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In this unit students will continue to develop their fundamental movement skills, in particular kicking and

running. They will engage in modified small group games as well as whole-group games based on the
sport of soccer. In all games, students develop their fine motor skills, coordination, problem solving and
team-work abilities.
This unit is developed for a mixed ability year one group and will focus on refining fundamental
movement skills, developing team work and learning about and playing the sport of soccer. This unit will
run for six weeks, on a two week rotation between all three Year One classes.

Coordination dribble:
Set up a square about
15m x 15m. Each
student has a ball
and dribbles around
in the area.
Emphasise the
importance of
keeping your head up
and looking for open
space. Teacher calls
out directional cues
and students must
follow, ie. left, right,
stop (students should
be taught how to
stop, change

Week 1 Dribbling & Passing

Location: Basketball Court
Main Game/Activity 2 groups
Telephone Booth:
Set up a grid as shown in the diagram
below. Bring students into the centre
to explain the activity. The telephone
booths are the safe zones: no one
can be tagged while they are in the
booth. Only one person is allowed in a
booth at a time. Two taggers are given
pinnies (sports vests). Students dribble
in the space. If a tagger hits your ball
with a pinnie, you switch places with
the tagger (take their pinnie). No tag
Designate three taggers per group.

Cool down
Clap it, Catch it
The children are to stand in a
circle with a nominated
person in the middle with the
ball. This nominated person
then passes the ball to any
person in the circle. Before
the ball is caught, the receiver
needs to clap their hands
once before catching the ball.
If the ball is dropped / the
incorrect person claps then
the offender must go down
onto 1 knee as a first offence.
Then each time they reoffend
they must continue: 2 knees,
bottom, tummy and then out
of the game. If the task is
completed correctly then the
child can then move up to the
previous stage.

Passing Practice:
1. Students push pass against the
brick wall.
2. Set up a series of goals/gates in a
square with a person at each corner.
Players must pass to each other
before passing through the goal gate
(in the centre).
Soccer balls x 24

Soccer balls x 18
Pinnies x 6
Week 2 Dribbling & Passing


Freeze Tag:
Set up a square about 15m
x 15m. Players dribble in
the space. After some time,
take the ball away from one
or two players. These
players become it. Any
player whose ball is touched
by an it player becomes
frozen and has to stop
dribbling, spread their legs
at shoulder width, and hold
their ball above their head.
They are frozen in this
position until another player
dribbles their ball between
the frozen players legs.
Switch the it players at
regular intervals.

Location: Basketball Court

Main Game/Activity 2 groups
Divide the group into pairs, based upon
size/speed. Set up 2 cones per pair,
about 250cm apart. Put one player
between the cones, as a defender. Have
the other player dribble the ball directly
at the defender. If the defender puts his
hand up in a stop gesture, the dribbler
must stop the ball before the gate. If the
defender signals thumbs up, then the
dribbler can go through the gate
unharmed as long as the dribbler keeps
dribbling the ball as they goes through. If
the dribbler tries to kick it through, he
loses a turn. Each dribbler gets 10 turns
before switching.

Cool down
Pirates Gold:
One member of the
group is nominated
as the pirate and
stands in front of the
gold (beanbag). The
rest of the group
creep towards the
gold. Each time the
pirate turns around
the group must be
still. If anybody
moves, they must sit
out. The winner is the
first to steal the
pirates gold.

Bombardment Divide the class into

two teams. Teams will be lined up facing
each other with a large space in
between. Pins will be placed between the
teams (cones if pins cannot be found).
The pins should be colour coded so that
teams can recognise their own.
The object of the game is to be the first
team to knock down all of their pins.
Players are not allowed to move from
their own positions, except to retrieve a
ball. A player may retrieve a ball from
the middle, however, they must return to
their home position before shooting for
their pin. If a player knocks down an
opposing teams cone it stays down.

Soccer balls x 24

Cones x 24
Soccer balls x 12
Pins/cones to knock down

Bean bag

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