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How Questions

are being selected for the

IAS Preliminary Exam?
All IAS aspirants know the fact that 60 to 70 % of the questions asked in the UPSC Prelims are in one way or
another related to a question asked in any of the past Prelims. Critics of this theory argues that exams of all
courses and not just the IAS prelims, have this feature. Then how to make a sensible approach in selecting the
most probable questions for the Prelims? To find an answer to this question, JTS Institute have assigned seven
Subject experts who have very good exposure to question paper setting of similar type. After about a detailed
research of almost one and a half years, they have decoded the UPSC pattern after a nano analysis of the
previous papers and found that:
1. 58 % of the questions are compiled based on some events happened in the previous year ended one-two
months before the exam. But none of these questions are direct questions.
2. 27 % questions are asked from the same topics covered in the past exams and on an elimination process
done on the past 20 years papers to avoid repeating of the same questions.
3. 7 % of the questions are almost directly from current events happened in the previous year ended one-two
months before the exam.
4. Remaining 8% of the questions could not be decoded, because these questions seems to be asked for
reasons only the examiners know.
We have decided to approach the IAS Prelims 2014 with the above findings and asked those experts to
prepare a set of the Most Expected Questions exclusively for the IAS Prelims 2014. Those questions will be
included in the All India Test Series being held in July and additional questions will be included in a book which
also will be issued to all those who attend these tests. For your information we have given in the following
pages, 21 questions selected for the prelims 2014 with comments on why these questions are considered as the
most expected or probable questions for the IAS Prelims 2014.
Most Probable Questions ....Page 2

Why they are very probable questions?....Page 6

Explanatory Answers to these questions....Page 8

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Most Expected Questions

for the Prelims 2014
Given below are some of the questions we consider
as the most expected or probable questions for the
IAS Prelims 2014. You will not see these questions
anywhere else, because all these questions have been
prepared by our Research and Innovation Group
exclusively for the Prelims 2014. 3 questions each from
Geography, History, Polity, Economy, Environment,
Science and Technology and General Science are given.
Hundreds of questions prepared on the similar strategy
have been included in the All India Test Series 2014
offered by JTS Institute.
First you read the question carefully and see the
relevance section given from page 6 to know why
that question is a most expected question for the Prelims
2014. Explanatory answers to all questions have been
given on page 8-13.
Q.1. Consider the following statements made
about Anorthosite rock:
rockcomposed predominantly of calciumrichplagioclase feldspar.
2.All anorthosites found onEarthconsist of coarse
crystals, but some samples of the rock taken from the
Moon are finely crystalline.
3.Most anorthosites formed during Precambrian times.
4.The Earth has much more anorthosite than the
Select the correct statements using the codes
given below:
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 4
(d) All the above

Q. 2. A Super Volcano
1. is a volcano that has erupted and deposited more
than 5000 cubic kilometers of material.
2. can occur either whenmagmain themantlerises into
thecrustfrom ahotspotbut is unable to break through
the crust, thus pressure builds in a large and growing
magma pool until the crust is unable to contain
thepressure(this is the case for theYellowstone
Caldera), but they can also form at convergent plate
Which of the above statements are correct?
a. 1 only
c. Both are correct

b. 2 only
d. Both are wrong

Q.3. Which one of the following pairs of States

and tribes is not correctly matched?
(a) Assam
: Miri
(b) Nagaland
: Konyak
(c) Arunachal Pradesh : Apatani
(d) Madhya Pradesh
: Reang
Q.4 Operation Chengiz Khanwas
a. the code name assigned to a series of violent border
incidents after the1959 Tibetan uprising, when India
had granted asylum to the Dalai Lama
b. was the code name assigned to the preemptive
strikes carried out by thePakistani Air Force(PAF) on
theforward airbasesandradarinstallations of
theIndian Air Force(IAF)that marked the formal
initiation of hostilities of theIndo-Pakistani War of

Why Test Series is vital in your success in the Prelims?

Many candidates fail in the Prelims not because of their poor preparation but because
of their Test Taking Skills are poor. According to a recent study, attending at least 3
mock tests, based on micro analysis of the actual exam pattern, enhances your test
taking ability by 23%. All India Test Series offered by JTS Institute gives you 10
Rehearsal Tests for the Prelims 2014, which are prepared according to a very scientific
micro analysis of the UPSC Exam pattern.
Click here for details of 10 Full Syllabus Rehearsal Tests (5 each for Paper I & II) that
contains the Most Expected Questions exclusively set for the Prelims 2014.
JTS Institute


c. was the code name assigned to a Diplomatic initiative

by the External Affairs Ministry of India to have a
better cordial relationship with China
d. was the code name assigned to the programme
designed by the Government of India for the
rehabilitation of Tibetan refugees in 1959
Q.5. The government of India currently follows
which of the following criteria to determine the
eligibility of language to be considered for
classification as classical language?
1. High antiquity of its early texts/recorded history
over a period of 1,500-2,000 years
2. A body of ancient literature/texts which is
considered a valuable heritage by generations of
3. The literary tradition be original and not borrowed
from another speech community.
4. There cannot be a discontinuity between the classical
language and its later forms or its offshoots.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
a. 1 ,2 and 4 only
b. 2 ,3 and 4 only
c. 1 ,2 and 3 only
d. All are correct
Consider the following statements
Q.6. Condiser the following statements
1.TheSimla Agreementwas signed betweenIndia
andPakistanin 1972
2. The Simla Accord was a treaty signed which resulted
in the creation of Bangladesh as an independent state.
3. The convention popularly known as the Simla
Accord was presided over by Indira Gandhi,
thePrime Minister of India and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto,
thePresident of Pakistan
Which of the above statements are correct?
(a) 1 Only
(b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3

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Q 7. Which of the statements given below about

the appointment of Supreme Court judges are
1. Constitution provides for three categories of persons
to be appointed to the Supreme Court Bench-high
court judges, lawyers and distinguished jurists..
2. In appointing the new Chief Justice of India, the
President shall, besides the advice of the council of
ministers, consult the sitting Chief Justice.
3. The method of selection of judges by a collegium
of Supreme Court judges finds no place in the
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3
(d) All the above
Q.8. Which of the statements given below about
court martial is/are correct?
1.The military courts can award punishment to its
personnel subject to Civil Laws.
2. According to the Army Act, Army courts can try
personnel for all kinds of offences.
3. The Indian Army is still following the system of
military justice it inherited from the British
4. The provisions for summary courts martial were
not introduced into the regular army till the sepoy
mutiny of 1857.
a. 1 and 2 only
b. 2 and 3 only
c. 3 and 4 only
d. All are correct
Q.9. Which of the following definitions of
Juvenile/Child under a national legislations is not
(a) The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of
Children) Act, 2000 defines juvenile or Child as a
person who has not completed eighteenth year of age.
(b) According to the Child Labor (Prohibition and
Regulation) Act, 1986 Child means a person who
has not completed the age of 14 years.
(c) Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929. defines a child
as a person who, if a male, has not completed twenty

How the Most Expected Questions are being set?

Till now you have gone through 8 questions given in this booklet and found out the
reason why these questions are considered as the most expected questions for the
Prelims 2014. Just imagine you get hundreds of such MOST EXPECTED
QUESTIONS exclusively compiled for the Civil Services Preliminary Exam 2014.
The good news is that the All India Test Series 2014 offered by JTS Institute gives
you many such questions.
Click here for details of 10 Full Syllabus Rehearsal Tests (5 each for Paper I & II) that
contains the Most Expected Questions exclusively set for the Prelims 2014.
JTS Institute


Q.10. The new Companies Act, 2013, has made it
mandator y for companies to be socially
responsible by introducing the corporate social
responsibility(CSR) regime. In this context,
which of the following statements are correct?
1. The CSR activities will have to be within India, and
the new rules will also apply to foreign companies
registered here.
2. Funds given to political parties and the money spent
for the benefit of the companys own employees (and
their families) will not count as CSR.
3. The CSR rules will take effect from April 1, as part
of the new Companies Act. They will apply to all
companies registered under the Indian Companies Act.
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3
(d) All the above
Q.11. Financial Stability and Development
Councilis an apex-level body constituted
bygovernment of India to
a) to strengthen and institutionalise the mechanism of
maintainingfinancial stability,financial sector
development, inter-regulatory coordination along with
monitoringmacro-prudential regulationofeconomy.
b) to assist National Development Council in
developing innovative programmes and policies with
the aim of improving inclusive growth across all sectors
of the economy.
c) to develop innovative strategies to regulate the stock
exchanges in India, with the objective of controlling
all kinds of unethical practices that adversely affect
the image of Indias securities market in a world canvass.
d) to evaluate the policy proposals of the Ministry of
Finance and the Reserve Bank of India in such a way
that, such proposals are recession proof and does not
adversely affect the economic growth of India in any
manner whatsoever.
Q.12. Which of the following statements about
Bharatiya Mahila Bank is not correct?
(a) The bank aims to service women and women-run
(b)The bank support womens self-help groups and
their livelihoods and promote further financial
(c) The bank aims to become the number one mahila
bank in India from its second positing at present.
(d) One of the key objectives of the bank is to focus
on the banking needs of women and promote
economic empowerment.

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one years of age, and if a female, has not completed
eighteen years of age.
(d) According to the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act,
1956-Child means a person who has not completed
the age of eighteen years.

Q.13. Thecarrying capacity
1. is the number of individuals an environment can
support without significant negative impacts to the
given organism and its environment.
2. of a biologicalspeciesin anenvironmentis the
maximum population size of the species that the
environment can sustain indefinitely, given the food,
habitat,waterand other necessities available in the
3. is the environments maximal load, which is different
from the concept of population equilibrium.
4. environment may vary for different species and may
change over time due to a variety of factors, including:
food availability,water supply, environmental
conditions and living space.
Which of the above statements are correct?
a. 1 ,2 and 4 only
b. 2 ,3 and 4 only
c. 1 ,2 and 3 only
d. All are correct
Q.14. The electrical output of a solar cell depends
on the
(a) Intensity of solar radiation
(b) Heat component of solar radiation
(c) Ultraviolet radiation
(d) Infrared radiation
Q.15. Major Indian deltas including GangaBrahmaputra, Krishna-Godavari, Brahmani and
Mahanadi are sinking. In this context which of the
following statements are correct?
1. Humans are sinking deltas four times faster than the
sea level is rising
2. A proliferation of large dams that starve deltas of
sediment, groundwater mining that causes land
compaction, and artificial levees that affect river courses,
have been responsible for the subsiding of major
Indian deltas

The only Advantage you

A Win at any level in any game against
anyone is based on anticipation and real
situation forecasting. You have to think
like your opponent and know his move.
Knowing what kind of questions will be
asked by your examiner gives you a
strategic advantage over him.
What the Test series offered by JTS
Institute does is just that.
Click here for details of 10 Full Syllabus
Rehearsal Tests (5 each for Paper I & II)
that contains the Most Expected
Questions exclusively set for the Prelims


Q.16.Recently India has successfully put in orbit
its second dedicated navigation satellite, the
Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System
(IRNSS-1B), developed by the Indian Space
Research Organisation. In this context which of
the following statements are correct?
1. It will provide an indigenous alternative to the United
States Global Positioning System (GPS) by 2016.
2. Once the seven satellite IRNSS program becomes
fully operational by 2016, it will not only positively
impact the lives of common Indians but will also be a
strategic game-changer with its immense defense,
security and counter-terrorism applications.
3. India has become one among the group of 7
member group of countries having own Navigation
Satellite System
4. In defence, the IRNSS will help missiles in accurately
reaching their targets be it a town or installation.
a. 1 ,2 and 4 only
b. 2 ,3 and 4 only
c. 1 ,2 and 3 only
d. All are correct
Q.17. Japanese encephalitis
1. is a viral disease that infects only humans.
2. is a disease caused by a flavi virus that affects the
membranes around the brain.
3. is transmitted by mosquitoes and in humans causes
inflammation of the membranes around the brain
Which of the above statements are correct?
a. 1 and 2 only
b. 2 and 3 only
c. 1 and 3 only
d. All are correct
Q.18. Why Do Scientists Study Supernovas?
1. A supernova burns for only a short period of time,
but it can tell scientists a lot about the universe.
2. One kind of supernova has shown scientists that
we live in an expanding universe, one that is growing
at an ever increasing rate.
3. Scientists also have determined that supernovas play
a key role in distributing elements throughout the
universe. 4. When the star explodes, it shoots elements
and debris into space, that elements travel on to form
new stars, planets and everything else in the universe
and many of the elements we find here on Earth are
made in the core of stars.
Which of the above statements are correct
(a) 1,2 and 3
(b) 1,2,3 and 4
(c) 2,3 and 4
(d) 1,3 and 4

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3. Krishna delta has witnessed a 94 per cent reduction
in sediment deposition.
(a) 1 Only
(b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3

Q.19. Chemical weapon
1. is a toxic chemical contained in a delivery system,
such as a bomb or shell.
2. is applied to any toxic chemical or its precursor
that can cause death, injury, temporary incapacitation
or sensory irritation through its chemical action.
3. relies on the physiological effects of a chemical, so
agents used to produce smoke or flame, as herbicides,
or for riot control, are not considered to be chemical
4. are of great concern because they are cheaper and
easier to manufacture and deliver than nuclear or
biological weapons.
Which of the above statements about chemical weapon
are correct?
a. 1 and 2 only
b. 2 and 3 only
c. 3 and 4 only
d. All are correct
Q.20. What are opioides?
1. Opioids are a type of narcotic painmedication
which can have serious side effects if you dont use
them correctly.
2. Opioids are drugs that work by binding to opioid
receptors in the brain, spinal cord, and other areas of
the body. They reduce the sending of pain messages
to the brain and reduce feelings of pain.
3. Opioids are used to treat moderate to severe pain
that may not respond well to other pain medications.
4. Opioids are any psychoactive chemical that
resemblesmorphineor otheropiatesin its
pharmacological effects.
a. 1 and 2 only
b. 2 and 3 only
c. 3 and 4 only
d. All are correct
Q.21. Consider the following statements
1. Super-heavy elements are elements beyond atomic
number 104
2. Super-heavy elements are not found naturally on
Earth, and thus have to be created synthetically within
a laboratory.
Which of the above are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) both are correct
(d) both are not correct




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Why/How these Questions are

considered as the Most Expected
Questions for the Prelims 2014 ?

Relevance of Q.1. Anor thosite rock from

Sithampoondi and Kunnamalai, (65 km from Salem
on the SalemTiruchengode highway in Tamil
Nadu)which closely resembles the lunar soil in its
chemical and mechanical properties, was pulverised
and brought to the lunar terrain facility in the ISRO
Satellite Integration and Testing Establishment (ISITE)
in Bangalore to test the rovers movements. (Report
from: The Hindu S&T dated 11 May 2014)
Relevance of Q.2. Scientists in the first week of
December 2013 in their report claimed that the super
volcano lying beneath Yellowstone National Park in
US is much larger than it was thought previously.
(BBC News)
Relevance of Q.3. After a gap of almost three years,
repatriation of Mizoram Reang tribe refugees housed
in Kanchanpur in north Tripura commenced on 30
September 2013. (Pioneer Report)
Relevance of Q.4 . A Bangladesh war crimes tribunal
has awarded death penalty to Salauddin Quader
Chowdhary, a top BNP leader and MP, for murder
and genocide during the 1971 Liberation War. (News
paper reports)
Relevance of Q.5. Odia has became the sixth
language of the country to get classical language status
after the Union Cabinet conceded a long-pending
demand for putting it in the same league as Sanskrit,
Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam. (Report from
Press Information Bureau)

Relevance of Q. 6-2014 is the centenary year of the

McMahon Line . It was 100 years back Sir Henry
McMahon drew the McMahon Line as the SinoIndian border at a meeting in Simla.
Relevance of Q. 7. In an unprecedented decision,
the collegium headed by Chief Justice of India RM
Lodha has recommended names of two previous
solicitors general Gopal Subramaniam and RF
Nariman to the government for appointment as
judges of the Supreme Court.(Report from: The
Times of India dated 14 May 2014)
Relevance of Q.8. On December 25 the Army
decideed to court martial six military personnel for
the murder of three civilians in a fake encounter on
April 30, 2010 at Machhil in Kashmir.
Relevance of Q.9.The Supreme Court on 28 March
2014 has refused to lower the age of a juvenile from
18, saying the legislature has fixed the age, which is
constitutionally permissible.
Relevance of Q.10. The new Companies Act, 2013,
has made it mandatory for companies to be socially
responsible by introducing the corporate social
responsibility(CSR) regime. (Business Today 18
March 2014)
Relevance of Q.11. A high-power committee under
the Financial Stability and Development Council
(FSDC) has been set up to find ways for the banking
sector to comply with Basel-III capital norms.
(The Hindu dated March 8, 2014)

Dont beat around the bush... see only your target.

Your target now is the 180 questions in the prelims 2014. From page 1 of this booklet
you have learned, the secret of how questions are being asked in the Prelims and also
seen some sample questions prepared on the basis of that secret.
Now a wise decision is to focuss on such questions which are the MOST EXPECTED.
All India Test Series offered by JTS Institute gives you hundreds of such questions
with explanatory answers.
Click here for details of 10 Full Syllabus Rehearsal Tests (5 each for Paper I & II) that
contains the Most Expected Questions exclusively set for the Prelims 2014.
JTS Institute


Relevance of Q.13. Uttarakhand and Himachal

Pradesh, two hill states in the Himalayan range, were
the worst hit by the extreme rains that struck northern
India in the wake of monsoons that set in early
2013.Maharaj Pandit, professor with Delhi University.
says that a study should be conducted to assess the
carrying capacity of the Himalaya and development
should be planned accordingly. (Down To Earth
dated Jun 18, 2013)
Relevance of Q.14. Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra
Modi launched a 130-MW solar power plant at
Bhagwanpur in Neemuch, Madhya Pradesh on 26
February 2014. (Report from The Hidnustan Times
dated February 26, 2014)
Relevance of Q.15. Reports of recent studies only
reveled these alarming facts.
Relevance of Q.16. ISROs Polar Satellite Launch
Vehicle, PSLV-C24, successfully launched IRNSS-1B,
the second satellite in the Indian Regional Navigation
Satellite System (IRNSS) recently (ISRO Press
Release dated 4 April 2014)
Relevance of Q.17. India on October 4, 2013
launched its first indigenous vaccine to protect children
from Japanese encephalitis. Until now, the country has
been importing the vaccine from China. (Report from
The Hindu dated October 4, 2013)
Relevance of Q.18. Because Scientists have recently
recreated scaled supernova explosions in the laboratory
to investigate one of this most energetic events in the
Universe, using laser beams 60,000 billion times more
powerful than a laser pointer.

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Relevance of Q.12. Bharatiya Mahila Bank was
inaugurated on 19 November 2013.

Relevance of Q.19. The Norwegian Nobel

Committeehas decided that the Nobel Peace Prize
for 2013 is to be awarded to the Organisation for the
Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) for its
extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons.(Press
Release from The Norwegian Nobel Committee,
dated 11 October 2013)


Relevance of Q.20. The Lok Sabha on 20 February

2014 passed the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances (Amendment) Bill, 2011, simplifying the
regulations for procuring and possessing narcotic drugs
when used for medicinal purposes. (Report from the
Hindu dated February21, 2013)
Relevance of Q.21. It is a memorable event for
scientists in India. Drs Susant Lahiri and Moumita Maiti
from the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP)
joined the other international collaborators led by
Professor Christoph Duellmann at GSI Helmholtz
Centre for Heavy Ion Research, in carrying out the
historic experiment. Presently, Dr Maiti works in the
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. : The team
included 72 scientists and engineers from 16 institutions
in Australia, Finland, Germany, India, Japan, Norway,
Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom,
and the United States. (Report from the Hindu
dated February21, 2013)

What is THE BEST Strategy for sure SUCCESS in the

Firstly, Learn the back ground information or root line of all Current Events happened
during the last one year, because 68 % of the questions in the exam are based on this.
In addition to this 9 % of the questions are almost directly from current events.
Secondly, go through the previous question papers, because 13 % of the questions
are asked from the same topics covered in the past exams and on an elimination
process done on the past 20 years papers to avoid repetition of the same questions.
Thirdly attend at least 3 mock tests, based on micro analysis of the actual exam
pattern, because it will enhance your test taking ability by 23% - according to a recent
And the good news is that the All India Test Series offered by JTS Institute gives you
all the above in the best possible way.
Click here for details of 10 Full Syllabus Rehearsal Tests (5 each for Paper I & II) that
contains the Most Expected Questions exclusively set for the Prelims 2014.
JTS Institute

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Explanatory Answers
to the Questions
Q.1. (b) Explanation : Anorthosite is a kind of
igneous rock that is composed mostly of the mineral
plagioclase. Plagioclase is made of relatively lightweight
elements like silicon, calcium, and aluminum. As the
Moon was forming, it was heated not only from
within, but by the continual bombardment of asteroids
and planetary bodies.The Earth has much less
anorthosite than the Moon, although it is found in some
of the Earths oldest rock formations. When the Earth
was first forming, anorthosite was probably produced
the same way it was on the Moon. The Earth, however,
is much bigger, and its crust was more dynamic.
Because of plate tectonics, which continually destroy
and create the Earths surface, most of the anorthosite
that existed has probably been processed into the
Earths interior. ThePrecambrianEra comprises all of
geologic time prior to 600 million years ago.
(Information Source: Encyclopedia Britannica)
Q.2. (b) Explanation. The United States Geological
Survey defines a super volcano as a volcano that has
erupted and deposited more than 1000 cubic
kilometers of material.
Scientists at Texas A&M University have discovered a
new super volcano that appears to dwarf Yellowstone,
any other volcano on Earth, and even any in the solar
system. The newly identified super volcano is called
Tamu Massif, a clever homage to the initials of Texas
A&M University and a tribute to its colossal size. It
lies about a thousand miles east of Japan on an oceanic
plateau called the Shatsky Rise. Tamu Massifis an
extinct submarineshield volcanolocated in the
northwesternPacific Ocean.The possibility of its
nature as a single volcano was announced on 5
September 2013, which, if corroborated, would make
TamuMassifthe largest knownvolcanoon Earth.It is
located in theShatsky Riseabout 1,600km (990mi)
east ofJapan. Its summit lies about 1,980m (6,500ft)
below the surface of the ocean, and its base extends
to a depth of about 6.4km (4.0mi).The volcano is
about 4,460 metres (14,620ft) tall. William Sager,
amarine geophysicistfrom the Department of Earth
and Atmospheric Sciences at theUniversity of
Houston, began studying the volcano in about 1993 at
theTexas A&M College of Geosciences. According
to Sager and his team, Tamu Massif is the biggest
single shield volcano ever discovered on Earth. While

JTS Institute

other igneous features on the planet are larger, such as

the Ontong Java Plateau, it has not yet been determined
if they are indeed just one volcano or rather complexes
of several volcanoes.
Yellowstone Caldera is an underground super volcano
with the tremendous power to unleash the next Ice
Age on the planet, in the best case scenario. In the
worst case scenario, geologists sug gest that
Yellowstones eruption will cause all the other active
volcanoes on Earth to explode as well and bring about
the end of the world.
Q.3 (d) Explanation: ReangorRiangare one of the
21scheduled tribesof the state ofTripura. The correct
nomenclature for this ethnic group is
actuallyBrualthough the name reang was accidentally
incorporated by the Indian government during a census
count. The Bru are the second most populous tribe
of Tripura after the Tripuris. The Bru can be found
mainly in theNorth Tripura,Dhalaiand theSouth
Tripuradistricts of Tripura. However, they may also
inMizoram,Assam,ManipurandBangladesh. They
speak the Reang dialect ofKokboroklanguage which
is ofTibeto-Burmeseorigin and is locally referred to
asKau Bru. Like many of the tribes in the north east
of India, the appearance of the Bru is mongoloid.
Q.4. (b) Explanation: Operation Chengiz Khanwas
the code name assigned to the preemptive strikes carried
out by thePakistani Air Force(PAF) on theforward
airbasesandradarinstallations of theIndian Air
Force(IAF) on the evening of 3 December 1971, and
marked the formal initiation of hostilities of theIndoPakistani War of 1971.TheIndo-Pakistani War of
1971was the direct military confrontation
betweenIndiaandPakistanduring theBangladesh
Liberation Warin 1971. Indian, Bangladeshi and
international sources consider the beginning of the war
to have been Operation Chengiz Khan, when Pakistan
launched pre-emptive air strikes on 11 Indian airbases
on 3 December 1971, leading to Indias entry into
thewar of independenceinEast Pakistanon the side
of Bangladeshi nationalist forces, and the
commencement of hostilities withWest
Pakistan.Lasting just 13 days, it is considered to be
one of the shortest wars in history. (History of India)


Q.6. (a)Explanation: The Simla Agreement and the

Simla Accord were 2 different incidents. The Simla
Accord was a treaty signed in 1914, which defined the
boundary between India and China known as the
McMahon Line. The line is named afterSir Henry
McMahon, foreign secretary of the BritishrunGovernment of Indiaand the chief negotiator of
the convention at Simla. It extends for 550 miles
(890km) fromBhutanin the west to 160 miles
(260km) east of the great bend of the Brahmaputra
Riverin the east, largely along the crest of
betweenIndiaandPakistanon July 2, 1972 inSimla,
the capital city of Himachal Pradesh.It was followed
from thewar in 1971that also led to the independence
of Bangladesh, which was earlier known asEast
Pakistanand was part of the territory of Pakistan. The
agreement was ratified by the Parliaments of both the
nations in same year. The treaty was signed
inSimla,byIndira Gandhi, thePrime Minister of India
and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, thePresident of Pakistan, The
agreement also paved the way for diplomatic
recognition ofBangladeshbyPakistan.

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Q.5. (c) Explanation: Statement 4 is wrong. Since
the classical language and literature is distinct from the
modern, there can also be a discontinuity between the
classical language and its later forms or its offshoots.
Once a language is declared classical, it gets financial
assistance for setting up a centre of excellence for the
study of that language and also opens up an avenue
for two major awards for scholars of eminence.
Besides, the University Grants Commission can be
requested to create to begin with at least in Central
Universities a certain number of professional chairs
for classical languages for scholars of eminence in the
language. (Information Source: Ministr y of

7. Answer: (c) Explanation: Statement 1 (Article

124). Statement 2 is not correct. Neither the
Constitution nor the law provides for Chief Justices
recommendation as to his successor. It is a practice
sanctioned by convention. Normally, the Chief Justice
of India is appointed from among the senior most
judges of the Supreme Court.
The method of selection of judges by a collegium of
Supreme Court judges finds no place in the
Constitution. The Constitution confers the power of
appointment of judges on the President of India i.e.
the Government of India to be made in consultation
with the Chief Justice of India and other judges of
the Supreme Court and the High Courts. How then
did a collegium of judges of the Supreme Court come
to exist and come to possess this power?
The collegium method was created as a result of two
judgments of the Supreme Court, first in 1993
(Supreme Court Advocate-on-Record Association
case) and by a follow-up Presidents Reference to the
Court in 1998. With the best of intentions of securing
the independence of the judiciary, the Supreme Court
rewrote the provisions of the Constitution for
appointment of judges and appropriated the power
to appoint judges by the judges. By the first case the
power was vested in the Chief Justice of India in
whom it was held the primacy lay in appointments
assisted by two judges of the Supreme Court. In the
second case the court took away the primacy of the
Chief Justice of India and vested the power in a
collegium of the Chief Justice of India and four seniormost judges of the Supreme Court.
The clear intention of the Constitution makers in the
Constituent Assembly debates of not making the Chief
Justice of India the final authority was disregarded.
Inversing the constitutional provisions, the Chief Justice
of India and the collegium became the initiator and
appointer of judges, and the President of India was
made only a formal approver in the process. These

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Q.8. (c) Explanation: When a trial is conducted by a

military court it is called court martial. The military
courts can award punishment to its personnel subject
to military law.Most militaries maintain a court martial
system to try cases in which a breakdown of military
discipline may have occurred. Some countries,
however, have no court-martial at the time of peace.
This is the case in France and Germany where civil
courts are used instead.In addition, courts-martial may
be used to try prisoners of war for war crimes. The
Geneva Convention requires that POWs who are on
trial for war crimes be subject to the same procedures
as would be the holding armys own soldiers.
Indian Army has four kinds of court martial - General
Court Martial (GCM), District Court Martial (DCM),
Summary General Court Martial (SGCM) and
Summary Court Martial (SCM). According to the
Army Act, Army courts can try personnel for all kinds
of offences except for murder and rape of a civilian,
which are tried by a civil court.
The Indian Army is still following the system of military
justice it inherited from the British. The law in the
United Kingdom has changed to keep pace with the
modern practices of justice.The provisions for
summary courts martial were not introduced into the
regular army till the sepoy mutiny of 1857. The
discipline of the Indian Army had deteriorated before
the mutiny. After the suppression of the mutiny, it was
found that the position of insignificance occupied by
the commandant of a regiment was a major reason
for the indiscipline in the Army. The commandant had
practically no power to punish or reward his own men.
Here, the need of a military court was felt, and thus
created. This union of power enabled the commanding
officer to convict and sentence a military offender.
Q.9 (d) Explanation: According to the Immoral
Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956-Child means a person
who has not completed the age of sixteen years.
Q.10. (a) Explanation: The CSR rules will take effect
from April 1, as part of the new Companies Act. They

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judgments are prime examples of overreaching by the
Supreme Court. Indeed, in the second judgment of
1998 the Court went to the extent of extracting a
statement from the government that it was not seeking
a reconsideration of its earlier judgment of 1993, and
government would also accept and binding the
judgment it was delivering.
The essential features of this judicially created system
of appointments is that the collegium selects judges
on their own assessment of the merits of a person
and the government is bound to appoint the selected
person except in a rare case of the collegium having
overlooked some aspect of the incumbent not being
a suitable judge. Even here, governments view can be
disregarded by the collegium by reasserting its choice.
The executive has little or no role in the appointment
of judges as a result. (Information Source: The
Hindu dated Dec 18, 2009)

will apply to companies with at least Rs 5 crore net

profit, or Rs.1,000 crore turnover or Rs.500 crore net
worth. Such companies will need to spend 2 per cent
of their three-year average annual net profit on CSR
activities in each financial year, beginning the next fiscal,
2014-15. For the purpose of deciding the CSR
spending eligibility of a company, profit from overseas
branches and dividend received from other companies
in India will be excluded from the net profit criteria.
Besides, contributions made directly or indirectly to
any political party have been excluded from CSR ambit.
The CSR policy of a company should also specify
that surplus arising out of the CSR projects or
programmes or activities shall not form part of the
business profit of a company. A company can also
carry out CSR works through a registered trust or
society or a separate company. As per the rules, a
company may also collaborate with other companies
for CSR activities, provided they have to separately
report about spending on such projects programmes.
The CSR activities shall be undertaken by the company,
as per its stated CSR policy, as projects or programmes
or activities (either new or ongoing), excluding activities
undertaken in pursuance of its normal course of
A wide range of activities, including livelihood
enhancement projects and steps for the benefit of
armed forces veterans have been brought under the
CSR ambit. When it comes to having manpower for
CSR works, the government has said that companies
can spend only up to 5 per cent of total CSR
expenditure for them in a single financial year. This
would be applicable for own personnel as well as those
of their implementing agencies. Among other activities,
livelihood enhancement and rural development
projects, promoting preventive health care and
sanitation as well as making safe drinking water available
would be considered as CSR activities. (PTI Report)



Q.11. (a) Explanation: The Chairman of the Financial

Stability and Development Council is the Finance
Minister of India and its members include the heads
of the financial sector regulatory authorities (i.e, SEBI,
IRDA, RBI, PFRDA andFMC) , Finance Secretary
and/or Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs
(Ministry of Finance), Secretary, (Department of
Financial Services, Ministry of Finance) and the Chief
Economic Adviser. The commodities markets
regulator, Forward Markets Commission (FMC) was
added to the FSDC in December 2013 subsequent to
shifting of administrative jurisdiction of commodities
market regulation from Ministry of consumer Affairs
to Ministry of Finance. The Joint Secretary (Capital
Markets Division, Department of Economic Affairs,
Ministry of Finance) was the Secretary of the Council
till August 2013. Now this post is being held by the
Additional Secretary in the Ministry of Finance.
A sub-committee of FSDC has also been set up under
the chairmanship of Governor RBI. The SubCommittee discusses and decides on a range of issues

Q.12 (c) Explanation: Bharatiya Mahila Bank is the

first of its kind in the Banking Industry in India.
Q.13. (d) Explanation: In 1798, an English clergyman
named Thomas Malthus made a dire prediction: He
said theEarthcould not indefinitely support an everincreasing human population. The planet, he said,
would check population growth throughfamineif
humans didnt check themselves. The theory publicized
by Malthus is known as thecarrying capacity of the
Earth. Carrying capacity itself is a well-known and
widely accepted concept in ecology. Its a very basic
idea sustainability requires balance. There is a certain
population number above which a species starts to
damage its habitat, and life as it stands at that moment
cannot go on.(Thomas Malthus-Man and his
Q.14(a) Explanation: Asolar cell(also called
aphotovoltaic cell) is an electrical device that converts
the energy oflightdirectly intoelectricityby the
photovoltaic effect. It is a form ofphotoelectric cell(in
that its electrical characteristicse.g. current, voltage,
or resistancevary when light is incident upon it)
which, when exposed to light, can generate and support
an electric current without being attached to any
external voltage source, but do require an external load
for power consumption.
Q.15. (d) Explanation: The Krishna delta is perhaps
the worst off because large dams are preventing almost
any of the rivers sediments from reaching it, satellite
imagery and on-ground studies established that the
Krishna delta has witnessed a 94 per cent reduction in
sediment deposition. The Godavari, Brahmani and
Mahanadi deltas have seen a 40 per cent, 50 percent
and 74 per cent reduction, respectively, in sediments
delivered to them over the last three decades. Globally,
on average, we have built one large dam everyday for
130 years. Hundreds of gigatonnes of sediments are
stored in these global reservoirs, a recent study says.
And India, which started earlier than even the U.S., has
seen a particular proliferation of dams post 1950. A
delta typically should have enough sediment to counter
ocean energy. But if you stop bringing in sediment,
eventually the ocean will win. The Ganga delta,
meanwhile, is sinking at 18 mm a year, even as the sea
level rises by 3 mm a year along this coast, spelling a
tenuous future for the thousands of people who live
and work. Here, groundwater mining has led to a
significant compaction and subsidence of land over
the last 15 years.
Q.16. (a) Explanation: The important thing is that
India will not be at the whims and fancies of foreign
countries in national security exigencies after the IRNSS

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relating to financial sector development and stability
including substantive issues relating to inter-regulatory

program becomes operational in about two years.

Currently only powers like the US and Russia have
their navigational satellites fully operational. The
European Union is working on an ambitious project
called Galileo which wont be fully operational before
China has its own regional navigation system called
Beidou which it is in the process of expanding. Japan
and France too are working to set up their own
navigation satellites network.
India will be only the second developing country after
China to have a network of navigation satellites which
it will inevitably beef up in subsequent years, well in
time before the ten-year lifespan of IRNSS comes to
an end.
Last, but not the least, India can earn precious foreign
exchange by exploiting this technology commercially
and launching satellites of friendly countries. India has
so far launched 31 satellites for 17 countries.
Main features of IRNSS
It will provide a position accuracy of better than 20
meters in the primary service area.
IRNSS consists of a space segment and a ground
segment; the space segment comprising seven satellites,
with three satellites in geostationary orbit and four
satellites in inclined geosynchronous orbit.
IRNSS satellites would revolve round the earth at
the height of about 36,000 kilometers from the earths
It will be useful in land, sea and air navigation, disaster
management, vehicle tracking and fleet management,
integration with mobile phones, provision of precise
time, mapping, and navigation aid for hikers and
travelers, visual and voice navigation for drivers.
It can track people or vehicles and can be of immense
use in disaster situations like last years flashfloods in
It will be a boon for the railways for tracking wagons.
A highly accurate Rubidium atomic clock is part of
the navigation payload of the satellite.
(Information compiled from an article by Rajeev
Sharma a New Delhi-based strategic analyst.)



Q.17. (b)Explanation: Japanese encephalitis is a viral

disease that infects animals and humans. It is transmitted
by mosquitoes and in humans causes inflammation of
the membranes around the brain. Intensification and
expansion of irrigated rice production systems in South
and South-East Asia over the past 20 years have had
an important impact on the disease burden caused by
Japanese encephalitis. Where irrigation expands into
semi-arid areas, the flooding of the fields at the start
of each cropping cycle leads to an explosive build-up
of the mosquito population. This may cause the
circulation of the virus to spill over from their usual
hosts (birds and pigs) into the human population.
The virus causing Japanese encephalitis is transmitted
by mosquitoes belonging to the Culex tritaeniorhynchus
and Culex vishnui groups, which breed particularly in
flooded rice fields. The virus circulates in ardeid birds

Q.18. (b) Explanation: A supernova is the explosion

of a star. It is the largest explosion that takes place in
space. Supernovas are often seen in other galaxies. But
supernovas are difficult to see in our own Milky Way
galaxy because dust blocks our view. In 1604, Johannes
Kepler discovered the last observed supernova in the
Milky Way. NASAs Chandra telescope discovered the
remains of a more recent supernova. It exploded in
the Milky Way more than a hundred years ago. A
supernova happens where there is a change in the core,
or center, of a star. A change can occur in two different
ways, with both resulting in a supernova. The first type
of supernova happens in binary star systems. Binary
stars are two stars that orbit the same point. One of
the stars, a carbon-oxygenwhite dwarf, steals matter
from its companion star. Eventually, the white dwarf
accumulates too much matter. Having too much matter
causes the star to explode, resulting in a supernova.
The second type of supernova occurs at the end of a
single stars lifetime. As the star runs out of nuclear
fuel, some of its mass flows into its core. Eventually,
the core is so heavy that it cannot withstand its own
gravitational force. The core collapses, which results
in the giant explosion of a supernova. The sun is a
single star, but it does not have enough mass to become
a supernova.
Q.19. (d ) Explanation: Chemical warfare(CW)
involves using thetoxic propertiesofchemical
substancesasweapons. This type of warfare is distinct
fromnuclear warfareandbiological warfare, which
together make up NBC, the military acronym for
nuclear, biological, and chemical (warfare or weapons),
all of which are considered weapons of mass
destruction (WMDs). None of these fall under the
termconventional weaponswhich are primarily
effective due to their destructive potential. With proper
protective equipment, training, and decontamination
measures, the primary effects of chemical weapons
can be overcome. Many nations possess
vaststockpilesof weaponized agents in preparation
for wartime use. The threat and the perceived threat
have become strategic tools in planning both measures
and counter-measures. Chemical warfare is different
from the use ofconventional weaponsornuclear
weaponsbecause the destructive effects of chemical
weapons are not primarily due to anyexplosiveforce.
The offensive use of livingorganisms(such asanthrax)
is consideredbiological warfarerather than chemical
warfare; however, the use of nonliving toxic products
produced by living organisms (e.g.toxinssuch

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(herons and egrets). Pigs are amplifying hosts, in that
the virus reproduces in pigs and infects mosquitoes
that take blood meals, but does not cause disease. The
virus tends to spill over into human populations when
infected mosquito populations build up explosively
and the human biting rate increases (these culicines are
normally zoophilic, i.e. they prefer to take blood meals
from animals). (compiled from a WHO paper)

asbotulinum toxin,ricin, andsaxitoxin)isconsidered

chemical warfare under the provisions of theChemical
Weapons Convention(CWC). Under this Convention,
any toxic chemical, regardless of its origin, is considered
a chemical weapon unless it is used for purposes that
are not prohibited (an important legal definition known
as theGeneral Purpose Criterion). A earliest chemical
weapon wasnt an esoteric chemical concoction. During
World War I, chlorine gas was used as a chemical
weapon, released in massive clouds by the German
army to cause lung damage and terror downwind of
its release. Modern chemical weapons include the
following types of agents:
Choking Agents (e.g., phosgene, chlorine)
Blister Agents (e.g., nitrogen mustard, Lewisite)
Nerve Agents (e.g.,Tabun,Sarin,VX)



Q.20 (d) Explanation: Opioids are among the

worlds oldest knowndrugs; the therapeutic use of
theopium poppypredatesrecorded history.
Theanalgesic(painkiller) effects of opioids are due to
decreased perception of pain, decreased reaction to
pain as well as increased pain tolerance. The side effects
depression,constipation, and a strong sense
ofeuphoria. Opioids can cause cough suppression,
which can be both an indication for opioid
administration or an unintended side effect.Opioid
dependencecan develop with ongoing administration,
leading to awithdrawal syndromewith abrupt
discontinuation. Opioids are not only well known for
their addictive properties, but also for their ability to
produce a feeling of euphoria, motivating some to
use opioidsrecreationally.
Q.21(c) Explanation: Scientists have recently
confirmed the existence of a new super-heavy element
117. A few atoms of this super heavy element emerged
when calcium-48 ions at high energies impinged on a
specially prepared target of berkelium-249 (Bk).
Presently, researchers call the element ununseptium for
its 117 protons (20 protons of calcium and 97 from
Bk). An atom of element 117 is 40 per cent heavier
than an atom of lead. Element 117 so-called
because it is an atom with 117 protons in its nucleus
was previously one of the missing items on the
periodic table of elements. These super-heavy elements,
which include all the elements beyond atomic number
104, are not found naturally on Earth, and thus have
to be created synthetically within a laboratory.

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