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1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE CcHae. 158, 01M, i ae te 636 var Division IV-ZARTHQUAKE DESIGN CTION 1626 — GENERAL 526.1 Purpose. Tae purpose of the earinquak: provisions herein «s ocimacly o safeguatd against major structeralfafures and loss of life, aot to Haat damage or maintain function 1626.2 Minimum Seismic Desiga, Sawentes and portions thereof shall, 28 4 minimum, be designed and constructed to cesist the etfec's of seismie ground motions as rovie ia tis divisio. 16263 Seis’ and Wind Design, When che coce-presexibed wind design produces greater effects, che wind design shall go¥~ ra, but detailing cequirements and limitations preseribed in this section and referenced sections shall be followed. SECTION 1627 — DEFINITIONS isin terms are dened as fol- For the purposes of his division, -. lows: _” BASE isthe level at wbich the earthquake tions ste cons cid 10 be imparied fo the stereo the level hich the Ve fire asa dynamie vibrators suppored BASE SMEAR, biden an fo oh the base ofa sucrre BEARING WALL SYSTEM is 2s complete veriesl lead-srying 39 1829. BOUNDARY ELEMENT is an alement at ges of openings prorat perinsters of sheer walls or diaghrags * BRACED FRAME is an essentiaily vertical truss system of the concen ot zane pe that is rovided resis letra fess. BUILDING FRAME SYSTEM is an essenally complete ce fame Gat provides suppor for gravity loads, See Sexton CaNTILEVERED COLUMN ELEMENT is z column 2 meat in a faterai-foree-resisting system that cantilevers om 2 xed dase and has minimal omenc eagaciey a¢ the top, with La eral forees applied essentially at ste 109, COLLECTOR isa member or ra fees fom 2 ponion of a Hrueaure lateralsforee-resisting syste COMPONENT is a par ar element ofan architectural, elect cal, mechanical or structural system. © COMPONENT, EQUIPMENT, is 2 mechanical or comoonent or element that is zart of a mechanical andor system, COMPONENT, FLEXIBLE, is a componént. including its acachments, having 4 fundamental period gre2¢er than 0.08 Sec COMPONENT, RIGID, is 3 comoonte: ens, taving 4 fundamental zerod less can o£ sment provided 1 consi ‘erica! elemenis of she ecttical lectsieal CONCENTRICALLY BRACED FRAME 34 una ine atenbone pany "92 DESIGN BASIS GROUND MOT etfeeis of bbe used to represent this ground motion. The dynam ied by the the Design Basis Gtound Motion may be ceprese Design Response Specrum. See Section 16312. DESIGN RESPONSE SPECTRUM is an elastic esponse spectra fr 5 percent equivalent viscous damping vStd repre Pin the dynamic etfects of the Design Basis Ground Motion for dhe design of struerures in accordance with Sections 1650 and TSSt THs Fesponse spectrum may be either a stespecile spec jfam dated on geologic, tectonic, seismological and soil charac. bree sscocized wit a specific ste or may Be a spect SSstucted in accordance eath the special sape in Figure 16-5 ‘sing he site-specific values of Cy and C, and multglid bythe neceleration Of gravity, 386.4 inlsee.” (DLS avsec.") See Se: sion 1631.2 DESIGN SEISMIC FORCE is the minimum tol strength de sign base shear, factored and disibuted i accordance wit Sec ion 1650. ; DIAPHRAGM isa hoizonsl or neztly horizontal eystem act dng to erase oteral frees othe vertcal-esistng cements, The term "diapbragm’ includes horizontal bracing systems. DIAPHRAGM oc SHEAR WALL CHORD isthe boundary clement of a diaphragm of sheer wall chat is assumed co ake axie Stresses analogous (0 the Manges of « beac, DIAPHRAGM STRUT (érag smut, te, collecton isthe ele ment ofa diaphragm paallel othe applies load tha collects and fs dlapnrsgra spear the vewial-cesitig element o ds- 'e jiragm, Sueh members may take axial (ension or compression. DRIFT. See "story dei’ DUAL SYSTEM is a combination of moment-esisting frames and shear walls or braced frames designed in accordance with the criteria of Section 162965. 7 ECCENTRICALLY BRACED FRAME (EBA) is 4 steel braced frame designed in conformance with Section 2213.10. ELASTIC RESPONSE PARAMETERS are foress and deformations determined fom an elastic dynamic analysis using fn unreduced ground motion representation, in accordance with Seciion 1630. ESSENTIAL FACILITIES are those structures that are sec: ent toa aatuealdisaser. FLEXIBLE ELEMENT or system is one whose deformation under lateral load i significantly larger than adjoining parts of the system, Limiting atios for detining specific exible elements ace set forth in Section 16306. HORIZONTAL BRACING SYSTEM is a horizontal truss ‘system that serves the same function 35 a diaphragm, INTERMEDIATE MOMENT-RESISTING FRAME AAMRE) is 3 concrete frame designed in aecordancewith Section i928. LATERAL-FORCE-RESISTING SYSTEM jg. that gaet of igned resist the Design Sessmic For MOMENT-RESISTING FRAME \s frame in orbieh me ‘ats are engable of cesisting forss pamaey by Ne AME TMRWA 2 wide ductile Behav no3. RDINARY BRACED FRAME OBA) is a sesl-brse=d NR ae : ep nen tesisting fame not me Segre we 7213.8 oF 2214.6, or concrete-braced frame designed in record ance with Section 1921, ORDINARY MOMENT-RESISTING FRAME (OMR is 1 special decailing « ments for ductile benavict. ORTHOGONAL EFFECTS ate the sarnhquake load edfecis on structural elements common (othe lateral-force-cesiting £ys tems elong two orthogonal axes, DVERSTRENGTH is 2 characraristic of structures where che rewuai srength s larger than tne desiga strengih. The degree of oversireagth is materal- and system axial forces end soomenis of frame members incuced by the verial ioads acting athe lateraily displaced building system, SHEAR WALL is a wall designed wo resist lateral fo let to the plane ofthe wall (sometimes refered as, pphragen or siruccural wall) SHEAR WALL-FRAME INTERACTIVE SYSTEM uses ‘combinations of shear walls and frames designed to eesist Ia forces in proportion to their celative rigidities, considerin action berween shear walls and frames on all levels. SOFT STORY is one in which the lateral stfiness is less thon 10 percent of the stfiness ofthe story above, See Table L6-L, SPACE FRAME is a three-dimensional sicuctural system, without bearing walls, composed of members interconnected 40 35 0 function aS a complete self-contained wnic wth of without she id of horizontal diaphragms or floor-brecing systems. SPECIAL CONCENTPICALLY BRACE: © (SCBP)is sect-braced ‘tame designed in conformance with the provisions of Section 22130, + SPECIAL MOMENT-RESISTING FRAME (MRF) is ¢ momenceesisting frame specially detailed to provide ductile ‘behavior and comply withthe sequicernenes given in Chapter 19 0 22, SPECIAL TRUSS MOMENT FRAME (STMH) is 2 momencrssisting frame specially deailed to provide ductile ‘behavior and comply svth ‘he provisions of Section 2213.11, STORY isthe space berween levels. Story «isthe sory below Level STORY DRIFT isthe be (0 the level above of below, STORY DRIFT RATIO isthe story drift divided by she story heigh STORY SHEAR, ¥,, is the summation of design lateral forces above the story under consideration, STRENGTH is the capacicy of an element or a member fo resist facrored load as specilied in Chapters 16, 18, 19.71 and 72. STRUCTURE is an assemblage of framing members designed to sugpori gravity loads and tsi Hts S, Strectures may b= d as building structures o¢ aonbuileing sirucuces. SUBDLAPHRAGM is 2 sSigned (o anctor and transier local forces ‘9 primary diachragm displacement of one level tion ofa larger wood diaphragm VERTICAL LOAD CARRYING FRAME is a space diame fesigned io carry vermis gravity (oie, WALL ANCHORAGE SYSTEM is ste system of norirg the wacl to she diaphragm and those elemeris with iaperagm re 3 develag ihe anchorage acces, 1297 UNIFORM aUILOING CODE subdiapnragms and continuous es, as specified in Sections 1633.2. and 1633.29. WEAK STORY js one in which the stony strength is less :han 80 percent ofthe story above. See Table 16-L. SECTION 1628 — SYMBOLS AND NOTATIONS Tae following symbols and aotations soply to the provisions of this division: 22 of strucruce in sau: Ag = ground floor covered by all overhangs a include the combined edecrive ares, in square feet (en), the sheae walls inthe first story 0¢ ine struceure ss-sectional acea in any horizonval (er) of sheae (he sinimum plane ia the Gest story, in square fee ‘wall, + the orsional arplifiation factor at Level x = numerical coetficient specified in Section 1632 2nd set forth in Table 16-0. seismic coefficient, as set forh in Table 16-0. ruraerical coetfiient given in Section 1630.2.2. seismic cortficient, a se forth in Table 16-R. dead load om a structural element he length, ia Feet (m), of shear wall inthe frst story inthe dieeion parallel tothe applied forces saithguats toads se orth in Section 1630. Design Seismic Force applied Level {a of «, sespectively. Fy = Design Seismic Forces on a gat of the structure, Design Seismic Fores on a diaphragen teat portion of the base shear, V considered co traced athe (op ofthe siruczute in addition co laceral force at Level for use ia Formula (30-10). > acceleration due co gravity. Tc = height in feet (m) above the base co Level fw ors, sively importance factor given in Table (6-K = Importance factor specified in Teble 16-K. live load oa @ structucal element level of the structure cefereed to by the subserior E" designates the first level above the bas. that level cat is uppermost inthe main portion of the seeueeure <= that level thc is ander design consideration designates rhe frst level above the base, Level t cnaximum moment magnitude, 2 fs1or used in the ‘elated to bath acon Cy in the praximiny ot Seisimie Zone buliging or sractue g ‘own faults wah magniwudes sg zt Conh in Tables (6-S.and 16-0 and slips Wi, -= nenrsouree factor used in the Seismic Zone 4 slated 10 90 uilding or xreiste 9 kno and slip tes 35 se Foren in felis with magn 16-T and 1S-U 3997 UNIFORM BUILDING Coog— PF = plasticity index of sol determined in sccordence with tional sondatc, umerical sentative of the oversttengs and global ductiliey czpacicy of fat force-cesisung sysiems, 38 Set forth in Table 15, 16-?, {rato used in mining p. See Section £630. fon in Table 264), is fendamenisl period of vidtaion, in seconds, ihe direction uadee consideration, 3F shear a the base given by Formal { (60-7) 0¢ (30-10) the design sory shear in Story x the cotel seismic dead load defined in Section 1630.11, ‘hat portion of #7 toca ‘espectively Wy = the weight of an slemant or component “pe = the sgt of ste daphcagm andthe element ibutary thereto a Leval , including applicable portions of other loads defined in Section 1630, wypes as % = the coral desi fe at oF assigned co Level fo Zs 45 given in Table 16, ‘uy = Maximum Inelastic Response Displacement, wi i the total drt or al sry eit chat neers wher Motion, including esi eons tne coal de See as = wel Response Displacement, which isthe oF socal story ert hat occurs wi > SECTION 1629 — CRITERIA SELECTION 1629-1. Basis for Design. The procedures and the limitations for the design of siructees sell be erermined considering scrote Zoning, ste characteristics, occupancy, configuration, seuen ns dance with this section, Sructaces shall uate Stength co withstand she later] di. round Motion, consid : aera si a 1828 weaa'ss binations of Section 1612.5 ate wilted, One- and so-amty urllings ia Seismic Zone need no confor to provision this section, Occupancy Categories. For purposes ot « resistant design, each 3 Site Geology and Soil Characceristies. Each site shall be assigned 2 soil aroile ype based on oroperly suds geetecnical deca wi.2 it ste categorization proceducs set ioc Jn Division VI, Section 1636 and Table (6-/ EXCEPTION: When he sou popes ae a0 own in cen ‘eso dearain he ol pole ype, Tope 3p sll wie, So Sle Type Se 0¢ Sp ned tx be used unless te Suing oo teraines hs Type Si o Sp aay be ptesat these een he nag (hat Type Se or Se established by geotctniel sa 1629.1 Soil profile type, Soil Profile Twpes Sy, Ss So, Sp and ‘Se are defined in Table 16-J and Soil Profile Type S's etined oe soils requiring site-specific evaluation s follows: 182 1. Soits vuinerabie zo potential fsilure or collapse under sei mie foading, such as liquefiable soils, quick and aighly senslaes clays, and collapsible weakly cemented soil, 2. Peats andlor bighly organic clays, where the thickness of eat or highly organic clay exeeeds 10 fest (3048 can), 3. Mery hig plasticity clays with a plasticity index, PY > 75; where the depth of clay exceeds 25 feet (7620 min) Nery thick wuivimedim sti cays, wncts the depth uf clay exceeds 120 F201 (36 576 mm), 3629.4 Site Seismic Hazard Characteristics. Seiswic hazerd Shacacterstis forthe site shal be established based on the seis. inic tone and proximity ofthe ste co active seismic souces, sit soil protile characceristcs and she structure's importance facion, 1 Seismic zone. Eaci sie shall be assigned a seismic zone dance with Figure 16-2, Each structure sall be esigned ¢ seismic zone factor Z, in accordance with Table 16-1 1629.4.2 Seismic Zone 4 near-souree factor in Seismic Zone + sts shall be assigned a neat-source tieioe in accordance with Teble 16-5 and the Seismic Source Type set forth in Table 16-0. value of N used 10 determine C, need not =xceed 1.1 for sctuces complying with all the following concits The soil protite ype is 5, Sp, Se oF Sp. 0. : 3. Excapt in single-story structures, Group R, Division 3 and Group U, Division 1 Occupancies, moment treme systems desige ated 25 part of the lateratforce-cesisting system shal L lumas in one siory buildings or columas atthe ep sioey ot mulasiory buitcings wea dance with Table 16-8 cuaris, Ov. S - Seen 1629.52 Regular structures, Regular si Aave 90 sig: aificant ahysicel discontinuities in plan or vertical contigueation cin thetrlateralvores-resisting systems such as ne uregulae fea suces described in Section 1629.5 1629.53 Ircegular steuctures, 1. tregular sirctures have significant physical discontinuities in configuration or w their lateral fores-cesissing systems, regu lac featuees include, but ac+ not limilta i0, chose described Tables 16-L and 154M All structures ia Seismic Zone £ and Oce pancy Categories and 5 in Seismic Zone ? need 19 be evaluated bly for vertical inageiaties of Type 3 (Table SL) snd aorseon, ‘al imeguiarties of Type { (Tuole 15-M) L shall 2 Structures having any ofthe fatures listed in Table ignated as if having a veucal imegulaticy story eit 00 under design loeet es he Story ail the tory abo laid eglectg torsional 3. Structures having any of she feats listed in Table l shall be designated as having a plan irregularity 1629.6 Structural Systems, 1629.61 General. Structural 3 of the pes listed in Tale 18-20 1629.62 Bearing wall system. A sin comaplete verical losdcareying sp Bearing walls o¢ bea 8 provide support for all ar mosé gravity loads, Re sistance to lateral ioad is provides by shear walls oc rated ames, 1629.63 Building frame system. A sicucturel system with 30 essentially complete space ikeme geoviding support for vravity Toad is provided by shear walls or raced 1629.6. Moment-rasisting frame system, & st y roviding seepor for gravity loads, Moment-esisting frames provide renisizrce 10 late ral load orimarily by dlesural setioa of mermbers. 1629.65 Dual system, A suuczuial system with the following, 1. An essentially complete space frame that provides support for gravity losds. : 2 Resisiancs co lateral load is provided by shaae walls or braced Games and moment-resisting frames (SMRE, IMRE, MMRWF oc stssl OMRE), The moment resisting ames shall be designed to indeoendentiy resis least 25 percent ot the design dase shene The 629.5.8 Contilevered columa system. situ 6.3 Nonbuitding sieuetura! system. 4 si (629.7 Height Lienics. Ht cece ana SETS 1997 UNIFORM BUILOING COO: 1 ints by 96 age not secs, EXCEPTION: depute timer snore tan 50 gecent fr uta Bie ne yeneral puoi 1629.8 Selection of Lateral-torce Procedure 1629.8.1 General, Any scucsure may be. and certain strecuse ‘efined below shall be, designed using the dyna procedures of Section 1631 1629.3.2 Simplified static. force pracedurs set forth in Section 1630.2.3 may be used for che fal ‘coving structures of Occupancy Catetory + 05 Buildings of any aceuosney (i ings) act more then three stores in beight #xcluding Dasemencs, hat use light-iceme construction, 2. Other buildings not more than ovo si ing basements, 1629.8.5 Static. The static lateral force procedure of Section 1630 may be used for the following structures: 1. All structures, cegular or iregulat in Seismic Zone Und ia Occupancy Categories and 5 in Seismie Zone 2 2. Regular siruciures under 240 feet (73 152 ma in heighé with lateral Zorce cesisiance provided by systems listed in Table LGN, except where Section 16298.4, Item 4, applies, 3. Irregular structures aot soore then five stories or 65 feet (29.812 mi) in beige. Structures having a flexible upper gortion suggarted on a lower gertion where Both porcions of she siueture consid- Separately can be classified as being regular, the average Story sins of ine lower portion is atleast LO times the aver Story stiffness of the upper porioa and che period of the ant sirueture is not greater than {1 times the period ofthe upper por- tion considered as 2 separate structure fixed atthe base procedure of including che in height exelud= 1629.84 Dynamic, The dynamic latest Section [631 shall be used for all other structure following: 1. Structures 240 feet (75 152 mm) or more ia height. except es permitted by Section 1529.8.3, fem I. 2. StoucturesAaving a stiiness, weight 0 geomet vertical i eqularicy of Type (. 2or 3, as dedined in Table US-L, or structures having ircegularézatuces not described in Table L6-L of 16-M. cpt a8 permitted by Section L 3, Structures over tive stories of 65 fee¢(19 812 mea) in height ia Seismic Zones 3 and # not having the same sicuctural system shroughout their height except as permiied by Section 1634.2 Structures. cegulac or ircegulae, located an Soil Profile Type ja that have a period greater than 0.7 second. The analysis shall include she aGeets of the Sols tthe site and shall conform (0 See" jon 1834.2, lem 4 1629.9 System Limitations, : 1529.9.1 Discontinuity. Steuctures wi © (06 30 feet (944 mm) im hegre w ners ih weak story has (6299.2 Undelined str sestems ot lst al syscems ie test daca see ZUNIFORM ALILOING CODE 1, Dyaamie ee: in hardening or Sots (Qverstzength and 4 Stenger and suifness degradation, 5, Energy dissipation characteristics, 5, System ductility, snd 7 Bedundsney, 9.9.3 Ceregular features. All struc escnbed in Table 15-Lor (6-M 3h ne idaivionst eau sro. 1629.10 Alternative Proceduces, 1629.10.1 General. Alemative letral-foece procedures using rational analyses pased on well-established principles of mechan ‘cs may be used in liew of those prescribed in these srovisions 1629.10.2 Seismic isolation, Seismic isolation, energy dissips sion and damping ysiemis may be used in the design of srwetures when aooroved bythe building oficial and when special detailing {3 used 0 provide csules equivalent 1 those obtained Oy the use 06 conventional sirurural systems. For akemate design grocedures ‘09 seismic isolation systems, refer co Appendix Chapter 15, Divi. sion Il, Earshquake Regulations for Selsae-sotaced Sen SECTION 1630 — MINIMUM DESIGN LATERAL, FORCES AND ASLaTED =: 1630.1 Earthouake Loads and Modeling Requicements USL Eacthquake lands, Scuciurs stall be de ground woton producing set espoas tad soa face, any aodzontlerszon, The fllowing arcgce onde sa Be asd ine fous combinations st orth in Seton 612 Eapeis En = Oly = the zarthquaie load on an slement ofthe siuciure eesule. ing ftom the combination ofthe horizontal comgone: Zs, and the vertical comgoneat. £, he eadthquake load ue to the base shea, ¥ a5 set forth ins or the dei (ores, &, 08 set forth in Section 1832, imated maximum sachquake force that can be Gevelooed in the suructce a8 set forth in Section section of loading, he . Hof te design story sheze in the’ nos he single clement divided oy the ota design sory shes any given Story Level ishe elemienestory shenrc {9 i denoted a5. The maximum slemene-stery sae "0 nae is detined a5 the largest ot the clemen san shear tos, 2, which occurs in any of the cory lavels Se two-thieds neigh level a te buiaing, a0 the maximum hon slement divided oy dh For braced irames, the velue of 9 8 zontal force component in 2 single deace total story sheat For moment frames, 7 shall be t2ken 35 the maximum of th ‘um ofthe shears ia any evo adjacent columns in moment gaan bay divided by the story shea. For columns corainan to two bax ‘with moment-esisting connections on aprosite sides at Level ig the direction under consideration, 70 gereene of the shear in the Column may de used in the column shear suramatign, For shear walls, q shall be teken 25 the eximum value ofthe product ofthe wall shear multilied by 10M. (For SI: 3.0S/ke) and divided by the (otal story shear, where fy isthe leegth of the wall ta feet (ap Foc dual systems, shall be taken 2 the maximum value of 25 v2 considering all latesl-load-esistng elements. The tscera loads shall be distributed co elements based on telative 's considecng the interaction of the dual systean, For dusi ihe value of 0 need not exceed 80 percent ofthe value cal. P shall not be taken less than (.0 and ated not be greater *han 1.5, and ag isthe ground floor area ofthe siructure in squal et (o°), For speciel moment-resisting éiames, exespt when used dat systems. 9 shall not exceed 1.35, The number of bays of spe, cial moment cesisting frames shall be incceased to reduce ¢ such hat p is less than oc equal to 1.25, EXCEPTION: 4y may be peer seek gonton athe 182 gound floor When calculating drift or wien the steuctce is located in Seis- mic Zone 0. tor 2p shall be taken zqual wo The ground motion producing lateral response aad desiga ses mic foress may be assumed © 2¢1 noncutsently in the dircaton of A ovincigal axis ofthe structure, except zs cequired by Section a he avenge foot aaa the Seismic dead toad, 4, isthe toral dead [oad and applicable por: ons of other loads listed below. L nd warehouse aceupant oor lve load shall 9e 2 able flour Basign,a oad of cluded 10.1.2 Madeling cequireme cHae, Tas0.3.2 3603 iH and strength of clements, which are significant tothe distribution ‘€ forces, and shal reoresent the spatial distribution of the inass and stitness ofthe sivetre, fn addition, the ciodel shall comoly wich the following 2. ‘Stidiness properties of reinforced concrete and masoary ele iments shail consider ihe affects of cracked sections, 2. For steel moment irame systems, the contribution of panel zone deformations 10 overall story drift shali bs inciuaed 630.13 Pa effects. The cesulting member forces and momescs and the sory drifts induced Sy Pay veeezs shalt oe considered ia he evaluation of overall siriczueal Eeme stability and shall $e evaluated using ih forces producing the displaczraenis of ag, Pa. the ratio of Secondary moment 9 pt mary moment does not exceed 0.10; the ratio may be evaluated for any sory a5 the product of the tual dead, floae live and sow load, as requited in Section 1612, above che siocy cimes the seismic drift in that story divided by che oroduer of the seismic shear in shat ‘ory times the heigin of tha story. In Seismic Zones 3 and +, PA read not be considered when the story dei ratio does noc exceed ooze &. 1630.2 Static Force Procedure, Ue Seen 1630.21 Design base shear. The total design base shear in a siven direction shall be determined feom the following formula need not be considered w 25Ca v vy (05) shall not be less than the following: vy 60-8) he coral base shear shall also Yue oie {a addition, é not be Seismic Zone than che following 03 2M, t Bel ve ¥ 60-7) 1639.2.2 Structuce oeriad. The velue of [shall be determined from one of the wd] (Sas) SEN EOE Eri The values off represent any lateral free dsibued appx imacely ia accordanes with the pncples of Formulas (56-13), (60-14) and (30-15) or anyother eatona ditabuton. THe elas detections, &, shal be ealoulated sing the aeled later forces, fi. 1630.23 Simplified design base shear 1630.23.1 General. Sutures conforming othe eeuiceens of Section 1629.2 may be designed using this procedure 1630.23. Base shea, The coial design base shest in 1 given direction shall be determined from the following formula: 28 vw 396: y ® ‘where the value of C, shall be based on Table 16-Q fer the soil pro- Sle tyoe. When the soil properties are not known ia sufficient esail (© deteriine the soil profile ype, Type Sp shel be used in Seismic Zones 3 an 4, and Type Se shall be wed in Seismie Zones 1. 2A and 2B. In Seismic Zone 4, the Neae-Source Factor, Me. nesd ‘0¢be greater than 1.3 if none ofthe following sruceurl irregular. ities are present: Type L, $ oF 5 of Table L6-L. o¢ Type Loe 308 Treble 16: 7 1650.23.3 Yerricat distributior be calculated using the following for 3.06, aoe Fe 0 Ey, 60.12) ‘The forces at e2ch level shall la: where the value of Cy shall be determined in Section 1630.2.3.2, (630.234 Applicabitity. Sections 1630.12, 1630.13, 1630.2. 1530.2.2. 1630.5, 163039. 1630.10 and 1631 shall nov apply w using the simplified procedure. aay ceauteconsigerion0f Pa eters cons (630.5, 1830.9 346 1630.0 shall be prepared using design etn ces fromm Section 1630.23 Where used, ayy shall be takes height o€ all series. In Section 163 3.0 ‘pee but Sal nov be 15 shall be taken ftom Table 16-N, Hess than 5 Cy woe 16303. Determination of Seismic Factors (6303.1 Determination af fy, For soecrite fe. a8 specifically idenetied in this eode, te th shall be che produc: of the seismicaor ad the desiga seismic torees tet arlowabte 5! (gran Strength Ove ,, shall be‘ 3.2 Determination of 8, The netaton 2 shall be cakes ‘rom 2 LaeN 1597 UNIFORM suoING cooE 1630.4 Combinations of Stcuctucal Systems 163041 General. here combinations of structural syste Te incorporated into the same sieucur section shal! be satis she tequicements of ths 1630-42 Yertical combinations. The value of 2 used inthe de- ‘gm of aay story shall be fas than or equal the value o€ 8 used sa the given direction forthe story above 0136 pli 9 3 soe Sori ess nan te of this section sicuciues is designed using the lowest ® of che sisting systems used, or 2, The following ewo-stage staic analysis procedures may be sed for structures conforming io Section 1639.83 tea 2 2.1 The exible upper portion shall be designed as 2 tepe- ‘ate structure, supported laterally by the sigid lower Porton, using the aapropriae values of & and p, The tiie lower gonton shall be designed as a separate Structure using the tpproptite values of 2 end p. ‘actions fiom the upper gortion shall be those deter ined trom the analysis o€ she vopec portion amplified 2y the faio of he (Rp) af the upper portion aver (Rip) 2k the lower portion, 1530.43 Combinations along different axes. fa Seismic ad wher 5 8 Dearing wall system in only lon, the value of& used Zor design in the orthogonal oh, fetion shall aoc’ arsater in (haC used (Or the bearing wall sys. Aar combination of bearing wall systems. building frame syse 3s. dual syst ‘oment-resisting frame systems may bo fn structures 35 chan 16 ombinations of duai syst 13054 Combinations along the same axis. For other than Seal Sesiems and shear wall-irame interactive systems in sclore Zones D and {, where a combination of dtfetentsintcural sae, is wulized wo cesist fateel forces inthe same diteeton, the sole A used ior design in chat cicecsion shall not be greater shoo she value for any o€ the systems utilized in shac same ditcevion 1850-5 Vectical Distribution of Farce. The cotel force shall be Gstcibuted ovee che height ofthe siructeie in eontormaces ot Formulas (50-13), (50-4) and (30-13) in he absence of eae Figorous procedure mia (3-2), nen cs ARR O CHAP. 36,1 6 of he ase shen shall be dstbuted over he highe Steuerue, including Level a. acrording tthe following At each level designated as be apptieg the area ofthe builaing in accordance with the mass etched ‘hat level, Structural displacements and shall be caleulated asthe aicet of forces fm Aoprogriste levels above the base 1630.6 Horizontal Distribution of Shear. The design 5 Shear, Ye ia any story is the sur of the focees Zand Fe above story shall be distributed (othe various elements of the oon lacraliocee-esisting system in proportion co tele igitnig sieving the rigidity of the diaphragm, See Section 1635.2. sigid elements that are not intended to be part ofthe lteretcion ‘sisting systems, i Where diephragms ace aoc exible, che ass at each level st b¢ assumed to be displaced from ihe ealeuleted canter of nent h direction a distance equal to 5 perczat ofthe buniding ding sion at that level perpendicular (othe dection ofthe face ant consideration, The eifect ofthis displacement onthe stony se istrioution shall be considered Diaohragins shel be considered flexible forthe purposes ef d tnioucion of tory shear and torsional moment when the easing letesal deformation of ine digphzagm is more than «wo ines g by coraparing che computed midpoint in-plane deflection ot a sizghragm elf under lateral led withthe story otf of adjoint eats under equivalent mbutary letra! lows 1630.7 Horizontal Tocsional Moments. Provisions + ' sade (or the increased sheers cesulting from Aoizontal «sie where diaphragms are aot flekible. The most severe load coms nation foe meat Shall be considered for design, The tocsional design moment 23 given sioty shall be the eo ‘pen sesulting fiom zccancicities between applied design laters forces a tevels above thet story and the vertical cesistin in that sory alus an accidentelcorsion ‘The accidenralcrsional moment shat be determined by essum ing the mass is displaced as required by torsional irvegulacty exists, as defined in Table (6-M 's shall be accounted for by increasing the accidental toe Son at each level by an amplification factor... determined fons the following formula 1630.8 Oveetuening CHAP, 16,01 1V teanst of the design oversurning moment shall be sis led co the Various resisting elements in the manner prescribed in Section 1630.6, Overuraing etfects on every shall be ‘tion, Sez Sections 1615 and 1633 for ‘combining gravity and seismic forces. 1630.8.2 Elements supporting discontinuous systems. 1630.8.2.1 General. Where any porion of the ‘at resisting system is discontinuous, such as for ver Type tim Table 18-L oF olen i and wood elements suogorting suc the dasign strengtn 10 ssi regularity Type 4 in Table 15-0 2. Conerete slabs suppoing ghediame wood shee wal eyes or lighelame sel and soad savessal pune hese al ers, For Allowable Suress Design, she designs sained wsing an allowable swess increas accor. of 0. This inccease shall aot be combined with the one third stress increase pecmiced by Section 1612.3, but may be com- bined with the duration of foad increase permitted in Chapier 23, Division {11 16303.2.2 Detailing cequicements in Seismic Zones 3 and 4. Seismic Zones 3 and ¢, elements supporting discontinuous sy the following decaling or member limitations: or teinforeed masonry slements embers shall coraply with Sec- reed cone signed armanily as sxisi-toed 5 oF light-ame sizel and wood sinve systems shall comply with Seciions 19213,2 and 1971.3.3. Strength compuraions for porioas of slabs designed 25 suopor: ig siemens siall include arty chose postions of the sl that om. ply with che rzquicerents af these sections. 3. Masoney elements designed primarily 2s axialtoad carrying shall comply with Sections 2106. 1.12.5, Ns designed orimarily 25 shail comply with Section 2108.2.5.2, 5. Steel alements designed primarily a8 axiat-load members shall comaly with Secrions 2713.5,2 and 2313.5.3, 6, Steel elements designed primarily 25 Nexucal members of «russes shall have bracing for both (ap and bottom beam Manges or ‘rds a the location ofthe suppor: of the discontinuous 8 and shall comoly with the cequiterments of Section 2213 7.1.3 7. Wood zlements cesigned primarily a5 Texurat members sll be provided with lateral braciag oe sold blocking ac each a he element and atthe connection lcation(s) af the discontinuous 1530.83 At foundation, Se with Section 1630.9.1. To determing dy, these deits shall be amplified in accowdanes with Section 1630.9. elastic analysis of she 1630.9.1 Determination of dg. A sta locce-cesisting system shall be atepared"using the design ic forces trom Section 1630.21. Aktematively, dynamic analysis may be performed in accowdance with Section 1831 Where Allowable Sicess Design is used 2nd where dif s being computed, the toad combinations of Secsion 1612.2 shall be usea ‘The mainematical model shail comply wih Se sulting deformations, denoted as ds, salt > critical locations in the structure, Caleulated dnt shall include ‘anslesional and torsional deflections. 1630.92 Determination af ayy. Tae Makimem clase Response Digplacement, dy, shill be computed follows: Se = OF Rd (17 EXCEPTION: Ateravety.ay sy be came by aoates sto sty anni sence wn Scion ISLS sed 10 detemine she Masimom Inelastic cot dy sal corsder PA secs.” The analysis Response Displa 1630.10 Story Drift Limitation, 1630.10.1 General. Story drifts shall $e computed using che Maximum [nelastic Response Displacement, iy 1639.10.2. Caleutsted. Calculated story drift using Ay shall noe xczed 0,025 times the story height for structures having 2 funda- ving fun 7 second or greater, 0.020 times the siory te oh deni Eewonscte tat gener dean be alerted by bath ssc ele 1 and nontriual lees hat could i se, The dn en this apes Response Dis 2 There sal Beco cet ini singleton ealtrad stevens lhssiied 26 Groups 8. F and § Occupants ot Group, Divison t (9¢3 Cezupaacies. a Groups 3, Fand § Occspancie, he primary use Shall Ge lites 0 tage factories or workshops. Minos sesso? ‘et hall be lowed i aecordanes wit he powsons of Section 302 Servius an whi his exepton sued shal at at quip ‘Behed othe eves ame ofall See sed eigen dened fo sate the aeaivorl dt. Walls hte aealysupgotd y ‘rame sha be ance wien Secon (833.2, 1630.10.3 Limitations. The desi imine the eafeulated deft may discegard the limitations of Formula (60-6) and may be based on the period determined from Formula 0-10) neglecting the 30 or 20 percent limitations ot Section 1630.22, em 2 used (9 deter 1630.11 Vertical Component, The following cequirements 99° ply ia Seismic Zones 3 and 4 only, Horizontal cantdever compo be designed for a nec upward force of 0.7C IW, on 0 al othe rents 3 PROCEDURES 1ON 1631 — DYNAMIC ANALYSIS 13st General. Dynamic mio the eters 1997 URIROAM AUILDING coo ‘hat are designed in accordance with tis section shall comply with all otter applicable requirements ofthese provisions, 1631.2 Ground Motion. Tke ground motion 3,000 | ae Se { Rock, | 500 1 §.900 saa tH ea 5 TR +H I a vam ese ease} i pe (eeeeseareer sa i Fae oT + "Soil tie Tape Saintes any i ert wah mete (Cx (368 mm) of 0 cay eincd a5 a sal wi agg ex, PID Wwag = poe ed 500 oak (28 a), Tye Passe Ince, PY, and she movsurecanen ye shall be determined a seconde wih pono) seed aa TABLE 1ex—occUPANCY CATEGORY sees 130 usd 1 scan Sep iin Ose tense ad egy a | fetes? aes | | | Gaeages soe steers for emergency vehicles and emergency airerait | See ms te | | jeer | ‘Strate ad equine in goveraren commricstion cents a ote feces tequiced Cor emergency tesponee Sand power generating equipment fer Category Leics “Tanks ov oer srucrteszonaningSouting or sepponing water OF 2 i uppcssion moter or element equied fo te pronescon of Caegoee L toed sescices {Group Divwions seepage ot sive chemists or substances ed 7 Cesupincia and aeaciares cei Rowing SF | irs | Nonlin seactcs ing, prtingo conning quae oo | Eso boars aa once cigs Sg See | Scleegsbe osied oa Sy Okt Sees 3 Spent eup ition 1 Fa 1 Seip | cfcoemne, | Buting soning Oey Orso an} Ocipanies wh apn tect) ——_| geet fan So tend | [Bet Senin rn 8 Occpp ed rge osu etueion | | sito eapsciy geester nan 500 rene | | Grune Divisions & and 2 Occupsacies wich 5D ce mare pasts, ts incase in Cees | Grote 1 om po | | pts Le | | | 1997 UNIFORM BUILOING CODE TABLE 16-L—VERTICAL STRUCTURAL [AREGULARMTIES. i I Fitaes imguariyat gop | 7 soa | 162953. tem 2 ope \ ec) i one ia which ie lata sities is tess than 70 pescent of tht in the story above or less hon ofthe nerage ides ofthe hes sores 20 [Bo Weight (wasn imegutarey | Mast inegulay shal 8 considered exist whe eit ass ofa ajacet sor rea thai lighter Bs the oot Sloe te eecive mass of any sory i more than 150 percent the (69S. ter? rote somstdeced Gzssil somes ivegutany salt consdeeed ost wets he orion dimension of Iwate cote Ones cae penthouses | : | Soham So tee et TABLE veut | 2 Iavglane dlsondinaiy im verca ntcrarforceeining demon a An nplane ofc ofthe lateraloa resisting nomen pester han he length of those slewens (6305.2 Discontinuity fa eapacigy—weak ve v i 80ry 1629941 gt is es cha SD percent of ht in he stony above, The sey stength Aves soe one in wich te 8 | oath ol ism resting elements stig tne sory seat fr ie dinero occ 5 TALE 16-M--PLAN STRUCTURAL IRREGULARMTIES c RSI RT a oa Treat see I oe al ected wt ohn eau ort compe cg canst | : Soon, tone end ofthe sre wanveric © a tate tah La nes ee ate ne | wr22Hs | 2% Resntrant corners Zan caniguationt of vue andi lntea- force cessing system contain e-ttrat comers where Soh fond x eentrant comer are gree Gan (3 erent he plan simenton ofthe OL) [F Bikcram soning ~ | Bartram ih ab: diconinaesorsarion in ites nsating hose having conto open eas tet {R2e 20 percent of he got eelued rao he apragn of anges Weocine Seek Si ne tan 50 geteat fom one ory ths ae 7 i | ‘Qucae-plane offsais | | T | Siscontnwices ia tetera fers pth, such as owot-plane oss ofthe vical semen E Nonparatelsrtens whe Perea tte emet60pll 2samai so he mr goa se of me on 1 1 | | | | | ' | TABLE 16-N—~STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS! |_ este srauerunas syste LATERAL ZOREE RESIST aySTEM aeSCRetION TT Beasng wall sysecr TUpitfaaed wal wi tice panels | 2° Wood sracturat panel wall for suctures thes stoves oles x 3 Altieri Shearoalis a Coneete ame Desrng walls ith ention nly baciog frames where ocacing szses rst toad } 3 Concrete? [et Heawy dinves [Stel ecenieally Breed fume (ESP) 2 Upictramed walle sath sere evel 2 Wood sructual panel walls for stvcnes hee sores oles b, alltker lighted walls 5 Shesewals a Conerte [Waitarmaes 3 Concrete Heavy timber 2. io nomestseiting wal fe (RWS) 3, Coners ss 3 Nemeseetig ane [7 peal aang ae SUR : 7 Cones 3 5 2 Coneste wa SRE 3. Copeste wih tect OMRE ¢ Concrete wit const (MRSS BBE, sane az | 2s | 3 ih esl Ob a] 8 5. Onsen besd tes : Shine 3 fos | & Seacie er Shee a 8 © Gon rete SURED es | 8 2, Genres in cones {RE 3) oR 4. Spel oncoutetp braces es 2 Reta nee Shae 13 | oa ef Bi Stel tect WBE 3 Los 5 Cinted clon blog [Clee comma asm mp ae en a a) Soseee | (To nseined acer Be Seid IE and CTE i XC—e tn — {See Section 630.4 foreombination of srcturl stems ase snus ssteme ate dtined ia Seen 16 cues precast cance seuionming 9 Set SOreinary momentceating arses in Setmie iH af se Dal ing 1 Seismic Zanes 2 1997 UNIFORM suiLoItIG cou ‘TABLE 16:0HORIZONTAL FORCE FACTORS, ae AND A, oi mae | A. Walls including the following: | I a 5 ihe naecural ome) Tost .Coenecons for prtabcnted emicsint element her an walle See sia a i Sree. T Navsireensal Coonan Eee T I 1 [Bi Dae bac or sechored othe urvcl fame Wor above ta onan ol a ww 1 a —s—t [7 Soorage cs (clade conten) over Fee(S29 win) al r = ores | E Permanent fleorsuppoied cabinet and book sacks more hon $ et ISS Gayo 1 | | Saeeeh ERE [CE Anchorage and itera bacog lor suspended cclngs and Wight Eres a eS | [Cer Reese door sens =a Tepe Oe EE oLtee VEE aCe [TE stasoney or concrete fences over 6 a (S19 SRR. Coe 0 1 | E oe I Lo i 30 1 w | | | fs =e, ecbanial an plang oe} | |B Ratoas? of eae ae pee iy aims wal aT wa Te | [__FOReER eric gto rey a | | t “Tecaporary containers with Mammable oc hazsedous materials 1) 1 30) eee | | | + Other Cormponenis i 71 [A Rist cotrponents wth duce matedal and staedenent acti atta eee Reeeeseee ! [3 Rigg coanoneas win aoedvete areal oraenen [eee econ ae Sere | (TE Rese conponcas wih veils aotfal and wnebaeat SETEEE Siero eeE MOE eee [eee ree i |b Alexibte comacnants wih aonducille mater or suackeeas Trees eee t 1 ! 3Se¢ Sections 1635.2.4 and (633.23 Zoe on id masonry walls and Section 1632.2 for connections for panel connectors fot panels. ' Sooty choaye or eins sete Cesigne ‘Celig weight shat ncade al igh ies ad thes equpment or partons hata aerilly supported by the cing For purposes of determining te seis iret esing weit at ois ten 900.0 Sse sl Snes "Celta connie fat and seo psi Sond fre nil atached io sspeaded merc it seep cling Cone eel ‘ex nos beanayaea stoned the walt se sot ovet 90 fet (13220 en) pat Ligh fixes ans mecnaiel services ined in mea surzenson sexes fe scout le and apie pet cigs shal bs iadepeedenty suppaned om the race above feelin UBC Sanda at I i “4, forseess Noor ystems sl te he deol of ne 255 Noo system pes 25 getant fie ori lsd plas gt (8 SN pac oa allow "ORaaipmert hanger, panes, handing unis, esting comers onl pores, Wor. and ieee equypment att inehuds major condo, curing and piping, hich seeioed ich machine? ahd equate In eeapenkee Hees on 15321 Tor ona ig 3, forvigd 9 ey oan eaupirene gion walt wal he flowing condone The aping a7 dag mace of auerle mater wi Gucole conn hes [535 mm) A Rowrnang support ess TABLE 160. 1997 UNIFORM BuLoING cooe TABLE 16 Sees FOOTNOTES TO TABLE 16-0-~Cantioued) se cesains may be ote fom seca acewny, sch ws cable way, condi an6 bus uct if al he fllowing conditions se sites Caveral tin of te raceway wil ot caus Sunagiag inp it the ssteas, {22 Lateral potion ofthe seeway does sot cau love a spies veces! auppae Rod suppons of les tba (2 inches (305 a) in loath have tp coucections that cannot develop ements espe mechs: caaleverd up fom ‘he Door ae checked fo sbi, "Pelagia clerical ricevays. which aust b faction lowing in cahquake,spamiag between ifeten buildings oc srvtraleytems shall Se ity dent wihtaditave soi 0 suegon poate wavaey oak ohny a ‘Ration Galuorsuporingeionent hale deignd free oaso etined com dalacing lately by eee cans. Rtran sal alo be provided, wb ig reel elena sch ht elses donates See ‘supported on wean olor: sai se ake asus and tS. aif be ladon countag ane supported shaw or fpunsionancbocs he Sesign fares ote aneton ies by Forauia (32:12:29 (323) shal be adeonaly muted bes her at 2 “Squiomentanctarage ssl cot be esigned ea tse ae ested by pave Gite eg. eon lie. ‘Expansion anchor. hich ts equired 9 a exe used where egeraicnl vibrating lod ae presen "sovement o

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