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Strategies Classroom

Further Activities are listed in Appendix Four

Activity One:
Prepare copies of a familiar text that can be found in the classroom.
Provide students with a recording sheet for keeping a tally of how the reader monitored and
corrected as they read:

My name:


looked at the pictures for clue

read on
made a guess
sounded the word out
had another go
Ask students to take turns to read sections of text with a partner. Explain to students that while one
person is reading, their partner will listen carefully and keep a tally of the number of times the
reader monitors and self-corrects. Encourage students to provide each other with feedback about
what self-correcting strategies each reader tends to use and to make suggestions about
Activity Two:
Reading with Expression
Prepare sound recording software and microphones so that students can record themselves reading.
Select a short text such as a narrative, rhyme, song or poem (no more than six lines) for students to
practise expressive reading. Remind students about varying their reading pace and paying attention
to punctuation, such as commas, exclamation marks. Students then record their reading. Provide a
checklist for students to use after they have read:

My reading checklist

I wasnt too fast or slow.
I read smoothly without stopping.

I read the words correctly.
I knew what to do when I couldnt read a word.

Phrasing and fluency:

I made my reading sound natural and not forced like a robot.
I read with expression.
Ask students to practise their reading together with a partner and then to
take turns to record their reading.
Tell them to listen to their readings and to use the checklist to provide
feedback to each other.

EML210 Assessment One Observing the Reading Process

Page 4

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