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Grammar Question



Q The camel is the ship of the desert. Determine the figure of speech??
(A) metaphor

(B) personification

(C) synecdoche

(D) simile.

Ans: (B)
Q Ramesh was awarded Ph.D Shandilya University. The appropriate preposition is
(A) from

(B) with

(C) in

(D) by.

Ans: (D)
Q you want to buy a dictionary ? The verb to be filled in the blank is
(A) Does

(B) Have

(C) Do

(D) Are.

Ans: (C)
Q P. T. Usha is a fast runner. The word fast is
(A) a noun

(B) an adverb

(C) a verb

(D) an adjective.

Ans: (C)
Q The word that takes the prefix in is
(A) direct

(B) satisfaction

(C) proper

(D) patient.

Ans: (A)
Q Match the words in List-A with their meanings in List-B.


(a) passion

(i) ready to give help

(b) disciple

(ii) lad

(c) pious

(iii) weak

(d) generous

(iv) bray

(e) feeble

(v) deeply religious

(vi) status
(vii) deeply felt emotion
(viii) follower.
Ans. : a) (vii)
d) (i)

b) (vi)

c) (v)

e) (iii)

Q Fill in the blank with suitable conjunction :

Please wait till I return.
Q. Fill in the blank with the correct tense form of the verb given in brackets :
Ramakrishna Mission was found ( be + found ) by Swami Vivekananda.
Q. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word given in brackets :
Please give me the permission ( permit ) to go out.
Q Change into passive voice :
All the students did the work in time.
Ans:The work was completed by the students on time.
Q Point out the difference in meaning between the following pair of words using
them in meaningful sentences :
here, hear
a) I asked him to come here.
b) I could not hear you.
Q Change into indirect speech :
Shekar said to me, Did you go to Bangalore yesterday ?

Ans: Shekhar asked me if I went to Bangalore the day before.

Q Use the following word first as noun and then as adjective in meaningful sentences :
a)The beauty of Taj Mahal is mesmerising.
b)rina is known for her beauty.
Q Combine the following sentences using first as too to and then as,
so that :
1. Suresh is very fat. He cannot run fast.
Ans: Suresh is too fat to run fast.
Suresh is so fat that he cannot run fast.
2 Write the other degrees of comparison :
No other student is as brilliant as Narendra.
a) No other student is more brilliant as Narendra.
b) Narendra is the most brilliant in the student.

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