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Uslovi ugovaranja za postrojenje i projektovanje-izgradnju ‘2A ELEKTROTEHNIGKE | MASINSKE RADOVE | ZA GRADEVINSKE | TEHNIGKE RADOVE PO PROJEKTU IZVODACA OPSTIUSLOVI SAVETI ZA PRIPREMU POSEBNIH USLOVA OBRASCI PONUDA, UGOVORA | SPORAZUMA O RESAVANJU SPOROVA =| 4 a a 4 4 4 4 a | 3 3 4 4 : 3 3 : i i i : aaa aaa FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DES INGENIEURS-CONSEILS. INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF CONSULTING ENGINEERS INTERNATIONALE VEREINIGUNG BERATENDER INGENIEURE FEDERACION INTERNACIONAL DE INGENIEROS CONSULTORES MEDUNARODNA FEDERACIA KONSALTING INZENJERA Conditions of Contract for PLANT AND DESIGN-BUILD Uslovi ugovaranja za POSTROJENJE | PROJEKTOVANJE-IZGRADNJU FOR ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL WORKS AND FOR BUILDING AND ENGINEERING WORKS DESIGNED BY THE CONTRACTOR ZA ELEKTROTEMNICKE | MASINSKE. RADOVE | ZA GRADEVINSKE | TEHNICKE RADOVE PO PROJEKTU IZVODACA Serbian Chamber of Engineers Ingenjerska komora Srbije JUGOSLOVENSKI PREGLED Beograd, 2008. GENERAL CONDITIONS OPSTI USLOVI GUIDANCE FORTHE PREPARATION OF PARTICULAR CONDITIONS SAVETI ZA PRIPREMU POSEBNIH USLOVA FORMS OF LETTER OF TENDER, CONTRACT AGREEMENT AND DISPUTE ADJUDICATION OBRASCI PONUDA, UGOVORA | SPORAZUMA O RESAVANJU SPOROVA. Original Tie: Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (isn 2-98432.023.7 Frat Elton 1999) FDIC dooe ot endorse any anslaton n pare FIC does ol make any engagament 0: take on any aby ‘oresring a Wnsiton's compiles cotectnoss of alequcy fr ey purpose. Ary sch engagement otal wi ‘Snipb ote accor of he taney te publaer oe went ue aut doregaing ftom the Provisions of Sub-Cause tac fay spect lnguoge sth "ug lana ‘these Condon of Contact a othe designation in soy tre purposes of sen conta ha version ergiah of frosontGonion sal be conedore ae the fl apd autre tx fore purport ansatonarst omy ‘ter angunge. Thus in case fa ‘hse Condos of Contato Se ha suterons [STRUCNI REDAKTOR, -MSe. Branislav Simovie lzpavac. tugosiovensh progiod Detanska 8, Beograd TTeuaks: #381 11/82 39 610, wor info@yusuvey cons DIREKTOR GLAVN | ODGOVORNI UREDNIK We Kovatewe @ FIO Sve pave zane Neste autorskihprava naa chumet|e Meeunaodna Tedorciekansatng ingen remaonalPedeaton of ‘consling Engrs OIG) Mace eres arora ‘ra colument sa Slovene FDIS Zskoni kpc koa uve IDI nakog gg | okumtaima pave dale jedan prnerk roar kuplenogupovora it dokurerta za Nogows canosno Nera ul pain upaetuInae,nedn deo ve pusicaci e ‘ire so reproduc, roves adapta, une usta 2a onsite peda i pena u ho kom es a io To na, manancion konse,magntnn pe, pretnonog abr ible u psnoy frm olen a “ative sata ostrerja upte ne adety noes FOC, Case S112-ci 218 Geneva 16, Stsorand) | “an 1 22799 4909, eat egaeo, Doda primer! mogu se debt od FIOC-8 {na mui ortontsop kao gore aeveseo) suites, Bev tana Pupiea 6 PC Uses Beograd, ‘rete at 11 2200280 fx 381 1 200 268. ‘emak ofleegmace co “dopa paras shoud remember that FIO toners ony the stn Engioh ot REVIEWED BY Me. Branislav Simovie PUBLISHER ‘Yugoslav Suvey Detanska 8, Belgrade PhoneFaxc +381 11/2299 610 ne, yu DIRECTOR ANO EDITOR INCHIEF le Kovasove © FDIC Ar ght resened ‘Tne Copyht cane tts document ee nterstona Engwaert FIO. Ths document reproted and ‘Strbfed by Mace wih F101 piston Te lavll purchase of @ FDIC contact ater eumer hs era mate asnlecy ot arsenal an pate usa Others napa oe Fubteaion may ba rproduced. arated doped eared Sretieval system or cmmancated an omer any | Imears,mechanca ectone, mamete srotceprna, | ‘wing fem FDIC, To request suc perms. lease | {onaet FDIC, Case 311, CH-1215 Genova 18, Swtzorad ar v41 727594903, eal fee oy, dant cn ced to FIC | Cmideaguocchspersswoeyarton sa doe. | sioruemeasrescimegscsas so | at oes | RBPRARAARRRARARARRHRARRHRReRrAReRrAaaRe Hee ee eee Uauud Opsti Table pregled sadrzaja of Contents Predgovor 4-5 Foreword DEO | PARTI OPSTI USLOVI 13 GENERAL CONDITIONS Sadréaj 14-18 Contents DEO I PARTI SAVETI GUIDANCE FOR THE ZAPRIPREMU. PREPARATION OF POSEBNIH USLOVA 163 PARTICULAR CONDITIONS Sadréaj 164-165 Contents FORME TENDERA | FORMS OF TENDER AND UGOVORA 223. AGREEMENT. PREDGOVOR Medunarodna federacija inzenjera konsultanata (FIDIC) objavila je 1999. godine prva izdanja Cetiri nova standardna obrasca ugovora’ Uslovi ugovaranja za gradevinske radove, koji se preporuéuju za gradevinske | tehnicke radove po projektu Investitora ili njegovog predstavnika, Naizomog organa (Engineer). Po uobitajenim aranzmanima za ovakvu vt- stu ugovora, izvodat izvodi radove w skladu projekiima obezbedenim od strane Investitora, Medutim, u radovira se mogu nal ineki element iz oblasti niskogradnje, masinstva, elek- trotehnike ili visokogradnje po projektima levadata, Usiovi ugovaranja za postrojenja i projektovanje-izgradnj, koji se preporucuju za obezbedenje elektrotehnickin iil masinskih postrojenja iza projekto- vanje i izvodenje gradevinskin il tehniekih radova. Po uobi¢ajenim aranzmanima za ovakvuy vrstu ugovora, Izvodaé projektuje i obezbeduje, u skladu sa uslovima Investitora, postro- Jenie ili druge radave, koji mogu predstavjati kombinaciju radava iz oblasti niskogradnje, ‘masinstva, elektrotehnike ii visokogradnjo, Uslovi ugovaranja za PNUKijué u ruke projekte, koji mogu biti prkladni za obezhedenje tehnolo&kih postrojena il elektrana, fabrika i sé nih objekata il infrastrukturnih projekata i nekih drugih postrojenja, qd (je potrebna veta izvesnost u pogledu konatne cene | potrebnog vremena i (i) zvodaé preuzima obavezu projektovanja|izvodenja radova uz malo uéedte investitora, Po uobi¢ajenim aranzmanima 2a projekte kjué u ruke, Izvodaé na sebe preuzima u celini projektovanje, nabavke i izgrad- nju (PNI) i obezbeduje potpuno opremijeni objekat Koji je spreman za pogon (po predaji “kjuéa u ruke") Kratka forma ugovora, koja se preporuuje za gradevinske ili tehnicke radove relativno male kapitaine vrednosti Zavisno od vrste radova | okoinosti, ova forma takode moze da bude prikladna iza ugovore vetih vrednosti, narotito u slu¢aju relativno jednostavnih i ponavijajuéih radova ili kratko- trajnih radova. Po uobigajenim aranzmanima za ovu vrstu ugovora, Izvadaé izvodi radove po projektima Investitora i njegovog predstavnika (eventualnog), s tim Sto ova forma tako- ‘de moze da bude prikladna za ugovor koji obuhvata delimiéno ili u colini radove iz oblast niskogradnje, ma8instva, elektrotehnike il visokogradnie. Ove forme se preporuéuju za opétu primenu u ponudama na medunarodnoj osnovi lamene mogu biti potrebne u nekim jurisdikcijama i to narotito ako se uslovi primenjulu na domaée ugovore. FIDIC smatra zvaniénim i autentignim tekstove napisane na engleskom. jeziku U pripremi ovih uslova Ugovora za postrojenje i projektovanje-izgradnju, autori su imali w vidu Ginjenicu da pored mnogih op8te primenijvin klauzula, postoje i neke koje Iziskuju izmene radi usklagivanja sa okolnostima relevantnim za dotitni ugovor. Klauzule koje se smatraju primen: ljivim na mnoge (ali ne i na sve) ugovore unete su u Opste uslove da bi se olakSalo njihovo Unodenje u svaki ugovor. Opsti uslovi i Posebni uslovi skupa satinjavaju Ugovorne uslove koji regullsu prava | obaveze ugovornih strana. Potrebno je da se pripreme Posebni uslovi za svaki ugovor Pojedinatno ida se uzmu u obzir kiauzule iz Op8tih usiova u kojima se poziva na Posebne stove. Projektovanje-izgradnja postrojenja. FDIC Tl sT TlaAanninnainnininininaignrininiwnininniarann FOREWORD ‘The Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Consells (FIDIC) published, in 1999, First Editions of four new standard forms of contract: Conditions of Contract for Construction, Which are recommended for building or engineering works designed by the Employer or by his representative, the Engineer. Under the usual arrangements for this type of contract, the Contractor constructs the works in accordance with a design provided by the Employer. However, the works may include some elements of Contractor-designed civil, mechanical, electrical andlor construction works. Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build, which are recommended for the provision of electrical and/or mechanical plant, and for the design and execution of building or engineering works. Under the usual arrangements for this type of contract, the Contractor designs and provides, in accordance with the Employer's requirements, plant and/or other works; which may include any combination of Civil, mechanical, electrical and/or construction works, Conditions of Contract for EPC/Tumkey Projects, Which may be suitable for the provision on a turnkey basis of a process or power plant, of a factory or similar facility, or of an infrastructure project or other type of development, where (i) a higher degree of certainty of final price and time is required, and (i) the Contractor takes total responsibilty for the design and execution of the project, with litte involvement of the Employer. Under the usual arrangements for turnkey projects, the Contractor carries out all the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC): providing a fully-equipped facility, ready for operation (at the “turn of the key"). ‘Short Form of Contract, Which is recommended for building or engineering works of relatively small capital value. Depending on the type of work and the circumstances, this form may also be suitable for contracts of greater value, particularly for relatively simple or repetitive work or work of short duration. Under the usual arrangements for this type of contract, the Contractor constructs the works in accordance with a design provided by the Employer or by his representative (if ‘any), but this form may also be suitable for a contract which includes, or wholly comprises, Contractor-designed civil, mechanical, electrical andlor construction works. The forms are recommended for general use where tenders are invited on an international ba~ sis. Modifications may be required in some jurisdictions, particularly if the Conditions are to be used on domestic contracts. FIDIC considers the offical and uthentic texts to be the versions inthe English language. In the preparation of these Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build, it was recognised that, while there are many sub-clauses which will be generally applicable, there are some sub- clauses which must necessarily vary to take account of the circumstances relevant to the par- ticular contract. The sub-clauses which were considered to be applicable to many (but not all) contracts have been included in the General Conditions, in order to facilitate their incorporation into each contract. ‘The General Conditions and the Particular Conditions will together comprise the Conditions of Contract governing the rights and obligations ofthe parties. It will be necessary to prepare the Particular Conditions for each individual contract, and to take account of those sub-clauses in the General Conditions which mention the Particular Conditions. Fipie lant and Design-Buil Za potrebe ove publikacile, Op8ti usiov su pripremijeni na bazi sledeteg: ()privremena plaéanja u odnosu na pausainu ugovomu cenu vse sa napredovanjem Tadova ito obitno u ratama predvidenim cenovnikom; (i)_akotokst Opstin usiova iziskujo dalle podatko, tada (ukoliko nije tolko opisna da bi mo- rala da se detalino prikaze u uslovima Investitora), tada se u klauzulinavodi da se ovi podaci nalaze u Prlogu ponude, ate podatke propisuje Investor ih unosi podnosilac ponude; (ii) kada podktauzula Opstih usiova regulse neko pitanje na koje se verovatno mogu pri- menitiraziite odredbe kod razliitin ugovora, principi Kojm su se autor rukovodl pr ssastavianiu te podklauzule bil su (@) za korisnike bi bilo pogodnije ako bi se neke odredbe koje ne Zele da primene tmogle jednostavno izbrsati ii ne primenti, nego da se pise dodaini tekst (u Posebnim usiovima), jer Opsti uslovinisu predvdelinjihove zahteve; i (©) Wostalim stuéajevima, kada se primena (a) smatra neprikladnom, podklauzula ‘sadi2i odredbe koje se smatraju primentivim na vecinu ugovora, Na primer, podklauzula 14.2 [Avansno placanje] ukljutena je zbog pogodnosti, a ne zbog neke politike FIDICA-a u vezi avansnog pla¢anja. Ova podklauzula je neprimenijva (ako nije izbri- sana) ako bude zanemarena time Sto nije preciziran iznos avansnog plaéanja, Stoga bi valjalo Vvoditi raéuna o tome da neke odredbe Opstih usiova modda nisu prikladne za naizgled tipiéne ugovore. Daiji podaci o ovim aspektima, primer teksta za ostale aranzmane, ostala objaSnjenja i primer teksta za pomo¢ u pripremi Posebnih ustava, kao ostala dokumentacija ponuda, dati su u ovo) publikacij u Savetima za pripremu Posebnin uslova, Pre unoSenja bilo kakvog uzomag teksta, Potrebno je da se on proveri da bi se utvrdilo da fi je on u celini priktadan pod konkretnim okol- rnostima. Ako nije, onda se moraju vrsitiizmene, U slutaju izmena uzomog teksta i u svim slutajevima vr8enja drugih izmena i dopuna, mora se \oditiraéuna o tome da ne dode do bilo kakve dvosmisienosti, kako u Opstim usiovima, tako i lzmedu kiauzula Posebrih usiova. Neophodno je da se svi ovi zadaci vezani za pripremmu i celo- kupna priprema dokumentacije ponude, povere licima koja su struéno osposobljena sa aspekta Uugovaranja, tehnike i nabavke. (va publikacija se zavrSava uzornim obrascima ponuda, prlloga ponude (sa éek lstom podkla- tuzula koje se odnose na njega), ugovora i alternative sporazuma o regavanju sporova, Ova) ‘sporazum o reSavanju sporova daje formulaciju teksta sporazuma izmedu Investitora, Lzvodaéa {lice koje je imenovano za isklutivog arbitra ii za élana trotianog arbitraznog veéa, | sadrzZ\ oziv na adredbe Priloga Opatih uslova, FIDIC namerava da objavi vodié za primenu usiova ugovora za izgradnju, postrojenje i projek: tovanje-izgradniu i projekte kjué u ruke. Jo8 jednu relevantnu FIDIC-ovu publikacju predstaviia “Postupak ponude", koja daje sistematski prikaz pristupa izboru ponudaéa i dobijanja i procene onude. Radi razjasnjenja redosleda ugovornih aktivnosti, Korisnike upuéujemo na grafikone na sledece de stranice ina nize navedene podklauzule (neki brojevi podklauzula navedeni su ina grafiko- nima). Grafikoni su iustrativni ine mogu se wzimati w obzir pri tumaéenju ugovornih uslova, 14.311 13.7, Osnovni datum 14.851 10.1 Potvida 0 primopredaj 1.432181 Datum posetka 41.36 1121 spitvanje poste zavidetka Garancija za dobro izvrse- (eventuaino) ne posla 1ABTI1A Rok za prjaw nodostataka Prvvomene situacje (sa produzenjem iz 11.3) 1433182 Rok zavitetka (sa produze- 11.381 11.9 Potro valjano ivrse- jem iz 6.4) ‘nom posit: 1.134191 Ieplvanje na zavetotky 1.14.61 14.19 Okonéana sivacya Projektovanje-izgradnja postrojenja FIDIC Tnnnreonignimrioeonni@gTrirnairnionrnaenoennognownnsninininn ny For this publication, the General Conditions were prepared on the following basis: (interim payments, in respect of the lump sum Contract Price, will be made as work proceeds, and wil typically be based on instalments specified in a schedule; {il) ifthe wording in the General Conditions necessitates further data, then (unless itis 80 descriptive that it would have to be detailed in the Employer's Requirements) the sub- clause makes reference to this data being contained in the Appendix to Tender, the dala either being prescribed by the Employer or being inserted by the Tenderer, (ii) where a sub-clause in the General Conditions deals with a matter on which different contract terms are likely 10 be applicable for diferent contracts, the principles applied in writing the sub-clause were: (2) users would find it more convenient if any provisions which they did not wish to apply could simply be deleted or not invoked, than if additional text had to be \written (in the Particular Conditions) because the General Conditions did not cover their requirements; or (©) in other cases, where the application of a) was thought tobe inappropriate, the sub- clause contains the provisions which were considered applicable to most contracts. For example, Sub-Clause 14.2 [Advance Payment) is included for convenience, not because of any FIDIC policy in respect of advance payments. This Sub-Clause becomes inapplicable (even if itis not deleted) if itis disregarded by not specifying the amount of the advance. It should therefore be noted that some of the provisions contained in the General Conditions may not be appropriate for an apparently-typical contract. Further information on these aspects, example waiting for other arrangements, and other explan- atory material and example wording to assist in the preparation of the Particular Conditions and the other tender documents, are included within this publication as Guidance for the Preparation of the Particular Conditions. Before incorporating any exemple wording, it must be checked to ensure that it is wholly suitable forthe particular circustances; if not, it must be amended, Where example wording is amended, and in all cases where other amendments or additions are made, care must be taken to ensure that no ambiguity is created, either with the General Conditions or between the clauses in the Particular Conditions. It is essential that all these drafting tasks, and the entire preparation of the tender documents, are entrusted to personne! ‘with the relevant expertise, including the contractual, technical and procurement aspects. ‘This publication concludes with example forms forthe Letter of Tender, the Appendix to Tender (providing a checkist of the sub-clauses which refer tot) the Contract Agreement, and alterna tives for the Dispute Adjudication Agreement. This Dispute Adjudication Agreement provides text for the agreement between the Employer, the Contractor and the person appointed to act either as sole adjudicator or as a member of a three-person dispute adjudication board; ancl incorporates (by reference) the terms in the Appendix to the General Conditions. FIDIC intends to publish a guide to the use of its Conditions of Contract for Construction, for Plant and Design-Build, and for EPC/Tumkey Projects. Another relevant FIDIC publication is “Tendering Procedure’, which presents a systematic approach to the selection of tenderers and the obtaining and evaluation of tenders. In order to clarify the sequence of Contract activities, reference may be made to the charts on the next two pages and to the Sub-Clauses listed below (some Sub-Clause numbers are also stated in the charts). The charts are istrative and must not be taken into consideration inthe interpretation of the Conditions of Contract 8187 Base Date 1.1.35 10.1 Taking-Over Certificate 1.132881 Commencement Date 1436 &121 Tests aller Completion i ary) 1.166842 Performance Security 14.3.7 811.41 Defects Notification Period 4.4.47 & 143 Interim Payment Certificate (as extended under 11.3) 413.3882. Time for Completion 14.388 11.9 Performance Certificate (as extended under 8.4) & 14.13 Final Payment Cerificate Tests on Completion FIDIC Plant and Design-Build ledovorie tedovano 81 1.1 tdawaje 119 tcnenje Cohumenta- Podnoserjo potrdoo Daun potwdea pokrdeo vlan Claperude ponude priwalays potete Pimoprecay eniuposia, Fakza iow redoska! ena A +42 tamonja grace o.veptvana > | dane pone sob twee pla nazar dost 42 Porat) ‘orandhe za dteo FBeayepada Tipiéni redosied glavnih dogadaja u vezi Ugovora za postrojenje i projektovanje-izgradnju 1. Rok zavrSetka navodi se (u Prilogu ponude) kao broj dana, kojem se dodaju eventual produzec! u skladu sa podklauzulom & 4, 2. Radlisticanja redosleda dogadaja, grafikon je zasnovan na primeru [zvodata koji ne postu- pau skladu sa podklauzulom 8 2 3. Rok za prijavu nedostataka navodi se (u Prilogu ponude) kao broj dana, kojem se dodaju ‘eventualni produzeci u skladu sa podkiauzulom 11.3, 4, _Zavisno od viste radova, mogu takode biti potrebne i probe posle zavrsetka ProjeKtovanje-izgradnja postrojenja. —_______________ FIDIC = = PF Ff FF PF PPP Pe PeeaReAReneeaReEeaAneaAaeaneAahUma Um ae exi eee eee eae eed eed eee ee oe Issue ofthe Submission les of he 8.1 101 tswwot 14.9180 of Tender ofthe Leterot Commencement Tohing Over Petomance Documents Tender Acceptance ate cencae Catton ety arvburatle ‘ome Contactor? 42 ave of ne 93 eaten) Prermance Sacury Comesatont of Dates 42 Ratan of 0 Porters Security Typical sequence of Principal Events during Contracts for Plant and Design-Build 1, The Time for Completion is to be stated (in the Appendix to Tender) as a number of days, to which is added any extensions of time under Sub-Clause 8.4, 2, In order to indicate the sequence of events, the above diagram is based upon the example of the Contractor failing to comply with Sub-Clause 8.2. 3, The Defects Notification Period is to be stated (in the Appendix to Tender) as a number of days, to which is added any extensions under Sub-Clause 11.3. 4. Depending on the type of Works, Test after Completion may also be required. FIDIC Plant and De sign-Buitt 10. Naa teodst Seonauoriogen 147 Mester earn eet osjepnearenswbapata SScrononageu shack ‘oan Sra <5 | es > troseene | Sraurciy seratne | nacomiorgn cvera ‘pata nest, tne pearesipoashe <70 7 <6 . 14.1 most post MAT vod 44.10 acon 347 weston arc Konaénog eed poenos Keach ong bie wep Neseoramcrnd Gvebayiraretncy Gregan ste erat Tipiéni redosied dogadaja u plaéanju koji je predviden klauzulom 14 ‘Sara soopiava 202 Sraneimenyy 204 Swanapoavos, 20.4 lokga 208 Bioko scunaneuds kemchza oor koma Sans maces Srarnot ss Spor podrece ekavarla spore rota spore Pode aro poker sat Kens za Pezadovoteu" | | ‘Stare vty poss Prato ory za rotons rosovrye spore est ce |. sea 7 retavorie snore attra Serra dos: Sj ode Tipiéni redosled dogadaja u regavanju sporova u skladu sa klauzulom 20 Projektovanje-izgradnja postrojenja, —_________________ FIDIC nnnninininninininninoniranionrnniaraanAanaupaAan a, Pe = = 7 7 = 7 a 7 > 5 5 5 11 tesco tascngeer 147 Empyrean intr Smet investi the pant othe tometer Feymer Canacnte ouacor moe cen omens paert stone Cate Vast contacter stmes a.1 comacer MAB Engser ues 147 engeer crnteasaamert tote ssa Pr fea Payor mos payne Seer Samet andi * Contes ase ceciage Typical sequence of Payment Events envisaged in Clause 14 Paryoves 202 Paris 20a aPany rs 20.4 APatymay ——206,APoty retee ha aopartihe te dt tote isan acnotcet may ttt imertento One ons ssauecws stain lea puto Paros prosart subigsone toe DAB AB ges pecans Typical sequence of Despute Events envisaged in clause 20 FIDIC __ Plant and Design-Build ae ee ee ee ee eee ee oo oo Deol opsTI USLOVI Part I GENERAL CONDITIONS Sadréaj DEO 1: OPSTIUSLOVI 2 Opéte odredbe Defnicje 14 Tumatenja 12 Komunikacie 13 Pravoijezik 14 Prittetdokumenata 1.5 Ugovor 18 Prenos 17 YVoserje ratuna odokumentaciiinjeno 1.8 ‘obecbesvanjo Greske uuslovima Investiora 1.9 Korigéenje lvodateve dokumentacije od 1.10 strane Investiora Kori&éenje Invesitorove dokumentacie od 4.14 strane lavodaga Poverlvi podaci 4.42 Postupanjeu sktadu sa zakonima 4.43 Solidarna odgovornost 414 u Investitor Pravo pristupa gradiisy 2.1 Dozvole, cence ii cdobrenja 22 Osobije nvesttora 23, FinansjslaranzmaniInvestiora 2.4 Potradivanja Ivesttora 2.5 38 Nadzorni organ (Engineer) ‘Obaveze i oviaSéenja Nadzoxnog organa 3.1 renos ovlaSéenja Nadzornog organa 3.2 Nalozi Nadzornog organa 33. Promena Nadzotnog organa 34 Uwedivanja 35 (7 Jocctenooqacoqna levodaé Opie obaveze Ixvodata 4.1 Garancja za dobro izuéenje posia 4.2 Predstavnik levodaca 43 Projektovanje-izgradnja postrojenja Contents PART 1: GENERAL CONDITIONS. Gonerat Provisions, a Definitions Interpretation (Communications Law and Language Ponty of Documents ‘Contract Agreement Assignment Care and Supply of Documents Errors inthe Employers Requirements Employers Use of Contactors Documents Contractors Use of Employers Documents Content Detais ‘Compliance with Laws Joint and Several Labity ‘The Employer 35 Right of Access to the Site Permits, Licencas or Approvals Employer's Personne! Employer's Financial Arangements Employer's Claims The Engin Engineer's Duties and Authority Delegation by the Engineer Instructions ofthe Engineer Replacement ofthe Engineer Determinations 39 ‘The Contractor. “a Contracto’s General Obigations Performance Secunly Contractor's Representative FIDIC Yeas ee eee nee Tee Tes Tee ae Tee eee ees ee eee ee ae lee eee eee eee Sadrtaj Podizvodati Imenovani podizvodati Saradja Obelezavarje Bezbednosne procedure Garancja kvaltota Podaco gradste Dovotnostprinvaéenog ugovornog iznosa ‘Nepredvidjv fz ustovi Pravo prolaza i pogodnost lebegavanje ometanja Priazni put Prevoz robe prema izvodaéa Zastita tivotne sredine Eleitrigna energija, oda i gas prema Investor i besplatni material lavedtaio napredovanju radova Oberbedenje gradiista adhe lavedaéa na gradistu Fos ostaci 6 rojektovanje Opie obaveze u projektovanju Dokumentaciju zvodaéa Garanoja tzvodata ‘Tehnitk standard propist Obuka Dokumentacja izvedenog stanja Prruénici za eksploataciu i odr2avanje Greske u projektima Osoblje i radna snaga Angazovanje osoblja i radne snage Plate i radi uslovi Lica u sluzbi Investitora Radno zakonadavstvo Radno vreme Pogodnost za osoblje i radnu snagu Zdravije i bezbednost Nadzor lzvodata Osobije avodaca Evidenaija osoblja | opreme lzvodata Nekorekino ponaéanje 1 Postrojenje, materjli | izrada [Natin iavodeniaradova Uzorc Kontola Isptvanje Odbijare 44 45 46 47 48 49 410 4am 4n 413 4m 418 416 4a 418 419 420 421 422 423 424° 5A 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 6a 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6.10 ett 7A 72 73 14 75 Contents Subcontractors Nominated Subcontractors Cooperation ‘Seting Out ‘Safety Procedures ‘Qualiy Assurance ‘Site Data ‘Sufcency ofthe Accepted Contract Amount Unforesceable Physical Condiions Rights of Way and Facies ‘Avoidance of Interference ‘Access Route “Transpot of Goods Contractors Equipment Protection ofthe Environment Etecicty, Water and Gas Employe’'s Equipment and Free-Issve Material Progress Reports Security ofthe Site Contractors Operations on Site Fossis Design 89 General Design Obigations Contractors Documents Contractors Undertaking ‘Technical Standards and Regutations Trang ‘As Bult Documents (Operation and Maintenance Manuals Design Enor Staf and Labour 65 Engagement of Sta and Labour Rates of Wages and Conditions of Labour Persons inthe Service of Employer Labour Laws Working Hours Facies fr Staff and Labour Heath and Satety Contractors Superintondence Contractors Personnel Records of Contractor's Personnel and Equipment Disordety Conduct Plant, Materials and Workmanship 1 Manner of Execiion ‘Samples Inspection Testing Rejedton Plant and Design-Build —_ Sadrzaj_ 16 _Contents Otkarjanjenedostaaka 78 Remedial Work ‘iasriétio postojnima lmaterjalima 7.7 Ownership of Plan and Mateals Licence naknade 7.8 Royabes ™ Potetak kabnjonloobustava -—«Commencement, Delays and Suspension . 75 Posetakradova 8.1 Commencement of Works RRokzavéoliaradova 82 Time for Completion Progiam adova 83. Programme Produetakroka za zavsetak radova 84 Extension of Tne fr Completion Zakaria zarvana od sane oxgana vast 85. Delays Gaus by Autores Dinamitanapredovanja 85 Rate of Progress Obestetene za kasnjeno 87 Delay Damages ‘Obistavaradora 88 Suspension of Work Postedice cbuslave radora 89 Consequences of Suspension Placanje za postolniematerjale u 8.10 Payment for Pant and Materia in Even of seu obusave Suspension Produzena obustava 8.11 Prolonged Suspension Nastavak radova 812 Resumption of Work 2 Ispltvanjo na zavréethuradova Test on completion 8 Obaveze lzvodaéa 9.1 Contractor's Obligations. Katojene plvanja 92 Delayed Tests cE Ponowno isptvanie 93 Roosing Nepovojnrezutai sptvanja 94 Fale to Pass Tests on Completion a Prijem od strane investitora Employers Takin Over 5 Prem radova sekeja 10.1 Taking Over ofthe Works and Sections e Prem delovaradova 10.2 Taking Over of Pats ofthe Werks ‘melanie leptivarjanazavréeks 10:3 Interference wth Tests on Completion Powin koja se vaca upredaénostanje 104 Surfaces Requiring Reinstatement c agovornost za nedostathe Defects Liability » Zavrbtoktekuch radovaolianjanjenedestataka 11.1. Completion of Outstanding Work and = RRemedying Defects Troskoviotklanjanianedcstataka 14.2 Cost of Remedying Defects = Produtenje periods za obaveStenje onedostacima 113 Extension of Defects Netication Period Neotkanjanjenedostataka 114 Faure toRemedy Defects Codstranjvene radoua sa nedostacina 115 Removal of Defective Work ~ Dalia eptivanja 116 Further Tests = Pravopiistupa 117 Right of Access Obaveza evodata daistazuje 118 Contractor to Search ee Pots cobrom iran posia 11.9 Perlomence Certfate = Neievifene obaveze 11.10 Unuliled Obigatons Rastdcavenjegadisia 1111 Clearance of Ste = o Provera nakon zaviéetka Tests ater Completion °5 _ Postupakzaieptivanenakon zarbeka 121 Procedure for Test afer Completion = KaSnieniisotivanja 122 Dotayed Tests _ = Projektovanje-izgracinja postrojenja FIDIC Beem eee eee eee eee ee ee) ee Sadréaj Ponovno isitivanje "Nepovolji rezultatisptvarja posle zavretka 96 lamene ikorokcijo Pravo na izmene Tohnika vrednovanja Postupak izmene Plaéanje u predvidenim vaitama Provizomi nos. Doda radovi Kotekcie zbog izmena u zakonskim propisima Korekaje zbog izmena u roSkovima 108 Ugovorna cena i plaéanje Ugovorna cena ‘Avansno plaéanje Zahtev za i2davane privremene situacie \Vremenskiraspored plaéanja Postojena i material za radove lzdavanje privremenih situacia Plagane Kasnjenje u plaéanju Isplata garantnog depozita Iavebtaj 0 zaviéetku Zahtev za iedavanje okonéane situacie Razreserje ledavanje okontane stuacie restanak odgovornost Investtora Valute plaganja 418 ..... Raskid ugovora od strane Investitora ‘Opomena za ispraviiane propusta Raskid od strane investitora ‘Vrednovanje na dan raskida Plaéanje po raskidu Pravo Investitora na raskid 120... Obudstav skid od strane lzvodaéa Pravo vodata na obustaw radova RRaskid od strane lzvodata Prestanak radova i uklanjanje opreme lavodata Plaéanje po raskidu 124 Rizik | odgovornost Obestetenia Staranje © radovima od strane lavodaca RiziciInvesttora FIDIC 17 123 124 131 132 133, 134 135 138 137 138 144 142 143 144 45 46 147 148 149 14.10 14a 1412 1443 144 1415 184 152 153 184 155 164 162 163 164 165 qa 172 173 Contents Retesting Fallure to Pass Tests after Completion Variations and Adjustments 97 Rightto Vary Value Engineering Variation Procedure Payment in Applicable Currencies Provisional Sums Daywork ‘Adjustments for Changes in Legislation ‘Adjustments for Changes in Cost Contract Price and payment. 105 ‘The Contract Price ‘Advance Payment ‘Application fo Interim Payment Certicates .Schedule of Payments Pant and Materials intended for the Works Issue of Interim Payment Certicates Payment Delayed Payment Payment of Retention Money Statement at Completion ‘Application for Final Payment Certicate Discharge Issve of Final Payment Cerificate Cessation of Empioyer's Liability Currencies of Payment Termination by Employer “7 Notice to Corect ‘Termination by Employer Valuation at Date of Termination Payment after Termination Employer's Entitlement to Termination ‘Suspension and Termination by Contractor. 124 Contractor's Entitlement to Suspend Work Termination by Contractor Cessation of Work and Removal of Contractor's Equipment Payment on Termination Risk and Responsibility. 125 Indernities Contractors Care of the Works Employers Risks Plant and Design-Build Sadréaj_ 18 Posleicerizika Investiora 17.4 IntoleKtuaina iindustska prava svojne 17.5 Ogranigenje edgovornosti 176 130 Osiguranje Opétiustoviosiguranja 18.1 Osiguranjeradova iopreme tzvodata 182 Osiguranje od powrede ica iStete 183 Osiguranje Personala lnodaéa 184 136 Vika sila Defnigja vée sie 194 ‘Obavestenie o nastanku vise sile 192 Obaveza svoderja astoja na minimum 199 Posledice vie silo 194 Utica] vile ste na podizvedata 195 Raskid,plaganc i oslobadane po slobodnom bors 19.6 Oslobadanje od rtavanja po sii zakona 19.7 140 Potrazivanja, sporovi i arbitraza Potrazivarja evodata 204 Imenovanje Komisie za reBavanje sporova 202 Nesaglasnost oko imenovanja Komisle za 203 rebavanie sporova Dobjanje odluke Komisije za retavanje sporova 204 Pijatejsko resavanje 205 ‘Avbiraza 206 Nepostupanje po odluci Komisie za 20.7 reSavanje sporova Istek mandata Komisije za reSavanje sporova 208 PRILOG ptt usovi sporazuma o resavanju 160. sporova Projektovanje-izgradnja postrojenja Contents Consequences of Employers Risks Intellectual and Industial Property Rights Limitation of Liability Insurance 1s General Requirements for Insurances Insurance for Works and Contractor's Equipment Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property Insurance for Contractor's Personnel Force Majeure 1 Denton of Force Majeure Notice of Force Majeure Duty to Minimise Delay Consequences of Force Majeure Force Majeure Affecting Subcontractor Optional Termination, Payment and Release Release from Performance under the Law Claims, Disputes and Arbitration vt Contractor's Claims ‘Appoiniment ofthe Dispute Adjudication Board Failure to Agree Dispute Adjudication Board CObiaining Diepute Adjudication Board's Decision Amicable Setlement Arbitration Failure to Comply with Dispute Adjudication Boarc's Decision Expiry of Dispute Adjudication Boars Appointment APPENDIX CGoneral conditions of Dispute ‘Adjudication Agrooment. 151 FIDIC nroeonrnneionrienwrnewnanwenwnntntntnag UuUUuUuUuUuH Hee Se ee ee es ee ee ee Lista definicija po abecedi Prtwvaéeni ugovori iznos Prog tendera ‘Osnovni datum Datum pototka Ugovor Ugovorn sporazum Ugoverna cena ‘avoda Dokumentacia trvodaéa prema lzvodaéa Osobij Ivodaca Prediog vogaca Predstavnik zvodaca “Troskowi Zemija KRS ‘dan Rok za prjavu nedostataka Investor prema Invesitora Osoblie invesitora Zahtov Investtora 'Nadzoin organ FIDIC Okonéana situacia Konaéniivestaj Vga sila Strana valuta Roba Privemena suai Zakooi Pismo o prinvatanu Ponuda Lokana valuta Material Strana Stacia Poturda 0 valanoiawéenom pos Garancja za vajanoiavrbavanje posla ‘Osnovni radow Postojenje Ofvima suma Garantnidepozit Planovii pregies Spisak garancia Spisak plaganja ‘Sekela Gradiiste avetta Posizvodaé Potda o premu Privremen radov Tender Isptvanja poste zavretka ‘spitivanja na zavigetu Rok zaviéetka Nopredvidvo ‘mena Radovi ‘godina aaa 149 1434 1132 aaa 4442 4442 aaa 4184 1454 saa7 waa 1125 4143 1182 4429 1439 4137 saz 1153 1128 114s: 4124 14210 wad 1145 1164 1148 1152 aa7 1185 saa wana 1148 1153 424 44g aia i186 1154 1155 11440 sant ats. 1.0 tai0 1158 1187 wane 1128 4135 ais? ate 1136 1134 1133 1188 1169 1158 1139 Definitions listed alphabetically ‘Accepted Contract Amount ‘Appendix to Tender ‘ase Date Commencement Date Contract, Contract Agreement Contract Price Contractor Contractor's Documents Contractor's Equipment Contractor's Personnel Contractors Proposal Contracors Representative Cost Country DAB day Defects Notification Period Employer Employer's Equipment Employers Personne! Employer's Requirements Engineer Fioic Final payment ertiicate Final Statement Force Majeure Foreign Currency Goods Interim Payment Certificate Laws. Lotter of Acceptance Ltr of Tender Local Curency Materia Party Payment Certificate Performance Cerifcate Performance Securty Permanent Works Plant Provisional Sum Rotention Money Schedules Schedule of Guarantees ‘Schedule of payments Section Sito Statement Subcontractor “Tking-Over Corticate “Temporary Works Tend ‘Tests after Completion Tests on Completion Time for Completion Unoreseeable Variation Works. year 20 Opste odredbe Opsti uslovi Op$te odredbe 14 Defini lie U Uslovima ugovora (‘ovim uslovima’), kojiobunvataju Posebne usiove i Opste uslove, sledece ret izraziimaju dato znadenje, Rei koje ukazuju na lica ii strane obuhvataju privredna drug. {va jostala pravna lica, ukolko kontekst ne ukazuje na nesto drugo. 4.4.1 Ugovor 1.141 *Ugovor" predstavija ugovomi sporazum, pismo o prhvatanju ponude, pismo o ponucl, koji obuhvata slode¢e ustove: zahtevi Investitora, Raspored radova, Ponude lzvodaéa, i ostale dokumente (ukoliko ih ima) koji su navedeni u ugovornom sporazumu ilu po- turdio prinvatanju “Ugovori sporazum’ predstaviia ugovoin sporazum (eventualni) koji se pominje u podklauzul 1.6 (Ugovorn sporazum). “Pismo o prihvatanju’ predstavija pismo o zvaniénom prihvatanju ponude koje je potpisao Investitorukijuéuju i bilo Koju beleSku w prilogu koja Gini potpisan sporazum izmedu ugovornih strana. Ukoliko ne postoji takvo pismo o prihvatanju, izraz “pismo © pihvatanju” predstaulja ugovorn sporazum, a datum izdavanja ii prijema pisma 0 prihvatanju predstavija datum potpisivanja ugovornog sporazuma, 1.1.14 “Pismo 0 nameri’ predstaviia dokument Koj je nastovjen kao pismo o name, sainjen od strane lzvotaéa koji sadrii potpisanu ponudu Investitora za lavodenje radova “Zahtevi investitora’ predstavjaju dokument koji je naslovljen kao zahtevi investi- tora, kako stoji u ugovoru, i sadrai sve dopune | izmene takvog dokumenta u skiadu a ugovorom. Takav dokument precizira swihu, obir: it projekine ili ostale tehnicke kaiterjume za radove, 1.1.16 — ‘Planovi i pregledi predstauljaju dokumente koji su naslovlioni kao planovi i pregledi koje je Lzvodaé sadinio i podneo zajecno sa ponudom, kako je dato u ugovory, Takav dokument moze da sadrdi podatke, spiskove | planove placanja ili cena “Predlog izvodaéa’ predstavlja dokument koji je nasioviien kao prediog, a kojeg levodaé podnosi skupa sa ponudom, kako je navedeno u ugavoru, Takay dokument mode da sadr2lidejni projokt Izvodaca, 11.18 "Ponuda” predstavija pismo 0 ponudi i sva ostala dokumenta koja Lzvodaé padnasi ‘skupa sa ponudom, kako je navedeno u ugovoru. "Prilog ponude” predstavja kompletirane stranice naslovijene kao prilog ponude koje se prilazu uz ponudu | saginjavaju njegov sastavni deo. Projektovanje-izgradnja postrojenja FIDIC Se a ee eee re re ee aaa aaa add did General Provisions General Conditions ee General Provisions 1.4 Definitions In the Conditions of Contract ‘these Conditions’), which include Particular Conditions and these General Conditions, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings stated, Words indicating persons or parties include corporations and other legal entities, except where the con- text requires otherwise. 4.1.4 The Contract 1aad 14.42 14.43 1444 14.1.5 14.46 14.4.7 14.48 11.19 FIDIC ‘Contract” means the Contract Agreement, the Letter of Acceptance, the Letter of Tender, these Conditions, the Employer's Requirements, the Schedules, the Contractor's Proposal, and the further documents (ifany) which are listed in the Contract Agreement or in the Letter of Acceptance, “Contract Agreement” means the contract agreement if any) referred to in Sub- Clause 1.6 (Contract Agreement} “Letter of Acceptance” means the letter of formal acceptance, signed by the Employer. of the Letter of Tender, including any annexed memoranda comprising agreements be- {ween and signed by both Parties. If there is no such letter of acceptance, the expression “Letter of Acceptance” means the Contract Agreement and the date of issuing or receiv- ing the Letter of Acceptance means the date of signing the Contract Agreement, “Letter of Tender” means the document entitled letter of tender, which was completed by the Contractor and includes the signed offer to the Employer for the Works, “Employer's Requirements" means the document entitled employer's requirements, {as included in the Contract, and any additions and modifications to such document in accordance with the Contract. Such document specifies the purpose, scope, and/or design andlor other technical criteria, forthe Works, “Schedules” means the document(s) entitled schedules, completed by the Contractor, ‘and submitted with the Letter of Tender, as included in the Contract. Such document may include data, lists and schedules of payments andlor prices. “Contractor's Proposal” means the document entitled proposal, which the Contractor subrritted with the Letter of Tender, as included in the Contract. Such document may include the Contractor's preliminary design. “Tender” means the Letter of Tender and all other documents which the Contractor submitted with the Letter of Tender, as included in the Contract “Appendix to Tender” means the completed pages entitled appendix to tender which ‘are appended to and form part ofthe Letter of Tender. Plant and Design-Build 144.40 Opite odredbo *Spisak garancija” i *Spisak plaéanja” predstavijaju dokumente koji su tako nasiov- ljeni (ako postoje) i ukluéeni su u Planove i pregiede. 1.1.2 Strane ilica 1424 11.22 14.23 124 14.25 11.26 1427 14.28 14.29 14.2.10 “Strana’ predstavija Investitora il zvodaca, zavisno od konteksta, “investitor” predstavialice koje e naslovlieno kao investtor u Prilogu ponude i njego- ve pravne sledbenike. “tzvodaé predstavija lice ili lica koja su naslovljena u ponudi pihvaéenom od strane Investtora I njinovi pravni stedbenici “Nadzomni organ” (Engineer) predstavja lice koje je Investitor odredio da deluje w ssvojstvu Nadzomog organa za potrebe ugovora i koje je imenovano u Prilogu ugovora, ilineko drugo lice koje Investitor povremeno naimenuje, o éemu obavestava zvodaéa skladu sa podklauzulom 3.4 [Promena Nadzomog organ). Predstavnik Izvodata’ predstavija lice koje je Izvodaé imenovao u Ugovoru ili Kojo ‘on bude odredio s vremena na vreme u skladu sa podklauzulom 4.3 (Predstavnik Fzvodaéa], i koje deluje u ime lzvodaéa. “Personal Investitora’ predstavija Nadzomi organ, asistente iz podkiauzule 3.2 [Prenos ovlascenja od strane Nadzoinog organa] i svo ostalo osoblje, radnici i stall zaposieni od strane Nadzornog organa ili Investitora, kao i svo astalo oso- bije predodeno lzvodacu od strane Nadzomog organa ili Investitora kao personala Investitora, “Personal izvodata’ predstavija Predstavnika Izvodata i svo osoblje koje lzvodaé koristi na gradilistu, Koje ukijutuje osoblje, radnike i ostale zaposlene Izvodata i svin podizvodata, kao i sve ostalo osoblje koje pomaze lzvodatu u izvodenju ra- dova. “Podizvodac" predstavlja lice koje j@ u Ugovoru imenovano kao podizvodaé za deo radova injegove pravne sledbenike “Komisija za reSavanje sporova” predstavija lice ili tri lica koja su tako naimenovana u Ugovoru ii neko drugo lice ili lica koja su imenovana u skladu sa podklauzulom 20.2 {fimenovanjo Komisijo za resavanje sporova ili podkiauzulom 20.3 [Nesaglasnost oko JImenovanja Komisije za resavanjo sporova} “FIDIC" predstavija Medunarodnu federaciu inzenjera konsultanata, Datumi,ispitivanja, rokovi i zavréetak 14.34 1132 1133 11.34 “Osnovni datum” predstaviia 28 dana pre poslednjeg datuma za podnosenje ponu- de. “Datum potetka’ predstaviia datum koji je saopsten u skladu sa podklauzulom 8.1 {Potetak radova}. “Rok zavrdotka” predstavija rok za zavrSetak radova il neke sekeije (zavisno od sluta- ja) u skladu sa podktauzulom 8.2 /Rok zavrSetke radova), kako je navedeno u Prilogu onude (sa eventualnim produzenjima u skladu sa podklauzulom B.4 {Produzetak roka za zavrSotak radova}, ratunato od datuma pocetka, “Ispitivanja na zavréetku’ predstavijgju_ispitivanja predvidena Ugovorom il koja su ‘dogovorena izmedu strana ii nalozena kao izmena, a Koja se vise u skladu sa Kiauzu- fom 9 fispitivanja na zavrSetku radova] pre preuzimanja radova ili sekcje (zavisno od sluéaja) od strane Investtora. Projektovanje-izgradnja postrojenja. —__________________ FDIC TOUT. nan et ot ot ot TCT =z mm HU es eee eee eee ee eed nneral Provisions 23 14.4.10 “Schedule of Guarantees" and “Schedule of Payments’ mean the documents so named (if any) which are comprised in the Schedules, 1.1.2 Parties and Persons 14.24 11.22 11.2.3 11.24 11.25 14.26 1427 14.28 1129 “Party” means the Employer or the Contractor, as the context requires. “Employer” means the person named as employer in the Appendix to Tender and the Jegal successors in title to this person. “Contractor” means the person(s) named as contractor in the Letter of Tender ac- cepted by the Employer and the legal successors in tile to this person(s) “Engineer” means the person appointed by the Employer to act as the Engineer for the purposes of the Contract and named in the Appendix to Tender, or other person appointed from time to time by the Employer and notified to the Contractor under Sub- Clause 3.4 [Replacement of the Engineer). “Contractor's Representative” means the person named by the Contractor in the Contract or appointed from time to time by the Contractor under Sub-Clause 4.3, [Contractor's Representative), who acts on behalf of the Contractor. “Employer's Personnel” means the Engineer, the assistants referredto in Sub-Clause 3.2 [Delegation by the Engineer] and all other staff, abour and other employees of the Engineer and of the Employer, and any other personnel notified to the Contractor, by the Employer or the Engineer, as Employer's Personnel. “Contractor's Personnel” means the Contractor's Representative and all person- ‘nel whom the Contractor utilises on Site, who may include the staff, labour and other ‘employees of the Contractor and of each Subcontractor; and any other personnel as- sisting the Contractor in the execution of the Works. “Subcontractor” means any person named in the Contract as a subcontractor, or ‘any person appointed as a subcontractor, for @ part of the Works; and the legal suc- ccessors in tte to each of these persons. “DAB" means the person or three persons so named in the Contract, or other personis) appointed under Sub-Clause 20.2 [Appointment of the Dispute Adjudication Board) or ‘Sub-Ciause 20.3 [Failure to Agroe Dispute Adjudication Board). “FIDIC” means the Fédération Intemationale des Ingénieurs-Consells, the interna- tional federation of consulting engineers. 1.1.3 Dates, Tests, Periods and Completion 1434 11.32 11.33 11.34 FIDIC “Base Date” means the date 28 days prior to the latest date for submission of the Tender. “Commencement Date” means the date notified under Sub-Clause 8.1 [Commencement of Works}. “Time for Completion” means the time for completing the Works or a Section (as the case may be) under Sub-Clause 8.2 [Time for Completion}, as stated in the Appendix to Tender (with any extension under Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completion), calculated from the Commencement Date. “Tests on Completion” means the tests which are specified in the Contract or agreed by both Parties or instructed as a Variation, and which are carried out under Clause 9 {Tests on Completion) before the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are taken ‘over by the Employer. Plant and Design-Build 24 Opste odredbe 14.35 11.36 1437 11.38 11.39 “Potveda © prijemu predstavja potvrdu koja se izdaje u skladu sa klauzulom 10 (Prjem od strane Investitora), *Provere nakon zavréetka’ predstavijaju (eventualna) ispitivanja predvidena Ugovorom koja se vrée u skladu sa Klauzulom 12 {Provera nakon zavrsetka} posle prijema radova ii sekcije (zavisno od slutaja) od strane Investtora. “Period obavestenja o nedostacima’ predstavija rok za prjavu nedostataka radova llineke sekcije (zavisno od sluéaja) u skladu sa podklauzulom 11.4 [Zavrsotak tokucin radova i otklanjanje nedostataka), kako je navedeno u Prologu ponude (sa eventual- rim produzenjem u skladu sa podklauzulom 11.3 [Produzenje perioda za obavestenje o nedostacima)), racunato od datuma zavrSetka radova il sekcije sa overom u skladu sa podktauzulom 10.1 {Prouzimanjo radova i sekcija. Potvrda 0 dobrom izvréenju posia” predstavija potvrdu izdatu u skladu sa podkiau- zulom 11.9 [Potvrda o dobrom izvrgenju posia} “dan’ predstavija kalendarski dan, a “godina’ predstaviia 365 dana, 1.1.4 Novac i plaéanja “Prihvaéoni ugovorn iznos" predstavja iznos koji je pritvacen u poturdi o prinvata- su za avodenje i zavretak radova i otKanjanje eventualnih nedostataka, 1.4.42 “Ugovorna cena’ predstavija cenu definisanu podklauzulom 14.1 [Ugovorna cena] i Ukjubuje Korekoje izvrSene u skladu sa Ugovorom. “Tro8kovi" predstavjaju sve troskove koje je Lzvodaé opravdano imao (il ée ima- 1), bilo nai van gradilista, ukjucujudi i rezijske i signe troskove, ali ne ukljueuju i dobit 1.1.44 *Okonéana situacija" predstavija situacu definisanu podklauzulom 14.11 flzdavanjo okonéane situacije}. 1.448 — “Zavréni tave8taj’ predstavija zveStaj definisan podklauzulom 14.11 [Zahtev za izda- vanje okonéane sitvacje), 1.4.46 “Strana valuta” predstavja valutu koja nje lokalna, a u kojoj se placa deo ugovore cene (ili u celini). “Privremena situacija" predstavija situaciju izdatu u skladu sa klauzulom 14 (Ugovorna cena i plaéanje], ali ne i okontanu situaciju, 1.148 — “Lokalna valuta’ predstavljavalutu Zemlje 1.149. *Potvrda o plaéanju" predstavja poturdu 0 plaéanju izdatu w skladu sa klauzulom 14 [Ugovoma cena iplaéanje}. 1.44.10. ‘Provizorn iznos" prodstavia (eventual) iznos koji je Ugavorom predviden kao pro- vizori iznos za izvodenje bilo kog dela radava ii za isporuku opreme, materjala i usluga uw skladu sa podklauzulom 13.5 (Provizorniznos} “Garantni depozit’ predstavja kumulaivne iznose koje Investitor zad2ava u skiadu ‘8 pocklauzulom 14.3 /Zehtov za zdavanie privemenih silvecj | isplaéuje u skladu +88 pocklauzulom 14.9 [Placanio garantnog depozta. 1.44.12. “lavedtaf" predstavija iavestaj koi lvodas podnosi kao deo zahleva u skladu sa klau- zulom 14 [Ugovoma cona i placanje] za izdavanje situacie. Projektovanje-izgradnja postrojenja —______________Fipic nrnroninininroniogdioenrnnioenrinionrigagnn Tt Tomuoigya or pe : rr =| = + = 7 = z A = a = 5 General Provisions 11.35 11.38 1437 14.38 11.38 “Taking-Over Certificate” means a certificate issued under Clause 10 (Employer's Taking Over). “Tests after Completion” means the tess if any) which are specified in the Contract ‘and which are carried out under Clause 12 [Tests after Completion} after the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are taken over by the Employer. “Defects Notification Period” means the period for notifying defects in the Works or a Section (as the case may be) under Sub-Clause 11.1 [Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects), as stated in the Appendix to Tender (with any extension Under Sub-Ciause 11.3 [Extension of Defects Notification Period), calculated from the {date on which the Works or Section is completed as certifed under Sub-Clause 10.1 [Taking Over of the Works and Sections}. “Performance Certificate” means the cotificate issued under Sub-Clause 11.9 {Performance Certificate). "day" means a calendar day and "year" means 365 days. 1.1.4 Money and Payments 14.44 14.42 11.43 11.44 14.48 1146 14.47 11.48 11.49 1.14.40 114. 114.12 FIDIC “Accepted Contract Amount” means the amount acceptedin the Letter of Acceptance {or the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects “Contract Price” means the price defined in Sub-Clause 14.1. [The Contract Price) and includes adjustments in accordance with the Contract, “Cost” means all expenditure reasonably incurred (or to be incurred) by the Contractor, whether on or off the Site, including overhead and similar charges, but does notin clude profit, “Final Payment Certificate” means the payment certificate issued under Sub-Clause 14.13 flssue of Final Payment Certificate). “Final Statement” means the statement defined in Sub-Clause 14.11 [Application for Final Payment Certificate}. “Foreign Currency" means a currency in which part (or all) of the Contract Price is payable, but not the Local Currency. “Interim Payment Certificate" means a payment cortiicate issued under Clause 14 [Contract Price and Payment), other than the Final Payment Certificate, “Local Currency” means the currency of the Country. “Payment Certificate” means a payment certificate issued under Clause 14 {Contract Price and Payment) “Provisional Sum" means a sum (if any) which is specified in the Contract as @ provisional sum, for the execution of any part of the Works or for the supply of Plant, Materials or services under Sub-Clause 13.5 [Provisional Sums) fetontion Money” means the accumulated retention moneys which the Employer ‘otains under Sub-Clause 14.3 /Application for Interim Paymont Certificates] and pays under Sub-Clause 14.9 [Payment of Retention Money]. “Statement” means a statement submitted by the Contractor as part of an application, Under Clause 14 {Contract Price and Payment) for a payment certificate, $$ PRilant anc Design Bute 26 Opste odreabe 1.4.5 Radovi i dobra 1454 11.84 1155 1156 14.5.7 11.58 *Oprema lzvodata’ predstavija sve aparate, masine, vozila | ostale sivari koje sty potrebne za izvodenje i zavréetak radova | otKlanjanje nedostataka. Medutim, oprema levodaéa ne obuhvata privremene radove, opremu Investitora (ako postoj), postroje na, materiale i bilo koje druge stvari koje su predvidene da bud ii veé jesu sastavni delovi osnovnih radova, “Dobra” predstavijaju opremu Izvodata, Materiale, Postrojenja i Privremene radove ili svaki ad ovih pojmova pojedinatno, po potrebi “Materijali” predstavijaju predmote svih vista (iskljuéujuci Postrojenja) koji su predvi- deni da udu il veé jesu sastavni delovi Trajnih radova, ukjucujué! i potrosne materja- le (ako th ima) koje isporucuje Izvodat po Ugovoru. “Trajni radovi’ predstavijaju trajne radove koje lzvodat izvodi u skladu sa Ugovorom. “Postrojenje" predstavja aparate, magine i vozila koji su predvideni da budu deo “Trajnin radova. *Sekeija” predstavija deo Radova koj jonaveden kao takav u Prologu ponuce (ukoliko ih ima. “Privremeni radovi" predstaujaju privremene radove bilo koje viste (osim opreme lzvodata) koji su potrebni na Gradiistu radi izvodenja i zavr8avanja Trajnih radova i otklanjanje eventualnih nedostataka, "Radov’ predstavijaju Trane Radove i Privremene Radove, il svaki od ovih radova pojedinaéno, po potrebi 1.1.6 Ostale definiciie 11.82 1.1.63 11.64 11.88 11.66 11.6.7 11.68 “Dokumentacija izvodaéa" predstavija proraéune, ratunarske programe i ostali sofiver, crteze, prirutnike i ostalu dokumentaciju tehniéke prirode (ako postoj) koju [zvodaé obezbeduje po Ugovoru, po opisu iz podklauzule 5.2 [Dokumentacyja levodaéal. “Dréava’ predstaviia drzavu u kojoj se gradiiste odnosno njegov deo nalazi ina kome. se izvode trai radovi “Oproma Investitora” predstavija aparate, magine i vozila (ako postoje) koja Investitor stavija lzvodacu na raspolaganje radi koriséenja u izvodenju radova, kako je navedeno u zahtevima Investitora, ali bez postrojenja koje Investitor nije primi. “Vida sila’ je definisana u klauzuli 19 [Visa sila. “Zakoni" predstavliaju sve nacionaine (ii drZavne) zakone, statute, uredbe i ostale ‘akon i propise i podzakonska akta organa viast *Garancija za dobro izvrSenje posta” predstavja garancju (ll garancije) iz podklau- zule 4.2 (Garancja za dobro izvrsenje posta]. *Gradiligto" predstaviia mesto na kojem se izvode radov i na kojem se isporutuju postrojenje i material i bilo koje drugo mesto koje na osnovu Ugovora predstavlja deo gradilista "Nopredvialjivo” predstavja nesto sto iskusni izvodaé objektivno nije mogao da pred: vidi u vreme podnosenja ponude. Projektovanje-izgradnja postrojenja. —_______________Fipic. wromo7ajndoyanngy&sg9 ai W Tow#iuwuiaofuoajiwi wie Heese ea eee eee oa oe General Provisions 27 1.1.5 Works and Goods 11.54 14.52 1153 11.54 11.5.5 1156 11.87 1158 “Contractor's Equipment” means all apparatus, machinery, vehicles and other things required for the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects. However, Contractor's Equipment excludes Temporary Works, Employer's Equipment (if any), Plant, Materials and any other things intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works. “Goods” means Contractor's Equipment, Materials, Plant and Temporary Works, or any of them as appropriate. “Materials” means things of all kinds (other than Plant) intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works, including the supply-only materials (any) to be supplied by the Contractor under the Contract “Pormanent Works" means the permanent works to be executed by the Contractor, under the Contract, “Plant” means the apparatus, machinery and vehicles intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works. “Section” means a part of the Works specified in the Appendix to Tender as a Section (any), “Temporary Works” means all temporary works of every kind (other than Contractor's Equipment) required on Site for the execution and completion of the Permanent Works ‘and the remedying of any defects, “Works” mean the Permanent Works and the Temporary Works, or either of them as appropriate. 1.1.6 Other Definitions 1.1.64 11.62 11.63 11.64 11.65 1166 11.67 11.68 FIDIC “Contractor's Documents” means the calculations, computer programs and other software, drawings, manuals, models and other documents of a technical nature (if any) supplied by the Contractor under the Contract; as described in Sub-Clause 5.2 {Contractor's Documents}. “Country” means the country in which the Site (or most of it) is located, where the Permanent Works are to be executed “Employer's Equipment” means the apparatus, machinery and vehicles (if any) made available by the Employer for the use of the Contractor in the execution of the Works, as stated in the Employer's Requirements; but does not include Plant which has not been taken over by the Employer. “Force Majeure” is defined in Clause 19 [Force Majeure). “Laws” means all national (or state) legistation, statutes, ordinances and other laws, ‘and regulations and by-laws of any legally constituted public authority. “Performance Security” means the security (or securities, if any) under Sub-Clause 42 [Performance Secu. “Site” means the places where the Permanent Works are to be executed and to which Plant and Materials are to be delivered, and any other places as may be specified in the Contract as forming part of the Site. “Unforeseeable” means not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced contractor by the date for submission of the Tender, Plant and Design-Build _Opste odredbe 44.69 “temena’ predstavija bilo kakvu izmenu zahteva Investitora ili Radova, koja je naloze- na ili odobrena kao izmena iz klauzule 13 /lzmene i korekcija]. 4.2 Tumaéenja Ukoliko kontekst ne upucuje na ne8to drugo, u ovom Ugovoru: (2) reti koje ukazuju na jedan rod obuhvataju sve rodove; (b) _ reGi koje ukazuju na jedninu takode obuhvataju mnozinu, a reéi koje ukazuju na mno- Zinu takode obuhvataju jednin (©) _odredbe koje sadr2e reéi “dogovarit’, “dogovoreno” i “dogovor" iziskuju da dogovor bude u pisanoj form, (a) *upisanoj form” znadi rukom napisano, otkucano, odstampano ili elektronskim putem satinjeno tako da predstavija trajni dokument Reél na marginama i ostali naslovl ne uzimaju se u obzir prilkom tumaéenja ovih Uslova, 1.3. Komunikacije Gadegod ovi Uslovi iziskuju davane ili izdavanje odobrenja, potwrda, saglasnosti, reSenja, saop- Stenja i zahteva, takve komunikacije: (@) stu pisanoj form’ i dostavijaju se na ruke (sa potvrdom prijema), Salju se postom ii po kuriru ili se prenose pomagu dogovorenih sistema eleklronskog prenosa, kako je navedeno u Prilogu ponude; i (©) se dostavljaju, Salju ti prenose na adresu primaoca navedenu u Priiogu ponude. Medutim, (ako primalac saopsti neku drugu adresu, dalje Komunikacije se upucuju na tu adresuy i (i). ukolko primalac nije drukéije naznatio u zahtewu za izdavanje adobrenja ili saglasnosti, odobrenje li saglasnost se moze posiati na adresu sa koje je poslat zahtov. Odobrenja, potvrde, saglasnost i resenja ne mogu se neopravdano uskrail ili odugovladit. Pr ldavanju poturde jednoj strani, izdavalac dostauija primerak potvrde i drugo| strani. Kada jed- ‘no strani uputi saop8tenje druga strana il Nadzorni organ, primerak tag saopStenja se upucuie Nadzomom organu odnosno drugoj strani, zavisno od slucaja. 1.4 Merodavno pravo i jezik Na Ugovor se primenjuje pravo zemlje koja je navedena u Prilogu ponude, Ako postoje verzije bilo kog dela Ugovora na nekoliko jezika, prednost se daje verziji koja je napisana na merodavnom jeziku, definisanom u Prilogu ponude. Jezik za komunikacije navodi se u Prilogu ponude. Ako tamo nije naveden rikakav jezik, jezik za komunikacije je onaj na kojem je Ugovor u celini (ill vecim delom) napi- san, Projektovanje-izgradnja postrojenja FIDIC noarnoenwignygdwW Trnrpnoroononenn i ny rau wa TL udwni wT BHReHe ee Se RPeHReReeeee| 2 12 13 14 GonoralProviions “Variation” means any change to the Employer’s Requirements or the Works, which is. instructed or approved as a variation under Clause 13 (Variations and Adjustments) Interpretation Inthe Contract, except where the context requires otherwise: (@) words indicating one gender include all genders; (b) words indicating the singular also include the plural and words indicating the plural also include the singular, (c) provisions including the word ‘agree’, ‘agreed’ or “agreement” require the agreement to be recorded in writing, and (a) *written* or ‘in writing” means hand-written, typewritten, printed or electronically ‘made, and resulting in a permanent record, ‘The marginal words and other headings shall not be taken into consideration in the interpreta- tion of these Conditions. Communications ‘Wherever these Conditions provide for the giving or issuing of approvals, certificates, consents, determinations, notices and requests, these communications shall be: (2) _inywrting and delivered by hand (against receipt) sent by mail or courier or transmitted using any of the agreed systems of electronic transmission as stated in the Appendix to Tender; and (©) delivered, sent or transmitted to the address for the recipient's communications as stated in the Appendix to Tender. However: (i) ifthe recipient gives notice of another address, communications shall there- after be delivered accordingly; and (i) ifthe recipient has not stated otherwise when requesting an approval or consent, it may be sent to the address from which the. request was sued ‘Approvals, certificates, consents and determinations shall not be unreasonably withheld or de- layed. When a certificate is issued to a Party the certiier shall send a copy to the other Party. When a notice is issued to a Party, by the other Party or the Engineer, a copy shall be sent to the Engineer or the other Party, as the case may be. Law and Language Contract shall be governed by the law of the country (or other jurisdiction) stated n the Appendix to Tender If there are versions of any part of the Contract which are writen in more than one language, the version whichis in the ruling language stated in the Appendix to Tender shall prevail ‘The language for communications shall be that stated in the Appendix to Tender, If no language 's stated there, the language for communications shall be the language in which the Contract (or ‘most of it) is written. FIDIC Plant and Design-Build 15 16 a 18 19 30 __opite otredbe Prioritet dokumenata Dokumenta koja sadinjavaju Ugovor smatraju se wzajamno objasnjivim. Za pottebe tumaéenja, prioritet dokumenata je kako sled: (2) Ugovomi sporazum (ako posto, (0) Pismo o prinvatanju ponude, (0) Ponuda, (d)_ Posebni usiovi, (@) Opiti ustovi, (Zahteviinvestitora, (@) Planovii pregled, i (hb) Prediog lavodatea i sv drugi dokument! koji satinjavaju deo Ugovora, ‘Ako se ustanovi bilo kakva dvosmistenost ii protivreénost u dokumentima, Nadzomi organ se ‘obavezuje da izda potrebno razjaSnjenje ili uputstvo, Ugovorni sporazum Strano se obavezuju da zakijuée Ugovorni sporazum u roku od 26 dana od prijema Pisma 0 prihvatanju od strane kzvodaéa, ukoliko se nisu drukéije sporazumeli. Ugovorni sporazum se satinjava po obrascu prilozenom uz Pasebne uslove. Investitor snosi troskove vezane za tak- se | sligne dazbine (ako postoje) koje su propisane zakonom u vezi zakluéivanja Ugovornog sporazuma, Pronos Nijedna strana nema pravo da izvSi prenos Ugovora u coli ili nekog njegovog dela ii neku korist ill interes koji prozlazi iz Ugovora, Medutim, bilo koja strana moze: (a) da izvrSi prenos Ugovora u celini ii nekog njegovog dela uz prethodnu saglasnost

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