Over 1 000 Japanese Kanji and Kana Mnemonics

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SHI STOP! tomary, tomery ol Gs | Oe Pye oles OVER 1,000 JAPANESE KANJI AND KANA MNEMONICS Michael Rowley bec t-O'GRAPHIX Over 1,000 JAPANESE KANJI AND KANA MNEMONICS Michael Rowley SI 3 Bridge i g g7 Contents INTRODUCTION errrsenneees Horse. © Bugs a“ ort aan ith KANA srssssnnnnn Snokes & Birds meds Plumage oa CHAPTER 1: WORLD Hern nnn os The Sun en | BSG car ” The Moon 19 Forest Animals ee oo 68 The Day 20 Sea Creatures 7 Tie oon =i Wind, Rain, & Clouds Water Wesh Fire tae sone 30 Populace 7 ke People’s Burdens nnn 2 78 Soil Woman & Mon mate tert (00 Metal 33 Marriage rs Bamboo & Grass... ci 34 Family au Speier aescirstaslitsaneanitonsns 98 Sane, Satie a Timber Mountains & Valleys Stones si CVE ern ‘CHAPTER 2: FOOD Field & Pont . 4 Heat v4 Fee. 4 a 50 Love % Fob nae eo oo SAD Halaieae etn ceetane, Alin 7 Wine 54 Head, Neck, & Hair % Troy ss Eye . 100 Met nonsnnnnan 36 Ear 101 Mouth... 102 Hand oss “ a 104 Hold .. : 2 107 CONTENTS Derr arias nay, 108 Oppose 162 Give 109 sonnei: NO CHAPTER Stand 112 Threod Baskets ‘CHAPTER 6: SPIRIT 113 Needles, Spirit Rael Cath mia 70 Pain 116 Knife v2 Dead Bodies nnn von 18 Equipment. on 74 Past poetics 20) Breet, 75 Temple : sevnnes 22 Buil é 76 Shrine 123 AK oleate v8 14 ‘CHAPTER 10: PLACES .. 179 Places = 7 180 rene VlOGE reno vee Wealth nn v3 Hill at ae ne 189 Mas nnn ovnmnnnnnns 130 Gate eae see 184 King - sou 131 Door ve 186 Power 132, Building & ROOF svnnnnennnnrnnnnes 108 Soldier 133. Shelter 190 (Never Budge an} Inch 134 Enclosed ae sonnei 198 CHAPTER 11: JOURNEY serssrsnensene 191 Atock fe 1B MOVE sc ® 92 Sirike with @ Stick 140 Escape 4 Bow 8 ALTOW csonnnnrnnnnnn 142 Boot ee 196 Cart = 7 Road 18 learn Vb Crashh on a 7 The seq is the mother of lf 1B wale «4 8 parton 849 moter 4s “WATE a) This isthe radical for water. water enguls the trees. le 56 planks mae (We ENETRATE AA hero bie: penetrates the cave, an worto Wash a Z 7N seN «0 cA Wash with water, Swirling steam. TH woter oo Oh previous mse water so seam mar Tears cannot wash the dirt of your dishonor, Bathe in valley of water 1D wor valley tn WaAsH vnc inthe shallow water ole 56 halberd si » (Roar feeinG 75) abby Abhand lets a child float in the water. IE wot 668 hand oi) child a BOW, GUSH 7 ~. . rursu woly lass Tes A.gshing fants of baling oss wate os Ch omeige ore hon, hi dry onthe line DEPEND ON, DUE TO, REASON 76 A 4 wo ‘re Depending on where you place the drill in the Field SOURCE, ORIGIN me cen The spring is our source of water 1D wer Doge 1 wg you may have gushing oil 1D wor 1 depend on 74 SPRING 2) 7 sen A spring Bite 2-90 wort Fire UGHT, LAMP. m7 THREATEN, MENACE Kanu odo /aw Light the lamp wih fre Two somurai screamed when threatened by menacing fo Dies roc v0 1D mosh se ede) ms FARE @ ANN This is a radical for fire. ‘BURN, ROAST es ==] Gz SHO young cheval ka s Roast barbeque. Exposed othe vi A camp fire. peas Dies 1 bigh ma Fans ot nw KBE 3 SK me | ‘The flames of two fires = Sy ee} EX ay om o firecracker explodes in o | become faint because of the rain. burst offre 1D wer 66 foe 9% Dies bie oe ET a Ys freezing in the east Fire sce e 95 Ne This element means ice. A penguin looks through cracks in the tee, = Lh Sj bi he a om oS va ‘Whee it's cold, the shrubs have Snow: rain you can hold in | can see the frost forming on oleaves. ‘your hond. the tree. Bol at B pln sa ice oe Brain as honda icon 6 Bite tue Beye oo AREA, UNITS: % oc {A plant grows in the sol Hol draws up the area's boundaries. ne ys ehaamtyy ye AQ) i Ost halberd wt PO vy Or z pay BA recites ive in Keg the ground. BY oct ‘Aman puts his hand again the = sloping cif. Cale Oh egthnos ERBANKNENT Too) [RINE PHO 7a) (REG OFOSE 7 {8 aS FE JL are ZF) 1 © i 0 KX The wn shines onthe embankment Miners wosk ina hole deepin. The hance oppose management ofa the earth Bod whan) aga Bt) hele or deh sy hond uo aly 107 dekh 2 SOIL / METAL KIN, KON ne, kane FISH LURE, CHANGE J Ho vn A metal fish lure. 1 real ee NEEDIE, POINTER, stn bi lode 285 SA se Alitle metal chain, bs OB send 27 TB scone nice HL mol ot 8 Iie o2e money 708 ([CHAIN, UNK 107 COIN HA ak Hel flips © metal ein. 1D neal 08 th halberd 3a wort TURF, LAWN, A path winds through the lawn, i} WORK, DUTIES #) wry! My duty is 1o work in the garden, ART, SKIL PLANT 77 zx dk oa Planting is o skill and on art. Figen iS poh mi {D gow 4 flower 19 power 68 Agro its peck mir (GAR sen iz) (GeowTmcey Tis) [HOWER SHOW, CNA ia] 0 wo Wao i sie fl ona Achand cuts the grassy stalles from Hol makes the grass grow thickly. A Chinese flower grows among za 4b A a z c A chrysanthemum in the grass, with ricecolored petals. gross ize 3 ice a7 ‘The plants change into flowers. orate ae 1 chonge a4 This person tokes in the sweet smell of the gross Foros ie penton ote BAMBOO & GRASS v0 124 fuse, CHUNDER 125) = oe Bamboo 2 & Grass indrieal bomboo tubes Borkco 1 some oo PE CONTROL BANBOO tT ccrixu ‘ole Bamboo reeds. KON, COUNT TGRASS + This isthe radical for grass, though a number ‘of other elements have the same shope, such as hands ia charactor 122 35 vase) wort TREE WOOD ia) [Garner a JS 80KU, MOR sH0 Whe sumety/na% ‘A tree with spreading branches. (GLORY, FLOURISH, SHINE a sokogey, host Blossoms flourish on the tree. thine iar ree Birds gather in o te. bid 3 tee Three birds nest in o fit tee, bother raise ft ne ROOT, ORIGIN, BOOK 125 HON The raots of a tee are cylindrical Bes 8 rot ous Character 125 is also used after fpumbers fo indicated that the things being counted are eylindical. Willow, WiLLOWY. ail sO yemagi Awillow tee. BALANCE i i KEN, GON A heron balances in c tree. Oi heron 2 TREES maa TAKE, GATHER, 132 ; Bt Hands take acorns from the tree. hod sto hand a) CR 8 EME, POLE 1h ‘1014, coKu ‘oar legelc poles ore at the extreme dec earth Oh extreme isa BODY 77 10,18 toroda body isthe “toot” of e person. pot Dirt 8 Ea 35 ‘6 and tees generate leaves. ue BE goneron 109 hoe 124 PLANTING ™) PAT 17] sal sow Hol plants o tree in the soil Plant o tree in the soil 2 wi bobbed oo) WD hee te BD tow 38 upright iar REST ise 0 ‘A vacationer rests by a tree. UW peion 2h 3945 WORLD Ht hg a “HAS ae TaMMATURE, NOT YET_14e aoe 4 hoyosh Two reas maka foest. al Thies ho big ts ae SS AR Thr ross neon woods eeraye ore em This treo is immature. TREES 146-15) DRUM 77 BRANCH, SUPPORT Ba ® limbs ore like branches of flesh. Beat the drum with a branch Abhand holds up o branch. eh 27 ranch an all 10) @ minions 265 A broach ue (TREE) BRANCH 131 si do, A.branch from a tree. SATSU, SETSU 1D ee 26 brooch wt oa ee BRANCH OFF _150 KI ‘Mountain rails branch off 1 ountoin 7 OF branch van wortp BUNDLE, SHEAF 159 SOKU abo, abonsr, ko, takonary Bundled tree branches Bee tae R 1B opering se A tolent for turning assets into wealth, 1B money 708 TIMBER, RESOURCE 152 4 A holt ws People have a talent for making trees ino timber. 1D tee a6 tent Hol made @ wooden deviee, Bee 18 Oh command. 72 Trees are cut info boards. Bee ne Oh ogoies 7 TIMBER Oh book se TB bombco 12 El Wee ne Sl eye 508 (oun Pilar a) cH othe books sit atop « wooden shelf ‘master’s house. mh opply os ree ie A tree is cut into a pillar for the Oar 736 TACQUER, VARNISH ee . i ‘ ova vu Pe Varnish resins ooze like water from ores. i cea oa (ROE. BAR clus az) wo months to build these ‘Awooden elub, n shelves. 6 mort pa v0 6 respect 7 * i se totonou /ere Correctly arrange the bundle of sticks, Bi bundle 151 ake 402 covet a t 1 CUT BRANCHES 166, a ee aoe ARRANGE 165. Toru Leave nothing but cut branches. ee ie Dh leave 86 vi #8 I read a book on making fences. A bex made of bamboo and wood, a wi worto Mountains & Valleys SAN Kou AA three-peaked Enter the valley ‘mountain, RICH, PLENTIFUL 170] (GREED, DESIRE coma ROM MK a : . (= a to | ‘customs, this person become worldly. rich valley. TE poncn 32” Oh volley. ce 10 ches noir valley tah oe a MOUNTAINS & VALLEYS 72-180 i OBSCURE, LONELY = te dark ond lonely poths thread he mountain, 7 eM tad aa me CREST, CRISIS pass runs above ond below suntan 1 Bapsa Ti down 9 PEAK TOP «a= He made slow progress to the top of the mountain, 1B mountain 67 CAPE, STEEP A oi A steep mountain 1D mounlin ter shonge 78 1 slow progress n-rs A ravine between mouniain peoks. RAVINE, 1 mourn 17 Ch ive ze IE, COUAPSE mes? meth EXTREMITY, EDGE, UPRIGHT a ae STRANGE, ODD__179 x! 2 How strange to sep off the cliff Abe opening 58 TAN bah =I DRAW NEAR, VISIT 180, ‘A person stands upright on the A yoru/ery edge of cli. 1B sland «ar (8 mountcin 167 plat mz? A visitor approaches our hovse. Brot 1144 i shange 178 ver 18s wortD Stones ASSIST, EP ___181 FURTHERMORE, BESIDES 182 By Ee (GROUP, ASSEMBLE ‘3 pile the stones be: rowers ary (Fon top of each other With o litle help 1D coi OF power x0 Dh oe coi who took the lives of our ancestors 1D raion ene CH caiman STONES 1os-189 gE, CLEAR, RUB me hand reclaims the lond by ROCK, CRAG 167 Aa can Acrag isc stone ‘outcropping on ring it of stones. @ mountain, fend sto Oh tone 0 B mounoin tr 1B stone v0 GONE RENE STONE, ROCK 190 A SEX), SHAKU plow is honed on a stone. - A.rock at the base jie vo uniomiy itr of aif, IK bu KK Ashes at the foot of the clif Dd nn fe TAN a (SAND Graver 33) SASHA Charcoal comes from the mountain. sna s, is small stones. Bi mountoin ie fre a 1D stone 190 itl 926 P wort IWVESTIGATE, 194) Zz, zu wo SEARCH, PROBE Examine nine caves Pi hole 1S ine 08 8y hand, we probed behind o to search for a cave opening BB ford 510 Of hole 1 Gi no a mo I Kersu THRUST, LUNGE, PROTRUDE if The cave sheltered ease Bal arn | Big John lunged from the cave. [Sy EMPTY 196 KILN, OVEN 197) EXTREME, SUFFER ES = ae Be te : = Bi nes a wae The empty sky, seen through & window in 0 cave. hole ot conection se A body pulled from the cave shows ‘extreme suffering, I hole woe BE body 47 pul ov Fire fine pottery in the kiln. hole 4 fine 0B fe READINGS A single kanji can have multiple sounds or readings. Kanji were borrowed from China ‘ond used both for their phonetic values {the onyomi, shown in capital letters}, which shifted over time, and for words of native Jeponese origin (the kun-yomi, shown in lowercase letters]. Which reading to use for 0 character depends on context and what characters it s grouped with SGHISEEING an BD tebe mono KEN BuTsu eae thing seo as thing DINE SPEND aR AS ei 22 ach smo see 50 theg 30 CREOCIORE — BF tena i) toki 21-208 Foop Field & Plant (Rice Reto, PADDY 201) a / Ml WEALTH, RICHES Under whose roof will go ther of the field? A surveyor walks around the ou of eoch field fed co) hack MEDIATE, SHELL 202 T - AREA, BOUNDARY 203. ee Th pda brad hy on Soon a teboundereecttefek. an FIELD & PLANT RDGE, EOGE 207, RE HAN POISON 210) = BIRTH, PRODUCE 213 BE Mere The ridges divide the paddy and ‘Mom ale o poisonous plant! produces plants. hold in water. 8 sond oar Ban ater Seams nT ee aay, WHEAT a Al = no, mo Ai A BAKU emo) ‘Seedlings shoot up from the field. Check on the growth of the wheat. ‘EL SHO ane ee fe ll an Bg amg ont me eee ATO Ta Tro) LAOW i Sic 75] noe cama © feoevees ‘STAR 216 A plow tills the soil well. oshi : Tho uno Meghvng sar Bis), ceastcin awaken incitenee (amie Sern 27-204 Foop GRAIN PARTICEE Zia] [MATERALS, MEASURE, CHARGE 7) 2 wo Ice aN ww be \) In Jopan, rice is bought ot grain A ladle is used to measure the rc LH es Doce ay eee om \\ PROVISIONS, FOOD 2) RoR] i=5 g ® ay (7 \\ ‘ a. ANN? \ TiS va Salt fod van cap wet poe © tee ay 1 quantity mate BD sce a7 die 0s NA Z [RE AMERICA 717) [NEIGHBOR ADIOIN | RR WORK, EARN MONEY 23 ‘e, Mal ome vee Jopan won't buy American rice. Earning money to bring home rc 1D rice plan 231. OL home 20 ae on the adjoining hil Te fragrant rice iar wt 50 Rice (GRAIN, CEREALS 75 PRODUCT, PILE 228 x eh koxu sex | ‘wn /osu | Hota wild axes to horvest he Our rice produets earn o pile Sort the grains of rice in @ | grains tom the scl cof money, sectioned box Sty lc plant an) handw/an72 WB vpn 21 OS grow 214 Gi money me se plont 231 mene 8s POAT, GAIN, EFFECT_ 76) [HARVEST 20 : fe profit by cuting grain it ee plt 20) ble sar ‘cHmsu ¥ but se the grain to workers! This rice plant ‘radical represents FooD Eat FOOD, EAT_ 232 “a 3 ‘obo, kay Eat « bow! of food, DRINK, SWALIOW ‘A mouth opens wide to dink. Deo m gag neh COOKED RICE, FOOD, z TARGE BUILDING, HAL RE Qe Keep eating and you'll have to keep your but in a large building, 1 food 20 1B bites ss rook tas STARVE ma oA A starving body eats itself. Bea wh a0 A= STARVE, HUNGER Food on ie tabla nakos me how. Dicod 22 ble REAR, SUPPORT yostinay | support myself by rearing sheep. sheep ano Seat =A GEcton. lesson aay a x Her speach lesson bears fruit speck oO fut 20 2 ear FRUIT, RESULT, CARRY OUT_240 Fruit from the trees in the field. Pied 2 tee ue [LUICE, SOUP, GUID 28) Ten parts water makes a good soup. (CULTIVATE Grow =a) | grew © mouthwatering tomato. sail to) sand ax7 GE moh see VEGETABLE Vegetables grow between the grass dhe trees, SAuT za) ae) | put Earth salt on my dish of eggs. * Bt 1B oil or UB opening see OF dah aus (COMPENSATE Ww, | was compensated with money BB money 708 TB stond 27H mow ste Jonage cas A tiny bow! of beans. DWE CUT UF ae x| | AR A ~ Aiea wai 15 sand 27 mouth see hole 107 33 FooD Wine ALCOHOL, SAKE 250 . 7 4 eles Pour out the salké. 1B water 64 wine 00 ie DRUNK, DIZZY 251 wr I get an ‘after nine or ten bots. E wine 20 nine 22 Gi tn oot DISTRIBUTE Hl distribute the wine personaly Dwine 2 Oh me ae The wine hos « severe, harsh i 1B wine 207 DB grow 218 GF mh FERMENT, YEAST 252 ‘The young wine needs yeast to ferment, wine yO pity an CURD_ DAIRY PRODUCE aK. 355 Jors of dairy products ore left on each dosrstep. 0D wine 20 1 cock BOTTLE, JUG, JAR aN ome A bottle ond a jug 1D poe 2s Oh vena nase a, YAKU Ina profitable year my dish cee Abowl ono tray. Biome ar dh a fray is used for cuting lery over what! be stolen next ‘Serve wine with o ladle my dish! ide us dh mt Bnet ss dik wr 1D wine or ue Olas 28 REWARD TORST__759) (UGUID MEASURE 3a) (ADE MEASTRE 265 oH 0 0 teast fo the state. ‘ J 20 a 88 J % ed I TRAY, BOWL PLATE 260 BAN Measure ten spoonfuls of liquid Measure liquid with « ladle. the tray. he deh aes D penn ae tn 260-274 wort BE UKE, BECKY za) (aoe) Ho sa opi a et WET FLESH 228) A i You'll be lucky if you get litle The fat ofthe meat meat, This meaty sok serves wo poople. = fe vin mack m7 Gms Baym FFESH, MEAT 267 R= (FARE REDUCE 265) (SWEET, PRESUME UPON This radical con mean citer flesh 265 or moon 14 | pending onthe character i'n saxy kay tom mai /a/ahas Pare the litle piece of meat is sweet. 10 lie ote) moot 29 BE nile soar EXTINGUISH, VANISH, CONSUME 270 ae TASTY, GOOD, GIST _273] 4 = A wees (ipoot sy Fig eer 7 2 spoon tasty thing: y Bipcon ard mouth mann 2 vents me rz = A\litle waler extinguishes the burning meat. Trim the fat off the sides ofthe ment 1B wor co OM ile oa meat 29 meat 27 de ane INTERESTING WORDS “Fireflower” burns a picture in your mind, while “flowering fire” is much more playful than the English “fireworks.” Words like “inleresting” and “genius” make you wonder how they came to be. Compounds like “odult” and “tomorrow” have assigned readings thot can’t be guessed at from their kanji, Dabutsu, “animal,” at right, literally means “move thing." = 4EX KE hone bi bane flower ite fre e2 fice 00 lower 18 INTERESTING. GENIUS, Ha BF ome Kt sar foce 40? while 06 devil «4s tolent 071 au} TOMORROW _] AA AA big 917 person bright sun 1 75-200 ANIMA PASTURE Drive the cow to pasture. Dew ws Oh ork 2 THING 27, D BUTSU, MOTSU To get mk you pl onthe _ cow's thing, This means pig whon Dew mb ner used os on element “BOL, re Oy MWY ost Ahem bends ot Ea é y ws, muta lord of the sheep ohends flock, bed a7 Oh sheop 20 FRESH, VIVID, CLEAR 783, se ozoyake fresh sh a sheep 290 DETALED ee SHO wb os a detailed speech on sheep. sh sheep 209 AA sheop is sacrificed on the ata to bring goed fortune. 1D tor as i soep 200 = BEAUTIFUL FINE 287) a tks Big beautiful sheep. Bite mG hig 013 3S (aE Wem) ‘cHaKu twky, baw [ike to wear waol myself sheep 200 sal see cow, Pic, & SHEEP 21-270 ROUSE, SPECIALIST 2] [AG HOS. 75] (CHASE, PURSUE RR ot Ze ia Kate TON crane vee uo oo Aviso house for pigs We use a pig for its meat In pursuit of o pig, wh pig Dest pig an mow is) pig Be GOOD FORTUNE, OMEN 785) (SHEEP, FINE, PRAISEWORTHY 290, Yo bio Sheep are fine assets aia ANIMALS Horse HORSE 7] Te a A horse lies on ils side > This tends to look 2 more like horse, if you Xd picture it on its side. Akers stays by his mos The hoe dated by sake, Surprise oe wih ck ond itwill respect you. howe 1 master 4 BE hore 291 DM site sor Ti snoke 211 respects 1 hone 3 Horse 95-908 RESPECT 295) [SWORD BAYONET v8) (STATION En re ken ex you sri Ill beo! some respect into you. checks his sword Load the horse at the station. i haliy o-20s Oh ake 0 Dol my word tas Whore 3) moatire se. INVESTIGATE a) (RDER aa KR Ea g EN "0 7 cond investigates behind ees... srange rider mounts Dre iol mar (one 2 Oh tongs 9 PACK HORSE, POOR QUALITY RR EET ‘cou! examines his horse before making camp in the steep... bu! the poor pack horse keels cand perilous hills, under the weight ofthe fot man. mal na Ail one all ner Dhow 2 ou ANIMALS ay Firefly: 0 radiant insect. hve ms0s inch sou MOSGUTO, A textbook case of mesquite bites. 1D insect 308 tan ae (cocoon 307, + * i Inthe gross, on insect made o ‘cocoon of thread, gross 24 Bl tread see Bi inset 8 His barbsarie smells otrctng bg Fred om inact a sowie oP Use 0 net fo rid the impure water of insects WB wor 68 Oh nak ver Eine TOUCH, FEEL CONTACT a ‘An insects horalike antennae: “feelers.” Whom 280 Dh inset ane SNARE a * Snakes & Birds B 7 oo A bird ino nest (NON HUMANTCRY 315) ne ~ \ BUGS / SNAKES & BIRDS Met roku cries out. 2 Domouh se bids 5 10 dmg Abid flies cbove the island ‘mountains. 1B ounain bid 1H heron 2 TSIAND. 31) (CRANE STOR a7, KS Swi The crane is next to another bird, bd an nie-322 ANIMALS Plumage ~ g¢ a honors /su Only birds can leave from the clifs that separate vs, Dotele mae bird a “BIRO a9, te Used only as a part of other characters, this means bird. SEPARATE LEAVE, 318) ‘ia ey Scorched fou. Bbid whee BEEXCHED, STR uN for A big scarecrow stirs up and excites the bird in the field big 01> bi ave eld aw SNATCH, CAPTIVATE patsy bow A big bird is snatched by the mon withthe gun. big e12 bid ate ich 2 wtih 5 a ie ¢ ws og w of % | toby A bird washing its wings. Birds fly south. NEXT (TIMED, 328 FLAP, CHANGE a z a ay | -weors ¢ strange mask and ‘See you next time, I've gota fly.” A bird flapping its wings over the rice field. (erm sANGE 725) os a , masked girl. oe f ran a vi nic wings mean you need training. 6s mem ANIMALS WATCH, OBSERVE a Heron ‘a ‘i = AR Bird watehing heron 98) Oh woth sa € SRERON 331) (ENCOURAGE ADVISE a This element means heron. ) van Encourage heron preservation 1D heron 30) Oh power 705 (CE, MERRY a Ae eG Rejoice ond sing like a bird AH heron 33) OE gaping mou 3 HERON / DOG A ken Abig, spotted dog, Bet ms EAST, ANIMAL a lejsimone The mosk of a beast. D poet nom Ob dog FEICE, RAGING, BRAVE xe dog's dish Sey a0 chid a big on child bravely touches the dh 20 Dog My [HUNTING RO They go hunting for birds © dog 1s bop rat CATCH, SEE, GET 342 vid cae usually catching ‘one inthe grass, BE dog 2» Oh grom tae + bid ae fad so ey fl This element means deg. (rorect 339) 7 TT stu, su stu ‘Amon protects... ond hunts the house with his dog oof at 1 dog a 5 isc 1 pre! or A pair of eyes admires the beautiful deer. Bgoup nou deer 3 ELEPHANT, 3 R 20.SHO DEER 7 HE RoKU hike A deer with antes, Forest Animals A bigeared elephant, A tiger vs. a pig with swordplay is on intense drama, tiger 281 pig 277 werd FOREST ANIMALS wur-asa (CRUELTY, OPPRESS 37) [PAY FROUC, JOKE 350) (SKIN 351 , R rere a ay >: & ei i The tiger’ ervel, oppressive paw... The circus tiger plays around the fire. A tiger rips open a man’s skin and als his guts. B iger 2 hond nae ign 389 ploy m-ase A holberd 201 ger 282 1 stomach 9-8 [CAPIIVE, PRISONER OF WAR ua) [TIGER 32 TTIGER 353 B ai SOP fe Bo. re This element i ‘means tiger. A tiger with goping jows. © tiger os. W ger nase guards he prisoner of war \ TO. (Nt Sea Creatures | es 3a aN eaite oN | cought four fish FISHING 355 | 3 6x0, 8 solbwater Fishing, 1D weer aC fah ase A roaring dragon. ‘The dragon attacks by burning clothing dragon mse cing TORTOWSE, TURTIE 35 SHELL, ARMOR, HIGH, 1ST__357, A KO, KAN toe The turtle wears @ shell ‘Aturll's shell sits armor. Ste WaT 3a] mt a ‘The waterfall roars like a drogon 1D weer 6s Ot dragon at ok [WHALE 36 mvj, = ‘The whale is « capitol fish! sh ase Oh copia REPEATING KANGI ‘A word for “people” in Jopanese is hitobito shown at right. The upper kanji is hite 363, PERSON. The lower character is grophic device similar to ditto marks {"] in English, indicoting that the previous char. acter is repeated. Sometimes, the pronum Clion of the second character is changed slightly to make it easier to say (Csomermes GRAND. BRR ER toki ime 691 hall 190 VARIOUS _we BX colors 97 927 NGREASINGT] wx DR masu masu SHO SHO 62-367 PEOPLE PERSON 363 People ae A ax Ba mat EXPATRIATE BRIDGE 20] {CARCE, DESTITUTE 365 ys 0 80 esi loboshi crossed the The destitute person wooden bridge, stonds alone. © tee ww SS pericn 262 pot ons Dh ower nis PEOPLE BENEVOLENT, HUMANITY 368 fe Grasst 1 whol m7 (Wuamir FouGw, TE DOWN 229) INN roxu fos /sere This benevolent person cares for The dog lies down before its master. ‘wo people Berson sa woo 1H penon dog 5 SERVE WORK 00372 f£ This parson serves the vomurcl. SH 1D person 362 samurai sa PAX 9) bt A person of lower rank bows to 0 person of higher standing, 1D prion oi2 TEACH TEND 73) R Oh sond 7 Ko oyebi a/b Reach ou! ond extend an ‘open hand. 1D person sea OF hand os 73 PEOPLE 7938s ASSIST, ASSISTANT (AiENDGFON 38) fe imin he middle of o personal “Lely” here is my assistant The somurai attends this temple, ship. sone bes Ce er 1D pene 2 lomple ts (tt EQUIP, PREPARE 38: {i neces a ff 7N woe the couple raveling together. Ill use this fence to keep them out peor.e PERSON in that DIRECTION, toe The person points irection. Person RELEASE, EMIT B 10 anon /i This person was released after being beaten. Hi porion see Laika an (5 Put beside thot standing person. 1B person 262 sand 67 pan FAG ik « ote 1 fog rer 7% ‘A person waves a flag. device mer 387) PERFORM, CHARITY 3 he Hi, hedcloss A drama is performed for chorily fog se Visit, INQUIRE a | asked him directions during my vist 1D speck 510 Ot pon 380 PERSON / POPULACE m3 if Populace Be one sit ie R pe eer tone wn race pe (REACH ResisT, OPPOSE —=93)) with big heads B head roches out fora resiatont ™ family member. Be aos wm ees, (COMPARE, RATIO 374) [MULTTUDE BUG, DESCENDANTS a7 Bp RESIDENCE MANSION378) tt! te EB My family resides in o mansion. 40 family 6 3) one 7 il sone 5 etree “a cians ration a under the sun. Ahond strikes out at the sitin. 7 20-404 PEOPLE Pp ple’ INDUSTRIOUS: GOVERNMENT OFFICE, SIGN i] Burdens : 3 ~ a you witha sick, the ever burdened people, Hw cid a ah ae Pont oe penton TEACH wa) This element ‘means 1S burdens. id Hl teach piety 10 you with this stick poy Oh the FIUAL PIETY 23 *6 ‘The burden o child beors: filial piety. burden 2 child ae 7 PEOPLE'S BURDENS 405-410 OT (WEATHER) =) [ROOK 0 206) [FoRTuRE IT ro Bz os *A % eipsciecry dosh inn Attensa at wl I Bet bain rl rt ag -nokes you het. cooked in the fire. inconsiderate. = AE ry person has burdens to corry. T _| sometimes stop to consider Biers bres He 8. if these burdens will crush me as grow old, ayeas PEOPLE Woman & Man t WOMAN. H z& NOWSY, IMMORAL #12 10, N¥O, NYO oshimoshi tends fo be noisy in groups. woman 41)! woman 1 This woman woman 4 PLEASURE, AMUSEMENT ai WR ‘Sho tokes pleasure in giving edvice 1D women a) Ol ghe ms (eon rasta) teteet/aty B Je but isthe fest o open her mouh 1B woman 41) se 11 mouh (eure sare) si saga and cry over her Figure. ee ss 1B woman a1 WOMAN & MAN re) WAKEFUN OF TEASE, RIDICULE <1 E robes Two women tease o man from bo sides. Drone pa) a1 mon a8 CO a7] A aN ti |Atycoon wih o cigor ‘Many characters containing the elements for “woman” ‘ond “man” reflect the fimes in which they were created, MAN, MALE __a18, 5 DAN, NAN soko ‘A man works in the fel. fis 201 power 745 MANLY, STRONG. 20) [WIA MANOR MAIESTIC_@2 ta Bee Es $0,SHO The somurai shows his strength. The somurai sirikes o majestic pose con the lawn of his villa, big mm samira 759 gam mm & monly 20 waa? People Marriage MARRIAGE «Z2) oA ‘The wife is handed « broom, woman ai) hand w/bon IF you'te too dependent, marriage will box you in. women 4 Oh depend mare CONTACT ON, His hand reaches out to jain hes 1B hond 102 8 sand 7 wonan a = MISTRESS 4] iene ty Ksiielinomene Powe holding o broom. This woman is a little odd. Oh fond w/brcom esa MARRIAGE 428-08 AREY, BRIDE ry The house ofthe Ibride looks like pigs. Donan 1 howe anh [ESTFUL EASE, CHEAP PEACE SETTED = = D7 ce on ‘A woman's hand brings peaee. herd sto woman a ‘AUTHORITY, THREATEN, a doa The woman threatens Hal's qe [HUSBAND MAN ua) woman gave us everything the sun ot the banquet. no Sa 2 = #8 STANDARD, MEASURE 436 x! Look fo the husband os the standard, W husbord ox Oh woth ses ‘A person sits on a hopechest nex! 1.0 woman, waiting for marriage. DS fory 96 aun Family FATHER 7) A father picks up his child. Peopte EIDER SISTER My older sister lives inthe ci, women a Oh ly tote YOUNGER SISTER bk ‘My immoture younger sister Ives inthe country 1D women inmate ELDER BROTHER _ 438 YOUNGER BROTHER aay. CLAN. FAMILY 442) sa ° ad x 8,090 1, 04,08 zoK An elder brother is « mouth on two legs. 1B gt moe My snotnosed younger brother. ‘A family’s coat of orms is display on a flog. fog 27 Wh orow FAMILY aus [rach EVERY ere} MOTHER us 80 teke ‘Awoman's nipples c 10K f kneel before you. son has @ mother. become dark during ee motherhood. q pom 30 ober a SECROANTS GUANDCHIDREN aaa) [CHILD @) ww] Bess, = ¥# v0 ih = i i | ‘A.woman holds 0 child to her breast “iS 1 hood wor child a7 boot mr son sa su a te grondchild is my descendant. A child i 39h wage 7 SEEYOU IKE, GOOD, FINE z e su, honomy ashi likes to be held by 6 woman, women at) child PEOPLE SELF A In Jopan, 0 person indicates him- or herself by pointing to the nose the way Westerners point fo the chest Self S97 ‘STAND, PLATFORM He's siting on the platform by himself Bol 19 rouh sa Vy 7 OAS This element means splitting or dividing. ie WOMB, a TA ‘Wombs ore fleshlaunching platforms. Saez Hd AL | sued him for his public accusation. J Gee Ls 2 Split open the self and make i public 1D speck Gh ighvousness 74 tah 2 Oh gloom os Dipek wo Optic a7 Ble Bal wo 2% DISCUSSION a ii T PRIVATE, PERSONAL 454 x PINE ai] a a SH co) a Le A We had a righteous diseussion. I keep 0 personal supply of rice. The pine tree is in public parks. Ow a0 © hee ne i pible LOOK-ALIKE KANGI In 0 writing system that uses more than 2.000 choracters it is not surprising that some characters look very similar. (Imagine the difficulty of Chinese: one dictionary lists more than 48,000 cherocters.) The kanji karada 134, 800%, af right can easily be mistaken for yasumi 138, 8ST. Note the horizontal line within the righthand element of BoDy. ie fk fR kerede Jo ee Oe) ws9-462 Body san A corpulent body, poor This element con mean body, ord sometimes appears as 0 miscopying ‘of D00R 1113. Urine drops from a bentover bed. body uo woe axe] Ax An evil brain thks only ofthe sh, E fash 20° Oi hond ot) Ok ev wo Bopy 49-07 “BUTTOCKS my B This element also means buttocks. FACE, ASPECT, MASK a a A mask covers his face. INE, GRASP, BUNDIE hard grasps o buttocks, ‘GOVERNMENT, OFFICIAL 467 Kan Government officials in the House Aig sticks is nose in a fold are asses. of grass. Be Ca ec Suen alee apoio te oe Eo —— a) (EE za Ak os oe 2 38 Be $ = ed dy hic iid ate ee cl ys Pe ikea we, pee alan anew Boor Flesh & Bone iA NE or 3, (CueRrenPA 70 This element means a, He hos the some fleshy torso os BA always, fe coh some wy Korsu INTESTINE A bone protrudes from the flesh B venebros 24S Rash tor ‘SRN TEXTURE, GRAIN 73 Al The meat | ate wasn't easy on my intestines. Bfah 3 Dam) Dom 6 bs SUP, SLIDE, SMOOTH a7] Th si corse x Sen es 3H, (a DB tobe dak mi 7A cls arsu sigue C| Awel, slippery bone. 1D wot 6s Oh bone 2 FLESH & BONE wae VEIN, PULSE 482] BACK, STATURE, DEFY 483 mF ST BREAST, HEART wa ia) f 1 K cross yourheart bra supports Veins are litle steams in the flesh. Two professors sit back to back and y breasts. defy each other Heh 7 hinge owe © fash 20 OW tiver 8 FE noth ass Beth 20 42,8, omy wy SHOULDER 7 A 6 ken toto Like @ door on a hinge, flesh of the womb protects the orm swings from iid the shoulder. ah wD prot oe doce 013 lash 267 MUSCLE, SINEW 40 aN es os sinewy as bamboo. ea 1 th a7 power rs Swell BUIGE A CHO. fot ors bulging muscles 2D kng ws (DREN DSCIOsE_ ‘SKIN, LEATHER 486 i : By = ‘A hand pulls back the skin to " disclose the innords two Dhond se ins ‘Aband scrapes the skin, El kaw Change your old leather shoes, | 1D Footer as OF chonge ak BREAK, TEAR a yobuy/ans I broke open my skin on 0 rock 1 rock 6 O thin a Wz TRE, EXHAUSTION LEATHER, REFORM 405 = kan I at So tired, only skin holds me logete. Aleather hide. os in ate a ws that grasp. ICH, GRASP, Hands th & ELEGANCE, TASTE Sink your fongs into o tas Mi aged mon ordered some new ii 97-02 Boor Heart [Row secrete 77) ITsU, 1 Ba Blood flows from a stobbed heart wate Oi necessarily note? HEART, MIND, CORE, FEELINGS 49 / ty NT Hl IN This form of the heart radical looks like bood rushing through one’s veins Ir often suggests feelings. My feelings come from the core of my heart, PLEASANT, CHEERFUL otoryoi | started out on o pleasant hie boot we Oh pul opat mse DECIDE, SETTLE, COLLAPSE a] .. $ 4 o cass won TO After @ while | decided to setle down before | collapsed. ID water 66 OF pull opor oe (SUDDEN, EMERGENCY, HURRY sil a 0 tog, seb Suddenly, | grosped my heor. wos an emergency. crouch onsen HY hand 97 & heat HEART heart is not hoppy, but sad. gpa m0 aorta Our hearts will grieve and mourn the deceosed Whwot oe table 2 Rao EOE es] oa ta i 3 He's bloody. By vio sehind he Es TERRY =) Ree ay #5 si mm = eo i he oh Con you endure o blade in your heart? Bode vor bore spreed through our hearts. Dh reed 008 TARY. 5 TABLE EXCEL HIGH 508 Set the table for the wake, Bpsa Ban) Bi tan we (SECNATURE___509) 86 Ws is nature fo expres his elings. 1D hao a9 le 24 Will, INTENT a ION sensntl einer His heort has the FB iomiei 7 Se (Rew oA) at oH ‘The samurai recorded his speech, 1B spook 609 OE somuai 751 TF bear 7 I of o samurai © heat ae 5 sia-sie Boor Love LOVE, BELOVED 513) IR Unless you uncover your heat, 7aN love's progress is slow. fad sor hart & preg Poel ae Ren oho His hearts filed wih love. Bind 6s hoot oe 7 Thinking involves both the heott cond brain, held 01 1 het ae te su ANXIOUS, DISEASE BEL _si4]| (LOYALTY, DEVOTION, 33) iB 2 He wv fe Ss He is so anxious his heart's ied My layalty comes straight from the Shou for joy. in knots middle of my heart piece wae heart a riddle sxe hoot aw toon tbo 6 LOVE / HATE si9-sa4 BAD. HATE 572) aE x AKu,0 A bad heart, full of hatred. INGER RAGE 39 Ao toes 6 hecrt sor abo yoo Fibeots the slave woman. coon 9 hand ace DWFOSED, DISTANT Si) [NDGNANT ANGRY 32) [ANGRY INILHUMOR a | \s ‘ip d, a person behind a wall ‘The crowd becomes angry about ‘The blood of his heart boils and 7 Boor 98 Head, Neck, Hair THEAD(PAGE)_525) A wens Ca ‘Asan element, this ‘means head. itso rarely used character ‘meaning page. TROUBLE, PAIN TORMENT (i lam tormented by « fre in my head. Dien aod ss HAN, BON waza oti SEQUENCE, COMPUANCE a II The sequence: shampoo heed, 1 river 8 Oi hod sas HO ado, tt Ja RECEVE TOP ‘i | got a nail in the top of my hao eed tn bed is fT] HEAD, TOP, START 52 oF Scare iatio Thats using your bean, er, ead! ieee 2 heal ss jaw hangs from his head. 0 hed HEAD, NECK, & HAIR 50-597 sz Mo te ™' Hair in o comb. TAL 3 Ez a * Z “HAIR (DELICATE) 536, This element means hati, Atallis often o tut of hair delicate, or attractive. BD body wo hale son WAY, ROAD. Soé) (HAR(OFTHE HEAD) 7 1 00,16 S oh Zw ‘Which way inthis neck of he woods Ss Bono 11s neck 2s sy Ge Se OS wouayeawes pO c \ wi EYE / FAR 545-551 evenae WE Ea mo ax hy onat/nows ber walking io see the sun so Ea . L on haji hoie/zvkesss Ear ‘My heart pumps blood to my ears when I'm ashamed, hea ae is Use your ears, eyes, and heart fo listen carefully. B oor 451 TUSTEN (CAREFUL) He cho by Pr Oat ser (SAINT, SAGE, SACRED. Ho @ # _ se bie A sage is 0 leader who listens to what his people have to say. BE mouh ous hing 72 101 A goping mouth sings songs This goping mo lacks tooth toward the second story window. 1D singing v-ss2 Ol gaping mosh she gaping mou TACK 33) (Nex Follow Key 3,sH eh here gi 32 ‘The cooked food goes from the! to.@ gaping mouth th One yown follows another. i heeze 26 Oh gaping novh BLOW, BREATHE OUT a: su fy Breathe out through a goping mouth, si Howth 86 Oh goping mou 102 moutH 557-566 (eonwecjoy 7) vc, SU Bos somursi shouts for joy. Beans G mouh se (Hour yeu =a) 80 step gol shouts "FORE!" ie Oh nrdden ns DISGORGE, VOMT_559 TO SUCK, INHALE 3a wel VO Z NAME, FAME a His mame ison everyones lps FS moon 4 & movh se Inhale carbon monoxide, suek on ‘a cigarette 1U ou see eaach a3 Cait yeh In one breath, | blew oway the milkweed flower. 1D movh us Deahale mses INSCRIBE, SIGN 563 re Met = 2 — serrated See gr ree = eee pg = fxs ea nw veh iys ows. Peace emai heats Themeuhisn pening nb ac caer Sree 103 si 978 Bopy CARRY IN ONE'S HAND, BRING 547) [MANAGE, MANIPULATE. CHALLENGE, DEY 3] kel Ho senwowanu/ets sion ei deny To carry a bird in one’s hand. He manages io manipulate the _Cihers flee, but! defy the omen. packages by the Christmas ree. 1B bond sto 8 bid 217 hond mst HB ond sto 18 goods me TH tee 12s hond sto omen CHOOSE, SELECT [WUMSY, POOR S71) [PAL SWEEPAWAY RID ___37 it Hh, {7 au se1su rursu rob, you. ono, maz hero Il hand pick my selection ofter ‘My honds are os elumsy os wo yourself of people who studying all the measurements ich fet. don't pay. WD bord sto Oh mone Donde Oh leave 8 bord 500 nose 00 xq) owas) Reet rnc sumer Fk KS og hosomatu/aw To search with o lantern in | will throw this ox | need 0 hand—they put the big one's hand. squeeze on me UE hand seo expound ore hand 102 KL bond sto CE hand w/a 72 hand sao OD squeeze mt HAND 574-382 Hand AS ss, 116 CJ hond taps a white drum. a + “HAND 580] PALM, ADMINISTER 582 ms (ear mee ao ike this. (Gameace, HUG ser) ae ¥6 (idol, Kooy | hove @ shiny coin in the palm of | wos wrapped in an embrace. my hand. 1D hond 380 Oh wrap 4 shine ose2 mou 500 hond sve 105 3-392 Boor (MEET, JOIN. A 3a) (RASE,AUB, PANT Ses) (CHASE Seize a] mars wl te The lid fits the mouth of he jar. Erase the paint withthe end of Chase the animal ond seize itby imy brush tho tail FB penen 363 Fone ev mouth sso KD bond oO ond 1 1D move 151 hand rpg mal [PICK UP, GATHER, TEN. ea, PULE OUT, PLUCK THING, MATTER, ACT on ke ‘Abhond picks up the lid Pull out inthis direction, ‘What is that thing in your hand? Died se Oh an Di hond sto coun 7 B sonbood mii hand ow TOAD, BOARD 7H Be) Foy, [aw coNTROL aa ps +H ISU, ROA The writen law of he road. A Brood ie Dwg 0 ° cette (Wang BRUSH rags Load gross into the continer Push inthis direction. A bamboo brush Bhond sso gos ce WW sy Dhond mo shal as B bontoo 122 wag mae ro 7 HoLD se-597 (owe 3) $ a Hold rife wos used in the eonfliet RE CLEAN, wa S, a ‘ C # = : Cc cond later washed elean of blood. Bat os Uh confict 503 oky =r konjifor “sun” wing 0-56 Sint This hand is usually shown {UH MARK, APPROPRATE_595 : holding something 4 00 cons hit the spot. vu hand ser 107 90-005 sopy Reach Hp s eo 7] wy R ae wo a DRG ‘Abend reaches out in "fiend: ship. Give me some slack and make! hand hod rope loo 1B rood v4 OF hands w/ope z Thisiso | HAND” 598 hand, fo. 7 ‘An exira hand helps pull up the rp This iso hand. Wi hond 502 Oh hands witope ma al a) (Rat a SA ua AN don gk otlai/mary/naty ‘Werk with your left hand eat with your right. (ur hands get warm from puling fon the rope all day. Bond on conmucton 10st) hand sce muh se Dey hands w/rope ms 108 REACH / GIVE eos-ai0 Give THAND? 009 (HUCK EXTRACT, MISS we hand plucks a frend from danger. or sO and ovo This iso hand. ws saz This is « hand, to. uv ee Ahand receives the diploma, Pi hand of hand ed fre 20, wae st swings from one hand to ‘OFFER, RAISE ACT, PERFORM 612) [HONOR FAME, PRAISE ais KO. at, kozone A raised hand is offered a diploma A baccalaureate addres filed with in the performing ors. praise and honor, 1 rie 18 hand si hand 9 PS hond ost apaok sw EGR EES 2 109 oie Boor Leg goa x6 oto. He dances ond leaps over the fence. 34 dows Leap to caich a flying bird 1B lag 017 DB wings 20 Obit 29 TEG, SUFFICIENT 617] ke An outsretched leg te urge my son to run person 302 leg 617 10 Leo THACE, REMAINS FOUOW, COMPLY a HE 0 shiogou Iran from the path of the FOUOWER, FUTIUTY ee tt 10 ct, Heir I's futile to follow such o fast ailion Fest 7h lion 0 ‘complacent followers runner. 1B poh vie DS follow mast GB leg oir path tie hn eas ‘CROSS, EXCEED, EXCEL oz) [RN 25, eu Es) tone, be honsu/s hosing cond run to erass beyond the lancewielding sentry Dim as hotberd_ Run on the ground. B ground 10 leg a sstech, and run out ofthe he morning, Of ue HOLD, CARRY, OFFER a ‘My legs ond hands carry the day. Bhond sw Ban tag ot PROCEED, GO. 6 th pho oimn SAU Proceed when the signal permits Dw os Ch omnounce mae m 7-099 Bopy i Game AE) \ ersu, v0 Stan Wes Re A standing person. o ax anioursonan ose ‘two brothers oa mie bree “ ‘The attendant stood on a box af Wer, CRY Ge) (TRADE, DEAL SEAL aa AL ii + o wo 316 ve eS aoe (am soni rr /b Stond weeping in a puddle of ears, Stand ata booth and make o deal. Stond inline The person's height is double of the standing man. IE paren 1 OE ond ar mal ROW, LINE, RANK, ORDINARY wor se Bond ar snd dohing 1 1D flak 27h bond week moi» AD happiness 73) CU seize x9 x BUDGE, CUT, DECIDE 1022) seboky, tw Hal decides to eut the sleeves from his clothes. 1 holberd ae slohing 00 CLOTHING 707 Apiece ofelothing hing his clothes onthe fruit ee runing naked, og sO ld 21 ian 7 1023-1090 Toots Knife ] ] The thorn pierces like o knife ’ thom nisir Oh bole er © katona A mighty sword BLADE, SWORD 1024) A egg The chopped wood becomes on Sia engraved bedpost hos o sharp blade, 1D pig mio Ol le we CORE NUCLEUS | DIVIDE, MINUTE, UNDERSTAND 1025) [PUNISH 06 KK mM GZ Hi) et oe = oo =| WATS, AG {fll ito confusion when my lifeline Stabbing is punished by a J divided in two. imprisonment. ‘Speaking gets the knife /net ps Det se med ses Copier inde jor Btw Bet eo il 17a KNIFE iy» baile eo BURGE SPUT, DIFFER 1032) olor ek splits into two prongs. bre moms ke 1a? E MODEL, MOID, Ch modeling tools. a ey cr 1034 1) SETSU, SA} bi | eut it into seven pieces. seven 501 word REAP, CUT, SHEAR 1036 Xl] bows Cut ond shear with scissors cand a knife, 1H sors o-tooe Oh ke soar I This element ‘means knife, JUDGE, SEAL, SIZE vas) | *l] HAN, BAN The judge cut the seal in two with o knife. 1 bol vr hile or 173 voaw- toa Toots ipment “El me © Nuts rotate around bolts (GOODS, QUAINT, KIND 1036} a. wan HH im enon 7 opi ‘Three opened boxes of goods. 1 opening se opening sce 6 opening se EQUIPMENT, MEANS 1050) ga san ‘ ou Ft em This umbrella con comfortably Stereo and video equipment. shade four people. Foye sn sl isa eter #30 parton tt VESSEL, UTENSIL, SKILL Toso) (SPEECH, KNOW VALVE PETAL O41) (HIT, STRIKE i ba | Abig kitchen utensil | wish I could put a shutoff valve on Hold a nail and strike it exacly his speech. its heed. opening bay big 013 hod sto Oh et sa 174 [FONEST, CHEAP, ANGIE re ry house can buy two brooms at honest, cheap price. bing 11 bie Key, oN ‘ows, combine 001 ous oi snoman dislikes housework en at} combine 161 buldng is used for ordinary rg so Shand 507 use es EQUIPMENT / BROOMS te 77) E& ‘Ahand sweeps the broom, 1D hard 599 Oh hand w/broom ose RETURN I'm returning your broom. 1D folow mow GL hand w/broom tose SOAK, IMMERSE = . SB I Cr - sata c A mop soaked up the wate Br 66 hd 7 bd Brooms Two brooms are combined ito one. OOH = Ths elanet shows a hand holding = cbroom TE 1059 1056 roots Buil A catpenter's square is used in construction, MERIT, SERVICE 1059 Wy 1O.Ku He offers his constuction services, 1D censtuction ase power 708 ‘The Japanese commonly build homes of bamboo and wood, bombs 122 work 0 Gi comme MEDIOCRE, COMMON __id BON, HAN oren This common person trie tide his mediocrity 76 Burt 107 068 [LARGEBEAM FAG FOIE —"1061) (BECOME, MAKE, CONSIST 6,0 veny/se ribute was paid with money A.wooden beam is used in Hol becomes o maker ofhings orsructon labor. constuction with his ox ewoncion 184 2 maney_ 78 10 tee teh contusion est Hoberd 1s exo mic SUSPEND, HANG DOWN 1062) (EASTIE To su 0 vera ro shee The blonkets hang on the drying ‘In Hal's hands, earth i piled up ond racks becomes 0 castle Doo io) become tis VINEGAR, SOUR 1059) ‘SPINDLE, SINKER 1063 BS PROSPER, HEAP, SERVE 1067, AKU q su a $8110 0, suppl tomy, omer rots whow/a 1s made from alcohol. ‘The metal sinker hangs in the water. Hal's dish is heaping wi Ol odse ono 1D mel 10s Ch hang down oi become ious duh at) UE, DECEIVE, 1060 SlEEP Tosa) Spf [Sinceniry 1088 SA sul o se mre rrakoto sar fabricated words. When sleepy my eyelidshorgdown, Hal's sincere. His words become true, oh co dee miase Dow oe Th hong down 042 WD word nan become net 7 ie Cut up the rice. 1 ice a7 Wo iw SHIH, CH Pawn two quality axes for some money. Bh axa tar money 708 TooLs AX WEIGHT 1072 Fr Aweighty ax. [GRAFTSMAN 1073) lia 5H Acraftsman keeps his tools ina box BS eclsed 78 ox 72 BEND, BREAK, OCCASION 1071 it sersu ov or/eore Grab the bent ond broken ox Dhondt ax wr REPEL REIECT =m Evo) se. S tikoy | pledge never to breck my word. break 10 word a sex a PASSON DEATH 1075) ah Z | repelled it with on ox Death backs H's maton (& brook or 1D movement ris) 178 RADICALS Thousends of kanji are built from a few hundred bosie elements. Of these basic elements, roughly eighty of the most he quently used elements are known a radi cols. Radicals often indicate the “topic” of a character. Kanji with the radical sow 101 often have meanings associated with soil or ground, such as BA 28, FACE, in basho, “location,” shown ot right. Below are © handful of frequently vsed radicals. WATER 66) [Fike_—“@2) [SOL_Tor) , t a GRASS_124)} (HEART_478 ) [HAND 300) “ t F I} 3 Dill P (7 a ee i © 20 some CAOTAL 1077) — 4 J ‘N 90, Kel Cool raindrops fall. 1H wot ce capital SCENE, VIEW, BRIGHT A capital building surrounded by small velings : a= . a rae ‘A bright ond sunny view of he capital Bans 1 cop er SHADOW, LIGHT, MAGE Capital can also be seen {95 stone lantern outside the capital city The sun's cays cast ight ond da shadows. 1 copt vor dee 5 in 180 PLACES CTY, MARKET Tosa Th si ia | buy clothes in the city market. VILAGE 087) 8 ‘A samuroi stands in afield before fhe village oul Get RET — 0s) (FORE OR io sya oo Sale a Highrise opariments all look the This sign shows whot town you're building in China, @ hand ces K'ung fu chops. 1 hand 7 opaning 8 fs sen " # yj ] {A sentry protects every inch of our village Dee 16 ch 796 but this sign tells you exactly ‘what leek you're in. 181 1090 1074 PLACES - x8 ‘The suburbs ore Village 2B (CAPITAL, METROPOUS 1090 10,180 miyoko People flock to the metropolis to beyond the village. sell their wares. 0 nic a 1B perion ace UF viloge tre loge one (COUNTY, DISTRICT 092) [MAL REIAYSTATION 1093) [YILAGE/HIL™ tora) ‘acter and hill when Lord of the county. ‘A mail bog waits at the relay on the left. Picture @ station. flag placed on o hill 1D bord ar 1 ilage one 1D hand down 12 viloge sone fo marka village. PLACES Gate (GATE, DOOR 1701 MON ede ‘Two doers form a gate. LEISURE, QUIET nio2] AN aN There's o quiet, peaceful scene of rees outside my gote. Gare FA Hes ein, shar ess post holds the gate shut, (Ose, SHUT 1703]) FACTION, CIANUNEAGE 1106 (One faction attacks outside the gate. SUDDEN ENTRY, INOURE 1107 Fre] crn Suddenly, c horse entered hands open the gate. gah. em ick ia sie 01 honds eee shine pours through the gap in Gloom stood ot the gate, shrouded in darkness, moking no sound got ot sound a The gote obstructs my view of the mountain, the gote. nie es let 1 gate 0 B® orock a 1 gate 10 hore a DARKNESS, GIOOM Tro7) (BARRIER, CONNECTION tive | Ba fz aN ran hot, ober yen ei A barrier prevents me from leaving the gale, gas 0 ASK mH A= ‘Ask by puting your mouth fo the gale 1 gate 0 cor FA HEAR, ASK STEN, 1112 bor mine BUN, MON ky /koary Hear more with your ear fo the gate, 1 gore 10 BE mouh se 185 nia-120 PLACES FURNACE ‘A furnace has fire behind its dow. Dies door 139 Door BF =m iz (oor) Mercere This door is really side of the door. 1 door sna Haltofaseloon dow. fhe laman 9007 at person tn TEAR Ts wR Tat PA ru sHo seria vokore 9, coms AA fan is like 0 flapping door. B door 13 wings 0 STORE, BUILDING Big John shed fears when his wife The place to chop wood is by * walked out the door the door Go through o door to reach the woe eB door is big 99 door 2 Max om 1B door 3 wach 8 poor DELIVER, REPORT iz ie tedolu lew Deliver the pizza to my door. DMOAT, DITCH CANAL 127, He AA drawbridge door covers the meat, but people sill have trouble leaving, lord ofthe palace shakes an ox Jal who come to his door 3 ogeer 9 hand door ne coe 76 Deal 10) habits SUBMIT, CROUCH 725) [ENCE WAIL Kursu He You must erouch to leave through Ihis strange door. doe 18 love ose We built his Fence to keep people out 1D val 10 Oh once mine aR, WALK, FOOTWEAR shoes when walleing TEAK nr ae aaree RES Drops of rain leak through the door 1B water 66 OB door 114 von as DG. 9, | offen hove to dig them out by hand. 1B nd 80 1 ebm 15 187 0-199 PLACES [RA Tempte 1130, * He A chalice is used in temples and halls i tock 14s opening sto sil 1a) (House Home 1033) ct vaKu Government office workers ght themselves medals, 1 buldng 10 BE atach 7 Home is o roof over your head. Proof 1B cpenyp mains PAIACE, SHRINE, PRINCE 1131 Di} Co e The prince lives in a twostoried palace BS took 1 90, 60, x0 1 joined Blocks 2191 ROOM, HOUSE ITE | eS a samTsu Reach for some flowers to decorate the house. Brot a The sign marks the government agency. B buldng 09 rock 15 fw roc oe TODGE, SHELTER, HOUSE fa sHuKU yoo, yodon 3 8 ‘The ledge holds o hundred people. I of sak petson 282 6] hundied sor WIDE, SPACIOUS, = REACH, GO, PEAK 1135 si Reach forthe plant in the soll Baron mits soll 11 _=— KAKU Spread your hand wide. hand 0 Oh wide 1a hiroi/aene | have a wide and spacious bud for myself 1 buldng 1) priate 10 BUILDING & ROOF Foact rooms) This element means building. This element means roof. READINGS Kanji in dictionaries can be found by three methods: radical search, stroke counting, cand pronunciation. Each method is laborious ‘ond uncertain. Which element is the defining radical? Which is the correct reading of several possibilities? Even after you identify the reading/meaning of an individual character, you may then have to search in. separate compound dictionary to find the definition of @ word like ryok6, at fight, which means “rip, “journey.” Kanji dictionaries are usually arranged by radical and stroke count. Word dictionaries are arranged in the order of the syllabaries—a, i, u, @, 0, ka, ki, ku, fe, ko, etc radical: } ic faadiige: RYO, 8 other meanings: TRAVEL JOURNEY ot [GO__1192}) radical: 4 stroke count: 6 readings: KO, AN, GYO, ik, okonou, oki other meanings CONDUCT, COWMN N aq nstn57 sourNner (LOST PERPLEXED Kk | got lost searching . TMOVENE! for rice J) This element move 1) Me AAA ATAU HE Ha MH i HAH Miu HIUITIE ut inh Iu i AA Hn HA AE MITRAL hi Mil IN TLITTUTTTLUTTAT TUTE TAIT UT TCU A ACROSSING 7155) [PASS WAY, COMMUTE 36 j ! iA 130 rr veav/ev boyor q ar | eros ten intersections cond pass mony things as | Go around the river: commute to work 1G mow vis ton oe Bove vis use as Comoe nM fr 5s move se 195 a aN hoya cmoti/eu/a2 EXCLUDE, Nove fast! There was an excess of material for REMOVE 165: building the rood, Bro rss fot ms BE aS (ee Fast 1759) [ROADWAY Te on romoka Remove the excess materials from road. hid tome Oh excess ns sow To hers emia speedy delivery ofa bundle of The road was built wth excess niches, materials Grow ss bundle 19 Bmore 1s Ml ecess 16 HEN. horu/s2 It returns in the opposite direction. 1B move visi oppose os7 .. FOUOW, OBEY 164) WN | follow out of respect. 1B move 159 sped 79 3K RETURN na 193 ESCAPE 170-1179 iGN_ OMEN, TRILLION 3 VICINITY, BOUNDARY na RETREAT, WITHDRAWAL 1178) BZ from the prison, oe 159 coptre mrs ar Bin irilion people were frightened by Men with swords guard the: Retreat from the scary sight boundary. VT This way “chopped time off our journey. We are near. Drove mo Man 100 I resent people storing at me 1 hoon Oh sop/siore 78 ASE, PURSUE ve your but in hot pursuit, rove 89 bumocks se She's walking upside down just to be contrary. big iv BE ([STOPAND STARE" 1178. As an element this can mean stop and stare with bulging eyes and gaping mouth xk "ALTERNATE, ROTATE 1179) Tensu {took on alternate path ond got lost. Binovwe 59 W lowe | 90-1189 Boat JOURNEY BOAT Ship 1180) Fit sH0 fone fe Row the oors ofthe beat. SAIL VOYAGE Ta My voyage begins from the shel of the dock BB boot 100 8 shber 17 dk mi The boat caries the axwielding general. 1D boot 00 hand w/e m2 BOAT, SHIP i ie ish | The hull ofa ship is an opening made of wood 1B boot 180 sp 4 opening 196 Boat / cart rea1190, (OAD, CARRY Tea) [Vencle, cr TRACK, RUT, WAY 1188 CART x & & Cart 1 ow veu/ies sia : kaos [Nine times the cort got crt This eartcories ings sick inthe rut eee eer from the field. © con 107 Ml nine cos: whi Deon nw AE boberd [WHEEL HOOP ise) (AME, SHAFT, SCROLL 1190) ‘ae eal a RN inthe cart and accompany me The wheel fel off my cart The axle was the cause of my problem, he cot tw 1B can 17h parton 207 GB book woe WD cont 1) cause 7 -ne7 JOURNEY J Road — (ROAD, AREA 1191) AKA ‘mach #1 ‘m new to this area, Which road 1B poh 1 sally) 10 ‘GO, CONDUCT, COLUMN 1192, ; = That person wandered abou in all directions 1D poh 2 ecson at KO, GYO, AN vaku, £41 Uj Axowielding senties do their duty. ‘goes into town? 1D poh ne Oh hand w/or me SUBIUGATE, TRAVEL 4 ZS = = E = Cute direct path through the jungle. My master has gone down his path. You must only travel he cored 1B poh vier hand wo GH soil ot poh sien mater 703 poh im Oh cone 198 ROAD / cRASH! fle THUNDER, REVERBERATE 1198 TATE, ROU, TUMBLE 199 a J Crash! 4 GEESS) a= A collision in the road path 2 heavy 2 al his power: ory 12 powar 745 cH tecb/oae oon eat ‘eee mel 6 - loft a heavy ec rolls nd tumbles ino pile of folded Jars dod ae ia ERT Ta) (WORK 1704 & i {) wun 00 hetorty an ties fo move the heovy car Gain merit by trying to move the =: We worked fo get he car to move heavy, burning car. Glie on its own power. Bmore 300 1D penon 262M move to 199 ms-1a01 JOURNEY Stop... x rae ‘STOP _ 1205 nono dE Step in each box low protest 218 openings si Stop. DEAL WITH, PLACE 7a UL sto. | do business deals ot my desk 1 slow progiess i218 det mi BASE, BASIS AR OROERTARE =) te ma) az an ve i Safe (Gossoven uase 08) = 2 SHS We plan fe stop that person ee The deos ore based on hon ioe! STOP... & START AGAIN 1212-218 ENTWINE, CONNECT 72a) [FALL DROP 12s) [FOlOw, SOW PROGRESS" 1218 + A This element suggests : s slow progress, V 7 a, ‘or stops and starts. eaxy wu 7 foram ae ochin/iow Tc He became entwined in the thread. Wtread 4 each 00 Ta (CABINET, CHAMBER Fal ach oficial reneoted to his chamber. Dgoe ic each 208 ROAD, ROUTE, Tae Ee We legit down each and every road. 1 eech 207 ig ov Each person falls on the wet grass I gros 126 wor 66 Gooch 1207 GUEST VisTOR = YAKU, KAKU Tae Each man is a guest at this house. Brooh 1— ach 207 FAIL, ALIGHT, DESCEND 1217, es Start st. Again Dit ror how pogees 10 raye-1m5 JouRNEY ENCOUNTER, WET Tam) (GREE waone a HH < Come 18 x0 % oa : ioc COME 12s} ba 1a eet He went fo greet hi rend ote a ‘rate Gc ol ei Acme ae gem tie Srl OFFICIAL COMPANION __122i]) [TOOK UP, STATE, RESPECT Vai] a a fi my companion This person respectfully looks up cot his fiend by the turnstile, Beat mum ant 1D percn 42 OF bending pron o- (TANK Te VAT 222) _[RESTRAIN PRESS DOWN, za) Haye 2M for our Hot Tub Encounter Group, The turnstile restrains visitors 1D wood te OB comporion tz) hond 80 OL banding pont These brief notes give information about elements not covered in the main tex. The evolution of phonetic, symbolic, and pophic connotations over centuries makes it dificult to fully describe the meaning of each element. See Kenneth Henshal’s A Guide to Remembering Jopanese Characters, from which much of ths information is derived. ms 9 m3 me m9 wet rise The sun rising through the grass. Compare with ean v9. ‘rack Phonetic meaning winged bird See winc 330 and ao 219 9FASS _Vorian! of GRASS 124 dlear/high Entry 20 refers tothe element's Phonetic meaning of “clear.” Enty 85 refers to @ Chinese character meaning “high.” Port of a phonetic element meaning “wet.” high Phonetic mecning Kneeling From 0 pictogroph of @ person kneeling big-eyed lizard Moy refer to the chomeleon which can change colors rays From piclograph of rays of sunlight. Distinguish from easy 23. mask froma piclogroph of a summer festival mask branches From a pictograph of branches lightning From a pictograph of lighting. tremble Phonetic meaning Person From a pictograph of an upsidedown child. Compare with citD 447 planks From a pictogroph of a tree cut in hol. red Variant of tp 929. Previous As. sland-olone character, this element has the readings SeN, sak. ‘steam From a piciogroph of swirling vapors. stagnant From o piciograph of a waterweed. emerge Refers oa geyser; can olso mean “boil.” cliff From 0 pictogroph of a elif 09 en en7 125 128 e133 ne137 157 9-170 mis 176 offer From a pictograph of two hands holding con offering plants Picture o voriant of re 214 doubled. crack Represents 0 crock in the ice creature From o piciograph of a scorpion scene Picure it os a standing mieror. Distinguish from 100K 543. ath Moy derive from MoveneNt 1189 speak As. standalone character, his has the readings UN, iy, and is sometimes used to mean “speak.” Itcan also mean “cloud.” See entry 54 flower From o piciograph of a flower. hands From a pictograph of two hands. Graphically identical to Geass 124, roots Think ofthe line os representing the roots of tree. Distinguish from TREE 126 shine Picture rays of light radiating ouward flow Looks grophically similar too bent willow. basket From o piciograph of a basket ‘extreme Phonetic meaning upright As a stondlone character, ths has the readings CHOKU, Ji, neoru, sugu. desk From « pictograph of a table or desk clothes This isthe radical form for ciomNG 1021 Disingvish from the radical GON 695 thread (x2) _A variant of R640 964 slow progress Actually a combination of iow PROGRESS 1218 and @ variant of cow 275, insert From o piclogroph of @ person being squeezed by @ person on either side. mei77 187 e202 e212 mari ara neara mars ease 204 plant From o piciograph of ¢ plan. uniformity From pictograph of uniform gridwork, such os a lattice window or a gril Person Picture PERSON 362 and its mirror image. well As. standolone choracte, this has the reading 1 quantity As stand-alone charecter, this has the readings AY, hakary. stop A voriant of siow pRocress 1218. Pair Convoluted etymology, acc. to Henshall vessel From o piclogroph of o vessel. water A variant of waren 57. humility From 0 pictogroph of a bentover body. all Convoluted etymology, acc. to Henshall, ‘meaning “all in the sense of "bringing-together,” with the extension “exomine.” Protect Phonetic meaning. See also Basket 190, leap Fhonetic meaning group Phonetic meaning hand Voriant of Howie 57 play Phonetic meaning. stomach Aso siandalone character, this has the reading J dragon Old style of oescon 358. tower A variant of ra 1150, which comes from @ picograph of tower what? Aso standlone character, this hos the readings KA, nani, nan hand A variant of xano 600, fallen person seoted person ferder Phonetic meaning of "put in orde use Possibly a variant of use 285. ConvoUled ‘etymology ace. to Henshall From a pictograph of a fallen or 387 387 a7 reais n-a20 nana eae nae reas 497 1-500 nos Assi6 nesa2 nese n-ss2 no5s0 562 flog From pictogroph of o flag fering device Obscure. Acc. fo Henshal i fom 0 Picture ofa winnowing mechanism for cleaning grain hhand w/stick A variant of vox 597, elbow From a piciogroph of on elbow. big Henshall has an interesting discussion abost whether the element here means “big” or “bed.” depend From a Chinese meaning of “depend C0" Note similarity to 8 Wy pRCUATY 786, breast This element’ shope suggests « woman's breast. See n92, “kneeling figue.” lungs _Symbolizes a lung, with the element ot "ight for "esh” supporting the meoning north Aso slandelone choracter, this has the readings HOKU, kita ‘order As. stand.olone character, his has he readings RE, RO. necessarily As 0 stand-clone choracer, tis has the readings su, onorazy. pull apart From a piclograph of an archer’ hand puling ono bow. crouch From 6 picograph of a crouching penn pierce Depicts wo objects pierced by oso. Progress The element Siow noc 128 Nese Enire character comes fom pictograph of a nose subject As 0 stand-alone character, ths he he readings sty ane Person Acc. to Henshall, this represents 0 person bending over to sore ot water in o bow, singing Phonetic meoning sudden Phonetic meoning ‘exhale Symbolic meaning hhand Think of his 0s reac 273, i meni i mnie mn ene 725 731 733, Squeeze Think ofthis as two men bock to back being squeezed from top and bottom hand grasping From a pictogroph of « hand grasping an onimal's til writing From piclogroph of « hand holding o brush. hands w/rope Comprises HAND REACHING DOWN 09, HAND REACHING U” 600, and a knoted rope basket From a piciograph of « basket. follow From a piclogroph of reson 363 doubled. announce Phonetic meaning prostitution Graphically similar to @ character mooning “sell.” brain From a picograph of a brain. Imagine the X morking the brain enclosed in a skull topped with aie vapors From « pictograph. See sTEAM 6 rice A simplification of act 217. enclosed A simplification of enciosto 778. man on cliff From a pictogroph of o ben! figure on a cli ‘appropriate Phonetic meaning. kneeling figure From a piclograph of a kneeling person bent figure From a piclograph of o bent figure. official Aso standolone character, this has the reading I. pierce From a piclograph of money threaded on asring. burden Phonetic meaning. I! looks like WaRmion 753 corrying a load exchange Acc. o Henshall, this is from a pcre Fo horse's bit, suggesting “change of direction.” Person Of convolied etymology give Phonetic mecning, 7a 749 1-750 nyse never nee22 n-o78 press shine From « piclogroph of re 09 doubled. strive Phonetic meoning hands From a pictogroph of two hands wielding fon ax, as 0 soldier does in battle. bean + inch Convoluted etymology. Derives from a charocter meaning “hit.” offer Phonetic meaning ‘wet Phonetic meaning. Obscure relation lo endure. hold Acc. to Henshall, from © pictograph of a child holding o toy. ‘enclosures The enclosed X iso simplification of what was originally three enclosed squares. Phonetic meaning, surround Phonetic meoning, dot Acc. to Henshall, the dot was used to distinguish @ piclogroph of o string of beads from the similarly shoped character KING 743, me Phonetic meaning hemp Acc. to Henshall, « simplification of plants. rounded Phonetic meaning 2 persons crouched. man From a picograph of a man opening his ‘mouth to brag. Evolved into meaning of “give.” feelings Phonetic meoning, administer As o stond-alone character, this has the readings st, tsukasodory hands From a pictograph of hands roling rice. This is the kanji used in femaki sushi dam From a pictogroph of « dam; borrowed meanings lead to “exis. circumference As a stond-alone character, his has the readings std. mawar Two persons, one fallen, the other 205 OE 957 972 982 n-1002 1012 me1019 1027 1028 thread Borrowed meaning from graphically similar character meaning occuk. illusion Unclear origin and meaning. drum From o piciogroph of a tesseled drum, flat Phonetic meaning seek out two A simplification of rwo 098 to suggest twice 05 big and fat little dot Whole choracter was once writen as four litle dots jquid A voriant of ware 57 ray Acc. to Henshall, the entire character derived from a picture of @ pointed thumbnail tis ‘easier to think of this top element « “ray.” Phonetic meaning dry up Phonetic mecning turn over Phonetic meaning, leek Convoluted etymology ace. to Henshall twist Phonetic meaning broom From a pictograph of a broom, Often shown with @ hand as in 800m 1052 needle + buttocks A combination of sis? 1005 and aurioce 486 weave From a pictograph of interwoven sticks. wind Actually a stand-alone character (SON, HAN, oyoso) meaning “mediocre,” but used here as «simplification of win 4a hand w/tool From a pictograph of a hond with tool seize Grophiccly identical to enity m1019, but this element comes from a pictograph of a hand seizing o bentover figure. thorn This combines o ree with a pointed clement fo suggest “horn.* Pig. A variant of io 279. 1092 n-1036 1049 n-1058 ne1065 1096 e108 einto nenia3 1128 enst mens niias 1150 ens? nis na1169 mu7s ne1220 1223 bone A voriant of ventana 474, shears From ¢ pictograph of shears Utensil From a piclograph of a pair of hands holding up a kettle; came to mean “equipment.” follow A very simiplified variant of cuase 1172 adze From o piciograph of an adze. exact A voriant of sick. 1089, ‘origin As a stand-alone choracter, this has the readings GEN, GAN, moto. mound From a piciograph of mounds of earth hands From a pictograph of two hands reaching to open the gate. bar Phonetic meaning ‘walk: From on old character meaning “walk.” Includes Siow moctEss 1218. fence Phonetic mecning joined blocks Symbolic meaning suggesting, ‘ce. to Henshall, “connected rooms.” ‘open up Phonetic mecning. ‘arrow The whole character comes from a pictograph of an arrow reaching its destination. tower From a piclograph of o tower. eastle From a pictograph of a caste. fast Phonetic meaning. multitude As 0 stondalone character, ths has the reading sho. bi east bending person From o piclograph of a person bending o greet someone, ‘An inversion of ac 913. From a doubling of east 91 BA...1082 1 chore 89 obi 7 abana 88 Bebo I7 bo. 27) bo 82 1 opener ..705 A ogo Pas 942 8 oge...612 8 ew Poa 28 B90 S90 BM S16 oid. 1105 bai 928 Bebe 8 tosh... 629 1 tuk... 20 bey on hay... 1104 Hob. 41 1 lioy...630 BAU. 522 Boh 198 8 oba/tiv/toss 7 Bond er) erovers Prokow .272 onesies 1161 ome. a8 Won... 984 omw..966 ean 10 BIN A BAN ln07 FAN ol 192 Ro AS Hone Al Bet he MESES RETR EO a ARO MN owe wm oF 0gy.--1119 gy. 1224 00h 997 0 881 oroy 593 fa 1001 rome 09 68 ost 873 1207 9 7 ow. 74 cxabom 74 ty 320 Oto 17 835 hn 998 ona 520 torohi.1001 tor. 1N73 lant .595 ltkoi/mary e608 tka! Pg 7 Boe 618 ATU 875 bn AOS Aas 129 en A Oi 1220 Arcsen $89 0 AB 9) nn 87 owotey Peder 608 oyakony. 268 oyamozh 04 ARMM ARNETTE RTA E KLAR SARE Oe TASTER ERE Oe oyoman, oyonere vest ‘bio. coyote aACH, eal bal Bal bal oka BAKU Baku BAKU, aku, BAN Ban Ban Bars aru BASU sarsu BaTSU EN, ben BeTsU 768 209 soa 570 04 1207 269 207 291 28 1030 248 247 a1 62 707 a74 a 9 ra 776 1019 7 156 240 308 1035 145 08 900 1090 1106 1173 oa? 930 1032 287 34 470 523 810 256 710 FSR HARSH OAR NASD ROSH EMT SIRT MU ATES ae Me uTsu uTsu BVO 80 cchaxu. ccHaKu. cH, As at 89 162 8 274 265 390 60 2 663 659 702 ms 206 967 1098 ma 97 126 276 538 92 258 526 1056 701 703 798 958 959 02s 837 1025 a2 285 a7 64 208 921 28 80 102 548 FEM RMS MSHS SEK AB EME YOM ATR SAMO EERE REESE TES ct cu. cH hi oh chi hich hg ii chit. bite. choy. cru cru ccrixu HIN. HN 560 56 1070 449 508 910 a7 a9 1061 928 1174 ms 074 ra 289 1055 721 1109 TST LEMS RKP STAR RHONA ETH RTO coxu coxu. GON GON. “oe. v0. GO. Gyo. GO. GyoR ow Ha he rrnr hobo oben hao Hace ade hada doko oy howe ogems res hohe 139 3a 131 240 43 309 1039 1131 202 752 1092 7 175 354 355 are 20 920 192 1228 705 275 ° 454 489 135 7 330 491 024 rea 281 541 351 ar 1018 214 | Ww 750 ra 2s | Be>R eas S Beeae Pe SH eR RRB RR RRS SEE SET 469 a12 961 962 192 954 S48 aia 548 81 Sed 285 169 257 S76 96 1160 1048 1123 ° 156 207 207 526 666 728 741 866 907 997 1012 1095 1056 182 Ne 70 318 369 SeHO ORR MRR EERE ENR RE PRMTT EE RS SESMERGERERSE ogy. 240 ha ATU... HATSU. 0 bere hay 158) ayo) hyo horshoroan 7 hominy. 25 eae ll ha SID a) HE SA Ma. 9 Hc HE 1097 nr) He nia eK. 1069 kom. 917 HEN 86s PARE RAE RHN NASH ORRRR SRS Hen Hen Hen i hi hi ni H. H. 4 H. Ht 4. H H. H. H H 4. ido igs iru Mw ie ied fiton. i i itt ok it. eo ‘ese eo hw ioe barons he 966 16a 17a 1 7 89 4 a7 394 399 46s 486 407 490 497 504 646 709 963 1002 na 601 36 458 550 269 269 876 22s 292 710 1038 04 921 1139 584 n 29 MSR ORHEMASRBSMA STOR HTT SHS RENE RE THAMES | > wD ish osu io ho. hori Poss 23 1050 363 397 288 497 592 278 290 1012 774 Ww 207 ne ra 175 386 389 391 a9 se) 703 760 784 8 945 48 1020 195 | 739 388 13 06 61a 636 125 29 a7 86 $3 lie 79 ASST USP SK OURT SI ARORA RS OR NTE RO Re RH BR one owt on 73 ott BE owen 1129 oth 06 Poth t71 oto 986 tor 38 hook. 684 Hvany 209 HYD on 9 HY... 876 HY 754 HYD 922 HYD 993 HYD 994 ' 23 ' 370 1 432 ' 652 ' 729 ' 887 1 989 1 1021 WO 897 ich. 1084 (idole... 581 dom 579 * 281 hag 19 i 96 doy 523 Ai nD Ue 890 Bey 988 Bap oD 192 Hh 823 ine 31 imoshiees RERUN ISR ME ATTSP TAM MTRO> SOO RH ORE Sasa as aR ‘womashil Bhi ‘sogoshi ‘og. odaki iodo. ioifaw waxy. rN w a 650 730 263 1096 960 963 335 954 97 928 WEP ERER BARKS ESHER EH SORE EVEN STRESS HD %. 6. 0. yoru. 542 551 355 590 685 690 61 701 742 1165: aa 1190 363, 368 “7 1024 1095 hse 220 181 air 1165: 26 209 416 594 294 940 a2 79 1065 1066 1067 70 408 $10 23 336 sea 621 735 1202 HSS TPR AT ESTHET OME TOR AK ROM aussewe Be BUR 152 WN ood? WN 827 WN TS BUND a 1 oc 906 a 40 KA 8 Khoon KA cco KA on 828 KAA KA 29 KA nn? Ro BAO KA WA 71 WR 7A Rn ABB Ronn The S82 Kp Fh Kh cn FA 8% FA AB KA 9 odo :280 ado... 1101 ooriniy..541 ogy. 1049 hoor Pat N63 began... 106 ago 755 age. 1080 RA cB? A 8 FA ol A 202 FA 208 FAB 209 SORA RPANR ESR HERP SEDERTRECAA DER D errr iret Kal Kal Kal beohow eho tokawory olomu/a 364 ‘500 ‘503 1042 nio4 1191 sai 976 858 703 88 230 280 317 aa 485 as ro) 80 1029 1196 M151 1209 1213 1216 598 353 197 1000 256 356 5o7 7 942 974 46 7 74 92 121 Boe O Mak O MN RORTRLanN SHR OR ERS R = ae RED ane FAN 289 KAN 272 KAN. 992 AN 339 KAN 394 AN 357 FAN conn? AN A857 KAN on S14 FAN on 539 KAN 608 FAN oon 718 KAN. 869 KAN 1037 KAN. 1102 KAN. 1105 KAN. 1110 tena 105 heorasit ‘bins. .804 onboshit 119 ano 108 onary 1051 ongosts.409 ooay 224 eran I96 fora. 1083 orada. 134 oti... 1005 toro feaw.1212 oan Hs0..872 egy 340 fo. 1086 ot 1S sonar rary .1202 kosogy...223 ein 412 ashe... 529 ea a 724 few, .172 apes some UR ARTS RUA RRO ENON TEMA BREE TRH et 986 ot. ft B85 ft 920 ot. 1033 ooch...920 ak. 678 oto 1023 ofan 87 keiowere..290 bate 219 RATSU 877 TSU 948 eb 82 fe7OF ered on 5S er ABS ew 86 wot 946 kowoa Pa oe 37 owas 837 eayop. 1156 fete cad KE DB KE 7A KE 808 KE 650 En 1008 KE nl O79 evn $92 kebdojnore..396 kegoceu/at Irawoahit.70 FE NID Ke 295 Ko 96 re 305 Eh A EL 567 EI 628 Meh 773 EL 885 Eh 920 REUSE PRE TH RASH HSER MSHI R EHR STMT RRR xe, xe. xe. xe. xe, xe xe, KEN, KEN. KEN. KEN KEN. KEN KEN. KEN. KEN KEN. KEN. KEN. KEN. KETSu, etsy ersu, etsy etsy, ower pa K « « x x «i x 6 6 i n x: 976 m7 1026 1039 1077 1079 189 131 17 27 298 299 300 307 335 484 543 965 51 105 270 195 501 525 559 269 6 oo 151 157 7 79 180 235 302 356 307 436 ar 620 BEeRU AO TSMR EEE % RSHESKT GREE OOH mot cH ess KU ‘he ke ‘ihy/toss. tina atu bint KN. aN KN IN rm AN NN KN, ow revs in tig. ioe eu bon su, bia woman rn os 650 63 728 758 758 969 70 1009 1040 1049 1188 1206 126 357 270 113 226 549 1 sor 417 a1 105 14 480 77 968 1072 v4 965 1048 208 Ton 28 70 557 708 200 SURHN CORA OSHA SEAT AS MRR UMRAO RUT SS kivorany, iyo Joss ioc bros fi bk be. te. be. xO Ko. KO Ko 6 Ko Ko 139) on 1028 1170 os 2 m a Ww 382 as 502 6 on on os 220 ina 140 121 109 to 2 224 282 37 403 409 a8 457 488 6) 71 740 a 01 02 39, ase 1 869 Gn 899 981 10997 10998 10.999) 11000) KO. 1059 1 on N54 KO rn O57 1 nt061 HO nn O85 1 OA 1B ol nr KO... 1181 AO onl 10.0217, KO N24 ero. 57 Net 9A fe 1092 Hone Bend Den 96 loa Ia 822 tony! aa fogs Poo. 320 Hogoaty 92 Boban 1D hei. 513 olor. 905 ob on A92 holon 828 ehooya 500 ekoroeme 311 tekorozoa sit OR 168 A SSSR BSR EO SEHR EBRD RS SRM OST SSe Smee KAR ORD in 225 ORU 285 KOKU 675 KOKU, 778 KOKU.....981 KOKU,.. 1028 fomokat..986 fomory...786 fe 217 omy/man..953 FON ond KON tO KON on 397 FON 9 FON 6 KON. 786 KON 934 KON... 1177 ena 282 herons Mrashl..448 Forobu/aan Poaos Pog88-..1199) boron 1021 oro oD Roth 992 fofost...86) bate... 590 eto 797 foto. B40 hotobe 859 fotona..925 betowony 1069 KOTSU.A72 wa $08 exo .612 Ku, 33 RU 38 HO 568 NUP fu 780 Wen? Se RHS MN ROSES SOR SOMME S OEE RES eemmwoee babors ub hate. uch ado udowy baie, ak ha lame, mony une. um, KUN. KUN. KUN. an oben aro ha horas teen baa baw en hema. nme. urs on br sr ave sr KuTsu Kursu te a 905 730 1053, 1054 1087 M131 198 254 ‘sa 917 566 21 43 361 2 189 4 ” 264 183 4i7 51 1209 779 394 10 370 34 920 931 968 1219 Tas 11a, ors 744 107 1009 879 112s 1129 488 202 > Ee VE SURES SO SOPRA HSMSERTENHTR RENEE REET Se wade 1206 woth. 284 hoz abssonN7A yAKU.. 1216 KYO 38 KO 383 WYO. 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