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OF ENGLISH WORDS +| anthropos @= Hanckird ‘| Gye G) - -| exe Woman Gawes @) - cman’ ape Monod = one bi two fol yy a: ameliosG) ~ male (tro = outside asketos (6) = Honk, Narmil) Inside ROOTS S\/Ego = 1 |. < + | AltenQd) = Other | ote > to bBm Pa be - Both lpeodaw) 2 ght hard h 5 (misley 0) > Left hone gauche () tee rand droit F) - fight hand Mibein (G) to hott ae »| @llercalion + | Alem ale - +) glternate «| Dentaay - skin tol Adbn ego ~ otha J a chocce «than Passie A anbicloeDrews e pdnot - S*" # Adina. trp gaurchenie +L Anthropeh ay oH > | Mamie s Combze > Madns «| centiom * Philamblro p ust L geynaccolo gist -| Hone gemy a Bhgeends pelygong- | Palyapagegr = axing team este P olyandby Naw men heslands * loge (Gq) = Science "| togos (8) * Word | obatebix (0 = Hid wl » tostang + | — ecto = Qn expo | tebeeie @) - Helical baal : «| peiolae (a) - child 7 agogos @) > | pedis O + foot |) Demos = People |pewma @) - Skim ¢ by pos (6) - Onder . | ophttietaesigy- “Ye¥ +| oculus (H) oe a G yravecclogiat «| obs Aebician - | Pardliortrician - | Desmatalegisé . op the kinologest oe plo pacolist “| ¢ anclislogest werolegest «| payphiobst Obs tebrics: i 3 a Child ; pedagog 4 Demagogit + | Hype diumic clesmis -| Epi «| Hones = ou) + | opseve)- sight 2 Uisior + optitesta) < sy i amebnon lodontes - teeth -leaadia (6) = heart | Neon (6) - NOE +|-itis > in flan aion 2 Pouch G)- sf «| q@era (a> old age Restor caneck 6 Ca)* pon E = obrdnal & owe nell iil, bod. comin : Faring. «Bea wath Sheins of 3 Pachyolnn Meas der end || | . ortho sie)- ¢ draught / animoly Devmalitis «| ophitalme logest 2 opterrebict | optician E opkthalmic optician (ojtordsd «| oathoparclet +| oytheclortes cangliolegy- : Cakolvo wn : nevkalate | writes =| nb whose +| PB schon poyelionbais Psqchialsy : geri abies e-5 x x Se: | qreaphain Palhos G)- soften cliseate Soma G)= beady p anos @)- cought 8 pyr 5 6 kion G)= bohe Chein (@) - hand Pons | Podes = Fret = Mae) = Feu Alls «| othe G) + eight | Palys (0) = cium + place where Ay = hee 9 » pulse (@)= tb wit | «| Genests Car) = birth [aigin |” pee asoundl f 4] enclose) steno eh Sheges = out 1 | there ae Conscttnce . Psy che ! +| Psyeogent : Psyche 7 y Psycho P grea flat ] eee uncle cle whi -| exoclordish : permed 1B enn Ml te | Sp kagmoe” : ; Chine eynty -| calles Co) = pecuily | cakos (3) 7 Back Page * gutlocky photss 6) = gt .| pro @- sont fale = ligtont Bros G)- He Senet (¥) a @) 10 bet goa 08 Leto we" Gernot = eld age \ ¢ hitter + ochopey + Poolivm T chinapeolit= Po calignethy cocosp tly photoset , Phoned? i Tebgroph |- aiepatly -| g ek , Senesce gunok = ladloloscent convalescet | 9 bso eet lacy Tine ne, Senet ae 6 tor Cee Brel nates @)- Soil Kosmos G)> Bunwense N avs) - ship i pe agoinet alesis 2 . ge gen © exgor 6) . pics cs) = 14 «| Botan (a) plant zo ler ©) - Animal -| aston - ent Law -|nomas @) > €antk » gg dle +len @) = in Tome (@) = cutting in (LE) = 7 sec tus (= ta cot y| eee ou Cee? | cenbon (G)- Cone -| cemtaum (LD = conbie a sla- G)= rugalive | ama- G)= UP asta A odes: i Achrephysics :| pisaste - punto . p mbhcmpelogiat «| Astrone mcr Geolog iat . Biologist +») Zoolog ; c nto molegist i Philelogist | Seamambicist z sociologist Botonst ste logy »| astronaet “| Nausea eS lap - Selene f Sea secke TESS _ tar Shopd flova. © ye | pebvo nome ¥ aco biy i Seoperly- tf Bropsy- -nedicod examnalion F Auto poy -| picho @) = un two epi = omupen + LO 8 + Stim astidly” wad & speech philews (6) - love Lingua In toeg’® anol = Male Sophos Grae adelphos (9° aaa h oft mows @) * Hamor _|phix - 9 love pedion piblion (8) - Beek. pings (= ent So iy (Y= Companion *| zockac | eclome ~ cut ot + fonsillee lomo noppendeclors 4 nastec Lom 4 hapbenectornay . | Povo stabectomy -laccenttic ~ deviaking, from rtrm behauioce . | Atom : Ara loony. 4 dichatory Epitome = Summ ‘Wome = Braud beck bets Contd fe Philotogx - tin quastes = geaenee off tenguage phe phulanthope ; Phila so Phy | philadelphia , phil hdtmonic +| Apne dlisice . z Bylot ophik «| angdop hile f af eels social: Socisty. fisse XN x | Wo buy (L) = Known + | surmmos (L) = Highest Cowrigo()= to edect Velvs O- od «| Gemesd (6) - Bintk Chronos C@) > Time syn- = Teyethe pathos - Sey Ndi < against ae igang +| tele diskonce s|en,ems mM acety = ame SciensW= knowing owns ( - au Er befor ' me- 7 megabit prof Gube - Slippy mre ty hed Se 2, ene out i] +|Notesioug kar | polholeicl ” leant pol | a pally consamrmade Har Frvorteral bios z ncaviigule bor liar on tovadonebl dion Glib Lor «| cpt bees : notes dy not col Genes Genchcs , goncbit Geneology "| Genital eee «| anachonism = cot of lat + [incong?wers- out of +| chotonologg- -| Choro mbar place Sym Bie» ful gut oh ee Palhebe rel ts Telephone, Teligregh, Zelacep er Choon cil 2 ecer Again aad apie ConSci ence ; ormnig cient porerei oree yeseient mat Krowirgigpent whe joy gnegenes =FeReen fs companions hy compygeh » segtget: ggg <9 +|Feno x 4 «|pan (4) - equal wes pref | -| TetiLlate |dwtale ‘|pip- © +} Liloses Hewes’) = equok Vox, vociy = Votce Next, Wec tis > night animuy > ‘mind = by kor, bh ory -\ne + Like , decenyitice ff qitilee > WV 4p Tickle Aduletin—> wv > te goson por efor piss = towrnt Pro - = gesibo Sti De-= gewn Hams > hand Sob- Under Postu - 44 yiaty » Goal, by wor of mui tes = 0 lls, Sigh big men Halve) = Bal, evi) Pi co, Dicks = = to wish, ate will | Volo -| Noctadmal - : equiltbast = 1 > |e gpilatind : Disparage equivo cot. Pro scribe obvial . Bolonce, acighl. Pavel : -| Lett , Lateus > Side +| equue = hie 4 Conclone ‘| pPLocate : Panilyy 5 equality +) Compare , Poin, Peow + | Am bi Ad Ini wie Eqinox fle of gf = quelle tio dame Ke quani mil + | Equi barven ght ragie walker eqirk = +| Vo cyfcres Vocalat = Sénger +) Describe Fe ‘Facio, fackwy » iene Che, Fic, focley, fy) «| Mamus ext |: gts , 6 cxylaey Hol (F) = Back cubsoile, s ubooy, sobsinface. 7} Ben W = Good | - — ; RW ork becs < | Fol > geulk + bw |: ee — ate conba = ageuwt “| alagchion = 21 yh hd =b i Lowardy at Nalewel-ant - wishiny em( a » place when 1 -| Hols fit en > doing hasten Magnus - large +) Hol spction = Curt evil “| plac) = Te plinst ; >| role 4 : in unten stilt : 16 caxpycas, sooth Pi. Hol adroit ec bomty ; | Deno (L) = t gue panel, Donalion .| Dena . comp cnt Pe ws | | | taloae tt maw "Teeny nonigen, Real - aenificent » Benapeln é B enificiony Bonbon - 4 suet \- Bancftck | -| Fides infidel Cov at ee «| prudict, Dictole Di cata aie «| Conta agliet | reckiye _Fichon maanupeclte + | yortion #powenay wiry ots Le Placid = calm, caty goog” Ke *|Haceo Gh - Tobe Sutat Lo quest) = t speck -| sows = alone Vern, venbue = Belly Gitte ~ enaind Co mpl + fe ‘Je, eet = oot s = lar, Sits. coord volun © + wed a) = Te nal = Chatter A gato ) = »| valve ,voleitt opus © ° y Bue 2 to weak €| LacoMma = 6 pele «| quitis (t) = bam | dlonwm (0) ~ Back | gommey = Sher sjopme «| an le = = toghkyr x Sopar @ | pe = thooe gh 7 Cage w) » To owe Togithe. + Magni lo qu i tien ae Lange bette *|Tasitinn = @ eticent boxe nic Imorticutate Ganwles | Banel +) verbose «| Voluble . Cogent »| wo citerees Lo quetiowy | Foxit aon Sid =| Rebiconl neue pres te tog sileot ‘| Soliloquy” + Yenbilog ust «| Colloguiak circum Io Cation =| eloquent 4mce, Grandilogpen Haga -| operot, ceo-opewk, 0 powla. Wyobolim wid - fox-wad +) Verbiogt = sige of ey wo diely *| Rewatver evolve el clawe! sick, emdleise, endersem en exteuley () = Jyint slavuncels = uncle fie facie > to male, to elo Syken > Fig @) «| phancin = to show (6) dia @) = Dyovgl. dilettine @- to chdglt “| Tr¥o = At bigeaeen vistese = dy expat Via (1) = Hom poten, Pabras (D = Foller onyma (G) > Name syn-(G) = to gelha +| Homes G) = Saree «| anchein @ = to tuk 4 catde © = & Kil "| neler , Matin Wy = Moth = | Somnambulism » |. | Arm bly pedbitnd ~| Perarmbulay = Pr com (Baby e20rgs «preamble + Amie + | Meocbinet + | Sy cophant + Somni forowr 7, SOpeu “| densementn a smelly Le golf osliy Somndent = Slyty, bros. slerp wall: «| Sepaifie —asdeapeng- fil walle ain Lethe olikettort : Vite » Chayviniak “| Honomaniat -| Teonoclart ‘| alhewt +) becun Hy pochom cluine Dia phan « pranyeed eal, a vitae =Temagont~ Hariclan: y Pabimony, Pabrgny mic “Synonym » antery™, Homoing Homonym* Heme phone a palornity 7 Pelmalirrn Pixos G) = fee +] 4m condo, in (eases © E Tnfansy, infos O- Bely genos @) » Rater iva mbna Seo mana @ = madness po (t) - thast K (@) = ofp set fox ando ,asuy- bia +] myo phe (a) = pride : sahy © mf geal Gaact ged | clausdavin (1) = enelo sed place phobia G) = naibie! xeaX. -} aqoy eG) = onenbet Hoe | -omony = shot & condition ] ‘ + Patnianch 2 ob = om self «) paticick : oo iets +) Hectic , nelonnily, Heliwnet, Heme = Posen + neon =| lina webs = seclroetha, school cate cera (wW- king i. Habameny = tage uxer &) wife «Nabi cide wanties O° msbanc! «| guicide, Sratiicioh, S-noricel, Homicide : nouns laughlin 2 Kiting wrth oot inkenteon | Regicich 1 ec ie, ryareilicicl Infonticad , geno ciel P antic © kid precds Foralomy, fraternal, fookenif, saucy undid, vedi ok , Hated : Regel = eyed | Daspomantt, . pyre mening. = derneil | = Fe rwege Slip fred “ F =| Ine | Owonut + | Megalo marice + ngmp homania = seb om aie anro6 G) = highest cheuybre p ho bia 1g ee plate Lane phe bia 19} «| eikon G). = kaligaoss Leaye : aurosticiems Ge 19 Til ©) Klaein (@) te Buak | | Diagnosis 1 Prognosiy a- = mugotiee pref | | aes theism, poly thskion Pantha +} thes Ged tealogy |. | Grestos G) = known I+] aches }s} hier = flick / Lechien (F) Pad | capiclinews tibilo (L) = PM Luby ciey A Atobveos + ST Licerdicog |, neice Sete |<} tree ) = bebe pore tuod clesixe | ed (ps) = wile Lewed (Fs) "rats Los ot oy Lag ciwa i : (owt fot «| ing - plese, da vats quad seouel Oily pot > be eae pothio | ppupitisy sh Hypas @) « onde wn exitical eon deattfoety oe ans = ta cantleg of Lull | wyro ont! bone | Hyper = aver «luo © = to live — - convival : wins See 1 ; slset > & co | In geno eed + paube)- © yu bia || peinpiensiovs slovumay: Oy ‘i Hagmamemert! |e] oe &)= versolile lr dove de vine = doy of Ping | s foie engi ere =| Sein tin abting. t bon vant = gel mer |.) yspane eee ae et +} Positives W= bin | verto,versud = to tin rapide (1) = to Temple + yuSs, sums (- country, formlord loon = y Credo wy > te belive | 4 -ovs = fell | cibie = Gon bt gpecte W = ty Woe | acvo = te Sharpen | pun ces - Point Pong? - to piers shonaly anima + hfe primey Sout seintille Wy - baal spurl Urbs () = oily sub = near inter inlir infia = intial om ot TP yavacious - ruth of He gepef (ving viviel = | frsttne, of if +| Revive. ~ Boing hetle 40 uf iui Seeti Om |. uivs panovy, Yo ui parrer Loe = zero - love . vital, Revitalize, olevital | vitamin. «| Gvetmel -Getimamcl - Gluiton | oey = nai’, caeditooy ee at [pret | axeda = pennad Lebel caced = Re ligtes belof Cxedene +» belie ci Cuedentialy + DA imyrwowy = craft turning ok " Perspi cack Otcum en acupynct ie | puretoae jtecuile acuta, acuity ngft om the point ie i Pon coifiewy = roy canpodte obesne be prreperpeenti gf bebewield .| Ponetual = Pye W)> wise unus one * |Pepeevey © easily endloutonelig speclack , speclacelan ,spectetey , - | flow) - to flow stea= poarch Trophy oe dy brsak | - Tatrospet NUP?) auplus = autos alert Kyetes = cick , Wheel | + ciacumapet © aknt , dace +| Specs -Lium =P Wane Pera animated, animation |.) Pu sillanimovy |. unanimous, equ centnily © Anamus = Hostility , 1 will enmes trepidation - peat for + osban , sub vibom, trkoviber a smadl amoral keane Srctee = dn plo gay ‘usticale = = spond! Lime» ovolry | Neate cubes "| Pima 0) aspen paer [| ad - Towards . psy og pultrinst) = ceallty — gaclin age = Banka toatiyt | e phamar a (6) = mahi — cee) + cacopho revs e,< out - ee —— i Gomme? eo \-| Sin 0 |.| ie Opolence -lak *| Phone eur (a) - Geee "| Pheme = voiee «| thanolisn @) ~ cleath Piety G) = Broad 5 o dyn @) = po am- = regaliie prep bovis) = oF @ cm jne = dike leo = lien ‘| canis = Cat | $eus- cof ¥ por ces, = ry -|uoipes = fox prsus * bee} | iupos = wolf ~| eyes Horse cad fish nostos G) *% sulin aos - pam xakos ©) < Baal harsh, oghy Sound yy lon () = 00 | ear dt to hwo. oro * . | Cacossis, ~ | Telaphow, fied, vnfloorce, confrlrence \€sceat = Becoming, Begrning fo | Adolescent Beginning te free’ “|Db solesced= Becoming ob Se hk (ve ego sm one) -|Evanece - Begin to varsth eommedlesce= Begin to get wett ofr Wore : euphorr, eulogy, eupharra ged fo, euthanasia. tle plogue: shard speeel Z pom lage = «| Cliché atu ona mee raf 0? +] Bevemicle tye ,clvll ~ninaked “Jan o Plotitude «A pole sfalemet «| Leonune, canine, feline, PRLzine, anbvods ction Hofman Jobe avail, Volpine, unsine Lopine ,e2ine. pis Ume .| ussula =a litte beat ex gein cbeteate caceyitec euphoy: phonagtet, lupus saxeplons, typophorc, Phorh? ony cannis = flak haba & = Yun bs, p lacus omny = all scieny ~ knowing >t eieene dE), = oO where -| Yale W) = Farewell Clawit> sporetly Phamai G)- Te speak x slaw a aChony potew: pot entiy CL) = powerget : |. | Remnrahnation < se bith, deh + Treaunok > inthe fed, eon bueliy +| perbivdorr orev duc Vona Cos =qrecdy, Giutlonesy, omnipotent , pot ont Patented — 0 powerful outer omniscient pom present Own presint = oobi qyh tere onmbys = frall, imcbedbing ofl «| carnelian - a nedelah gematre casnived «| ¢aknal = seraval, bec hrery, fa8civeri, tubsi Cievt | Coan age = quake rections Ht piston Blang | epee - out Tenvus (L) - Tlowe -| en-@) = in slergen wale “| syn = toyebia. Casti pats © - & puriuk ab-)- awe7 ‘imego = C0 |e Hg) = mod, no elon Sey Ee eno ake Vecitlads “| caput, copit ‘ capilu! bm tO- Cthe | veqdo = to lve, gee | gamle (> to Cong clgimilis 2 dike, simile pli ug W) = immer me st 4 Les (- ad- > f amber (Ly = wretched Vacillee> swing back 4 Pe ‘Jos Cillom > a Swing a dnomas = Kunming | hippos (= havse os hewol “| PotameS 6)- kw «| Dissenbe + hioke faut feelings by rulenchng Hi opposit Re Lave abet : Levit alin Risiq Hoag a VGible miany . [Le vity ee ons thy «Pn bi valend - having completing ound Samud anion meh ony -joscinok: sway bok ted fod cnoune aw have | we ous W) = ft of fobs equi ov K| supe. % fottow +| Obes equiey = bohiel c eromences sequ = plow + |gubsegued’s Sequel, g €qpence qyurr= com plow -| queroledt -Jeilium + eyelid - |soper einices -|s belle dy make voue pect > calfle a) chwel e) + hase Geral) neces) = to “njete Mite@ls & dink cade = dy gu | surly = to pete «| gkepix = teva an- nat Trans > Uw omoduS qneted operandi ~ 40 to ek Nn qpes = to speak ots = UM | PF kites = quwy =| s4eaes = ee sod -| puba = utes Heler = samalrege «| caballeyas = anferia hedge | - [end = insiele » pb shrepennr Tonpecun os -|Pecu Minder - pean tommy Chivadnew caved Coole “| Cawalter cau abt g equ es bia, equerts jenne + | {rmocacy | Pole > fo suffer, gel yo moxi ny + | Bi buled Tanhibe -teclrind tm , 900k P + Bib = opper pat f an ogtion. “| Cad ov enc | Caglay ee =% cope “| D ecaclent eal decoy” + | pec aclente = spirited datey exten! ,Deckre Po} aay =) Dolod = porticsprenynr af #6 = sewelmesy , ovaries >| Dot =| conclole = Commmstnak + \conelolemerr Cerncla lersep “a |MSvers: Sweet, Swech . | Soave .| erkong): idor . | Séonoclaate kiaem@ + Io Beak eat Pompous Pom pate) = Te Od a estide ‘| cou bhetibos ) peveptve | Pomel - |ascelec Puen) - bey clasterivos « self-doging | “| toerec’ self scp hind)” Edoywet -| colioguiad Loquer « - Spent cone ae oe 2 opinionated opino thought, opinion | eb im) = ‘ new) 0 Loe ot | + Ponctiiony punctual .) ~ Pott Ponrctum « -| puncte Vaypicly (U* flava void

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