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Active Inspire Presentation

(Computer Smart)
Create an art history flipchart using Active Inspire. Choose an artist, your favorite work of art by
the artist, and write two paragraphs describing the art and artist. Use MLA formatting and
remember to have a Works Cited page listing all resources. When finished, you will create a
button on your home page and link your notes and artwork to the button. Label the button with
the full name of the artist.
Extra Credit Option: Present your Flipchart to the class.

a. Name______Jeff Koons ___________________________
b. How did this artist become interested in art?
i. In 1977, he moved to New York and began working at the membership desk
of the Museum of Modern Art. It was during this period that he first began to
work with garish inflatable flowers and rabbits, combining them with plastic,
Plexiglas, and mirrors to produce striking sculptures.
c. How did this artist get started?
i. Jeff Koons first emerged into the art world in 1980, when he had his first solo
art exhibition where he his art was influence by pop, conceptual, and
appropriation art.
d. Self-taught or formal education in art?
i. He studied at the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore and the
School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He received a BFA (bachelor of fine
arts) from the Maryland Institute of Art College in 1976.
e. Was the artist accepted as an artist during his/her lifetime?
i. Although, Jeff Koons first exhibition was widely viewed across the globe, it
wasn't until the 2014 when he got much recognition when the Whitney
Museum of American Art held a exhibition of him.
f. His art was influence by pop, conceptual, and appropriation art. The artist Salvador
Dali also influenced him.


Artwork--- Play-Doh
a. Materials used?
i. The sculpture was first conceived in polyethylene but was ultimately
fashioned from twenty-seven individual interlocking pieces of painted
b. What subjects did your artist focus on? (seascapes, western theme,
portraits/people, flowers, variety)
i. Childhood
c. How does this work of art make you feel?
i. This piece of art makes me feel nostalgic because of hoe it reminds me of my
childhood and what I used to do for fun.
d. If you were the artist, how would you have made this? What different materials and
processes would you use?
i. If I were the artist, I would have like to use actual Play-Doh and maybe make
it into some sort of abstract shape rather than a blob.
e. Does anything you see in this work of art remind you of something else you have
seen or experienced?
i. It reminds me of a childs artwork. It also reminds me of rainbow because of
all its different colors.


What is this work of art about? Is there a message that goes beyond the subject
i. It is about childlike imagination and that all children are artist.
g. What is the title of this artwork? How does the artwork relate to the title? If you
could rename the artwork, what would your new title be?
i. This artwork is called Play-Doh. The artwork relates to the title because it
looks like a giant pile of Play-Doh.
h. How does this work of art relate to you?
i. It relates to me because playing with Play-Doh is something I did a lot whne I
was a kid and seeing that reminds me of it.

a. List each website visited of which information was found and or used.
i. ________www.jeffkoons.com____________________________________
ii. ___________________www.biography.com_________________________
iii. _________________www.nytimes.com___________________________
iv. ______www.whitney.org_____________________________________
v. _________________________________________

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