimage to plact'S like Mecca, or Lourdes in the
south of France.
Interviewer: OK, so we know what tourists and
v isitors are, but we still haven't actually defined the
word tourism !
Dr Garcia: Well, I can give you the official definition
- it's the activities of persons travelling to, and
staying in, places outside their normal environment
for not more than one consecutive year for purposes
such as leisure or business. And this definition can

be further subdiv ided so that we can distinguish

between the types of tourism. There's domestic
tourism, that's where the residents of a country
travel within their national borders. And then there is
inbound tourism, that's w hen people who live in
another country come to visit the country where you
live. And finally outbound tourism w hich involves the
residents of a particular country going abroad for
one of the reasons w hich J mentioned earlier.
Interviewer: Right. so w e have domestic, inbound
and outbound. And I suppose you can also ... (fade)

Listenin g 2

matters and negotiate terms and conditions. At t he

Sum mer hol iday by Cliff Richard

We're all going on a summer hol iday

Travel consultant: Well, the price is inclusive of air

moment we're thinking of opening up a resort in


travel, ten nights on the MV Kirov, full board and all

Speech work : \Vo r d st ress

the excursions except the one on Day 2 which is





Woman: And so could you tel l me w hat the price


Woman: What's that exactly,
Travel consultant: Um

I think that's a guided tour

round St Petersburg, just let me check in the

brochure. Yes, that's right.
Woman: Actually, on secor,d thoughts, I think it's a bit
Travel consultant: Well pOSSibly, but on the other
hand it is excellent value for money (pause) No?
Well, what about going ... (fade)

11 6

e A Career in Tourism

e Trends in Tourism
L i stening

Interviewer: Dr Alberto Garcia works for the

World Tourism Organisation in Madrid and has

come into the studio to talk to us about
developments in the modern tourist industry. Dr
Garcia, how can we actually determine what a
tourist is?

No more working for a week or two

Fun and laughter on our summer holiday
No more worries for me or you
For a week or tw o.
We're going where the sun shines bright ly
We're going where the sea is blue
W e've seen it in the movies
Now let's see if it's true
Everybody has a summer holiday
Doing things they always wanted to
So w e're going on a summer holiday
To make our dreams come true
For me and you.

Tap escripts

Listen ing 3
15 Int erviewer: Can you tell me something about
when and how tourism actually began in Singapore?
Christopher Keoh: Tourism in the strictest sense
began a long time ago when people from the east
and the west were travelling and trading. Singapore
began its existence, owes its existence actually, to
trading. It started off as a trading port, a harbour fo r
pirates actually, but more significantly when trading
developed between the east and the west, from
Ch ina, from India into Europe or intra-Asian travel,
then most of it wen t through Singapore. So
Singapore started as a trading nation bet ween the
Spice Islands and Europe. Now that naturally gave
birth to what we would caJi the tourism industry,
with inns, hostel keepers, restaurant; - well that's
how I think touri sm started. A lot of travel between
the UK and Australia would stop in Singapore back
in the days of steamers and the romantic days of
travel. Of course now, very few people - about
3.500 out of a t otal of abou t 225,000 - come by
sea. The vast majority fly directly into C hang; airport.
Right now tourism in Singapore has become a major
industry attracting people from all over the world
into South -East Asia through Singapore and also
features very prominently on the UK- Australia
Interviewer: If we look at the kind of modern
tourism of the last twen ty t o thirty years what
patterns do you think have emerged?
Christopher Keoh: If we were to take 1965 as the
benchmark, because 1965 was the year Singapore
gained its independence, arrivals into Singapore then
numbered 90,000 a year and the bulk of that travel
actually came, like we said, from the steamers and
ships coming through the port of Singapore. So,
from very humble beginnings since 1965 tourism has
taken off in a very big way and, if we t ake 1993 f or
example, we welcomed 6.4 million arri\lals from all
over the world,
Interviewer: These 6.4 million. about how long did
they stay?
Christopher Keon: Tne average leng th of stay is 3.8
days in Singapore and we from the Singapore Tourist
Au thority, believe that there is more to ~e and do in
Singapore and should justify it being a business
destination .
Interviewer: How are these visitors broken down?
Christopher Keoh: If we were to t alk about the
breakdown of arrivals on a world w ide basis we are
talking about 15 per cent of our arrivals coming in
on business. Holidaymakers account for well over 60
per cent, the rest of them would be visi ting friends
and relatives, in transit, on their way to other spots
in South-East Asia, or else going lor an educational
pu rpose. But the two main blocks would be holidays
60 per cent and business a little in excess of 15 pcr
Interviewer: And those holidaymakers - what do
they do in Singapore? W hat do you encourage them
t o do, to see?
Christopher Keoh: Well, we believe that Singapore is
an excellent introduction to Asia, speaking from a
European or non-Asian point of view . W e see
Singapore as the spri ngboard t o the rest of SouthEast Asia, where they should come into Singapore
first to be acclimatised, to get used to the culture, to
explore a little bit of w hat the rest of Asia holds in
store for them.

e Where People Go
l istening 1

Interviewer: Penny Goodman and her husband,

Charles, with their son Harry, an advertising

salesman in Los Angeles, and his wife Olivia, who is
from Maryland, are on the last day of the Tornado
Tour. They have visi ted seven countries in r.... elve
days, a t otal d istance of 2,750 miles. This is their first
trip t o Europe. I asked them w hat their impressions
were .
Interviewer: Can I ask a few questions?
Penny: No problem .
Interviewer: Have you honestly got to know the real

Interviewer: Has twelve days really been enough t o

see Europe?
Penny: My son and Olivia - like most Americans only had two weeks' vacation so there was no
Spcec h work 1: The schwa sound
6 again
manager salesman

Piccadilly Circus

Listening 2

Europe in twelve days?

O l ivia: Of course not. Seven countries - 2,750 miles.

12 a of the six and a half mil lion visitors last

year, about two thirds stayed in hotels
b We're working on a thirteen point five
commission basis at the moment
c The revenue forecast for July at the fuJi rate

That's w hy our t our's called the Tornado Tour!

Interviewer: Isn't it ever an noying w hen you can't

is 145,205 .
d "Could you please quote your booking

get off the bus because you ab-solut ely have to sec
Rome in two hours?
Penny: Well, I would've kind of liked to stay longer
at a couple of places. But it was the first time I've
been to Europe and so this w as the right trip for me
to get an impression 0/ Europe, just to whet my

"Yes, it's AS stroke oh two one nine seven

Interviewer: W here w ould you like to go back to if
you had the chance to spend just another five

per cen t, that is from 6 to 8.15 per cent.

9 There' ll be seventeen extra guest s arriving

minu tes in Europe?

Harry: Pari s, the Trocadero by night.
O livia: Florence. To see M ichelangelo's David again .
Charl es: Those castles. All those wonderful castles on
the ri ver. Where was that now .. ?
Penny: Germany - between Heidelberg and Bo nn.
Interviewer: How was the f ood?
Harry: Swiss chocolate . Fantaslic! I always get an
allergy from American chocolate. But in Switzerland I
could eat white chocolate for the first time in my life.
Nestle's Gala!<. That's one name j'lI never fo rget.
Penny: And you could eat cheese.
Harry: That's right. I have this allergy to chemicallytreated food. In LA you can spend hours trying to
find cheese or an apple tha t hasn' t been sprayed
with something or other. It's great just to be able t o
go into a shop and not spend hours researching
what is in the apple,
Penny: And the herbs ... Have you ever had a pizza
w ith fresh herbs? The difference is like night and day
Interviewer: Did you miss anything?
Penny: Sure did, ice cubes. I can't understand how
you can serve a cola in the summer without ice
cubes Two minutes in the sun and the stuff is
Interviewer: Did you go to a McDonald's here?
Olivia: Once, in London. But we have McDonald's in
the US too. We came to learn about European
Interviewer: Did you pick up any souvenirs?
Olivia: I picked up two outfits in Rome,
Harry: For a mere 600 dollars!
Charles: Come 00, we've aU spent a fortune_
Int erviewer: On what?
Penny: Oh, crystal in Venice, a cuckoo clock in
Geneva, leather bags in Florence. Did I f orget
Charles: Silver spoons from almost everywhere.
Penny: Well, my " .om \': ill appreciate them.
AnY'..'ay, I think it's good to go shopping even if you
don 't buy anything, It"s good to know what
everyone eke has got. Just to compare.

eight. "
Your flight number from Hong Kong to

Guilin is CZ th ree zero three two.

The rate of inflation has gone up by over 2

on 30th July.

o Travel Agents
List enin g 1
7 Call 1
Agent 1: Yeah, w hat is it you want?
Caller 1: I'd like to speak to Monsieur Dupres,
Agent 1: Who did you say?
Call er 1: Monsieur Dupres in fina ncing?
Agent 1: He doesn't work here any more,
Call 2
Invieta Press: Hello, Invicta Press, can I help you?
Agent 2: Good morning, this is Sunrise Tours. Can I
speak to Mrs Sharp, please, on extension 452?
Invicta Press: Hold the line, I'm putting you thro ugh.
M rs Sharp: Hello, Mrs Sharp speaking.
Call 3
Caller 2: Helio, can you tell me what currency I' ll
need to go to the Ukraine?
Agent 3: Yeah, hold the line please and I'll find out
for you.
Caller 2: Yes . .. (noise of conversation in
Agent 3: Hello, are you sti ll there?
Caller 2: Yes.
Agent 3: It's the karbovanets.
Caller 2: The w hat?
Agent 3: The karbovanet s.
Caller 2: Never heard of itl
Agent 3: Me neither! (more background noise)
Caller 2 : Well .,. er .. thank you,
Agent 3: Jane l Stop it! Thank you, (hangs up)
Call 4
Tour operator: Hello, reservations,
Agen t 4: Could you check me something on


invoice please?
Tour operator: An invoice. I' ll put you through to the
accounts department.
Agent 4: Well , er ... no it' s ., . (pause)
Accounts: Hello, Accounts .
Agent 4: Sorry , but I didnt want Accounts, could
you transfer m e back t o Reservations please?


Accounts: To Reservations? No, I can't All their Jines

Natasha: Speaking.

are engaged. You'd better call back later.

Call S
Agent 5: Funtours, can I help you?
Caller 3: Could I speak to Mr Poynter, please?

M r Maughan: Urn. I visited your agency last week

person. Shalt I look after that or would you prefer to

and we talked about the tours you organise in the

Ukraine. You said I should get in touch with you if I'd

get it yoursel f?

made up my mind.

Natasha: Right. so I'll need you to fill in an

Agent 5: No, I'm sorry, he's in a meeting at the

Natasha: Oh yes. I rem ember. Have you decided

application form and I'll also need three passport size


where you'd like to go?

photos and a copy of the inside cover of your

caller 3: Sorry. r didn' t quite cak h that?

M r Maughan: Yes. I'd like to make a booking if that's

passport. so if you bri ng those in the next time you

Agent 5: I s.ald he's in a meeting


drop in I'U send everything off with the con f irmation.

Natasha: Fine. I'll just get a booking form. Hold the

M r Maughan: OK.

Caller 3: Oh ... urn ... OK, urn.

(.111 6

thank you.

M r Maughan: No. no. you do itl I havent got timel

line .. . Right. Could you tett me which t ou r you've

Natasha: And j'lI also need your deposit w hich is

Customer. Can you tell me how much that' ll be?

decided on?


Agent 6: Yes, that's 375 plus a 5.50 sea-view

supplement and that's per person per night. so that
comes to 452 and another twice 38 flight
supplement charge.
Customer: Oh.

M r Maughan: The one - sorry, I havent got the

M r Maughan: Right. welt I'll drop by at the

reference with me - the ten -day one to Moscow via

beginning of next week and make you out a cheque

Speech wor k : Intonation In tag questi ons

11 a: You went f or two weeks last year, didn't you?
b: The 10.35 flight is fully booked, isn 't it?

a head.

Odessa. We f ly from Gatwick.


Natasha: OK. ,.U look up the reference number later.

Natas ha: Good. thank you for calling.

Can you tell me what d ate you want to leave on?

M r Maughan: The thirteenth of July.
Natasha: Fine. So would you mind me your


o Tour Operators
Listen i ng

c: You're returning alone, aren't you?

name. please?
M r Maughan: It's f or me and my w ife - Mr and Mrs

d: Your husband isn't going w ith you. is he?

Maughan .

e: There is a guided tour. isnt there?

Practice 2

Natasha: How is that spelt?

approached by Sky Air who have some spare

capacity on their transatlantic 767s and they ... e

M r Maug han: M - A - U -G - H -A -N.

asked us if we're interested in chartering aircraft to

A: Good morn ing . Would you like some help or are

you just looking?

Natasha: And please could I have your first names?

Cuba. So I've been out to look at some sites and I' ve

M r Maug han: linda and

nego tiated rates and come to an agreement w ith

B: Good morning. Well. I was considering taking a

short skiing trip. You dont happen to have any

Natasha: Is that linda with an i or a y?

M r Maughan:An's l - I - N - 0 - A.

because obviously everyone in Cuba desperately

bargain packages. do you?

Natasha: Thank you. a nd Itt need your home

needs foreign currency at the moment. Now David.

A: Ah w ell. As it so happens. yes. But could you first

give me some idea of where and w hen you'd like to

Mr M aughan: Certainly. That' s 41. Swynford Hill .

Air now?


Temple Fortune. London NW11 7PN.

David: Welt. they ...e given us their seat rates and

B: Anytime between now and mid -March really but

Natasha: 41. I'm sorry. could you please spell

the sooner the better.

A: Would you prefer to ski in Europe or America?

Swynford fo r me?
M r Maughan: Of cou rse. S-W-Y-N-F-O- R-D . Then

we've negotia ted a discount by taking a time slot

they wouldn't've been able to fil l. So we've got 270
seats at approximately 250 each for twenty -fi ve

B: I was thinking of Switzerland or Austria but it's

Hill, Temple Fortune . London NW11 7PN.

weeks in rotation. And I'm told by the marketing

more a question of cost and good skiing. Could you

Natasha: And t he t elephone number?

people that we'lI probably be working on load

suggest where we can find good intermediate to

advanced ski runs?

Mr Maughan: 01813924535.

factors of about 80 per cent - so we should be doing

Natasha: And do you have a number at work?


A: Mm. well ... we have a seven-night self -catering

Maria: Right. that's good news. Shirl ey. how much

deal to Verbier in Switzerland and t hat's 259 and

Mr Maughan: Yes. 017 1 2740083. extension 32.

Natasha: Thanks. And are you both British?

one to Alpach in Austria for 169. Both leave this

Saturday. That's not too short not ice, is it?

Mr Maughan: I am. my wife has an Irish passport.

Natasha: Right. now do you mind if I just check the

thin g?
Shi rl ey: Well . taking into account overheads like

Maria: OK. 'eI's get down to bUSiness. shalt we?

You know the situation. dont you? We've been

some hoteliers and I think we have a good price

what about you. w hat's the position eKactly with Sky

do you think we'lI be able to charge for th e whole

B: No. that's f ine. Um, my partner prefers

details? It's Mr Kevin Maughan spelt M-A-U -G-H-A-N

travel agents' commission ... um ... transport

Switzerland so I guess I'll take that one. Er. could you

and Mrs linda Maughan of 41 Swynford Hill.

charges for local tours and other things like ... urn .

teU me which airport t he f light leaves from?

Temple Fortune. London NW11 7BN.

A: Yes. Gatwick.

M r Maughan: Sorry.



repeat that?

the salaries of local reps and so on. I think 550 for

two weeks is about right.

B: And the plane comes back to Gatwick, does it?

Natasha: Mr Kevin M .

A: That's right.

M r Maughan: No. the last bit of the postcode. Did

commission. transport and salaries. what profit

B: Fine.

you say P or 81

margin does that leave us?

M aria: OK. and after taXing into account

A: Right. well, let me take a few particulars. Could

Natasha: B. B for Bravo

Shirl ey: Eight per cent. It's low I know. but even just

you tell me what your name is?

Mr Maughan: No. it's P for ... for er ... Peter.

5 o r 10 will persuade people to go elsewhere. But

B: Yes. Bogdan Kominowski.

Natasha: Sorry. thanks. So it's London NW11 7PN.

I do think we'lI be able to sell more local tours. I'm

A: Um .. yes .. . er, would you mind spelling that for

Telephone number 0181 3924535 and at work

told that there's likely to be a 15 per cent take-up on


0171 2740083 . extension 32 . Departure date 13th

the tour to Havana. which is very encouraging. Also

Listening: 1

July . Now. there's the i nsurance which is ... er . .. is

compulsory on this kind of tour. Would you like to

J've made a comparison wi th our competitors in the

Dominican Republic and we're about 10 per cent

make your own arrangements or would you rather

take out the standard insurance policy?

cheaper than they are.

Mari a: Good. And wh at about the brochure?

M r Maughan: Oh ... I guess the standard one. It

Richard ?
Richard : Well. we've started to write the copy and

15 Travel agent Good morning. In tourist, can I help

M r Maughan: Hello, er yes. can I speak to Natasha.
Travel agent: Er. yes. w ho's calling?
Mr M aughan: I spoke to her last week about a
holiday in the Ukraine and I'd like to make a
Travel agent: OK . could you hold o n please? I'll put
you through to her desk.
Mr Maughan: Thank you.
Natasha: Hello.

11 8

Nat asha: Yes. that will be an additional 1 7 per

M r Maughan: Is that Natasha?

saves a lot of trouble.

Natasha: Yes. OK well the insurance prem ium is-

I've had a lot of photos taken of the resort and I

wai t a minute 1'/1 look in the brochure ... urn (reads

must say it looks pretty good. If you can give me

to herself). It's for ten days. isnt it? "Up to eight

your final prices I can update the figures

days, 19. Nine to twelve days 22 per person".

Maria: What kind of t ime scale are we working in?

Right. so that's 21 per person. A nd .. um ... you'lI

Richard: Well. we're having this brochure printed by

need a v isa as w ell.

a different f irm and we have to meet a deadline for

Mr Maughan: OK. um ... do you know how much

1st September so. if all goes according to plan, the

that costs?

brochure should be published in October


f) Promoting a Destination
Li"tening 1
4 Interviewer: So w hat kind of people come to
Ann Trevor: It's a great spread - it runs from the
very upmarket - people who will spend 5,000 for a

week. fly here by Concorde and. you know, stay in

Sandy Lane which is probably one of the best hotels
on th e island - it's on the west coast which is th e
most prestigious - all the way through to the budget
end of th e market; now you can get some pretty

Helen l ee and I'm going to describe the itinerary to

Helen l ee: W ell, we're flying th ere the follow ing day

you and tell you a litt!e bit about w hat you' ll be

- it o nly takes an hou r. Your guide w ill actually leave

seeing. It's a fifteen -day tour which covers the main

you in Guilin, and in Hong Kong you' re baSically left

Helen l ee: Good mo rning everyone. My name's

tourist spots and also goes down to Hong Kong as

to do your own thing - there's no sightseeing

well, so it gives you a good introduction to China if

included. You'll be staying at the Metropole Hotel

you've never been there before.

Easter's quite a good time t o go; the weather's

w hich belongs to our group and you can book onlo

tours there. An d th en the final day, we fly back

getting a bit warmer then i n t he north of China. It'll

Cathay Pacific So, by t he end of the t our, hopefully

be quite pleasant in the south . . but really the best

you'll have learnt a lot about China.

times to go are May to June and then in th e autumn,

but obviously they're th e t imes w hen ther e are going

(!) Responsible Tourism

good deals - a lot of the hotels on the south coast

to be more people around . But we start our tours

do special packages, so we really target the w hole

range, but in terms of w hat this office does, this

going just before Easter.

You'll be flying l ondon to Beijing to start with

office will really try to pinpoint the upper end

and staying for three nights and doing th e most

practical terms, what can a tour operator do to make

because Barbados is an aspirational island, if we

f amous places like the Forb idden City where the

sure t hat touri sts don't destroy t he beauty of th e

advertise or target in our PR the top end it'll bring

Emperors used to live, the Summer Palace up in th e

the rest with them.

wes t of the city, the Temple of Heaven , and just time

thing they came to see?

Michael l eech : Well, I think

Interviewer: Yes.
Ann Trevor: ... and that's our strategy.

to stroll around , have a loo k at the streets, go

involved in w h at we call 'Iow impact tourism". You

sho pping, and so on .

You'll have the experience of two guides w ith

can 't deprive people of their interest in wanting to

Interviewer: Could you e)(plai n w hat you do at

International Trade Fairs - because you have a stand

you, a national guide who'll stay with you all the

behaviour w hich will introduce them to a country in

at most of them?
Ann Trevor: We go to a majority of the big ones -

way through the tour and a local Chinese guide-

a responsible way. That means, for example, making

both trained, English-speaking guides so you' ll have

sure that, on an adventure holiday , no detergents

World Travel Market in the UK, the big one in

the benef it of their knowledge.

are used in springs or streams and that no rubbish is

Germany that' s just happened, the ... um . . the ITB,

And then f ro m Beijing we go by coach to a

6 Interviewer: I know you're very concerned about
environmental issues at O verland Encounter, but, in


have to get

travel. But w hat you can do is to set up patterns of

left behind after camps. It means, if you're visiting a

we go to that one . It's really to establish - o ur main

smaller city in the north ca Jled Chengde w hich is - or

protected area like th e Antarctic, that people must

objective is to establish and keep our name in front

rath er was - the summer resort of the Emperors and

respect the ru les and not damage fragile plants or go

of the trade - and these shows are very t rad e-

th ere's a pretty park there and we v isit three

too near the penguins. It means provid ing travellers

orientated - and at t hese e)(hibitions you can't do

too m uch else, there's no point in setting up a series

temples. One of them is very reminiscen t of th e

Potola Palace in lhasa. And on the way there we

w ith a pack w ith instruct ions o n how to behave and

what to do to best preserve the cultures and places

of meetings because everybody gets delayed,

everybody gets very busy so it really is a PR exercise

stop at a certain part of the Wall called Jinshanling

and have

visited .
Interviewer: Do

to let people know that Barbados is stil l there, still on

the map, and it'S still an island they can send their

a picnic on

the Wall - it's slightly quieter

than th e other places on the W all which tend to


you think that many people w ill in

fa ct not listen and will just ignore whatever

clients t o. And obviously we give out information

packed with tourists, so this is nicer.

And th en from Chengde w e go back t o Beijing

and we have ground tour operators and hoteliers

and then connect w ith a flig ht to Xi an which is the

minimisi ng damage thro ugh tourism is to keep

wi th us. If any of th e trade wants t o as.k a specific

question about a hotel, w ho better to have it from

begi nning of the Silk Road and famous for the

Terracotta Warriors th at everybody's heard about,

groups to a manageable size and th en you can

than the mouth of the actual owner, so they w ill

and w e lunch at the Warriors and go on t o the

come over as well and help us to generally spread

Banpo Neolithic Vi1lage, th e Huaquing Hot Springs

absolute maxi mum.

Interviewer: A re operators now putting things back

the gospel.
Interviewer: Wha t's your relationship with your tour

and other sightseeing spots.

Then we go down to Shanghai for one night,

into the environment instead of just taking from it?

Ann Trevor: O ur tour operators are pretty aggressive

and a couple of hours on a train t o Suzhou which is

protect wil dlife habitats in Kenya and Tanzania, to

know n as the Venice of the East because it' s a canal

save the rhin o, veterinary programmes and so on .

city and it's where a third of the silk is actually

People now go o n holiday t o restore ancient

produced in China, so it's quite an interesting place.

monuments or clean up beaches. Things have

changed and the model of Mediterranean to urism of

and they're also pretty specialised , either in th e

Caribbean or long-haul . There are certain tou r
oper<1tors w ho deal wi th honeymoons, certain tour

oper<lt~rs w ho deal with just the very, very exclusive

upmarket areas - so we can target them pretty
closely to promot ions.

So if we are doing a

promotion there's only probably two or three that

And irs famous for its gard ens so we go there too to

see the gardens. And there'll be a visit to a silk
factory as well.
And then go back to Shanghai, another night

guidelines you give them?

Michael l eech: Perhaps, but Ihe key factor in

control how they behave. Thirty on a safari is an

Michael leech : Very m uch so. There are schemes to

high-rise concrete, sun, sea, sand and sex is not the

one most people now want. And another thing, in
some places th e enviro nment ;s tourism and national

th ere, and the following day go down t o Guilin

parks have been created by it. W ithou t tourism , the

we can talk to and they know now that if w e

w hich is a very well - known city - more in the

animals w ould have gone . I think th e environment is

approach th em it'll be pretty worthw hile. but if it's

countryside than other places you'll be visiting ... for

strengthened by sensjt ive tourism - look at th e

not worthwhile we would n't do it anyway.

its river, t he Lijang River, and its magnificen t

preservation of the gorillas, for example. And you

Interviewer: How would you go about settin g up a

limestone formations along the river bank . 50 there'll

never know , t ourism might !>ave the tropical

new area or destination?

A nn Trevor: Well ... I can use Almond Beach V illage


as an example of that. They've just lau nched a new

hotel and had

a press launch and

some of our staff

took part, and they'll be making a num ber of

marketing efforts and sales calls t o help them on, but

a river trip all

the way down to the small town of

Yangshuo w here there's an interesting market w hich

sells wild CIlimais, flowers and plants and herbal

cou ntries go through several phases in their tourism

developmen t and hopefully, in the best scenario, th e

medicines, and then bad: up to Guilin afterwards.

There's also an optional excursion you can take in

local people not only share the income and foreign

exchange gen erated by tourism but also use the

the ev ening

to see cormorant fish e-rmen at work -

they're actually putting their own people on the

road. Anywhere w e go obviously we' ll promote it

they have rafts and they have thei r own private

cormorant and the Dirds drve dO'.o,'O and bring the

and our sales team is out three times a week actually

fish up

selling Barbados - if th ere's something specific that

needs pushing th en we w ill push .
Listening 2

rainforest in a place like Madagascar. I think most

to the wrfa-ce and rt's quite f ascinating to see

O K, are thefe any questions so far?
Travel agent: Yes. .....hen do \ \e g et to SO to Hong


Listening 1
Travel consultant: Good morning. Can I help

you? (Susan: Yes, I ... J Oh sorry, I did n't re<:ognise

you . You came in t he other day about a trip to the


States, didn't you?

Susan: Fine.

m Ladies and gentlemen, as we drive round the

Susan: That's righ t and . .. er ... jf it's OK by you I'd

Travel consultant: And then your best route would

corner, here in the main squa r~, if you look to your

like to sort out the fin al itlnerary_ I've rung up some

be to tak~ the Capitol ltd. on to Chicago and then

right you can see the famous l eaning Tower.

of my friends and relatives over there and so I've

get on the Desert Wind for las Vegas. The only

problem is that you'll have to hang around in

n Passengers are advised not to leave their luggage

unattended .

pretty well worked Ol)t what I'JI be able to do wh ile

I'm there.

Chicago for a f ew hours.

Travel consultant: Good. Do you still plan to start off

in New ,(ork and come back via San Francisco?

Susan: Well, that doesn' t matter.

where passengers can disembark.

Susan: Er ... yes. l ast time you mentioned

Washington on the 7th you'd arrive in Chicago at


something about an open-jaw ticket. Could you tell

me what ... 7
Travel consultant: Oh, an open-jaw ... yeah, you' ll

09.10 on the moming of the 8th and have until

List eni ng

fly out from Heathrow to Newark International and

come back to London from San Francisco. That
means you pay haff the return fares on both routes
added together.
Susan: And do I get my studen t discounts on those
Travel consultant: Yes, no problem.
Susan : OK. So I'll set off on 1st September and fly to
Newark, and return on the 21st from San Francisco.
Travel consullant: Fine. Do you need
accommodation in New York?
Susan; No, thanks. My uncle will be picking me up
from the airport and putting me up f or a few days in
Manhattan. I was thinking of visiting Ellis Island and
of course the Empire State Building and .. I guess
it's pretty easy to travel around New York.
Travel consultant Well, there are guided tours of

Trav~ 1


15.05 to have a look around Chicago.

Susan: O K.

when the boys were still very young. Oliver - that's

Trav~1 consultant: So I'll book you on the Desert

our youngest - was only three and a half. Anyway,

Melani e: Well, it was three or four years ago

W ind to las Vegas via Denver and Salt l ake City,

we'd arrived at Heathrow in good time for our

arriving in Las Vegas at 07.45 on the morning of the

scheduled flight for Dallas, only to find th~t they


werent willing to give us our seat numbers. Instead

Susan: Then (want to leave l as Vegas on the 12th

we were told to wait on one side. Well, quite

for los Angeles. I'll want to spend a few days there .

queue was developing - middle-aged couples,

Travel consultant: OK, so that's the Desert Wind

students, families like us, and then, as the time of the

again for Los A ngeles.

flight approached, a couple of staff in suits appeared

Susan: And then I'll need to reserve

to San Francisco on the 17th.

a seat from LA

and eyed us all up and down. It was very unpleasant

really. And t hen we were addressed by the older, I

Travel consultant: Will you be wanting

accommodation in las Vegas or Los Angeles?
Susan: No, I real Jy need to cut down on costs

suppose the senior, member of staff w ho apologised

for our delay and explained that they'd overbooked



hoping to be able to look up some old friends and

ask them if t hey can put

me up.

on economy class and that they were doing all they

could to make sure that we'd


giv~n seats on this

Travel consultant: OK. So we'll book those trains for

fl ight - or another.
Friend; With the stress on another!

you, the excursion to Niagara and of course the

Melanie: Well, we didn' t know that at the time.

the city but you can get around quite eaSily on the

international flights. I'll draw up the itinerary for you,

Needless to say, the boys were getting a bit

subway, and if you want to look around Ellis Island

and liberty Island there are regular ferries. Vou dont

make a note of the check-in times for the fl ig hts and

so on and make out the tickets for you.

impatient and w anted to get on the plane, but then

need to t ake the guided tours if you want to go

Susan: Great. And j ust one more thing. While I'm in

after a w hile some people started to be singled out

los Angeles I want t o be able to see Disneyland,

and disappeared towards passport control wi th

relieved expressions. Eventually we were left

Hollywood. and so on and so I'd like to hire a car

standing there on our own! My husband was getting

Niagara . I've looked at what's available and I've

wh ile I'm there. Can I do this through you?

more and more impatient but then an officious-

decided to take the Grayline one-day tour.

looking lady came up to us with new tickets. She

Travel cons ultant: Um ... yes, it's a bit pricey you

Travel consultan t: Yes, I've got a brochure here in

f act. You have a choice of ... (fade)

know. Are you sure your budget w ill run to that?

Listen ing 2

Susan: Urn ... well I know it's expensive but, well,

I've been saving up for this and I rea lly don't want to

Would all foot passengers please proceed to the

miss out on seeing the Niagara Falls.

disembarkation point on B deck.

c Mind the doors!

direct to Dallas. would take us to Houston. There

- a luxury hotel, they said - for the night and then

up at the Sheraton and you go by coach to Newark

d Would Mr Vince Chu ng, a pa~senger on British

Airways flight BA 755 to Hong Kong, pleas~ go to

International Airport, fly to Buffalo and then on to

the Niagara Falls by coach. There's a guided boat

th~ Flight Information Desk?

connecting flight to Dallas.

Friend: What did you think about thaP I don't

around on your own.

Susan; Righ t. And.

um .. about my trip to

Travel consultant: OK. fine. Well that's $290 and for

that you have to pay in advance . Er ... they pick you

The next stop will

told us it'd been impossible to allocate five seats

together in anyone part of the plane and so we

be Terminal Two.

were to travel to the States on another airline. The

plane would leave in two hours and, instead of flying
we'd be met at the airport and taken to a good hotel

The train arriving on platform four is the 10.13

shuttled back to the airport the next morning for the

tour and then you drive over to the Canadian side,

for London Victoria, stopping at Rochester, Chatham

suppose you were all that pleased.

then back to Buffalo and the plane to New York, to

arrive back at about 6.30 p.m.

and Bromley South.

Melanie: Pleased - we were furious, but there was

Susan: Right. and the next day I was planning to go

to Washington.

pre-flight ch ~cks are being carried out. Departure

T,av~ 1

consultant: By


bus or by rail?

UK 700 to Edinburgh. Passengers are advised

will be delayed for approximately half an hour.


In the unlikely event of an emergency, all

Susan: Well, I was told that the bus can be

passengers should proceed to the

dangerous for young women travelling alone so I

station w here a member of crew w ill issue everyone

thought ... well .. could you get me an Amtrak

with a lifejacket.

n ~a rest


fifteen -day travel pass?

Travel consultant: Sure. But I need to know your

his crew would like to welcome you on board this

Good morning, passengers. Caplain Nolan and

times and rou tes before 1can book everything.

airbus number 820 to Hamburg.

Susan: Right, so on the 5th I'U take the day trip to

Niagara and on the 6th l 'U take the train to

Office next to the duty free?

Washington .. spend some time there before going

on to Las Vegas . And then on the.


consultant: So if you took the 16.40 from

We're now approachi ng Pigeon Point, Tobago,

Would Miss Andreas please report to the Purser's

Good morning, lad ies and gentlemen. The maitre

v~ry littfe we could do. Anyway, w hen w e did arrive

in Housto n, late that night no one was there to

meet us, no one knew why we w~re there, nor
anything abou t a hotel and connecting flight. So,
after several very angry telephone calls to the
airline's Dallas office, we were final ly booked into a
very shabby downtown motel and told that a taxi
would pick us up at seven next morning.
Friend: And that was the end of it?
Melanie: No, it wasn't. When we got home I wrote
a letter to the airline and in fact they refunded most
of the fare.
Friend: So you ellded up with a cheap holiday!
M elanie: Cheaper perhaps, bu t it was a catas trophic

Travel con sultant: Hang on a m inute . Here we are,

d'hatel will be coming to your compartment in a fe w

minutes' time to t ake orders for brunch.

New York to Washington on the Capitol ltd.

Susan: Sorry?

it taught us a lesson

We regret to announce that there is an industrial

Travel consultant: The Capitol Ltd. All Amtrak trains

dispute on the Italian rail ways, therefore the transfer

between tnnsbruck and Venice will be by C0<1ch .

have names. So that leaves at 07. 23 and arriv~s at

11 .05 on 6th September.

thousand feet.

We'll be flying over the Atlantic at thirty-five

start and nearly ruined it comple tely. But one thingFri end : W hat's that?
Melanie: To kick up a fuss. The same thing nearly
happened again, not in London this time but in San
Francisco. This time we weren't on hol iday, we were

Ta pescr;pts

on business. So we w ere looking pretty smart, not

It' s the Llsual situation - if there are six wholesalers

like your usual holidaymakers but more like VIPs.

from Germany, Scandinavia, Britain and so on

Kelly: And how do you get there7

LudW ig: Well, theres a daily ferry service from

Anyway, same thing, kept hanging around, told to

compe ting for this same block of rooms then the

Mersing which can carry 200 peopl!': and also a

wait in line and this time we complained - boy did

overseas hotelier can hold out for a higher price - it's

catamaran service which takes about 250 passengers

we complain, we would never tra vel w ith the airline

a question of supply and demand

from Singapore, and that leaves every day from the

again, we wanted compensation, etc. And so we

Interviewer: $0 there the rooms are contracted for

Singapore World Trade Centre. That takes about

were asked if we wouldn't mind travelling club

and the operator w ill pay for them whether or not

four and a halt hours. O t herwise we do ten flights a


they are actu,1l1y fill ed?

Fri end: Mm .

Nick Patterson: Thal's right.

day on nineteen-seater biplanes belonging to BefJaya

Air from Singapore

Melanie: And we said - not dub dass - first class.

Section 3

Kelly: Oh, so you' re part of the Berjaya group?

Friend: And they let you?

Nick Patterson: But the fore ign travel agents sending

ludwig: That's right. It's Malaysian-owned and

Melanie: They sure did. And I saw a programme t he

visitors to London and the UK rarely, very rarely.

based in Kuala Lumpur. And we also have hotels in

other day on TV and someone from a British carrier

contract in the same way. In other words, we will

o ther

w as explaining how they cope wi t h overbooking.

agree to hold a block of rooms and give the forei gn

t he Seychelles.

Apparently a lot of tra vellers don't show up and the

agent, say, thirty every night. but normally there is a

Kelly: And what exactly do you have on offer?

airline stands to lose money . So they overbook their

cancellation or release date so you w ill sell your thirty

ludwig: Wel l, if you look in the brochure here, the


of Malaysia 'lnd Sri Lanka, Mauritius, and

seat allocations. But in the summer, most people do

rooms. And so a party of fOllr might book and they

hotel complex consists of basic<llly chalet

show up so they have problems. So w hen it happens

w ill notify us that Senor and Senora Gonzales and

accommodation . There are 480 double rooms, and

the y watch check-in. And if they th ink some people

two kids are coming and they will be entered into

about a third of these have an extra bed and so we

look as if they w ill make a fuss they get preferen tial

ou r reservation system, and we will know they still

have twenty-six to sell. But three weeks out or four

can accommodate about 1 ,000 people at anyone

weeks out - and that's subject to negotiation - I will

is named after a flower. We try to keep the gardens


time . And each chalet gives onto a cOllrtY<Hd which

Friend: So it pays to be aggressive

Melan ie: Yeah, we[I, not so much aggressive as

cancel the rooms that he has not sold and he will be

beautiful because if people corne to a tropi,,).1

assertive , polite - and well -dressed.

under no obligation to pay for those rooms. And

dC'Stination we reckon irs because they w ant t o see

that's a totally different way of contracting than the

colour and variety. And in the resort itself we have

4DHotel Facilities

other way round, where, if you took thirty rooms,

lot of activities like scuba-d iving and snorkelling.

9 Section 1
Interviewer: How do you actually cost the rooms in
your hotel?
Nick Patterson: Well, we have the commercial sector
and t he leisure sector. Wi thin the commercial sector
then> are vario us subsections - there are those that
come in and will pay the published ta.riff, the rack

you 'd have to pay for the whole lot whether you'd

golf, swimming, horse riding. jungle trekking and live

filled them or not.

entertainment in the evenings.

Section 4

Kelly: It looks a very attractive site. And wha t are the

Nick Patterson: So you see incoming tour operators

to Britain have a much easier deal.

rooms like?

developed. But there's another trick of the trade in

Kelly: Looks good. I'll have a word w ith our Ch ief

ta.riff and there are no discount5 involved. There are

Britain because we w ill then overbook; so if I've got

Executive, I th ink she'll be interest ed. And.

those people who, because they say 'we've got 100

people a week in the area who w ill stay wi th you for,

100 rooms to sell 1' [1 give each agent fi fty a night

because I know they won't fil [ them. But, I mean

how is business going at the moment?

ludwig: Well, at present were doing vcry well but

say, forty-eight weeks a year" , they w ill come in and

some operators arc so small that they only have a

w e're always trying to improve. At the moment

negotiate a price - a corporate rate and most

freesale facility for h....o or four or six, and so a hotel

we' re putting in mooker rooms, a badminton and

hotefiers will try to hold that to a 10 per cent

w ith 300 bedrooms in London work s w ith 100

volleyball court and a karaoke lounge. A nd we're

discount, but dearly, depending upon the

importance of the contract to the hotel , the rate can

and so they can sell them withou t reference to the

be cither 8 per cent or up to 15 per cent

hotel and simply post notify us that Mr and Mrs

my card - and your name again is?

Interviewer: And what other rates are there?

Ludwig: ludwig Szeiler. Let me give you my card

Interviewer: W hy is that?

Lud w ig: They're all very luxurious wi th private

shower and a hair dryer, a telephone, colour TV and

Nick Patterson: Well, that's just the way it has

- what else? - oh yes, a mini bar.

people w ith 1\'110 or three or tour rooms on

fre~le ,


offering special deals for retired people.

Kelly: I sec. That sounds interesting. Can I give you

Nick Patterson: Well, w<.': h,1II1" a confNC'ncc rate and

Gonzales are coming. But there comes a cut-off

point when those rooms are no longer available and

there's a standard retail tr.wel agency rate, because

so the hotelier is at the same tim e selling into other

Ke lly: Th<lnk you. So I'll tell our Ch ief Executive that

I've spoken to you, .. (fade)

sometimes the retail agent w ill book direct - w e're

mukets, into ot her segments, so we allocate some

List ening

giving them a straight 10 per cent and we subdivide

rooms on a freesa.le basis to the in-corning tour

12 Speal<er 1: So, as you can sec from the

documents in your folders, ladi(;s and gentlemen, the
first part of the report deals wi th the siting of the
proposed development. The obvious candidate is the

that into special schemes as well .

um ... because

someone might come along and say " if you wish I

operators but re tc!n rooms for our rack- paying

bu>.:ness sector, o ther rooms for the 10 per ccnt

can take 20 per cent of your total occupancy every

business p....o4Op!e. the 15 per cent discount people, the

night, can I have a special deal?'" But as. a hotel

conferenc!' 2..Ilocat ion, and the weekend traffic for

manager I have to be careful because I might say to

short bee ::.'- plOgE mmes, and so on . YOLI real ly have

my boss, "I' m full," and he might say , "Why are you

to inv"'"'It ~'.2.Y5 of all the baJis in the air at

full at this rate? Irs appalling,' and so I have to do a

the xme tiJn,:.

Docklands area to the east of London . ThNC ilfe t wo

main reasons for this. First is the fact th.1t there has
been a shortage of suitable sites in London, and the
Docklands development represents a unique

balancing act and try to eradicate the cheaper

business and slow ly build it back up to the more

G Selecting Locations

opportunity for expansion. Secondly, many hotels in

realistic room rate

Li s.tening 1

End - have been upgrad ing recently and have

Sectio n 2

Interviewer: What sort of contacts do you have with

KeUy COO!J6" 00- nunL Toms in Sydney.

Kelly: HeIo.

foreign travel agents?

ludw ig:

Nick Patterson: W ell, that's interesting because


CE.:J""l I~ao(h.:(e


the city centre - that is the area known as the West

myself? My name's

to -eoe: )0 _ . I'm ludwig Szeiler.

wholesale operators working out of this country and

TO"'_'"'"5. 'f"L ~?
Kelly: TI--.:.:'"s - 5:. .... ooc ~ .s the possibility of

going to a place like Spain or elsewhere will contract

t.alcir:g A_-s:r~

a number of bedrooms - say 5,000 rooms for this

summer - and they' lf bargain very hard w ith the .:..~ <=...-....::

.a':tr2d... 'se-: J:"-

hotelier who will have to work out his own break-

1~.1,. -:?2

even point and decide w hether there is enoug:h

l udwig: : s.::-= ~

demand for his rooms to hold out for a bigger price.

fG,-t~ - 7'~


::-r.--e..e~ zo J.''"Sic. for tropical

,,:. ..:::_--3: -: --:ere kloks very

r::2...::r.e: .2..:.0 .rt TlOman

- --.z..- St:2....-:.!-

- ~-=-C2.. -

e~ ::-::.25": Cl ~


= =e ::x2::-~

become correspondingly more expensive. As the

demand for hot el accommodation has increased
there has been a shortfall in supply of more priceconscious, three-star accommodation, and th is is the
sector we recommend you should invest in.
Thirdly. this area of london represents a uniq ue
investment opportunity. The English Tourist Board
surveys show that it's abou t number 6 on the list of
things to sec in London and it 'll probably develop as


a tourist destination in its own right. And with the

City so close it's also the main business area and


particularly well served by l ondon City Airport to

which about 80 per cent of passengers are inbound.
And communications with the rest o f London are
good w ith the Docklands Ught Rail way and the
Th<1mes River Bus. Hopefully. we'll also see the
completion of the London Dome Project, w hich will
be a major venue for sports events, concerts,
conferences and so on.
Speaker 2: Have you been able to identify a suitable
sil e?
Speaker 1: Yes, we've made enquiries with a number
of agents and we've earmarked a sit e in the Port East
development - this is on the North Quay of the
West India Dock and we' ll be visiting it this
Speaker 3: Fine. So this is described in section 1, is it?
Speaker 1: Yes, and well, as you will see in section 2
of the report we feel that you should aim for a 300
bedroom hotel in the three-star category so the
guest rooms would obviously reflect that standard so .. should have private bathroom and shower,
colour TV, in-house video films, direct dial telephone
and so on. And we think that , because there's
bound to be some noise from road traffiC, the rooms
should be sound-proofed.
As far as the restaurant is concerned you'd
probably need about 150 covers and even that
number may be too small at peak tim es. So you
would be well advised to use the con ference and

e Things To Do
L i stening
10 Tourist: Hello ... um ... do you speak English?
Inform ation officer: Yes, how can J help you?
Tourist Well. we've just arrived and we're planning
on staying three or four days, and we were
wondering if you could give us some advice about
where we can stay and some of the things we should
do while we're here .
Information officer: OK, wel l if you're looking for
relatively cheap accommodation you could try the
Locanda Silva w hich, if you look at the map, is here
on the Calle del Forno. It's a kind of bed and
breakfast and costs 60,000 lire a night. It's an
extremely popular place to stay.
Touri st: Uhuh ... and do all the rooms have a
Information officer: Um .. . no, so if you want a
better class of hotel then you might like to look at
the San Giorgio w hich costs 110,000 lire. If you're
interested in art it's especially convenient because it's
just next door to the Palazzo Fortun i museum and a
couple of minutes from the Accademia museum.
Tourist: Well, that sounds quite good. W here is it?
Information officer. Tha t one's here on the Calle

ri ver to maximise its appeal for both residents and

non- residents. The same goes for the bar and lounge
area. It would be a shame if they didn't. Um .. other
things we deal wi th are, section 2.3, the conference

della M andala.
Tourist: OK, we'll try there. Could you tell us a bit
about the water taxis?
Information officer: If I were you I'd forget about
the speedboat taxis bec.ause they're horrendously
expensive - it's best to stick to the vaporetti, the
water buses. If you get a tourist pass you can use
them as often as you like.
Tourist: How much is it?
Inform ation officer: I'm sorry, I can't tell you
offhand, it depends on the number of days - but

room w hich should be really for quite small events,

say a maximum of ninety to 100 people.
Speaker 2: Why so small?
Speaker 1: Because most of the office sites have
planned their own in -house conference and meeting
facilities and, as we said before, there w ill be
conference centres in the area. 2.4 d eals with the

they're pretty reasonable.

Tourist: Right. What about things to do?
Inform ation offi cer: Well , you can't miss the Piazza
San Marco and the Palazzo Ducale - er, the Doge's
Palace, w hich is absolutely amazing. And there's the
Ponte dei Sospiri - the Bridge of Sighs - and the
Ponte di Rialto. But the best thing is probably for you

health and fi tness d ub and possibly a swimming

pool, which is actually very important because if you
have club membership it could well be of
considerable appeal, not on ly to g UESts but to office
workers and local residents. This could generate
quite a substantial additional revenue for the hotel.
And another thing we feel is important is the
provision o f a car park for about 100 cars - possibly
wi th some kind of security system - and also space
for half a dozen coaches for the tour group business.

to take one of these guidebooks so you can plan

your own sightseeing depending on the kind of thing
you're interested in. There's one here in English
w hich is very useful.
Tourist: O K. And w hat about places to eat? Can you
recommend an especiall y good restaurant?
Inform ation officer: Yes, there's the Ponte Vecchio

banqueting facilities as an additional breakfast room,

or give tour groups continental breakfast as room
Speaker 3: W hat about the location of the
Speaker 1: well, it should reall y look out onto the

Speaker 2: OK, so that perhaps brings us to the

anticipated demand for the hotel. What would be
the mix of guests?
Speaker 1: George, that's your speciality.
Speaker 4: Yes, well, we surveyed other hotels in the
region and found that there's an average mix of 58
per cent tourist demand and 42 per cent bUSi ness,
but there are wide variations as there are some that
have a 75/25 business I tourist split and others with
a 20/SO split. But, from our contacts with both tour
operators and business houses, it would seem that,
given that Docklands is a secondary location, it
would be more price sensitive than the West End


and could therefore attract tour groups for whom

the centre of London is too expensive.

w hich is highly recommended. That's here on the

Pescheria di Rialt o. Or you could go to AI Mascaron
on Calle lunga Santa Maria Formosa. Try the
spaghetti with lobster - it's absolutely out-of-this
Tourist: Right. well- thank you very much for your
Information officer: You're very welcome.

Marketing the Past

Li stening 1
J Interviewer: Could you tell us a little bit about
the reconstruction of the museum here?
Expert: Yes, the Neues M useum was built in 1850
and was a very odd mixture of architectural styles.
Then, of cou rre, it was bombed in the second worfd

war and left as a monumental ruin. Art historians

dont think of it as the best piece of architecture in
Berlin, but it is an interesting earl y example of an
ironwork construction. But aesthetically it's a
problem. We're trying to renova te and preserve all
that has been left standing of the original building
but there are two choices: either we choose a
modern contemporary architectural style in harmony
wi th the still preserved parts of the ruin, or we
reconstruct it as it used to be. It's funn y that the
avant-garde, the kind of modernist viewpoint is very
much with the archaeologists - art historians tend to
defend the reconstruction of the destroyed
architectural heritage.
Intervi ewer: And w hat do you think?
Expert: Personally, I think if architects had 'always
concentrated on reconstructing the past we would
still be building pyramids. I would much prefer a
dialogue between wes tern art of the late twentieth
century AD and Egyptian art o f the twentieth
century BC - it's much more constructive and
creative and interes ting.
4 Interviewer: And what will it look like when it's
Expert: W hen M useum Island is complete we plan to
display only a very limited nu mber of exhibits and to
keep on changing w hat there is to see so as to give
frequent visi tors, and especially the ci tizens of Berlin,
a permanent impetus to come back again and again.
I don't like museums w here you show thousands and
thousands of objects. The average visitor is unable to
make a choice. to distinguish between what is
important and not so important.
Interviewer: So how can you help visitors to choose
w hat they should see first and wha t they can leave
until later on?
Expert: For the six archaeological museums we'll try
to separate the quick visitor groups, those coming to
the museum for half an hour/forty minutes
maximum; and we'll try to install on the island an
intensive tour for these tourist groups with very
limited time available for the museum visit. And we'll
display selected representati ve exhibits from the
different museums starting with, for instance,
ancient Egypt and the most famous piece in our
museum, the bust of Nefertiti, surroun ded by
monumental pieces of architecture - a temple gate,
an obelisk, some temple statues. And this is Egypt for
the quick visitor. Then the tour goes on with the
Ishtar gate from Babylon as a representative example
of the ancient Near East, then we come to the
market gate of Miletus from Asia Minor and the
famous Pergamon altar, and finally the facade of the
castle of Mshatta as an example of Islamic
architecture. So the quick visi tor sees just a few
selected examples of the great civilisations of
antiquity and not the proper museum where the
individual visitor is not disturbed by these visitors.
Interviewer: Right, so the rest of the museum is
relatively empty.
Expert: Yes, in the rest of the museum the
atmosphere is qUieter and we can cater for smaller
groups, smaller guided tours can go there, and I
think this is how we can deal w ith mass tourism. We
cannot change tourism for the masses. we have to
accept it, we have to make the best of it. Personally I
deplore that in huge museum designs, such as the
louvre for example, or in the new installations in the
British Museum you have to walk enormous


distances if you wan t to go from one famous exhibit

:0 another. I mean in the Louvre you have to walk
;nore than one kilome tre between the Venus de Milo
and the famous Mona Lisa or the famous Egyptian
saibe of the Old Kin gdom and you have to walk
through all the art galleries that you may no t want to

see at all.
I think we should give people what they have
"eaHy come to see and then, once a mem ber of the
group visi t has seen that part of the mu seum , he will
sa), ~Oh,! must come back as soon as I can and see



Lisuning 2
9 Guide: As you come into this first ro om, let me
... elcome you to the Pergamon museum and to the

monument for w hich this museum was

... the great altar from the ancient city of

~gamon. My name is Martin Leicester and I am

:leighted to be your guide on this t our of the

- useum's greatest treasures. Let me begin w ith the

a:ar itself. While you make your way over to the
-..assive flight of marble steps I'll give you a little
:lad:.ground information about the city in which this
spe<t..acular monument was built over 2,0Cl0 years



Pergamon was particularly famous for its

$tG;..f)ture and what you see in this room t oday are
=e remains of the greatest sculptural project that the
ever produced. Even in ancient tim es this altar
-as considered to be a wonder 01 the world. It's
~ to have been built soon after 180 8e by
,5 Eumenes II to commemorate a series of
l'Ctories Q"";er Pergamon's long-standin g enemies the
~. some of whom had migrated not long before


~ ~..estern

A similar struggle is shown in the frieze - the
::::r-:.nuous band of sculptured fi gure s t hat used to
-.:: completely around the altar beginning and
encing at these steps. Carved in relief were over a
-_~red life-size figures, illustrating the mythical
:tie between the Olympian gods and their rivals,
::-e giants. But these sculptures are not only sym bolic

T triumph in war they also represented the victory

-7 Greek culture over barbarism. The altar and its
~ ....-ere in fact a thunderou s proclamation of the

s;Iories of Greek ~h o larsh ip and art and of the right

~ ?ergamon to see itself as the new A thens.

As you look at this section of the frieze you'll see

-..2.~ it is dominated by two standing figures. A thena

!5:ne striding woman with the shield, Zeus is to the

~ with his broad bare chest. As the godd ess strides
"':!.....ard she turns and with a serene but powerful

-c',-ement lifts the winged giant Alkyoneus by his

-oil'. The giant can only loosely clutch at her arm
~-.:. with the serpent of Athena coiled about his

::oCy, he"s powerless

AJthough the colour has gone from many of the
:oiects in this room, just a few steps away there is
~er great monument from the ancient world
::-E.: has lost little of its original brilliance. So come
...-!h me now for another unexpected delight. If you
.r2 through the centre archway of the Miletus gate
z::.d keep going straight ahead down the long
:-:nieIor you will fi nd the walls on either side
::erorated with a series of lions. W hen you reach the
.a5i of these lions please stop and turn round.

Gil Business Travel

pu bl icatio ns and in the Yellow Pages - the phone

book - we also often attend exhibitions w here we'll

7 Interviewer. So how do you go about selling this

put ourselves forwa rd, make a display and tell people

who come to the exhibitions about the hotel. A f air

particular venue?
Agne s Johnson: Basically, the way that we sell this
venue here at The Manor is we contact conference
agents; in England there are a number of agencies
w ho w ill book conferences on behalf of companiesin England there's about 500 agencies operating,
and they usually have a computer base so they have

amount of our business also comes from telephone

enquiries, so down in our sales office we need to
have people that can answer the telephone and
know exacUy what the capabilities o f each room are

a good knowledge of all the venues - some

specialise in country house hotels like us, some
specialise in chain hotels bu t, by and large, most of
them w ill book any sort of hotel and what happens
is, we pay them commission because they've gone to
all the trouble of finding the business f or us - we

don't have to go out and get it, but we need to offer

them incentives to use us ... something that's going
to attract people to use us, whether it be an
additional commission or a special ra te f or the

and how we can negotiate our prices.

Interviewer: What else can you do to attract
potential clients?
Agnes Johnson: Well , we also have a lot of special
events - the major one we do is a Shakespeare
f estival which has been running for fortyfive yeal"5
and we often do a thousand people a night. With all
our guests it seems to go down like a house on fire,
and so it does a lot o f our hospitality and our
advertising for us. And other peo ple might come and
see a play and think, ~ oh I need t o book a
conference next year" .

conference delegates.
Interviewer: How m uch is the com mission?
Agnes Johnson: We normally give them 8 per cent,
so 8 per cent of the charge goes to them for finding
the conference. If a client is looking for a conference
cen tre they'll actually pick three hotels from the
compu ter that match w hat the client wants, then
they'll come out and visit each hotel. then they may
bring the client out to visit the hotels and then the
client will make a decision based upon w hat he
knows about them - so it's a lot of work, but, on the
whole, w hat we try and do is get in there and try
and be friends with most of the conference agentsthe better we get on with them the easier it is to sell
t o them. And that's what you find in selling any
product. !f you can make your clients your friends
you're going to be able to do business a lot better.
Interviewer: Can you ever sell d irect?
Agnes Johnson: Well, on the one side weve got the
conferen ce agents we talk to and on the other side
we go d irect to the corporate clienl s, and there's a
lot of companies out there w ho have requirements
for meetings, for conferences, for dinners perhaps,
and what we need to do is to fin d out w ho they are
and if they would use us. Its a long and
complicated, well not a complicated - it's a quite
honestly tedious process of t elesales, of cold calling,
goin g out knocking on doors of companies, giving
them our conference brochure, talking wi th them,
asking them ~ you know - would they consider using
us for a conference. It can take a long time. You may
have talked to a corporat e client six months ago and
they may have said, ~ mm ... we could use you," and
then you may find two years down the track they'll
remember us and use us, so it's not the kind of thing
that happens overnight.
Interviewer: And what about advertisin g? Or do you
rel y just on direct sales?
Agnes Johnson : No, we also have to participate in
advertising. We can't just h ave sales people out and
about because they can't cover the huge mass that
ad vertising through the printed word can cover.
Within our advertising we use books like these, the
green book and the blue book . They're bibles for
people w ho organise conferences - most large
companies will have a copy 50 it's vital that we be in
there. There's information about the hotel and a
picture so they can go through and fi nd you and
give you a call. We also advertise in a lo t of smaller


Word List


Ital ian


accommodatio n


I' alloggio, la sistemazione


air traffic control

(Ontr61e du trafic aerien

il controllo d i '1010

Fl ugleitung

ai rcraft


l'acromobile, I'acreo



compagnie aenenne

la compagnia aerea


all- inclusive

tout compris

t utto incluso

alles inklusive



I' assegnazione




it bagaglio




iI backpacker, I'cscursionista




il saldo

zu zahlender Rest betrag

bed and breakfast

chambre (petit dejeu ncr compris)

camera e prima colazione

Obernachtung mit FrOhstuck




an Bord 1:ehen







la prenotazione


booking form

formulilire de reservation

it modulo di pren()tazione



vacances de courte duree

la breve vacanza

Mi ni url aub

brida l su ite

su ite reservee aux jeunes maries

la suite matrimoniale




il depliant, la brochure


cabin crew


if perso nafe di bordo, f'equipagg io


cancella ti on chiHges

frais d'annulation

Ie spese di cancelfazione


car rental

location de voitures





il veUore

Fluggesellschaft, Reisegesellschaft



I'approvvigionamento, if catering




10 chalet



prix/fairc payer per personne

f'addebito pro capite, I'addebito a testa

Preis pro Person/pro Kapf





charter flights

'lois charter

i vof i charter




il check-in, f'accettaz ione

Appa.rtementh aus

coach (Br. E.)




il pullman, la corriera

appa rtemcnt en copropriete

il condominio, 10 stabile in condominio



H/la consulen t e




11 corriere

Reiseleit er



la copertu ra assicurativa


covering letter

lettre explicative

la leUera di accompagnamento

Beglc itbrief


cou verts

i coperti




la crociera



monnaie, devises

la valuta , la moneta


day tripper


il gitante

Tagesausfl ugl~r



la partenza

Abreise, Abflug

departure lounge

sallc d'embarquement

la sala partenze

Warteraum, Abflughalle



it deposito




10 sconto

Rabatt, Preisnach l a~

d uty free

hors ta xe

duty f rt" e

Zoltfreie Waren





en-suite (facilities)

(salle de bain) attenante

en -su ite (servizi)

mit Bad und Toilette

excess baggage

excedent de bagages

il bagaglio in sovr,1ppesO


exchange rate

taux de change

il tasso di cambio

A usflug



I'escursione, la gita

familiarisa tion trip (fam)


il viaggio d i famitiarizzazione



prix du billet

la tariff a, il prezzo

Fahrpreis, Flugprl"is

' 01

it volo


foreign exchange


il cambia estero


frequent flyer programme

programme de fidelisation

il progrJ mm <l per chi viaggi.1 spesso

Programm far haufige Fluggaste


pension complete

a pcnsione complcta


full fare

fJl ein tarif

la tariffa comp leta

der volle Fl ugpreis, Fahrpreis

fully booked


tutto prenotato


game reserve

reserve naturelle

la riserva d i caccia


gift shop

boutique de cadeaux

if negozio d'articoli da regalo

ha lf- board




dC llli-pension

a mezza penslone




I'escursio nismo



v acancier / estiv ant

it turista


hotel chain

chaine h6teliere

la catena alberghiera









control de !rMico acreo

kontrola ruchu powietrznego

hava Irafigi kontrolU






linea aerea

linia lolnicza

hava yollan


todo incluido

wliczaj'lc wszystkie koszly

hepsi dahil

6.\0 oUl-lm:pIAQiJ[lavOIJCVO

ev otploC; KUKAoqlOpiac;


przydziat (rniejsca)

yer aylrtma







lurysla z plecakiem

S irt ~antali turist

TO ~lli1(;J T" <: m:pLn'\avwllv~



bakiye, hesap


aJojamiento y dcsayuno

nocleg j sniadanie

ya!ak ve kahvalt l



wsiadanie na pokfad





yer aYlrmak , rezervasyon yapmak




yer aYlrma, rezervasyon

KpoTTlOTl atone:





solicitud de reserva

formu larz

rezervasyon formu

lPoPfJO KpOTrJOTlC; St one:

descanso corto

krotki urlop

klsa talil

OUVTOj..lC; I5tOKont c;

suite nupcial

apartament d la nowoiencow

balayi dairesi

YOfJrlA10 oouiTo




tpuAMblO 1510tprJfJ1OTlKO

camarote de la tripulad6n

zaloga kabinowa

recargo par canceladon

oplala za


z usfug i

u<;ak personeli


iplal Ocretleri

np6oTlfJo QKUpwonc;
E:VOIKioOT') aUToKlvr'lTou

alquiler de caches

wypoiyczanie samochod6w

araba kiralama

compania de trasporte


ta~lmacl , nakliye ~irkeli




yiyecek i~cek hazl rlama


ko~k , dag evi

t.f;OX1Krl tnoUATJ

ki~i ba$1 Ocret

xpt won ova OTO\.lO



recargo por persona

oplata za jednct



kiralamak, tutmak


vuelos charter

IOly czarterowe

(farler seferi

milOt.lC; TO'OPTt.p

bileli vize ettirme

Oiplf;'l mo YKIOt nn'lone:





auto bus


do odprawy

yolcu olobOsli



wakacyjne mieszkanie wtasnOSciowe

ka t mOlkiyeti




konsOltan, dam$man



pilot wycieczki





sigorta kapsaml ve miktan

kOAulj1l1 OOtp6At.1OC;

carta de presentad6n

list przewodni

evrakm mahiyelini anlatan meklup

ouvo!5WTlKrl cmoTo,\iJ


nakrycie slolu

solra laklml

af;coou6p Tpont.~lou OTIOTOpiou


wycieczka morska

deniz gezinlisi




para birimi

IOXUOV v61J1CJl.lo



gunubirlik dola$an kimse

'lfJEpr;cnoc; cKl5pOlJtac;



ka lkl~


sala de embarque

sala odlot6w

giden yoku salonu





KOTO~Ari EvvUrlOTlC;



iskonto, indirim


libre de impuestos

bez cia



v iaje e9ucativoJ viaje de estudio

objazd trasy

e9ilse! amac;:11 gezi



(aparlamenl , po k6j) z lazienkq



exceso de equipaje

nadwaga bagaiu

lazla bagaj

untpj30po onooKEUwv

tipo de cambio

kurs wymiany

deviz kuru






viaje de familiarizacion

objazd trasy

pefsonele turizm



bile\ liereli, yol parasl.

TllJrl IOTlTTlpiou


yaptlnl.m gezi

TOf;l61 t.f;OIK CiWOTlC:





wymiana pien i~

devi z


programa de vue los frecu entes

ud09OdnienOl cr..
zl",;; IQ1nic=;"d"I

slk u(fu$ yapan yolcu programl.


n,\iJP'lC: OIOTPO<Prl

j).)~~to.. . "7"_-'".'-::0<' b7,~

pension completa

zakwalerov.anie z pe!nym Wyz-fio"f:fII.;m

lam pansiyon

billete entero

bilel petnoplatny

tam bi le! parasl

nAf)p'lC: TllJrl t.IOT)TT)piou

totalmenle lIeno

brak wolnych miejs.c

rezervasyon dolu, yerler dolu.

Evn:Ai>c; KAt.IOjJt vO

coto de caLl

rezerwal towiecki

aVI korumak iin ayrt l m l ~ arazi

KpQ1T1CJTl Yla nOIXviol

tienda de regalos

sklep z pamiqlkami

hediyelik e~ya dOkkam

KOTocrn1l-l0 !5wpwv



mis.afi r. konuk

!pLAof;voulJ VOC;

media pensi6n

zak waterowanie z

yZllm pansiyon




uzun yOrOyti~




taule kimse


cadena de hoteles

siec hoteli

koIa cj ~



o1uoii3a f;EVOl5oxiwv


hotel ier





pendant Ie vol

durante il volo, in vola

wahrend des Fluges

in-flight service


servizio durante II '0'010

Service wahrend d6 Fluges

incentive travel

voyages de stimulation

it viaggio d'incentivazione

Reisen als Leistungszulage fur Personal

insurance policy

police d'assurance

la polizza assicurativd






jet lag

fatigue due au decalage horairc

il jet lag



paquebot de grande ligne

il transatlantico


load factors

taux de remplissage d'avion

i fattori di carico




la lobby

EingangshalIe, Foyer


il vola lungo


taux d'occupation

it tasso di occupazione degli alberghi


aller simple

il biglietto di sola andata

einfache Fahrkarte
Wahl, Moglichkeit

long-haul flight


one-way ticket


a bard d'avion





hors saison

fuori stagione



en partance

in uscita


der Saison

package tour

voyage organise

viaggio 'tutto compreso'



II passeggero


passport control

contrale des passeports

il controllo passaporti


premi um


11 premia



presentation de brochures


Stander/Regal fOr Werbematerial



il riccvimento





a neuf

J'ammodernarnento, la messa a nuovo



il centro turistico, il luogo di soggiorno


return ticket

billet aller-retour

il biglietto di andata e ritomo


round trip (Am. E.)


il viaggio di and ala e ritorno

Hin- und Ruckreise


pistc d' envoi

la pista di decollo 0 di atterraggio

Start- und Landebahn



il safari


scheduled airline

compagnie ~ennt a~suranl des voIs reguliers

la compagnia aerea di linea


scheduled fligh t

vol regulier

il vola di linea, il '0'010 regolare di linea

planmaBiger Flug. Unienflug




Saison- Ije nach Jahreszeit


(appartement) indcpendant

con usa di cucina



voiture sans chauffeur

senza autista

fUr Selbstfahrer



la navetta



visitcr/faire du tourisme

il giro turistico, ta visita ai monumenti

Sightseeing, Besichtigungen



10 sci


special interest holiday


special offer


a theme

la vacanza d'interesse speciale

Urlaub je nach Interessengebiet, Hobby

j'offerta speciale


stand-by (passenger)

voyageur sur une lislc d'attente

in stand-by




st opover


II soggiorno
10 scalo

Zwischenstation, Zwischenlandung




11 ~pplemento di prezzo, il sovrappreuo




la tariffa



exonere d'imp6ts

esentasse, nOn impon ibile




I'aerostazione, iI term inal


terms and conditions


termini e condizioni

allgemeine Geschaftsbedingungen

theme park

parc a theme/ pare d'attractions

plage horaire

iJ parco tematico
il tempo disponibile


time slot
time zone

fuseau horaire

il fuso orario



maison en multipropriete

i1 timeshare



excursionlvisite guidce/circuit

il viaggio, il tour


tourist board

office de tourisme

I'ente turistico


Tourist Information Centre

syndicat d'initiative

Centro Informazioni Turistiche

Touristen- Informationsburo



iI transito, il trasferimento






twin room



a deux lits

Zeitschlitz, Zeilspanne

la camera doppia, la camera a due letti

Zimmer mit zwei Einzelbetten

meilleur classement

avanzamento di grade


valet service



faire du leche-vltrines

iI servizio di guardaroba
guardare Ie vetrine dei negozl

einen Schauf ensterbummel machen

winter sports

sports d'hiver

gil sport invernali





otel yoneticisi/sahibi.


en vuelo

podczas lolu

uC u~ esnasmda

KOTO TflV nTTlorr

servicio a bordo
viaje incentivo

uCu~ Slrasmda sunulan hizmetler

E~unflptTIlorr KoTO TIlv nTTiorr


ba~anh personeli OdOliendirme yolculugu.

OtaKont, Kivn TPO


uslugi podczas lolu

wakacjtl opIacone pr.:u ...

,,~rodt Z&

paliza de seguros

potisa ubezpieczeniowa

sigorta poliCest


Irasa (wycieczki)

kllavuz programl. yolculuk kilabl.


desfase horario


U(ak yoIcukJOut'da., SCII'II"a 'beden $U({nin bcZulmaSI.

Ev6XATJorr Myw OtOqlopa,


statek oceaniczny


nAoio YPOjJjJrl<:;

1actores de carga

wsp6tczynnik zaj~losci miejsc

bJeI \.CI~ ~1 r.hiorrn ",,~kIi 1a.>IarKI)~~

ves tibu la



wywolane dtugim lolem

ffM rjn:esi


m:plopl0jJO( mTiorr<:; AOYW !3apou<:;

ai90uoo ovoj.Jovt')<:;

vuelo de larga distancia

10ly dalekiego zasifi!Q u

uzak mesale ucu~u

nn')orr j.JOKpa<:; nopEioc;

tarita de alojamiento

wsp6lczynnik zaj~tosci

oda doluluk oranl

t~oOo 'ljJEPTlOlO<:; OIOjJOvr;C;

billete de ida

bilel w jednlt S lrom~

yalnlz gidi~ bilel!

ElOTlTTiPIO IJOvTiC; OloiSpolJr;C;


rezerwac}a wymagajqca potwierdzenia

s~ nek .

fuera de tem porada

poza sezonem



l am (0 kierunku jazdy)

memlekel dllna selere C1kan,


viaje organizado

zorganizowana .....ycieczka

toplu gezi

nEplo&lo n OKCTou





control de pasaportes

kontrola paszportow

pasaport kontrolO

Ay XO<:; 1510I3oT'lpiwv





prima de seguro

sktadka ubezpieczeniowa




rekJam rallan

9TiKC~ OlOqlrUJtOT1KWV qluMooiwv


recepcja (reception); przYi~ie (party)

resepsiyon. misalir kabultoreni






centro tunstico


gezin!i yerleri


billete de ida y vuelta

bilet powrotny

donu~ bileti

lCln'tPlO ntOTPO<f>ft<;

viaje de ida y vuelta

pooro! tam i z powrolem

gidi~-donu~ yolculugu

CIOln'rPlO j.J mOTPO<Pft


pas startowy

uCak pisti





npoypotJjJOTlo\Jtvrr OPoypoj.JjJri


linea aerea programada

reguJarna linia loln icza

larileli hava YOllan

vuelo programado

regularny 101

tarifeli seier




sezonluk, mevsimlik



za.walacwanie I

sin chofer

wlasny transport (dojazd)

~Iorsuz kiralanan


servicio de enlace

autobus, pocic:jg

servis otobusu.

m iOKl!JTj o~lo9EOTWV

JTlc.lllrroic~ ~nia




kendin ye



visitar lugares de interes


gezme, gorOlecek yerleri ziyare t elme


jazda na nartach

kayak yapma


vacaciones de interes especial

wakacje specjalislyczne

ozef ilgi amaclilalil

DIOKont<; C101KOU !:V010qltpOVTO<:;

oferta especial

olerta specjalna

indirimli liyatlar

I01Kri npOOqlOpO

en espera


bekfeme fistesi

ovojJoVTi empaTfl



kalma, ziyarel suresi



przerwa w podro.iy

konaklama, mala


aplicar un recargo


krediyi deltere kaydetmeme






sin impuestos

bez podatku

vergisi z

XtIlpi<; ql6po



ucak lerminali

oT091l0<; OEp06p0j.Jiou

h!rminos y condiciones


parque tematico


cscala de tiempo


zaman dilimi

XPOVlKrl 011YIJrl

zona horaria


arz derecesir.e g5te resmi $33.\11'1 ayn. oIcUOu toge

~wvrr wpo<:;





o ficina de turismo


opm KOl OUV9rlKE<;

konulu eglence parkl

naPKO ovoiJJuxr;<;




n CpniYTJOTl

turizm bOrosu

TOUP1OTlKI'j emTpo nrj

Turisl Danl~ma Merkezi

KtV1PO TouptOTlIHlIV nA'lP0<+l0P1WV

habitacion doble

Ce-ntrum 1Ir.'b-.a:::j - .. .}"'s~)'CZt'Ie;

tra os'e! r. ::-a..-s'E. _w:_
pok6; l: dwr.r;;: ~"-.2..--r


s. . .iadcze'""l ..,~ _<=..cs.::.


mirar escaparates

obstuga. I=~ :oqc'" c:

ogl~ "'"fS~:; ~

:=-.t:...?-:r.2' servisi
do1a1'l3. vitrin bakma .

deportcs de inviern o


Centro de Informacion y Turismo

v lajar

servicio de planchado


j.JETO<pOPO - I-IETOqltpw

yolculuk elmek


, yataldl oda

iyi bit hizmel slmlm8 geci1mesi

- a:;-..,a-

0tIl1-l0TlO j.Jc ouo j.Jov6 KpEI3Jkmo

uTlTJPOio otlljJoTiou
YUPVQtIl n, 131.TpivC;
Xlj.Jeplva on6p








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