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Camila Bustos

Sindy Aldana
Juan Carlos Lpez

The hip hop is one of the cultures that major influence has had in the young persons in the
last years.


When was the first Hip Hop festival in Bogot?

where was the Hip Hop born?

Who named this lifestyle as a hip hop?

How did Hip Hop arrive here?

What are important elements in the Hip Hop?

why do hip hoppers dress in that way ?

How do you believe that the society sees them?

What do you say through your music?

Whta is your motivation to continue singing rap in a contry

where there isnt industry in the Hip Hop genre ?

Surhone, L. (2011) Universal Zulu Nation. New york City: Betascript Publishing
Garcia Naranjo J. P. (2006) Las Rutas Del Giro y el Estilo: La historia del Brak Dance en Bogot,2,
Emmett G. P. (2006) Hip Hop culture, ABC Clio, 1, 4-7

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