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A Santiago Kastacr CHEVERE NICOLAS GUILLEN English iyrie by Thomas W. van Boo XAVIER MONTSALVATGE Lentisimo nuff atenpo Ché-ve-re del na-va- Che - ve~re who wieldsa ja = 20 se wuel veslmis-mo na - Stash ~ ing keige; has turned and be-come a — ——— Pica ta-ja-das de out-ting slices of the aw 10 ~~ lu-na se lea - ca - bas pi- ca ta-ja-das de er the moon has fad - ed; he slashes a-woay af d| a © Copsrteht 1959 by SOUTHERN MUSIC PUBLISHING CO. INC. International Copyright Secured Printed la U.S.A, 508-2 Ail Righte Reserved Including th Right of Public Peformance for Profit VARNING! A sthe copies of or the wards music ah A —,__. som = brathas la som-bra se le-2 -ca - ba, Pi - ca ta-ja-das de shad - ows, but the shad custhey too have van - ished; he then makes'a stad at ee : a = 74" eat can - = to, to, mdsel can - - to selea-ca - ba sing > = ing, but the song, St too ie end = - ings a Poco rit, Zz eo rR ites cE P. = gone tyen ton-ces, pi-ca quo pi - ca car-ne de su a Gnd there-fore, he hits up - onans-deas he goes straight uf - ter his Pesante — ud molto rit, 7 T 508-2

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