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Bhm-Stirling motors with optimized performance

After the new Ford Model T was introduced by Bhm Stirling-Technik in May 2013,
the technicians are now announcing another motor technology innovation. This
will make friends of the Stirling motor models sit up and take notice; now the fun
of the models is coupled with improved performance.

A brief look back at Stirling motors

Stirling motors were invented about 200 years ago, but the principle used to
make them is based on ancient knowledge. Humans used this technology more
than 2000 years ago, for example, to move temple gates. Today, air heated by a
heat source is used to drive the motors of the small model vehicles. In 1900, cars
were driven with this kind of motor. The Ford Model T from Bhm-Stirling is, like
all other models, equipped with a Stirling motor that converts thermal energy into
mechanical energy.

The improvement of Bhm Stirling motors

Some aspects of the Stirling motors, which are as simple as they are effective,
have been revised and improved. Thus, not only the performance but also the
lifetime of the little machines has been increased. The improvements affect the
HB11, 12, 13, 14, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33 and 34 models.
The brass cylinder of each of these models has been equipped with more mass;
therefore, they not only run with better cooling, but the design is even more
pleasing to the eye. The models, which can be purchased either ready-made or
as a kit, consist of individual parts made of high quality materials. Stainless steel
or solid brass components ensure not they not only look elegant, but are also
Additional changes include a modified piston diameter, which made it possible to
improve runnability and achieve higher performance with a longer stroke. The air
is heated in the piston, which expands it and finally sets the flywheel into motion.
The small change has resulted in less wear.
Until previously, depending on the model, jumping was possible due to vibration.
The crank cams were changed and balanced to prevent this from happening in
the future. With the new upgrade, Bhm-Stirling has ensured that the fun factor is
even higher than before. The improved models can be found right now in the
company online shop at

About Bhm Stirling-Technik e.K.

Founded in 1990 with headquarters in Neustadt an der Aisch, the company not
only sells but also manufacturers Bhm-Stirling motors. The large range of
products includes different models equipped with not only a Stirling motor but
also a vacuum motor - a so-called fire-eater - all of which can be ordered online.
Customers who would like to build their own models at home have the option of
buying a large number of models run on a hot air motor as do-it-yourself kits. The
entire product range, from all kinds of motors to different Stirling car models to
accessories, can be found on the company website ( In
addition, this contains a range of information on technical details and prices of
the various models, the structure and function of vacuum and Stirling motors, the
company history of Bhm Stirling Technik and how to contact us.

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