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Problem solving
According to Marzano and Pickering (1997, p. 205) having the ability to engage in
problem-solving is fundamental to success in life. In an educators carer they will face
countless times where they will be required to make decisions and solve problems
that arise, from the smallest problem such as a defusing arguments and finding
amicable solution, to more severe or complex problems that may involve the help of
others Krause et al. (2010). According to Roschellel & Teasley (1995) often problems
will fall under two categories; structured problems and unstructured problems.
Structured problems have clear goals, specific resources available to achieve the
goal and one right answer whereas unstructured problems, weather academic or real
life, need clarification of the goal, the constraints or limiting conditions, and the
resources available Roschellel & Teasley (1995, p. 45). According to Zhang (1997)
there are many different ways to solve a problem, however all ways involve a series
of steps if the problem is to be solved efficiently and effectively. The main steps in
problem solving Zhang (1997) states are to; firstly, identify the problem so that you
can find an appropriate solution. Secondly, explore the problem such as think about
it from different angles and different points of view, then set goals for what the
outcome should be. Thirdly, look at alternatives as Zhang (1997) states that the more
possible solutions you find the more likely it is that you will be able to discover an
effective solution. Finally, implement possible solutions then evaluate their
effectiveness Zhang (1997).
In my life both before university and through my placements I have come across may
times where I have been faced with problems that need to be solved. These
problems have been as minor as sorting out arguments with my children, to more
extreme problems like how to pay the power bill, not work and still afford to live and


do my university degree and still be a father and partner. I believe how I have
managed to work through these issues I have faced is through using my problemsolving skills to find the right solution to each problem I have faced. The skills I
believe that I have that make me a good problem solver are the skills of being able to
identify that there is a problem, be open minded, be practical, an ethical thinker, I try
to analyse and predict the outcomes for possible solutions and also check with other
people what they think the outcomes may be at times when I may be unsure.

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