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Last summmer you had a job with an international company that promotes
films. Your friend Eddy has written to you asking about it. Read the extract from
your friends letter and from your diary below. The using the information
appropriately, write a letter to your friend saying whether or not you would
recommend the job to your friend and giving your reasons.
so what do you think? The thing I really want is to watch loads of
new films and save enough cash for holiday. Id also love to use my
English and get some useful work experience at the s ame time.
6th July
Not a lot to do. Sat around answering the phones all day. The only
exciting thing was getting to run up and down the stairs to delive a few
9th July
Things are improving. Got to see some new films on the office DVD
player. Even got to speak to an American film director on the

13th July
Got paid today. The money isnt bad but I need to spend less by making
my own sandwitches and walking to work
19 th July
Great day. Got invited on an all-expences-paid trip to the Venice Film
Write your letter. Do not include postal addresses

Dear Eddy,
I m so glad I finally hear from you and I truly hope Ill be of some help
with the job you re asking me about.
My job with the Film Company

wasnt so bad after all as youll see from my

Its true that the beginning wasnt as exciting as I expected because the only
things I had to do , was run some errands to the upper floors and take some
calls .A few days later yet, it got a little better especially when I had the
chance to watch some films and even had a word with an American director
which I found really excitng
As for the money they paid me to be honest , I had to economize by making
my own sandwitches and thus , I could save some for the holiday.
Even better than that was my trip to the Venice Film Festival where all
expenses were covered by the company. You cant imagine my joy when
visiting Venice and seeing all those famous actors .
On the whole , it was worthwhile given the experience I gained not to
mention my chance to speak English to the natives and see how I could do.
So leap at the chance because there will be only perks .
If you still need my advice dont hesitate to
Best wishes

Run errands = a face comisioane

It was worthwhile= a meritat
Leap at the chance= profita de ocazie
Perks= avantaje


2 A friend of yours has applied for a job as an activities coordinator at a

summer camp for children and you have been asked to provide a reference. The
advertisement for the job stated that the successful candidates would have relevant
skills to offer in the area of sport, music or the performing arts (drama, dance,
etc) as well as having excedent organisational skills
To Whom It May Concern
I have known John Smithfor five years since we joined the local
basketball club. We have also taken part in the Colleges Drama Club and had
a fruitful collaboration in many performances which involved both acting and
His talent, which brought him success with the performances held by the Drama
Club was mostly due to his commitment and hard work. As well as this ,
because he turned out to be a budding actor , from the start he never spared
effort to give his best . As a basketball player, he was able to bring a
lot of victories to his team
All his achievements are a result of his endeavour and self commitment. On
social level, he is friendly reliable and responsible . His reliability made him
highly appreciated. among all his colleagues. Last but not least his team spirit
is worth mentioning.
He also has experience in working with children whom he is very
considerate with.On many occasions when he had to deal with a wide age
range of children he proved to be tactful and very understanding being able to
bring the best in them
Given the above mentioned I highly recommend John Smith for the job he
applied f or.

3 You are entering an essay writing competition. You must write an essay with
the title Many schools today are investing heavily in new technology. How
important do you think this is ?
Write your essay
Each writing must have 220-260 words
Worthy Investments
Modern technology we talk so much about , has turned out to be indispensible
in many domains and school does not make an exception.There are hardly any
schools in Romania where there isnt at least a computer..Children from the
remotest corners of the country , regardless of the poor state of the building
they are studying in , have their eyes glued to the only monitor screen and
dream about the time to come .
Because childrens future is mostly built up in schools , the chance of success
is also given by the equipment ( computers overhead projectors VSRs ,
cassette recorders , CD players) which will help them keep up with new
discoveries and take in information better than reading about it from a book.
Forming links with schools around the world in order to exchange ideas is one
of the advantages internet has. Virtual lessons have become a real asset for the
modern school where children have the chance to get in touch with their peers
from all over the world
Needless to say, that new technology can act as an incentive and motivate
children more in their studies . On the other hand , we cant deny the fact that
the role of the teacher remains as important while it is greatly helped by the
work on the computer..
In the light of the above mentioned the investments in the new technology are
tantamount to investing in the future of our children and authorities are
expected to support such investments as perfectly suitable

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