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Journal Entries 25 day Placement

Mon 17/08/15
9.00 Resilient Youth Australia PD
Andrew Fuller - Resilient Youth Australia
40 resilience indicators
Resilience Areas
Connected to adults
Community Engagement
School Engagement
Social Skills
Influence Culture around student to improve resilience and outcomes
-Adult that cares
-Adult that listens
-56% of students regularly receive and send texts between 10pm -6pm
Not about more programs.. About working smarter
Teachers regarded as
Activate 7% of the good resilience students approx 20 students in schools
Feedback- increase +positive feedback.. The most valuable is the verbal feedback a
student receives
Develop meaning purpose, .in students life

Culture of Co operation
Aim for cohesion and compassion
Three coherent principles
Requests lead to greater compliance
Reduce anonymous, un owned spaces
Proximal prompts -eyes
Modelling desired behaviours
Celebrate commonalities
Offer solutions to the fears of childhood- social exclusion, rejection and
Procedures routines habits
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Increase the likely hood of ongoing interactions - if you

The brain matures bottom to the top, right to the left.

Meaning that dealing with images, diagrams.. Develops before the
part that deals with concepts
Resilience committee. At Lilydale..can you be involved??

Graph looking at rate ideas for use in the class room
Looking at 2016 curriculum, aligning it with the teaching that is required in lower
year levels to ensure that all curriculum requirements for next year are covered
appropriately in lower levels this year to lead in.

Tuesday 18-08
Thom M
Discussed Desmos use in classroom
Will look at taking short sessions for his Yr11 Methods on a Tuesday, they have the syllabus
set out on line for them to follow at their own pace and they do concept tests as they are
ready He does very little actual upfront teaching. More dealing with students on an
individual basis as they seek assistance.

Tom M Yr11 methods

Tom M Yr11 Methods
Different classes First help each other a more than the
second, students are in a wide spread of progress
Both classes are very laid back students are very selfdirected and require little input or management from
the teacher. Flip class???

PD Session
Classroom management for the Graduate teacher

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(Angela L and Narelle Mc G)

Strategies for engaging learners that make managing classroom behaviour
Disruptive, Dominant, Reluctant,
Lesson structure ..

Wednesday 19-08
1029 Form Assemble
Some students away for VET on Wednesday.. Small group very quiet.


(This class I'll be taking for the five weeks)
Small class Max 16-18 students
Working on- Finishing a CAT, most doing a revision sheet, that will used for
assessment, for Surds 35 + 25 = 55
Terms/ meaning s confused students. Having a reference in their book to
refer to helped them sort wok the meaning out .
Some students struggled with adding mixed fractions. Eg.3 =



Intereting that even at year 10 some students have difficulty with the
basics of maths, these aren't students that are considered struggling, this
is a methods class that most would consider doing some form of advanced
maths in the future.

( This class taking for the five weeks)
Working on linear equations and graphing -10 < x >10 y=2x+5
Pick 2 points x-inter and graph y= -3x+7
Graph from y= 5x -8 using y inter and gradient. Rise/run
Students cover a wide range of proficiency and work habits..

Planning Yr 10 Trig Starting with Pythagoras, Not knowing where their particular
skill set is makes the starting point hard to know .
I will start with the activity in proving the rule of Pythag
Journal entries

Thomas Moore

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Flip class- Video editing software for making videos to use within the Flip
class structure- students watch the video as homework and then come to
class and have the teacher available to help with the problem solving,
where they would traditionally struggle doing it as homework

Thursday 20-08
1029 Form Assemble
Start Trig, Recovered Pythagoras 2 + 2 = 2
14 Students
Used area proofs to explain formula. Students liked the hands on activity
and the "Oh thats why it works" was worth the time. TP probably sent too
much time on the activity, move on quicker.
Really relaxed class friendly group keen to know about what I'm doing and
enjoy a bit of banter. A couple of groups were a little talkative at times
Breeana Described as weak.. I think there is a fair chance she's lazy
unless she is encouraged to start and is checked on regularly. Brought
nothing to class other than her book, but once started seemed to able
apply the given rules to the equations.

Matrices Introduction
Students were mostly self-directed very little time spent in directing class
Good notes given for reference later
Expectation that students will have done specific work by next class

Yr7 PE
Nice day enjoyed the sunshine..
Tag football

Clickview Professional presenter 30min..
Online movie and TV service
New app for recording videos and sharing with class

Production Rehearsal

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Band with singers.. Production is a great way to build the relationships with
students, get them involved with in the school community. The enjoyment the
kids get from it, and the staff despite all the hard work.

Friday 21-08

Completing presentation on Dream Holiday $75,00 dollar budget
Has class for only one period a week. Doesn't know the students well
TP. Its a bit of a nothing subject, one lesson a week and the learning
outcomes are a bit iffy

Matrices- Adding Subtracting, Scaler Multiplication

P4 split P5
P4 Statistics
Types of Data Categorical data

- Numerical data

Ordinal, Nominal

Discrete, Continuous

Sample Collection
Census Survey. Research.
TP.. Split the Types and Sample collection up and ask them to name 5 of
each type of Data
Too much information at once..
Nominal data can be number values eg. 0 -9, 10- 19,
Don't let them pack up too early and move to the door
Forgot paper for name tags
Classroom set up felt a bit funnywas a long line of tables across the
room, move to the side and didn't stand in front the whole time.
How do I like the classroom set up, does it matter for some class,
would it matter more with certain student populations and
management of behaviours.
Time management considerations of moving table around for a
single period, 48 minutes isn't a lot of time and with no time
allocated to moving students between classes the second period of
the block of 2 can be rather short.
Frequency charts, Dot plots
Started with students doing name tags. Helps so much with learning
names. They were a bit rowdy coming in from lunchgood to actually
have something to do while they settled into the idea of work again

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7 Students, boys, as formal in tonight.
Good opportunity to talk get to know them and learn about their interests.
EK Holden car, house boats at Eildon,
Continued working on Pythag, no benefit in going on to 3D.
Some interesting methods of doing the calculations, some not following a
pattern of setting out work that allows for putting in the information correctly
and manipulating the question easily.

Week 2

Monday 24-08
Form Assemble
Year level Coordinator
Formal good work people.

P2 12MM
Matrix MultiplicationWatching I felt it was a little rushed??
Writing needed to be bigger, and set out so that kids could see the across and
down .

P4 Yr10
Remind of general formula.
Make sure set out in order
label sides
Identify what we need to calculate
Remember to use units where appropriate
Shoe box Problem Use Calc
Visualisation of 3D problems can be an issue for some kids
Used a plastic tub to draw the lines of the measurements we knew and a different
colour for what we were looking for .
Blond hair Boy, Daren- not there Thursday or Friday.. Yr 9 report put him 6
months behind Often not at class, Today came with no book or pen
Bree- also one that struggles not there today
What expectations do I have for students to achieve for those that
are regularly away, often don't have the correct equipment?
Are those that don't have text books or calculators in a position to be any
different, do you punish these kids for not bringing equipment? Does
this help, only get in the way of forming strong relationships with the
This class is generally very well behaved with only 16 students at the most.

P5 &6

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Statistics- Stem and Leaf Plots

Back to Back Stem and Leaf
Needed to be more prepared for this double lesson than I was at 9.00.. Not that I
didn't know what I was going to do, but was still looking for data sources at lunch
The reminder activity of last week's work . They didn't seem to grasp the idea Not
sure if I didn't explain it correctly??
Marked role today with class to aid with the name situation.
Watch Brad and Ashden, they can talk quiet a lot. Brad does quiet well and can be
distracted by Ashden
Denzel.. with auditory processing disorder, asked him to remove his headphones as he
hadn't done any work, TP- if he's not working he loses them for 10 minutes, and can
get them back once he shows he's working
Girl in the front row, Brooke, Was laughing While Ashden was trying to answer a
question in front of the class, spoke to about the importance of not laughing at
somebody attempting things as it discourages them from trying again next time She
assured me she wasn't and explained that reasoning to me.

Tuesday 25-08
Form assemble
Nothing happens at form assemble Kids look bored. No interaction.. TP looks
at his computer, never calls out names on roll. Di Moore commented on how
quiet the group is.
History excursion today to the Holocaust museum
Year level coordinatorNo Internet for P 1&2
Socks- Completely white from next term

P1 &2
Tom Moore- Planning for period 3 Sketching stationary points..

Worked with 2 boys teaching Sketching stationary points. While TM
moved around the class helping students with work. This class uses the flip
class approach. TM says it took a lot of work to set up but is finding that
the process works well for most kids. A couple aren't fond of the format
but work with it.
Relearnt the topic to teach to the kids in the period before class, making
sure not to make any mistakes and lead the students astray. Boys seemed
to be able to work through the problems as I went and understood the
Its a good way to brush up on your topic knowledge teaching on the fly. I
don't think I'd like to teach topics like this every day.

Planning for 12MM 5&6 Graphing exponentials

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P5 &6
Different class than from the morning, doing similar topics, This class 2
girls needed assistance with plotting exponential functions. Same as the
morning brushed up on the topic before lunch. Students seemed to be
confident in the understanding and able to talk through the problems with
me guiding them.
Asymptote, y intercept, Translation.
Touched on other topics as we went through the work, 2^0 =1 why this

Maths faculty meeting

Aligning concept tests to be more similar
Inclusion of new 2016 study guide requirements

Wednesday 26-08
Production Matinee
City Experience

Form assemble
This time needs to become more productive.
Photos from formal
White socks School council directive
Class question on 3D Pythag
Trig introduced Sin Cos Tan.
Trig ratios -SOHCAHTOA
Tan problem used inverse of Tan.. Doh. I had written it down in my plan
correctly but when it came to being under pressure, made a blue
Students had studied this subject in Yr 9 as the lesson progressed there were
students that were remembering the content.
Will need to fix the Tan mistake next lesson.
This lesson was theory heavy next is a double and should be less so and require
less board work.
Ran out of time to do all the planned work.
Darren with his Ipad calculator was having problems.?
Ensure the calculator isn't set to Rad
Yard duty Stuart Andrews


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Mean , Median Mode

Started with the back to back stem and leaf exercise some students are so
slow to start, talking, ruling up pages .
Couple of Kids on Ipads at various times, keep watching for that
Be careful of the standard of writing in the board
4 boys Jarrod, Brad , Ashden and Denzel. They need to be pushed,
unfortunately Jarrod and Brad are capable and influence the working of the
other 2. Jorden and Zack sitting together today.
I feel like statistics is a dry topic. I need to do something that is interactive in
the way they
P5 & 6
Matrix Multiplication.
Putting information into a matrix to multiply by a price increase or to
work out profit etc exam questions are based around putting this kind of
information into matrix.
Class was too long some working some just talking..

Thursday 27-08
P3 &4
Finish Trig finding the sides of a triangle
Fixed the mistake with Tan on Wednesday, some thought it was funny
that I was owning up to a mistake, guess it's good for them to see that
we're all human and make mistakes, . Expect to make a few more as
time goes by.
Finding an angle in a triangle using trig ratios..
2 Students away for the first lesson, while the others were working on
problems went through the lesson they missed separately.
Bree. No work, tired not feeling well..? How does one motivate her to want
to at least try I hope she doesn't go home and tell her parents that her teacher
doesn't care or doesn't know what he's talking about.
Students that miss class on a regular basis really struggle, Bree was away
Wednesday, Darren away today. There is no continuity to their schooling.
Revision of Geometry SAC previously completed.
-Many struggle to Get the appropriate information from the worded
It is a focus of schools to provide real world examples for maths
problems How to increase the understanding in solving these
problems Is it just a lack of familiarity in dealing with such
questions or a problem with understanding the questions do they
not draw a diagram to help with the answer? it seems they don't.
Maths 300 program was implemented to help with the just do
the left hand side of the text book and provide the link
between the theory and practical applications of a topic.

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Maybe it hasn't had a chance to filter through to the

later year levels at this stage, the benefit may not be
seen for a few more years yet
Questions for Friday

City experience anything

specific required for that
Interquartile, Range,
Skewed, etc


Concept test.. Do you have

one, Do I need to do one
Yes I have One.
Screen Cast of CAS.

Some activity for after lunch Period 5 Yr9..

Friday 28-08
Animoto app used to make a Shark Tank styled presentation to sell a
product, in groups of 2 -4.

Identity Matrix
As daunting as the content knowledge of VCE classes
might be ..the teaching component of the classroom is
easier? (students are more disciplined in listening to the
teaching content), the on task motivation of students is
different, those that are confident do some work those
that aren't so tend to do the work they need to do to
complete the learning component.

A friend asked if I was happy with my days teaching..
Happy.. ?? Yeah tried to some different form of questions for
statistics.. and as usual " I can't log on to the internet, my Ipda
is broken, The school won't let me access that site, Where was
that again....." Why are you looking at You tube, That looks
like a game, Pg 542 of the text is so much easier ......
Engage them they say...... Yes the joys of modern day
Trying to be mindful of not giving them too much information at once so
broke up this lesson into 2.

Continuation of lesson from before lunch students went on with the
questions from the website that they accessed before lunch

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Looked at bellcurve with the Quincunx machine.. Skewed data left and
right and bi modal data.
Felt like we had to rush this part a little with, taking a bit more
time with accessing website and doing the exercises.
And little time left to do any exercises not sure that the
information was consolidated with the students

Concept test on 3D Pythagoras
Olivia- I Don't know how to solve that problem. Yes you do ,in fact
I'm sure you do.. OH, Yes I do
What worked/ Didn't work
Table set up sitting beside each other for concept test.. Allowed them to talk
Calculators they need their own.

Week 3

Monday 31/08
Joke of the day
What's the difference between bird flu and swine flu
For bird flu you need tweetment and for swine flu you need

Form Assemble
Literacy and Numeracy week
Form project- construct a clock with different representations for the numbers.
Learn a new word from a reading..

Y7 Health
Watched a video of relating to the dangers of sugar.. This is part 2
TP is very casual with the Yr7s in comparison to other teachers that really follow
the same process of lining up at the door standing behind chairs before sitting as
a class.. Talking over noisy students.

Students told they will need to re sit their Trig SAC due to inconsistences in the
differing practice questions given, ie prac sac was similar to the one attempted
by students and some had it pasted into their notes some not happy students ,
some are understanding of the situation and that not having the whole school
redo may affect them more after exams when SACs are moderated..
Calculating an inverse, Determinant,


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Concept Test Return

Feed Back- Looked at some common errors and strategies that could help
students in completing problems better
Set out working clearly
Check units in questions are the same and convert where necessary
Be careful rounding off mid question
Draw a diagram of the problem and fill in the info you know
Answers require

Decimal places as asked.

Units in correct format.
Concept test were generally well done with only a couple of
students being of a major concern
Angle of Elevation and Depression
Only 11 kids today some away on camp..
Dis jointed lesson Student with a bloody nose coming and going another
student was collected by office monitor??? No explanation. Some
distracted with that, Darren wasn't interested as we started with Concept
test revision and he was away for it last week, so he'd lost interest before
we started work and he was away for the previous lesson on Trig, He
needs to be caught up. Bree away as well again.
Need to remember to explicitly say you need to write this down in
your notesGoing back over some students notes they are very
disjointed with plenty missing.
The distraction of the class teacher is always there Sir have you marked
our SAC yet?? Etc. Never quite feel "In charge ". I guess that'll change
in due course
Need an activity to spike some interest in this topic, next double an
activity is required
The no hands up culturenot sure if I'm working exactly to that
idealWill need to be conscious of this .
Remember to allow time fr students to formulate answers, don't be
afraid of silence.

Example of
requirement for
explicit instruction
to students.

SAC City Experience intro.
SeriouslyIs there some chance that Yr9s will listen and comprehend what they
are told. "You need to take this CAT with you on city experience and collect the
following Data".. Less than 80 mins later "Sir , what do we do with this ?".
Stem and leaf plots, I thought we covered the concepts well and again at the
start of the class in going through the requirements of the CAT It appears not
I'm sure I went through them at least half a dozen times again all in a days
work I suppose..
Denzel I wonder if he uses his "Auditory " complaint as an excuse to be
distracted and avoid doing anything
Jordan Difficult student to engage with, to get responses from
Instructions need to be very explicit for this class and repeated
several times for all to follow.

Triad Workshop

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Cold Calling- Students

Engage Students (No hands up culture)
Example - teacher requires students to stand up, students expect that
they will be called upon.
Create an environment of constancy- students come to expect
Be PositiveBe systematic - Universal not personal
Be PredictableUnbundled-

Tuesday 1-09
Form Assemble
TP away today..Mrs Pipos.
Interesting The teacher given the extra wasn't happy about the classes lack
of response to being greeted with a good morning. She was quite put out and
told them it was rude and a basic curtesy to respond with a good morning
I wonder if this is reflective of the way TP is with them, not discourteous, but in
some ways a little distant, and the class seem to respond in the same way

Thom Moore classes today are doing tests.. So will need to find another
teacher to tag along with for the day.

P3 &4
Yr9 Maths Support Class
Elective maths for students, used to build on the foundation skills of students
some low achievers, some not so low, them being there depends on how the
students went about choosing electives and timetabling issues. Interesting
Started with doing calculations by 11 and understanding the pattern eg 34
x11 = 374. the 3 and the 4 go out either end and the middle number is
the sum of the 3 and 4. 56 x 11=616.Same principle but this time the sum
of 5 and 6 is 11 and the extra 10 units are carried forward.
Class is very unstructured to allow the students to work on whatever they need
to, catch up on Maths Mates, homework, some students are doing extension

Arna Pletes- Deakin
Applying for Jobs
Bring your "A" game
Talk about your teaching practice
Own the classroom

Be able to answer "

why do you want to
work in this school"?

Andrew Martin

Expectation of students
In the dress standard


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Work they complete, a defined

process for students that don't
meet these expectations
A defined use of mobile

Ongoing awareness of your practice

Struggled to help a girl with a problem today Couldn't find a similar type
of example. Find it hard to pick up the topic half way through especially
with differentiation

Staff Meeting..

Facebook profilesCheck the settings. Protect yourself

Befriending students, Past and Present. The dangers that lie there-in {
Can't believe that people are still falling for this}

Yr12 camp next year 3-5 of Feb

Relocation of students to VCE subjects - If subject content is not suitable, feel
free to return students to Sub school coordinators for relocation elsewhere

PLT Rooms..
They look like (Professional Learning Team) - Cross Curriculum.
Teacher Feedback, "I like what the school is
trying to achieve" Mobile Phone policy for
Yr12s, it needs to be consistent whatever it
may be..
Staff worked on the following questionnaire..
Creating a Vision Statement for Lilydale High School
What is our Purpose..
I think that it should be to provide students with the skills to
be successful citizens of tomorrow.
What is your dream for our school..
A place where students want to come because they are
challenged to be successful
What would you like to see changed..
Staff dress code, there is an expectation of students is there
one for staff, is it unreasonable to expect one for staff not a
uniform as such but just a standard.
What kind of school do you want to create.
An inclusive environment that inspires, encourages, supports
and provides opportunities for all students to achieve their
What are the schools major strengths and assets.

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That the school creates an expectation of what the it sees as

acceptable standards of behaviour for its students, that is in
the uniform, the use of phones within the school, work
What would success look like..
Students are active within the school community and wider

Wednesday 02-09
TP on deck today
Clock using alternative numbering systems for numeracy week
Market Day FridayBring your cash
TP received email from Arna, Re how placement is going..
" No problems from his end"

8/16 Students today.With Peer Support Camp, VET, students away
Tom, Kayla, Kyle, Oscar, Will, Joel, Andres, Rodney
Ran class as planned with the activity to find the height of the basketball
stadium and the distance to Mount Dandenong TV towers.
-TP marking the roll makes me forget all about it something to keep in mind,
Maybe start making a note on lesson plans to at least jog memory.

Yr 912
Class away today on city experience

P5 & 6
Matrix multiplication
Class introduced to new topic solving simultaneous equations with matrices
This class sits in the same seats every class some students work well others are
talkative but there's no real push for them to complete work by a given time

Thursday 03-08
Form Assemble
Ultimate Frisbee
Beat the teacher quadrangle Lunchtime

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3 way Conferencing Book it in.

P3 & 4
Yep forgot the roll.
Today I had a 4 different groups of students working on different things.
Was rather hectic at times managing all the different questionsIpad
Students continued on with the work they were doing yesterday, some were
catching up on angles of elevation and depression, some were working on the
activity and problems, Bree and Darren working on , essentially nothing. I think
Darren at least has some understanding of the topic, I think he just chooses not
to work not to mention his disjointed attendance
Bree was quite forceful in her "I don't have a calculator on her Ipad, I think this
is a ploy to avoid doing anything Clearly it seems that she has decided that she
isn't going to do any work.
Some students that had finished the work early were on Ipads playing games
Needed to be able to move on for these students but not leave the others

Beat the teacher. Quadrangle.. Maths games problems against the teacher.

Steady State/ Long Term forecasting
Ex16F, Q.1 2 6 8 9 13 15 16 19

Friday 04-09
AC Planning for the next 2 weeks while she is away.
Fri P1-5
Tues 1&2 3, 6??
Wed 1 5&6
Fri P1-5
Wed 1, 5&6

Form assemble.
Year Level Assemble.
Year 11 subjectsPE
Socks The great crackdown

P1 & 2
Yr10 Music
Recital day

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P 3&4
Yr 7 Music
The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Paul Dukas
Instrument of the Orchestra. Pick one
Collect Poster Next Friday end of period 4.
Plan something for kids who finish early.
Broom Coming Alive -Trumpet.
Incredibox`Creative program useful as a fill in for students that have finished required

Yr8 Music
CAT Research a band
I will have these classes next Friday with a CRT

Bearings and Compass Bearings
Watch writing on board a few issues today with kids reading it
Hands up thingy The kids actually don't do it, I think they are expecting to be
Need to change that approach to target kids for responses.
Short period because of longer lunch.. Good that it was a topic that was light on
in theory and allowed some work time
BreeExpectation that students will grow, not for everyone to get to get
A+.I need to try and in still this kind of thinking within her, She
basically made no effort today in doing anything
AC is very fun and friendly with them while still being firm and maintaining a orderly
classroom. the kids respond to the personal fun side of a teacher, while still respecting need
to maintain some class discipline.

Week 4

Mon 7-09
Form Assemble
Yr7 Health
End of Sugar video.
Assignment -Instructions.
Ipad Management- do the wrong thing.. You will lose them, then this will
become home work for you

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Revision for SAC on Thursday
Many students don't use this time well to revise and increase their chances of
doing well.Lots of talking compared to other senior classes that I have

Middle school sport today, 12 in the class
Made an effort to avoid the hands up thing mindfulness.
Darren Wasn't in class again today.
The middle school has a lot of other distractions, with sport , VET, etc, makes
maintaining the class at the same pace difficult, formulating a program to allow
students that are away to catch up on the completed work is almost vital there is no
way that you can continually go back and cover the work time and time again is
The incident with Bree has made me weary of pushing her, today I made a
suggestion of the work that I thought she would be able to complete
with some encouragement and assistance she did this

City Experience CAT
13 in class
Many students hadn't done any work on the CAT while on city experience

Arts Meeting
Completing lesson plans to fit with the school Instructional Model

Tuesday 8-09
Form Assemble
P1 &2
Chord Progressions/Song writing
The Girl From Impanema

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Beyonce- Love on top.
This class needed a defined focus to end the periods with. Rather than letting
students work on their own project they needed to able bring something back at
the end of the lesson. Some used excuses, I don't like the school guitars, for
example to avoid doing anything really productive with the time.

Grand Stave Theory- Gave a brief recap of the theory component for students to
then go away and work on the website themselves.
Students worked well on their theory or interval training

School of Rock -DVD
Start at 25min -> 1:01:00
I pads are still a distraction even when the class is viewing a movie how so?
Felt like a bit of a baby sitter today not a lot of teaching as such more ensuring that
students were working on what they needed to be doing. Thats ok all part of the job. Music
classes at middle school level can have such a different structure to them and with students
working in different areas of the building it relies a lot on them having self-discipline to do
anything meaningful and productive

Maths Planning workshop

Photo Maths. App for phone to solve homework equations.
Yr 12 Practice Exams before holidays

Wednesday 09-09
Amy was away sick today, I believe she was going to continue with solo
performances with this group
-Interval and stave prac, students were happy enough to do this, It's what
they do when they have an extra.
Planned to do the exercise with chord progressions would be better
suited to a double lesson.

Applications of Trig

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Make sure I don't leave examples unfinished, students that were not actually
paying attention during the discussion are lost when they come back to what
was written on the board
Tired today/ feel flat and I made some mistakes in my workings.need to be on
top of my game.
Will- Works away, I think he would benefit from moving away from Andreous
and Joel who can be distractions for him

City experience CAT Due Friday..
Histograms and Frequency Polygons
This felt rushed should hve been done on Wednesday's double.. But because
of Middle school sport and man being away I held off
10-09 TP phone call about Sarah?? Not wanting to come to school because of
Maths This attitude has changed a little recently, Statistics is a subject some
that aren't "maths Brains" handle better.

Yard Duty
-Jade Pawling, Canteen
Yard duty is a good way to have a informal conversation with different
teachers about the school, the students


Music - Kate MaCallister
Guitar Chords (C,F,G) and Riff on one string
Teaching is a performance In commenting on AC style and classroom

Thursday 10-09
Form Assemble
Parent approved absences by the end of term.
Parent teacher, 3way conferences next Thursday.
White Socks

Went to see if Amy was in Stayed and watched the class while crisis was adverted
Yr 8s watching School of Rock.

P3 & 4
Concept test on Trig Ratios

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Calculators still they don't bring one.Gave them a serve about bringing
their own and the need to be familiar with the use of it for tests etc
Talking. What standard of test conditions do they normally work under?
Break between class for drink 4 girls got lost talking to Welfare teacher.
This class was harder today than it needed to be Kids were rather ratty,
Andreous, Will Kids that aren't normally so This was by far the worst
that they have been for me.
Following instructions for unit circle seemed difficult, I thought that they
would like to do this hands on with the unit circle maybe will be better
tomorrow.. Although Friday last period??? Getting them to draw their
own angle didn't work need to change that to an angle we all do together,
investigations of later examples of ones own choice may work better.
TP maybe a giving them a blast earlier would have settled them down.
Bree spent the 1st period colouring in her diary the 2nd writing a letter
.The subject of which appeared interesting.. Inline with are you OK day
perhaps ?
TP.- she struggles with where she fits in within her peer group.
Sometimes big notes herself about boys, drinking trying to fit in,
other times that she doesn't care what they class think. Wanted to
be a Vet, seems that since she is dropping maths that idea has gone
.. It seems the only person she connects with is Darren.
Darren hasn't been at school for at least a week Makes it so hard to keep
Olivia asked why we were going so fast and not spending more time on
applications They will be able to finish applications work Friday and
Unit circle for Friday
Give designated angles to measure in Quadrant 2, identifying that Cos
value is -ve and Sin value is +ve..
Use Desmos and tape measure to demonstrate the procedure of
completing the workings.
Maths is fun website to explain Tan..


Mr Ryan PE -Yard Duty

Exam/ Matrix Revision
SAC on Wednesday

Yr 7 PE
Group Movement Project

Bus Duty -A Cumming

Arranged lessons for Friday
1oAMA - Song writing/ chord progression idea - good offer a couple of
suggestions so as they don't spend the whole lesson looking for a progression

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Yr7 - Finishing CATs,( In office in brown folder) Incredibox for those that have
finished, or Make a poster of an Instrument a Section of the Orchestra.
Yr8 - School of Rock

Friday 11-09
Form Assemble
P1 & 2
Chord progression Task.
Some groups worked on something and actually came up with a finished
product, groups where there was a drummer and Guitarist I got them to
Notate the drum riff that they were using and the progression
One group used a computer program to create a mix using piano and
guitar, this seemed to be going ok , until the end where they may have
decided to change some of it as they hadn't used a click track to record
the parts and deleted some of it to start again.
Bree worked by herself for much of the time on computer and continued
working on a writing that she started in maths on Thursday. Checked in on
her several times and tried to encourage her, she seems to be a lost soul
at the moment.
Students really need to have a project that has an end point and an

P3 &4
Completing CAT on Sorcerer's Apprentice.
Everyone completed their CAT today and seemed to enjoy using Incredibox
when finished, it is rather cool
Michelle who was away last week completed hers, I told her that she could
finish it on the week end and hand it in Monday if she wanted, but she smashed
it out with time to spare. Interesting the work habits of different students some
are able to concentrate solely on what needs to be completed and complete
work in far less time than required by some of the other students.
This is an aspect of setting a required standard of work finished that
makes it hard to judge what is an appropriate amount to be completed by
students in class.
CRT teacher feedback- Having a good rapport and relate well to the students,
CRT sent an email to Amy, will get her to forward it on.

School of Rock DVD
Went well, a couple worked quietly on finishing their rock CATs.

Week 5
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Monday 14-09
Form Assemble
Socks Next term
YR11 return forms..

Observation Yr7 Health
Working on health assignment.
"Use of class time to complete work, assignment due at the end of the week and
now it becomes homework."
Explicit instruction to students

Observation 12MM
SAC revision.
-Many student' don't make use of this class time and the availability of the
teacher to deal with problems

Concept test handed back
Formal feedback provided
- Answers from calculations given in decimal degrees answers
require ->DMS function on calculator.
- Label Triangles correctly
- Angle of elevation and depression measured from the
-Rodney- re the need to be pushed or is he happy just to do the work asked of
him and leave it at that he likes to just do what's asked of him, no more.
-Darren and Bree were in class today , No materials, no interest from both of
- spoke to Amy C about how she deals with Bree, Has high expectations that she
brings the appropriate equipment to class, that she completes work, and
requires a lot of prompting, which takes you away from the rest of the class
I've found that the times I go to help her you just don't have enough time to
spend solely with her.
- Olivia, Chelsea and Emily wanted to talk about things outside of school work,
it's nice that they feel comfortable enough and interested

P5 & 6
Warm afternoon today,
Distractions aplenty
Spider on the ceiling
CAT due today
Sport outside
Windows open /closed

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And Last week of term

Started with a quiz, the weight of balls and boxes just to settle the group after

Used video about statistics as a break in the class as well.

Period 6 many were worried about doing CATs and the rest wanted to go
home so did I!!
I hoped that there was enough different activities to maintain some interest I
the last week of term, as kids are very distracted

Tuesday 15-09
Form Assemble
Parent teacher - 3 way conferences
White socks- just one not conforming
The expectation of a standard is one of the things I do like about this

P1. P2
While sitting in the library a teacher came in with some year 9s to use the
computers.. A couple of boys were mis-behaving and asked them to stop and
focus on the task. A few minutes later they were mucking around again and he
walked up between them and slammed his hand down on the desk and yelled at
them that they'd had their chance.. The whole library went quiet..
My thoughts. I wonder about using the physical presence of being a
Male and intimidation by size to get students to a) stop undisciplined or
unfocused behaviour and b) focus on the work task.

Music. 10AMA
Voice solos
Rest of class working on a group performance of Cool Kids
Riff, Guitar chords, Bass line, Drum rhythm, Glock & Piano
Yr 9s will do this with me for Wednesday p5&6

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Thom M
This class is sooo quiet
Tom said that he's now had to collect students in groups and work with
them specifically because students were not asking for help and falling
through the cracks.
This year level is doing the flip classroom, online videos and then doing
the work in class.

Wednesday 16-06
Form assemble
Concept test
Some have struggled with 11216 the minute component of the degrees
has confused them
Questions on bearings with 2 courses and the drawing of correct triangles
has troubled many also.
The concept test is designed to the students understanding of
concepts, it comes before a topic test and informs the teacher of the
students understanding of relevant concepts within a particular
topic. I suggest that his one will indicate that although they are able
to do the Trig component well, the problem solving skills that are
required for bearing and application questions are lacking.

Tree Diagrams review
Venn Diagrams
Feel like I've lost my way with the Yr9s this last week They are so over
school and have been talkative is this because of the tone I set? Should
I expect a quieter more disciplined class?
Could have been more prepared wasn't confident of where students
understanding of Venn diagrams was at. I had to alter the approach to
Venn diagrams to cater for what they couldn't offer in the way of
- Seems that the whole school has shut down early Parent teacher
interviews on Thursday and many saying that they are not coming Friday..
9s asked if they could actually do nothing because today was their last

P5 & 6
Cool Kids Riff and Rhythm
This class was much the same in holiday mode for the last period
Chris Pennycook took first period CRT

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- Comments.. Spread of class working makes it hard to watch

them all
- Relate well to the students, which is something
that student teachers struggle with.
Certainly the spread out nature of the group, Amphitheatre,
Dungeon, Classroom, Courtyard meant that one had to keep
moving around.
A large group eventually congregated back in the classroom and started
to talk and stuff around..
Collected them all back together to play through the song together
some good efforts some not even prepared to try. Certainly the
end of term looming is effecting their desire to do anything much.

Leah S
Spoke to Leah after class about how she has found her first year at the
school, the support she receives and general impressions
- hasn't had a mentor for most of the year, a VIT mentor has been
provided to assist with registration.
- not checked in upon by someone ,but if she's asked for assistance
there is someone willing to help out.
- feels supported within the classroom with the schools discipline
- Certainly has a better work life balance now than in the first half of
the year.

Thursday 17-09
Parent teacher Interviews
Emily Boek 9:20
Chelsea Corbett 9:50
Jesma Freeman 12.30
Oskar Fleischer 3.05
Jarrod Wordsworth 3.50
Looonng day
Parents have been happy to take on board the thoughts of teachers, some have
commented that they get the same story from other teachers and that the kids
will be turning over a new leaf
Use for Verbal Feedback.See Relevant note of students

Reflections for Report

Setting an expectation of the work to complete
Timing of tasks, instructions,
Homework. The benefits , expectations.
As TP said at interviews having kids struggling at home is of no benefit to anyone. This
situation can be remedied with the flip classroom to some extent but it requires the
students to be focused and disciplined in completing the work prior.

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Feedback from CRT teachers of a good rapport and relate well with students

Friday 18-09
Form Assemble
Shark Tank presentation.. A 60- 90 sec video of a concept that the students have
come up with as a group and made a presentation as to why it should have an
investment made in it.
Auto Window.
Shaky Wakey
Bedorama 3000

Numbers and letters game.
Should have checked the rules, Not required to use all the numbers.
Only 5 students for most of the period. 4 girls were at welfare

31 minute period.
Did "mathletics" or free time. These lessons periods are good to get to know and
have some fun with students.

31min period
Nothing formal planned. Students finished off concept test where required.
Some attempted more work others nothing.
Had some nibbles to finish of the term.

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