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CEE 347 Fluid Mechanics Homework 1

A. From the text book, answer the following questions (note that the answers for the
even numbered questions are at the back of the book):
1.12, 1.66, 1.75, 1.126
2.2, 2.40, 2.82, 2.87, 2.93, 2.99, 2.123

B. When a viscous fluid flows past a thin sharp edged plate, a thin layer adjacent
to the plate surface develops in which the velocity, u, changes rapidly from zero
to the approach velocity, U, in a small distance, d. This layer is called a
boundary layer. The thickness of this layer increases with the distance x along
the plate as shown in the figure below. Assume that

y and =3.5


Where n is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. Determine an expression for the
force (drag) that would be developed on one side of the plate of length l and width
b. Express your answer in terms of U, l, b, n, and the fluid density, r. Note that the
drag is defined as the integral of the shear stress over the area of the plate:

Drag = dA

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