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The material is also

transparent; this proves to be

perfect for wrapping
sandwiches so the user is
able to see what is wrapped
without breaking the
waterproof seal

The plastic material is quite

weak and as a result of being
thin, making it vulnerable to
breakage, and wear and tear.
This means the material is
processed at a low cost making
it suitable for one time use
(Johnson, 1995).

Cling wrap to wrap


The properties in cling wrap influence

its suitability for wrapping sandwiches.
Namely, cling wrap is highly malleable,
flexible, and waterproof which allows it
to be reshaped and bent without
breaking or cracking.

What are they properties in the

following processed and natural
materials; explain how they
influence the use of the

The properties of wood

influence the reason it is
used to make chairs. Namely,
wood is strong, therefore the
chair will last a long time,
typically wood is hard which
makes it resistant from wear,
tear and scratches, and wood
is a good heat and energy
insulator, this makes it
appropriate for sitting on as
the user will not get to hot
and uncomfortable (BBC,


It usually is light when used for making a

chair, therefore is able to be relocated
with ease (BMAG, 2003).

This makes it perfect for

wrapping sandwiches as it is
able to wrap around the
sandwich protecting it from the
air, sealing in moisture and
And is an insulator
it from drying out
therefore does not
conduct heat, promoting
fresh sandwiches (BBC,

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