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September 22, 2015

Exercises: Plotting Data, Statistical Variables, and Matrix Editor

Perform and explain how to do the following either on this paper or attach another
sheet with the answers:
1. Store: L1 = {1, 2, 3, 10, 15, 20, 25}
a. Stat, 1 edit, (make sure L1 is highlighted), clear, down arrow, 1, enter, 2,
enter, 3, enter 1,0, enter, 1,5, enter, 2,0, enter, 2,5, enter
Store L2 = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
a) Stat, 1 edit, arrow right, arrow up, clear L2, down arrow, 4, enter, 5, enter, 6,
enter, 7, enter, 8, enter 9, enter 1,0, enter
Display the graph for L1, L2 in ZoomStat. Draw two graphs: (1) scatter plot, (2)
xy line. Display the graph for L2, L1 and again draw two new graphs. Do the
histogram for L1 and then again for L2. Explain the grouped data.
b) Second, quit (returns to main screen), second, y=, enter, turn plot 1 on, arrow
down, the first type should be highlighted, hit enter, make xlist L1 and ylist
L2, zoom, 9 then it will show the scatter plot for L1, L2

c) Press second quit to return to the main screen, second, y =, select plot one, hit
enter, arrow down to type, hit the right arrow to the second option under types,
enter, zoom, 9 then it will show the xy line for L1, L2

a) Second, quit (returns to main screen), second, y=, enter, turn plot 1 on, arrow
down, the first type should be highlighted, hit enter, make xlist L2 and ylist
L1, zoom, 9 then it will show the scatter plot for L2, L1

b) Press second quit to return to the main screen, second, y =, select plot one, hit
enter, arrow down to type, hit the right arrow to the second option under types,
enter, zoom, 9 then it will show the xy line for L2, L1

c) Press second, quit (returns to home screen), then hit second, y=, stat plot 1,
enter, arrow down to type, hit the right arrow twice, hit enter, change the xlist
to L1, zoom, 9 then it shows the histogram of L1

d) Press second, quit (returns to home screen), then hit second, y=, stat plot 1,
enter, arrow down to type, hit the right arrow twice, hit enter, change the xlist
to L2, zoom, 9 then it shows the histogram of L2

e) The graphs and histograms show what happens when we interpret the data
with L1 as x and L2 as y, and L2 as x and L1 as y.
2. Display the graph and L1 in ZoomStat. Draw the picture. Draw the box plots,
frequently called the Box and Whiskers, and label Min, Max, Q1, Q2, Q3. Display
the graph for L2 and again draw the box plots with the Min, Max, Q1, Q2, Q3.
The cursor shows where the min, max, Q1, Q2, and Q3 are
f) Second, y=, stat plot 1, enter, go down to type, hit the right arrow three times,
enter, change xlist to L1, hit enter, zoom, 9, it will show the box plot of L1

a. Min:

b. Max:

c. Q1:

d. Q2:

e. Q3:


g) Second, y=, stat plot 1, enter, go down to type, hit the right arrow three times,
enter, change xlist to L2, hit enter, zoom, 9, it will show the box plot of L2

a. Min:

b. Max:

c. Q1:

d. Q2:

e. Q3:

3) What is the linear regression for L1, L2? Show the drawn line on the plots.
b. Stat, right arrow, calc, 4, enter, xlist should be L1, ylist should be L2, hit
enter 3 times, this will appear on the screen

c. Now, plug in a and b to get y = .2226935313x+ 4.52184517, press y= and

enter this in, zoom, 9 then youll see this

4) What is the linear regression for L2, L1? Show the drawn line on the plots.
e. Stat, right arrow, calc, 4, enter, xlist should be L2, ylist should be L1, hit
enter 3 times, this will appear on the screen

f. Now, plug in a and b to get y = 4.285714286x + -19.14285714, press y=

and enter this in, zoom, 9 then youll see this

5 ) What is the Var Stats for L1: mean, sum of scores, standard deviation
when dividing by n, minimum score, first quartile, median, third quartile,
and maximum number?
g. Stat, right arrow, enter, the list should be L1, enter, enter, interpret data
h. Mean: 10.85714286
i. Sum of scores: 76
j. Standard Deviation when dividing by n: 8.773801447
k. Minimum score:1
l. First Quartile: 2
m. Median: 10
n. Third Quartile: 20
o. Maximum Number: 25
6) What is the Var Stats for L2: mean, sum of scores, standard deviation
when dividing by n, minimum score, first quartile, median, third quartile,
and maximum number?
p. Stat, right arrow, enter, the list should be L2, enter, enter, interpret data
q. Mean: 7
r. Sum of Scores: 49
s. Standard Deviation when dividing by n: 2
t. Minimum Score: 4
u. First Quartile: 5
v. Median: 7
w. Third Quartile: 9
x. Maximum Number: 10
7. Use a matrix of reduction row echelon matrix (rref) form to solve systems of the
following linear equations:
2x + y z = 8

-3x y + 2z = -11
-2x + y + 2z = -3
a) Second, matrix, right arrow, right arrow (onto edit), enter, make the matrix 3 x 4,
enter the coeffients into the rows (should look like the picture)

b) hit enter after each number, make sure you hit enter after you enter the last
number too, then hit second, quit, second, matrix, right arrow to math, enter, rref,
enter, second, matrix, matrix A should be highlighted and hit enter, ), enter, enter

c) Answer
a. x = 2
b. y = 3
c. z = -1

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