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School Based Teaching/Learning Experience

Feedback Sheet
Craig Edwards

Pre-service teachers name ..............................................


Ngaire Oliver


Observer ........................................Date:

School ...............................................................................

Class/Stage/Year group .............................................

Learning Area ..............................................................................

Topic ...................................................................................

Focus of observation (negotiated with pre-service teacher) ......................................................................................................

Please tick the appropriate column using the following grading: Causing Concern (CC), Working Towards (W), Achieved (A) or Going Beyond (GB).
Please add a comment to elaborate on your observations.




Professional Knowledge:
Know students and how
they learn

Professional Knowledge:
Know the content and
how to teach it

Great to be using the pack up music. Non verbal cues assist with seamless lesson
transitions. It was great that you thought to get the book while they ate. It keeps them
settled during crunch and sip time

Great idea to use a sound in the background. There is a lot of research to prove this is
an effective strategy. Research Dr Rich Allen, Green Light Education if you're

Moving students closer to you is a great strategy to settle them as necessary. The way
you move around the classroom and work with individual during lessons is excellent.

Professional Practice:
Plan for and implement
effective teaching and
Professional Practice:
Create and maintain
supportive and safe
learning environments
Professional Practice:
Assess, provide
feedback and report on
student learning

Strengths observed

Using a "song" as amount of time to complete work is really effective. Well done.
You move around the students while teaching. This is quite a strength. Well done. It is effective in behaviour management and keeping
students on task.

Areas for further development

Try to give lots of positive dojos whenever you can. The ideal ratio is 7 positive to 1 negative. When your reading, for example, get a
sensible child to stand on the board and look for great listeners for you.

General comments

Well done Craig. Another great session. You have shown great improvement since you started and I am impressed. You are using
complex and advance teaching strategies.

This analysis should be discussed with the pre-service teacher as soon as possible following the lesson and signed by both to indicate that this
discussion has occurred. Pre-service teacher to retain a copy. Associate Teacher to retain a copy until finalisation of the placement.

Associate Teacher/Observer

Pre-service Teacher

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