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ITJEE Study Planner: Recommended Study Time (Self Study) The following table will assist with questions about how much time you should devote to # particular cchapter/aubject List of chapters (with recommended ume slowed) Total Solved | Conceptual | Exercises] Chapter Topic (hours) examples| problems | (problems) | test Mathematics Complex numbers 21 2 1 16 2 Quadratic equations 19 1 1 1 16 1 Progressions 10 1 2 1 6 2 Permutations and 22 1 2 1 18 2 combinations Trigonometry 38 2 2 1 30 2 Straight lines 18 2 3 1 2 3 Circles 21 2 4 1 14 4 Conie sections 34 4 4 1 25 4 Binomial theorem 33 2 3 1 ar 3 Functions, Limits and 49 4 4 1 40 4 Continuity Differentiablity and 19 1 4 1 B 4 differentiation Application of derivatives 33 1 3 1 28 3 Indefinite integration 10 1 3 1 5 3 Definite integratic 10 1 3 1 3 3 Ares under the curve 19 1 5 1 2 5 Differential equations 14 1 4 1 8 Determinants 23 1 3 1 16 Matrices i 1 2 1 7 2 Probability 16 1 4 1 0 4 Vectors 13 1 3 1 8 3 Three dimensional geometry 10 2 2 1 $ 2 Total (hours) 446 34 65 a 326 65 Physics Units, dimensions, 15 2 25 0s ww 2 vectors and caleulus ‘Kinematics 13 3 23 03 7 3 (continued) (continued) Total | Reading olved Exercises | Chapter (hours) | (textbook) | examples (problems) | test Laws of motion 18 2 2.5 13 2 Work, Power and Energy 17 2 25 0s 12 2 Center of mass, collision 28 4 3 1 20 4 sand Hinear momentura, Rovational dynamics and 33 4 3 1 25 4 angular momentum Elasticity, fluid dynamics 35 4 3 1 a7 4 and properties of matter Gravitation 16 2 Ls os 12 2 Simple Harmonic Motion 21 3 25 os 15 3 Wave motion 2B 4 25 os 16 4 Heat trans for and 48 8 85 25 35 s calorimetry Electrostaties 45 3 3S 13 35 7 Current electricity 28 4 3 1 20 4 Magnetic field and magnetic 27 4 1 20 4 effects of current Electromagnetic Induction 18 3 2 1 12 3 ‘and Altematng Current Ray Optics au 4 2 1 4 Wave Opties 18, 4 2 1 ul Modem Physics 18 3 1 10 ‘Total (hours) 42 64 475 165 314 66 ‘Chemistry Basie concepts ol chemastry 1X 3 vs 2 2 Atomie Structure 18.5 3 25 0 10 2 Periodic properties 10 3 1 6 2 Gas laws au 4 25 os 14 3 Chemical bonding 15 3 2 10 2 Chemical energetics 18 3 25 os 12 2 Chemical equilibrium 20 4 Ls os la 3 Tonic equilibrium 2B 4 Ls os 7 3 Redox reeetions 16 3 2.5 os 10 2 General organic chemistry 29 3 Ls os 2 4 (continued) (continued) otal | Reading | Solved | Coneeptual | Exercises | Chapter (hours) | (texthook) | examples | problems | (problems) | test Hydrocarbons 16 4 12 3 Alcohols and ethers 13 3 fn 2 Allyl and aryl halides 13 5 8 4 Solutions 26 3 28 08 0 3 Solid state 21 3 25 05 13 2 Chemical kinetics 20 3 28 0s 14 2 Electrochemistry 255 3 28 20 2 Nuclear chemistry 145 3 18 fn 2 Functional groups 14 4 10 3 containing nitrogen Aldelydes and ketones 14 4 0 3 Carboxylic acids and its 19 4 15 3 erivatives s-Block elements 7 8 1s os ry 4 p-Block elements 24 5 1s os n 4 dLBlock elements 19 5 18 5 0 4 Metallurey 19 3 15 05 12 4 Qualitative salt analysis 19 3 1s 0s 12 4 Co-ordination compounds _15 3 1s 0s 8 4 ‘Total (hours) 4945 104 405 8 32 8 (Chapter tests 210 Full Length tests 120 at least 20 tests of various formats, of 6 hrs each Self assessment 30 Revision / vier usaterial 60 Total Time Required — 1802.5 (hours) Please note that this is only a recommendation. You can make changes to the study plan based on your proficiency in the subjects. The sctual time spent can vary between 10 to- 15 per cent depending on the ‘your personal style of study. Please consider that the time given here 1s the minimum that you need to ‘spend. The total time spent in studying for ITJEE across 2 years should not be less than 10 per cent of the given. Tools for Measuring IITJEE Preparation: Activity Tracking Checklist Activity tracker: Please put a tick mark (y/) front of all the act jes you have completed. Reading | Power from text | coaching | Solved Chapter Topic book examples | Excreises | tests Mathematics Complex numbers (Quadratic equations Progressions Permutations and combinations Trigonometry Straight lines Circles Conic sections Binomial theorem Functions, Limits and Continuity Differentiability and differentiation Application of derivatives Indefinite integration Definite integration ‘Area under the curve Differential equations Determinants Mairices Probability Vectors Three dimensional geometry Laws of motion Work, power and energy Center of mass, collision and. linear momentum Rotational dynamies and angular momentum Elasticity, Quid dynamics and properties of matter Gravitation Simple Harmonic Motion (continued) (continued) opi Reading from text Kk Power coaching theory Solved examples Chapter tests Wave motion Heat transfer and ealorime try Electrostat Current electricity Magaciic Geld and mayuetic effeas of current Electromagnetic induction ‘and alternating current Ray optics Wave optics Modera physies Basie concepts of chemistry ‘Atomic structure Periodic properties’ Gas laws a bemical bonding (Chemical energetics (Chemical equilibrium onic equilibrium Redox reactions General organic chemistry Hydrocarbons Alcohols and ethers ‘Alkyl wud yl halides Solutions) Solid ate ‘Chemical kineties Electrochemistry, Nuclear chemistry Functional groups containing nitrogen Aldehydes and ketones Carboxylic acids and their derivatives ‘Stock elements Metallurgy Qualitative salt analysis Coordination compounds Tools for Measuring IITJEE Preparation: Self Assessment Assess and mark yourself ona scale of 1 to $ on your level of preparedness for each topic, where 5 is very good and 1 is very poor. Very good Good 0k Bad Very poor 5 4 3 2 1 You should give yourself a score of You should give yourself a score of ‘when you are among the top 5% in your peer group. ‘uthen you are among the bottom 50% in your peer group. Chemistry Rate Mathematics Rate | Physics Rate Basic concepts of ‘Complex numbers Units, dimensions, chemistry vectors and calculus ‘Atomic structure ‘Quadratic equations Kinematics Poviudic paoperticn Logaitiuas Laws of uastion Gas laws Work, Powerand Energy ‘Chemical bonding Chemical energetics ‘Trigonometry Rotational dynamics and angular momentum ‘Chemical equilibrium Straight lines Elasticity, fuid dynamics and properties of matter Tonic equilibrium ‘Ciwkes Gravitation Redox reactions ‘Conic sections Simple Harmonic Motion Gonoral organie Binomial theorem Wave motion chemistry Tydronarhone waotione, Tite Heat Transior and and Continuity Calorimetry Aleobols and ethers Difizentiability and Blectrostaties differentiation Alkyl and aryl Application of Current electricity halides derivatives Solutions Indefinite integration Magnetic field and magnetic effects of current Solid state Dednite tegration Bleciromagnede Induction and Alternating Current (Continued) (continued) Chomistey Rate | Mathematics Rate Rate Chemical kinetics ‘Area under the curve Ray Electrochemistry Differential equations Wave Optics Nuclear chemistry Determinants, Modern Physics Functional groups Matrices ‘containing nitrogen Aldehydes and Probability ketones Carboxylic acids and Vectors ity their derivatives ‘S-Block elements Three dimensional geometry p-Block elemens -Block elements Metallurgy. Qualitative salt analysis Coordination ‘compounds ‘+ In order to get a good rank in IITIEE, you should target a seom of S in every topic. + You may notice that the topics where you have scored 3 or less are the ones where you have not completed the activities as per the plan. Prepare a new plan to otudy the topics, where you have scored 3 oF less. Identify sub-topics, concepts which are causing problems, Understand your study style, strengths and weaknesses.

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