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Identifying Blooms Levels of Learning

Navia Walden
April 6, 2014
EED 360
Ms. Boone

Grade Level 2
1. Subject: Math
SOL Objective: 2.4(b) The student will recognize even and odd numbers
Question: Can you recognize the odd numbers by putting a circle around them and a box
around the even numbers?
Keyword: Recognize
Level of Blooms Taxonomy/Explain: This objective is located on level one (knowledge)
because students are able to recognize the distinction between even and odd numbers.
2. Subject: Science
SOL Objective: 2.4(b) the student will investigate and understand that plants and animals
undergo a series of orderly changes as they mature and grow. Key concepts include plant
life cycle.
Question: As you watch the life cycle of your flower, list some changes you saw as the
flower grew.
Keyword: Investigate
Level of Blooms Taxonomy/Explain: This objective is located on level 4 (analysis)
because the students are able to investigate the growth of the plant from a seed to a
flower by watching the stages of the life cycle.
3. Subject: Art
SOL Objective: 2.9 The student will create works of art from observation.
Question: As you look at the model, can you create a picture of a dog?
Keyword: Create
Level of Blooms Taxonomy/Explain: This objective is located on level 5 (synthesis)
because students are able to create a picture by observing the model giving.
4. Subject: Physical Education
SOL Objective: 2.3(b) Name and locate the large muscle groups.
Question: Name one the largest muscle groups and locate it on your body.
Keyword: Name and Locate
Level of Blooms Taxonomy/Explain: This objective is located on level 1 (knowledge)
and level 2 (comprehension) because the students are first able to name the large muscles
and then locate where they are on their body.

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