List of Cation: (Ag) (K) (Li) (Na) HG NH) 4 (Ni) (H)

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List of Cation

1. (Ag)ong invites (K)a(Li)swary and (Na)talie to

Hungary(Hg) and Netherland (NH) 4 days with a
(Ni)ke (H)elicopter
Silver Ag+ , Potassium K+, Lithium Li+, Sodium Na+, Mercury Hg+, Ammonium
NH4+, Nickel(I) Ni+, Hydrogen H+

2. Mom and Nanny (Mn) win a trip to (Cu)ti-Cuti (Ba)li

(Sn)Sd's concert and a ticket tour the (Ni)ght of the
mesuem when using their (Pb - public bank) (Ca)rd
to purchase 2 (Fe)rrets and Zimbabwi(Zn)
Manganese(II) Mn2+ , Copper(II) Cu2+, Barium Ba2+, Tin(II) Sn2+, Nickel(II) Ni2+,
Lead(II) Pb2+, Calcium Ca2+, Iron(II) Fe2+, Zinc Zn2+, Magnesium Mg2+

3. (Al)addin's flying carpet (Cr)ash into a (Fe)male toilet

Aluminium Al3+ , Chromium Cr3+, Iron(III) Li3+

List of Anion
1. (OH) (NOo)! OH (NOoo)! (F)lorence Nothingirl (Cl)ips
her (I)-phone over her (H)ot Sexy (Br)a which bought
from (HCO)High Class Outlet to prevent confiscated
by Digi (MnO)Mobile Network Operator.
Hydroxide OH- , Nitrite NO2-, Nitrate NO3-, Fluoride F-, Chloride Cl-, Iodide I-,
Hydride H-, Bromide Br-, Bicarbonate HCO3-, Permanganate MnO4-, Ethanoate

2. Emergency call has two alphabets (S) and (O). The

call is not SOS but (SOOO)-s or (SOOOO)-s or
(COoo)L to see (CrOooo)codile Dundee catches a
crocodile with 2-pair-of-cristiano-ronaldo-underwearCr7 (Cr2O7)
Sulphide S2- , Oxide O2-, Sulphite SO32-, Sulphate SO42-, Thiosulphate S2O32-,
Carbonate CO32-, Chromate CrO42-, Dichromate Cr2O72-

3. (PO)oooh (N) (P)iglet are my favorite cartoon

Phosphate PO43- , Nitride N3-, Phosphide P3-

Commonly Known Molecule

Carbon monoxide
Carbon dioxide
Nitrogen monoxide
Nitrogen dioxide
Sulphur dixode
Sulphur trioxide
Hydrogen chlorite
Hydrogen bromide
Hydrogen Iodide
Hydrogen Sulphide
Ethanoic acid

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