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Mckenna Guegold

Breakfast Club
For this assignment I would like every student to select a character to analyze on the
first day of watching. Once you have selected a character, I would like you to analyze
that characters place in society using examples from the movie as well as implied
Character: Check one
__x__ Jonathon Bender
____ Andrew Clark
____ Brian Johnson
____ Claire Standish
____ Allison Reynolds
1. Describe their Ascribed Status.
a male teenager
2. Describe their Achieved Status.
the class clown. he feels the need to always act out
3 Describe their Master Status.
the wild one. he acts out and is perfectly ok with detentions.
4. Explain Reciprocal Roles your character fulfilled.
the bully of the detention
5. Explain your characters Role Expectation.
acting out because thats what he is expected to do.
6. Explain your characters Role Performance.
acting out around peers
7. Explain your characters Role Stain or Role Conflict.
when andrew got between him harassing claire
8. Give an example of an Exchange your character took part in.
arguing with the teacher about the closed door.
9. Give an example of a Competition your character took part in.
10. Give and example of a Conflict your character took part in.
fighting andrew

11. Give an example of Cooperation your character took part in.

when he rolled the ball back to the teacher and went back to the room.
12. Give an example of an Accommodation your character made.
when they were running around in the hallway and he stayed with the group when he
wanted to go the other way.
13. What are your characters Primary Group(s)?
his family and teachers
14. What are your characters Secondary Group(s)?
15. What are your characters Reference Group(s)?
he has none
16. What are your characters In-Group(s)?
nobody but him
17. What are your characters Out-Group(s)?
popular people and jocks and nerds
18. Explain how Heredity and Parental Characteristics influenced your characters
his parents dont care about him or his education.

19. Use a developmental theory to describe your characters personality. (Tabula Rasa,
Looking-Glass Self, Role Taking)

role taking self. his parents had always called him worthless and stupid and he acts like
that because it is wht is expected of him.

20. What characteristics and pitfalls of adolescence are observable through your
character in the film? (explain)
the search for identity. they are struggling with grades homelife and insecurities.

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