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New Freedoms?

Source A: A national disaster

The need of every women is unsatisfied is she does not bear children. The proper
number of children in each family to maintain the nation is 3, not 1. Wide limitation of
family size is a national disaster.

Sir Leonard Hill, 1936.

Aylett, J. F. (1987). The Past in Question: The Suffragettes and After. London,
England: Hodder & Stoughton Educational.

Source B: Great Power needs Great Babies

If this country is to keep its high place in the leadership of the world and to survive as a
Great Power, our people must be encouraged by every means to have larger families.

Winston Churchill, March 1943.

Aylett, J. F. (1987). The Past in Question: The Suffragettes and After. London,
England: Hodder & Stoughton Educational.

Source C: New Freedom?

Although birth control may not be a perfect solution to social problems, it is the first
and the simplest way at present for the poor to help themselves. And by far the surest
way for women to obtain some measure of freedom.

Hannah Mitchell, The Hard Way Up, 1968.

Aylett, J. F. (1987). The Past in Question: The Suffragettes and After. London,
England: Hodder & Stoughton Educational.

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