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Mormon Insights Article 4/page 1

Mormon Insights Article

Title (8 words)
Continue Walking Forward with Patience; God Will Work Out the Details

Commented [BH1]: Changed just for headline tone. Ok?

Deleted: as

Possible Kicker (122 characters, no spaces)

When life throws you unexpected turnswhen everything seems to fall apart or answers dont
comedont give up! God is just teaching you patience.
Synopsis (269 words)
As young adults, we face a lot of course-changing life choices. Seeking answers from Heavenly
Father can become daunting when answers seem to be delayed. In the April 2010 General
Conference, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf [] speaks of the importance of continuing in patience,
[] even when things dont
seem to be falling into place.

Deleted: s
Deleted: 6
Deleted: for
Commented [BH2]: We talked about SEO for your article in our
team 2 meeting. Im glad your article has such an easy one to find.
Good job incorporating this throughout your article. Please
remember to update your article summary package as well.
Deleted: 87
Commented [BH3]: Answers to questions about those choices?
Maybe connect these sentences with a transition or a phrase
explaining how choices lead to delayed answers.
Commented [CB4]: Checked
Commented [ML5]: Checked link

Patience is healthy, but it is a difficult attribute to develop. Usually patience comes slowly, even
painfully. Having patience is especially difficult in those times when we truly yearn for
something. Putting our own feelingsthe desires of our hearts, those things we want with every
fiber of our beingon Gods pedestal is more than difficult; it can be tear-jerkingly frustrating,
heart-wrenchingly painful. Yet putting everything at his feet and accepting the need to be patient
makes things work out in the way and the time they were always meant to work.
Patience does not mean giving up. In fact, it is more closely related to dedicating ourselves to a
purpose and promising ourselvesand Godthat we will not give up, that we will persevere
until the end, riding out whatever storms
[] may come. As President Uchtdorf says,
It means staying with something and doing all that we can. When the Lord waits to give us
answers, we can ease our fears by trying to understand why he wants us to develop patience.
This understanding helps us recognize that things will still work out. Being patient, accepting
Gods timing, and doing our part to continue moving forward bless us and lead to the fulfillment
of the very desires of our hearts.
Read more (89 words)
When we actively practice patience, we show our Heavenly Father what things we deem
important enough to wait for. If we dont care enough about something, we will give up on it
right away if it is not working out effortlessly. If, however, something really matters to us, we
will continue forward, persisting in our efforts until at last it comes to pass. This persevering
patience, makes us grow and helps us become more like God. And that, in Gods plan, is one of
the greatest blessings of all.

Commented [CB6]: Checked link

Deleted: s
Deleted: at the time they were always meant to
Deleted: Yet p

Commented [CB7]: Checked link

Commented [ML8]: Checked quote
Deleted: are being withheld
Deleted: as we try
Deleted: God
Deleted: may
Deleted: es
Deleted: can actually
Deleted: ; accepting Gods timing and doing our part to continue
moving forward will eventually lead us to that fulfillment
Deleted: persisting, this

Read President Uchtdorfs talk, Continue in Patience. []

Source: []

Commented [ML9]: Checked links and names

Mormon Insights Article 4/page 2

Additional Information:
Watch a short clip about a marshmallow experiment where little children were given a
choice: instant gratification of their appetites or a greater reward after a few minutes.

Commented [ML10]: Checked link

Possible Quotes for Memes:

Patience is a purifying process that refines understanding.
Our Heavenly Father knows what good parents come to understand over time: if children are
ever going to mature and reach their potential, they must learn to wait.
Patience . . . means staying with something and doing all that we can.
Never give up on anyone. And that includes not giving up on yourself.

Commented [ML11]: Checked quotes.

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