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Career Research and Conclusion

James Tompkins
Delaware Technical Community College


In this article I will provide information about Delaware state police such as salary,
requirements, and what is expected from the job. Also providing some personal qualities and
areas I need to improve on to get myself up to par. Then again coming back on the John Holland
codes and whether that influenced any decisions of mine and why or why not.


Career Research and Conclusion

The career I am going to bed researching is a Delaware State Police Officer. There is very
little to no info on SWAT since it is a part time job to the police officer. Starting off with
minimum hiring requirements you are required to be a US citizen and be 21 prior to the academy
and no older than 39, have a valid drivers license for at least one year, have Delaware residency
by end of academy and have no felonies (Recruiting-Requirements, n.d). Educational
requirements according to are:
Applicants must have a high school diploma or GED, and must have
attained a minimum of 60 semester credits, or 90 quarter credits, from an
accredited college or university OR one that is recognized by the U. S.
Department of Higher Education OR 30 college credits along with two years of
active duty military service. (Recruiting-Requirements, n.d).
No use of illegal drugs two years prior to application and no use ever of hallucinogenic
drugs, meet body fat percentage requirements, have normal hearing (Recruiting-Requirements,
n.d). Vision requirements listed on are:
Visual acuity can be no worse than 20/40 in each eye, uncorrected, and
must be corrected to 20/20 with glasses or gas permeable contacts; or no worse
than 20/200 in each eye uncorrected and must be corrected to 20/20 with soft
contacts lenses only. Normal color vision and normal depth perception are
required. (Recruiting-Requirements, n.d).
The starting salary as a Delaware State Police Officer is $44,527, during the training period,
after training is complete, the salary is increased to $50,735 (DE LE Salaries, n.d). Pensions
for DSP include 50% of salary after 20 years f service, 67% after 25 years of service, and


85% after 30 years (DE LE Salaries, n.d). lists some of the job
Patrol duties involve directing traffic, assisting lost, stranded or disabled
motorists, approaching motorists on routine or non-routine violations, making
arrests, processing prisoners, controlling crowds, and supporting other troopers in
stressful situations. Other patrol duties involve inspecting and safeguarding
property, responding to bank alarms, chasing violators on foot, and checking
buildings at night for burglaries. Investigative duties include interviewing
complainants and witnesses, interrogating suspects, aiding injured people,
handling motor vehicle crashes and crime scenes, responding to complaints
involving vicious animals, using deadly force, and executing search and seizure
warrants, as well as arrest warrants. (Recruiting-Requirements, n.d)
Also found in the same source:
Troopers must maintain a good personal appearance and physical condition.
Troopers are tested on a regular basis throughout their career to ensure they
maintain sufficient aerobic capacity, muscular strength, muscular endurance,
coordination, flexibility, percentage of body fat, and sufficient levels of
neurological senses to safety and effectively perform job functions. Other
responsibilities include proper care of division equipment, uniforms, and vehicles;
and maintaining a clean and orderly troop. (Recruiting-Requirements, n.d)
My main point to focus in on for preparing for the academy and becoming an Officer is
being prepared physically. I have always had a history of being physically active but for
this situation I do need to step it up. Lowering my BMI and increasing cardio will be a


good start, since they do a lot of running and I have always been on the slower side. The
weightlifting aspect of it I should be fine with but still will give attention to that area as
not to focus in and improve on one area and then let another area weaken.
The John Holland code did not affect my decision. I have taken many of those
over the years and I think they are good but if you have your mind set on something you
should do it and not let anything influence that decision. In my case the John Holland did
not change my mindset but added to my back up plans incase this doesnt work out. I do
need to make a career advisement appointment because my letters didnt line up, but I
took the test honestly and if I take it again I will get the same outcome. The codes are
codes and if thats how they naturally land not lined up then thats how it is. Its no sense
in trying to get them to line up if the choices made by the individual will be influenced
from outside sources.


Delaware Law Enforcement Salaries.

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