Steve Jobs' Speech in Stanfor and The Related To American Values

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Steve Jobs Speech in Stanford University

Steve Jobs speech tells about three stories in his life. The first story is about how he
connecting the dots in his life. It start from when he was born, Steves biological mother, who
is a college graduate student, want him to be adopted by a lawyer and his wife, but when
Steve born, he adopted by his mother who never graduated from college and his father who
never graduated from high school. They promised to Steves biological mother to make Steve
go to college someday, so they can adopt Steve. After in college, Steve makes his parents
spent all of their money to pay his tuition, while Steve couldnt see the value in college. So,
he decided to drop-out from Reed College. After drop-out, he still takes a calligraphy class in
Reed College. After ten years, he found that calligraphy really useful when he design his first
computer and make it the first computer with wonderful typography. He found that, to
connect all dots, he must look backwards. In his second story, he tells about when he gets
fired from Apple. It makes him devastated but finally he can start it over and returned to
Apple. He thinks that, he can pass all of them because he never lost faith and he always loved
what he did. His third story is about death. He told that he was diagnosed with cancer and
doctor told him that his life is no longer than three or six months, but after surgery, he still
fine. He advised that dont waste our time to living someone elses life and must follow our
heart and intuition. At the end of his speech, he wished the graduated a good word that is
Stay hungry, stay foolish
From Steve Jobs speech, I can conclude that there are several values of American that
related to his speech. The first is Achievement and Success. From his speech we know that
Steves biological mother want him to adopted by an educated couple and really want him to
go to college, which is one of an achievement that American people believed.
Second is Progress. We can know that even Steve dropped-out from college, he keeps
moving forward. He designed the first Macintosh computer, started to build Apple Company
and Pixar. He makes a good progress with his new invention in technology.
The last values that related to Steve Jobs speech is Activity and Work. Even though he got
fired from Apple, he never give up and keep working hard to makes new invention with his
creativity, even he must start it from the beginning.

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