Information Literacy

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Information Literacy

Iqra Nussarullah

1. Two Scholarly Journal Articles

a) List the keywords you used to find the articles. (1 point)
The keywords in my search are Internet Privacy Concerns
b) Identify the database you used. (1 point)
I used the Science Direct database.
c) Why did you choose this database? (1point)
I choose this database because it is giving me the statistics and peoples view about the
concerns of internet privacy.
d) Cite DB article 1 in APA or MLA format. (2 points)
Cecere, Grazia, Fabrice Le Guel, and Nicolas Souli. "Perceived Internet Privacy
Concerns On Social Networks In Europe." Technological Forecasting &


Change 96.(2015): 277-287. ScienceDirect. Web. 17 Sept. 2015.

e) Cite DB article 2 in APA or MLA format. (2 points)
Hong, Weiyin, and James Y. L. Thong. "Internet Privacy Concerns: An Integrated
Conceptualization And Four Empirical Studies." MIS Quarterly 37.1
275-298. Business Source Premier. Web. 17 Sept. 2015.

Scholarly article #1 Screen Print:


Information Literacy
Iqra Nussarullah

2. Article from Internet

a) Write a paragraph summarizing the article in 3-4 sentences. Include the title of the
article. (3 points)
Top 10 2014-I5 Privacy Concerns
This article tells us about how the personal data isnt protected properly in businesses,
and having their personal data exposed can harm the customers. It also tells us how to
check if our devices present privacy concerns. It shows us the ways to minimize the
privacy concerns such as by not collecting the sensitive data.
b) Cite Internet article 1 in APA or MLA format. (2 points)
"Top 10 2014-I5 Privacy Concerns." N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Aug. 2015.

3. One additional Internet source

a) List the keywords you used to do the search. (1 point)
The keywords that I used are online privacy issues.

Information Literacy
Iqra Nussarullah

1. b) Cite Internet article 2 in APA or MLA format. (2 points)

"Online Privacy Issues." Opentracker. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Aug. 2015.
2. c) Run the same search (using the same keywords) on two different search engines.
Identify the search engines you used. (1 point)
The search engines are Google and Yahoo.

Create a table to compare the results from the two search engines was one search
engine better than

the other, why, how. How many search results did you receive?

Etc. (2 points)


#1 Alexa Rank. I found

#4 Alexa Rank. There were a

Search words

exactly what I wanted.

Online Privacy Issues

lot of results to choose from.

Ethical Issues of Internet

Found 10 results
Found 88,600,000 results
I think Google search engines are better because in Google I found exactly what I wanted. In
yahoo, the topics are too general.

4. TRAAP your sources

a) Time The publication year were 2015, which is recent to be true
b) Relevance Most of the information from the source is connected to my topic.
c) Authority There is not any authors name provided for these sources.

Information Literacy
Iqra Nussarullah

d) Accurate They were reliable sources because both sources have references about
where they got the statistics to support their point of view.
e) Purpose The purpose is to persuade us to minimize the privacy concerns and to
protect our devices.
Compare the Internet and Journal articles. (6 points 2 points per section)
a) Ease of access The journal articles didnt require me the effort to find the topics.
The CCBC library website was very managed. They made it easy for us to find the
citation of the website.
b) Timeliness: The Internet articles date was recent, and the journal articles publication
date was not for this year.
c) Authority The journal articles were more reliable because we know that the
information on this website is not stolen from someones unlike the internet articles.

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