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Template for Mormon Insights Articles

Gardner: ELang 430R, Editing for Publication (Mormon Insights)
Title Are You Feeling Guilt or Shame?
Kicker (121 characters) We expect to feel guilty when we sin, and we know that godly sorrow is
essential to true repentance, but is it possible that we mistake shame for guilt?
Highlights of the source article (286 words)
Guilt is a universal emotion. We are taught from a young age to feel bad for doing bad things
and to make reparation when possible. But when religion enters the picture, the offense escalates.
We believe that we have not only wronged another person but that we have also offended the
maker of absolute Truth, that is, God. The feeling that follows is often generically labeled as
guilt, but Wendy Ulrich writes [] that there is often more going on than we may realize.
God is so disappointed in me. He wont love me until I repent. If I can just get over this, then
Ill be all right with God again and he can bless me. These are shameful ideas that Satan feeds
us. These feelings of despair may even lead us to repent
[], which helps us on the
way to healing. But the negative feelings can continue to masquerade as godly sorrow and weigh
us down even after we have repented. These negative thoughts run contrary to the true character
of God and the attitude we should take toward sin and repentance.
We know that Gods love is unchanging, his patience infinite, and his confidence in us
eternal. We know that through the Atonement [], sin can be forgiven and abandoned. Our loving Father in Heaven does not condition his
love and acceptance on good behavior. He knows we will not be perfect in this life and he gives
us weaknesses to teach us humility and dependence on him
[]. As we let our hearts turn to
him and trust our own goodnesstrust that we are truly striving to become more like Jesus
Christour minds can be cleared. We will begin to see the difference between devil-driven
shame and God-given sorrow, and we will come to know that Gods love has accompanied us all
along (1 John 4:8, 16)[,16?lang=eng].

Commented [BH1]: Great use of your SEO keyword throughout

your article.
Deleted: . B

Deleted: , and w
Commented [BH2]: Maybe use another verb. Would explains
or suggests work better here?
Commented [EH3]: Link checked

Commented [EH4]: Link checked

Commented [BH5]: I see where you are going with this
sentence, but maybe we can re-word it so that repentance doesnt
sound like a negative thing. Revision ok?
Deleted: But t
Commented [BH6]: I created a new paragraph here for flow.
We could also split it just before Our loving Heavenly Father a
few sentences farther down. Would one of those work better than the
Commented [EH7]: Link checked
Commented [EH8]: Link checked

Formatted: Font: Not Bold

Formatted: Font: Bold

(Optional expandable paragraph) Read more (fewer than 100 words)

Read the full article online. []

Commented [BH9]: Link checked

(Optional) Hyperlinks to relevant articles, videos, etc.
Read President Uchtdorfs thoughts on the love of God. []

Commented [EH10]: Link checked

Template for Mormon Insights Article /page 2

Listen to a hymn about becoming like God.

[] (WEB TEAM: Could you embed this
video to be at the top of the page? Thanks!

Commented [BH11]: Link checked

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