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We are planning to publish a new book about technology and its role in the
future of our world. If you would like t o contribute to the book, write to
us telling us
In what main ways you think technology will change our world in the next
fifty years.
What the advantages and disadvantages of these changes will be

We all know that technology plays an important role in our lives and we
couldnt imagine how to get along without it.
It is enough to throw just a glimpse of the beginning of the millennium
to observe role in increasing the information it holds the media and
hence relatively new technology of the Internet. What we can say with
certainty is that once integrated into our lives the Internet will not
disappear. Instead, place it held in our society will increase, and this
because he promises to replace a good range of human activities.
Many disadvantages might be that thechnology will change our lives
and the deeper aspects of humanity: how we look health care, how our
children learn, how the elderly remain integrated in society, how
governments conduct their affairs, such as ethnic groups retain their
heritage, of whose voices are heard, even how nations are formed.Also
poor people could become poorer and more ill, criminals and officials
and insurance companies can invade us accounts of banks, medical
records and personal correspondence which is also a big disadvantage.
An advantage might be that people began to create art, play, to watch
movies, listen to music, business documents, etc. increasingly using the
computer. When the Internet made its entry into people and computers
were linked together or expanded activities in communication,
electronic commerce or network games. There were formed and new
cultural forms such as computer games but also imposed a redefinition
of existing cultural forms (such as photography and cinema).

We can speak about the influence of the Internet on how to obtain,

change and communicate knowledge? I mean a real meeting between
people in the virtual world of the Internet? Or is there a moral life in
the virtual world or everyone will do whatever they think is right in
their eyes?Just think about it.

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