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The Oppidan Press 7 October 2015

Investec Rhodes Top 100 2015

Meet the Top 100 judges for 2015

Each Investec Rhodes Top 100 application is subjected to a rigorous judging process. Panels of judges are constituted for each award section
and compare each application against a rubric. These judges are selected from across the university for their experience and expertise and
kindly donating their time towards helping recognise the top students at Rhodes.
Dr Colleen Vassiliou
Vassiliou is currently the Director of Student Affairs. She completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and Mathematics
and an Honours degree in Psychology at the University of the Free
State. She also holds a Masters degree in Counselling Psychology
and developed the VASSI Mathematical Prociency test for her
Doctoral Research. Dr Vassiliou is a Counselling Psychologist and
rst joined the Rhodes staff in 2009 as Head of the Counselling
Centre. In 2011 she was appointed Manager of Student Wellness.
In this capacity she oversaw the running of the Counselling, Health
Care, Careers and HIV divisions.
Eric Ofei
During his years at Rhodes, Ofei has served in most of the student governance roles available at Rhodes, such as the House Committee for Cory House, Senior Student of Founders Hall, Chair
of both the West and East African Societies, Humanities Faculty
Representative and the SRC President. He currently works as the
SRC Liaison Officer.
Sarah Green
Green currently works as Acting Manager of the Rhodes University Counselling Centre. She has previously worked as a Social
Worker at the King Williams Town Childrens Home and holds a
Master of Social Sciences degree in Counselling Psychology. Green
has been involved with the Career Centre for some time as both a
Counselling Psychologist and as the Manager of the Career Centre.
Christine Lewis
Lewis is currently the Acting Manager of the Rhodes University
Career Centre.
Ncebakazi Ntsokota
Ncebakazi Ntsokota is currently an intern at the Rhodes University Career Centre.
Veronica Moodley
Moodley is currently the Courtenay-Latimer Hall Warden and
House Warden of Oriel House and Oriel Annexe. She is also the
Manager of Student Services under the Division of Student Affairs.
She is currently registered for Masters (by thesis) in Sociology
Development Studies. In 2010, she was one of the nalists for the
Grahamstown Citizen of the Year award.
Noma Mrwetyana
Mrwetyana is currently the Acting Manager of Student Wellness at the Rhodes University Counselling Centre. She previously
worked as a teacher before pursuing a career in Psychology, and
registered as a Counselling Psychologist in 2007. She holds several
qualications, including an Advanced Certicate in Labour Law
from Unisa, an Honours in Social Sciences from Rhodes University and a Masters in Psychology from the University of Fort Hare.
Mrwetyana set up her own private practice before being appointed
as a Student Counsellor at Walter Sisulu University. She joined the
Rhodes Counselling Centre in 2012.

Professor Gary Gordon

Gordon is currently serving as the Head of Department of
Drama at Rhodes University. He has worked in many areas of
theatre and dance but specialises in choreography, physical performance and contemporary dance. Gordon obtained a BA Honours
in Drama with distinction from the University of KwaZulu-Natal.
He then went on to receive a Masters Degree in choreography,
specialising in Dance Studies from the Trinity Laban Conservatoire
of Music and Dance in London. From 2010-2014, he worked as
the Head of Academic Studies at the School of Dance at the Hong
Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He also served on the selection panel for the Hong Kong Dance Awards. In 1993, he founded
the First Physical Theatre Company in South Africa.
Siyabulela Magopeni
Magopeni is the Manager of Rhodes Sports Administration. He
was promoted in April of this year after holding the position of
assistant manager since 2012. Magopeni graduated from NMMU
with a national diploma in Sports Management in 2005. Magopeni
was the Students assistant in cricket administration at NMMU,
grounds manager for SASSU cricket week in 2003 and participated
at a first team level in both cricket and athletics.
Susan Smailes
Smailes has been the Director of Special Projects in the Vice
Chancellors Office since 2010. She is currently the Legal Advisor
to the Vice Chancellor and has previously held the positions of
Head of the Office of University Industrial Relations Advisor and
Director of Industrial Relations at Wits. After receiving her LLB at
Rhodes in 1995, she went on to complete an LLM through Wits in
2000. Smailes has been a guest lecturer for the Rhodes Law Faculty
and has been part of the Rhodes Masters Rowing Crew. Additionally, she is a registered social worker and sits as the chairperson of
the Grahamstown Child Welfare Board.
Sphe Nhlenyama
Nhlenyama currently works as the Graduate Recruitment contact person in the Rhodes University Career Centre.
Thandi Mzizi
Mzizi is the current Advocacy Officer of HIV/AIDS for staff and
students at Rhodes. He has previously been the Director of Thandis
Research, Training and Development CC and an Assistant Director
for HIV/AIDS at the Department of Economic Development and
Tourism for the Western Cape Provincial Administration. Mzizi
completed his Bachelor of Social Science in Industrial Psychology and Industrial Sociology in 1999 and received his Masters of
Philosophy in HIV/AIDS and the world of work from Stellenbosch
University in 2006.

Janine Harris
Harris is the joint Warden of the Oppidan Hall in conjunction
with her husband, Raymond. She is also the manager of Rhodes
Universitys Housekeeping services, which employs over 90 people
to ensure the cleanliness and continued state of repair of the
furniture in the universitys residences.
Professor Owen Skae
Skae is the Director of the Rhodes Business School, appointed 1
January 2010. He is a graduate of Rhodes University (MCom) and
Durham University (MBA). He is formerly an Associate Professor
in Managerial Accounting & Finance at the School of Accounting
at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, where he taught from 1996 to
2006. Prior to his appointment as Director of the Rhodes Business
School, he worked for the Geneva-based International Trade
Centre, the joint agency of the World Trade Organization and the
United Nations. He is currently President of the South African
Business Schools Association (SABSA). He is the volume editor
of Managerial Finance, published by LexisNexis, now in its 7th
edition. A keen sportsman, he is a member of the Seven Continents
Marathon Club.
Professor Gavin Fraser
Since moving to Rhodes in July 2008, Fraser has taught
microeconomics to first year students, environmental economics
to third year and honours students. He obtained a Masters in
Economics and Agricultural Economics from Rhodes University
and went on to receive a PhD in Agricultural Economics from
Stellenbosch University. In addition, seven PhD studies and 17
Masters dissertations that were completed under his supervision
have been awarded.
Peta Myers
Myers has been lecturing in the Department of Accounting at
Rhodes University since 2007. She obtained a BCom Honours
(Financial Accounting) through UNISA, and then studied through
Rhodes, completing a PGDHE and a Masters degree in Education.
Myers is currently enrolled for a PhD with a focus of Accounting
Education. Myers has sat on numerous university committees
and is the former warden of Thomas Pringle and John Kotze, as
well as former hall warden of St Marys hall. Myers has presented
her research findings at many conferences, regional, national and
international. She loves to travel, especially with her two children.
The Oppidan Press judges
Deputy Editor: Leila Stein
Online Editor: Liam Stout
Chief Sub-Editor: Kate Jennings
Assistant Sports Editor: Leonard Solms
Marketing Manager: Leila Kidson
Financial Manager: Likho Sithole

Message from Investec Message from the DSA

Yet another cohort of young achievers is recognised and celebrated through the Investec Rhodes Top 100. As
always, this an exciting time not only for The Oppidan Press, Rhodes and Investec as partners but also for the
deserving award recipients. It is exciting as it is an acknowledgement and celebration of individuals.
We celebrate those for whom good was never enough, as they strived for excellence. We celebrate those who understand that success is no destination but needs to be constantly pursued as we never really arrive. Its a celebration of those who have long accepted that being ordinary robs them of the opportunity to be out of the ordinary.
Simply put, the Investec Rhodes Top 100 is a celebration of choice, passion, hard work, perseverance and positive
actions. On behalf of Investec, I wish to congratulate all those listed this year well done to all of you! You deserve
all the applause, recognition and moment of fame, enjoy the time and experience. Being listed here is recognition
of your amazing potential and talents what is important though, is for you to continue to work to your potential
and associated talents, making meaningful contributions aimed at the betterment of your life, country and indeed
the world.
May you be an inspiration to many. Continue to be role models to others where your achievements will be confirmation of countless possibilities around us reminding all of us that where there is a will there is a way. Going
forward, the world has high expectations of you and I have no doubt you will achieve and exceed some of these
expectations good luck! To The Oppidan Press and Rhodes, thanks for partnering with us in the creation of such
a wonderful platform that not only recognises performance but actually celebrates people and their achievements.
Setlogane Manchidi
Head, Investec Corporate Social Investments

As the Director of Student Affairs (DSA) I would like to congratulate each of the
Top 100 winners for achieving excellence in their respective categories. Rhodes
University is proud to celebrate students who [are] role model[s] [of] values of
commitment, dedication, leadership and excellence. The Division of Student Affairs wishes to celebrate this outstanding achievement recognising that no achievement occurs without hours of hard work.
Nothing comes easy, and behind every success are hours of plain hard work.
Sounds intimidating, but a simple shift in attitude can turn mediocre into incredible
Richard St. John.
We trust that other students will be inspired when they see the achievement of their
fellow peers, and will, too, strive to optimise their potential.
The DSA would like to thank Investec for a partnership that is of great benefit, not
only to our students but to Rhodes University. The DSA would also like to acknowledge the Career Centre staff for their willingness to facilitate the Top 100 process and,
lastly, the Top 100 event would not be as celebrated if it werent for The Oppidan Press.
Dr Colleen Vassiliou
Director of Student Affairs

7 October 2015

The Oppidan Press

This category
is aimed at
those students
involved in the
cultural world,
from performing
arts to visual arts
and journalism.
We aim to
award those
who display
talent and
leadership in
their field.

Commerce and Finance

Arts, Culture, Media and Society

Investec Rhodes Top 100 2015

This award is a
special award
by Investec
to recognise
students who
have excelled
in the Rhodes

Bracken Lee-Rudolph

Sarah Jesse Middleton

Jessica Burger

Lee-Rudolph is a second-year student

studying Journalism and Media Studies
and Psychology. He has served as the
media representative for the Rhodes
Archery Club and Gamesoc, and has
recently been appointed chairperson
of Gamesoc. He has also served as the
Scitech Editor of The Oppidan Press
since March 2014, until recently, when
he was appointed Managing Editor.
Outside of university, he contributes
to local video game website, #egmr
( and aspires to one day work
full-time in the video games industry.

Middleton is 20 years old and

currently a full-time student at
Rhodes University. She is completing
her majors of Journalism and
Organisational Psychology and
plans on doing her Honours in
Organisational Psychology next year.
She was born in East London and
dreams of owning her own media
production company one day. She
worked for the SRC Media Team as a
writer and photographer in her first
year before joining The Oppidan Press
as a photographer and sub-editor.
She was later chosen as the OppiTV
Managing Editor for 2015.

Byron Chadwick

Venencia Tendai Chikudo

Scott Darroch

James Foulkes

Dane Grobler

Chadwick is currently enrolled in his

third year of a Bachelor of Business
Science degree at Rhodes. He has
worked as a Statistics tutor since the
beginning of last year and plans on
tutoring Econometrics and Economics
next year. Last year, he was invited to
take part in the Allan Gray Academic
Achievement Awards. He has also
held various leadership positions in
his time at Rhodes including Sports
Representative and sub-warden in
Centenary House, and captain of
the Rhodes Mens tennis team. After
completing his studies, he hopes to
work on Wall Street.

Chikudo is a Zimbabwean student

in her second year. She maintained a
strong academic record throughout
her first year and was invited to join
the Golden Key Honours Society. She
was also placed on the Deans List
for academic merit. She is currently
a tutor for Accounting 102 and Stats
1D and tutored Theory of Finance
last semester. In her residence, Milner
House, she serves as both academic
representative and treasurer. As
academic representative, she organised
for the Milner House committee to
shadow at Spur for an evening with
a portion of the money earned going
towards the Give5 campaign.

Darroch is a full time student at

Rhodes and is studying towards
a Bachelor of Commerce degree.
He is currently triple-majoring in
Information Systems, Economics, and
Management. He has been inducted
into the Golden Key Honours Society
and also serves the treasurer of the
Rhodes Wine Tasting Society. As
treasurer he gained valuable skills in
managing finances and organising
events. He is also a director and
shareholder of Amico Estates, a
business that he helped establish. The
business has grown successfully and
Darroch and his partner are looking to
purchase a 1 700 hectare property of
their own.

Foulkes is a third year BCom

Accounting student. He was selected
for the Deans List for Academic
Merit in 2013 and 2014, as well as
receiving the South African Institute
of Chartered Accountants (SAICA)
Top Student in Accounting award
and being placed first in the Allan
Gray Academic Achievement Awards
in 2013. He is the current financial
manager of Activate. He received the
Jardine Award, which goes to the top
student in the Commerce faculty,
in 2014. He received the Alfred Beit
Scholarship, Rhodes Scholarship,
Rhodes Governors Scholarship and
Mather Pike scholarship in 2014.

Grobler is a Durban-born third year

BCom Management student. He is
a student ambassador for Microsoft
at Rhodes University. He, along with
four others on his team, have created
and coordinated Microsoft product
oriented workshops in order to assist
students. In this year, he has been the
class representative for Management
3, as well as a tutor for Management
1 and Professional Communications
as well as the Commerce Faculty
Representative. He has been accepted
for Management Honours in 2016. He
plans to complete his Honours degree
and start his own business.

Burger is currently in her third year of

a Bachelor of Business Science degree.
As a top academic achiever, she has
been inducted in the Golden Key
Honours Society and earned a spot
on the Deans List for academic merit
last year. She has also tutored various
subjects including Economics 202,
Biostatics and Stats 1D. In addition,
she is currently a Commerce Faculty
Council Student Representative
and has recently been invited to
apply for the Allan Gray Internship.
Outside of university, she works at
GeeTown Aupairs, tutoring Grade Six

The Oppidan Press 7 October 2015

Nothando Flora Muziki

Tshegofatso Tshifhango

Muziki is currently a third year BCom

Accounting student. In her first year,
she was placed on the Deans Academic
Merit list. She received the Beit Trust
bursary in 2015, and a provisional
offer for a Post Graduate Diploma in
Accounting for 2016. In her second
year she was a Theory of Finance and
Statistics 1D tutor. She has been a
Ncedana mentor this year. Muziki is
also currently the Golden Key Professional Development Officer for Rhodes
University and has helped coordinate
and plan the Golden Toast event this
year, in collaboration with the Rhodes

Tshifhango grew up in Pretoria where

she attended Laudium Primary School
before returning to Mpumalanga to
complete high school in 2011 at Hoerskool Sybrand van Niekerk. Entering
Rhodes University in 2012, Tshifhango
was admitted to an Extended Studies
Programme in Commerce and was in
the top 10 of her class that year. She
served as a sports representative of
Atherstone House in 2013 and was
awarded a Student Volunteer Award by
RUCE and a Community Engagement
Award by the Rhodes University SRC.
She is currently serving as President of
Enactus at Rhodes University.

Nobuhle Ndebele

Ndyebo Nomatye

Ndebele is in her third year of a

Bachelor of Science degree, majoring
in Chemistry and Biochemistry.
In 2014, she joined the Rhodes
community engagement programme
and tutored Physical Science at
GADRA Education, with two of her
students coming in the Top 10 at the
school. GADRA also nominated her
for the RUCE volunteer of the year
award. She has also been heavily
involved in the outreach and tutoring
programme run by her residence,
Dingemans House.

Nomatye started getting involved in

community engagement activities in
his first year. He started working at
Beedz, a computer skills development
programme for women run by the
River of Life Church. In his second
year, he planned and started a similar
course at GADRA Education which
he still teaches along with three other
tutors. He is the current Community
Engagement Representative for
Miriam Makeba Hall and has been
actively involved with the Eluxolweni

This category
aims to award
those students
who not only
excel physically
on the Rhodes
sports fields
but also show
qualities in their
chosen sport,
or in the sports
community as a

Sandi was the Community

Engagement Representative on the
SRC for 2015 and has just been elected
to the office of Secretary General for
2016. He served as a student leader in
the Rhodes Community Engagement
programme in 2013 and 2014, and his
contributions were recognised through
a student leader award and a gold
award for outstanding community
engagement work in 2014. He has
also received community engagement
awards from both his residence and
dining hall.


Mlondolozi Gift Sandi

Community Engagement

Investec Rhodes Top 100 2015

This award is
given to those
students who
go above and
beyond their
duties in order
to improve the
lives of those
around them.
These students
are actively
involved in the
upliftment of
the community
and are leaders
in active
and positive

Azola Benita Dorothea Bobo

Robyn McQueen

Bobo is a hard-working Rhodes

University graduate and student. Her
approach to community engagement
can be summarised as Building
bridges, breaking barriers. From
2010 to 2012, she ran a computer
skills programme for women in
Grahamstown through the River of
Life church. She was the Community
Engagement Representative for
Thomas Pringle House in 2011 and
joined the Rhodes Community
Engagement programme in 2014 as a
tutor at Imkamva Youth. This year, she
was elected to run the Joza Youth Hub
PC training programme.

McQueen worked at an outdoor

leadership camp in 2011, guiding
teams of school children and corporate
groups through outdoor activities and
leadership theory while living in a
Game Reserve. In 2012, she taught at
her old high school, Westville Girls.
She is one of the co-founders of the
Grahamstown Clothing Collective
and Grahamstown Street Services. She
has also been an active volunteer with
Inkwenkwezi, the JJH Educational
Project and GADRA Education.

Thandiswa Nqowana

Sarah Catherine Roberts

Reginald Victor Runyoro

Nqowana is a third year Bachelor

of Sciences student majoring in
Microbiology and Biochemistry. Since
her first year, she has been part of her
residence community engagement
programme, which involves tutoring
English for Grade 6 students at Samuel
Ntsiko Primary School. She has
worked at GADRA Education for the
last two years tutoring physics to their
matric students. She also offers extra
lessons on the weekends to GADRA
students and acts as a mentor to one of
them. This year, she has volunteered at
Little Flower Day Care Centre.

Roberts is in the penultimate year of

her LLB. She is the founder of the JJH
Educational Project, which tutors 107
children at the Jehovah Jireh Haven in
Alexandria. She has managed to raise
tens of thousands of rands to support
the society and is still actively involved
as the chairperson of the society.
JJH won Best New Society and Best
Semester Report in 2014. She has also
been involved in Legal Activism but
her focus is on JJH.

Runyoro was born in Tanzania and

is doing a BA triple majoring in
Anthropology, General Sociology and
History. In 2013, he was elected as the
community engagement representative
for the Zoology Society. He currently
holds the same position for the
Namibian Society. He is also a student
volunteer with the Rhodes Community
Engagement programme where he
volunteers at Fikizolo and Good
Shepherd Primary Schools. Runyoro is
also a student volunteer for Children
of the Soil.

Zweli Hlatshwayo

Marcus Nel

Murray Roodt

Hlatshwayo was born in Swaziland

and describes himself as always being
a team player. He has coached the
Rhodes Pool Club since 2013, as
well as serving as its treasurer and
captaining its first team. He has also
represented the Eastern Cape at the
8-ball Nationals twice, in 2012 and
2013 respectively. He has received
Sports Half Colours twice and has sat
on the Student Sports Council. This
year, he has played right back for the
joint Cory/Matthews House soccer
team that won the internal league and
the league knock-out tournament.

Nel has always had a passion for rugby

and was encouraged by his step-father,
who used to play for the Zimbabwean
national team. Nel has since played
for both the Zimbabwean Under-18
and Under-20 sides himself. During
this time, he played in two IRB Junior
World Trophy qualifiers and played at
the Junior World Trophy tournament
in 2011 in Georgia. He has represented
the Rhodes Under-21 team and the
1st XV since 2012. He captained the
Under-21 side in 2013 and is the ViceChairman of the rugby committee for

Roodt joined the rowing club in

2013 and was selected for the 1st 8
for that years Boat Race, placing 3rd
overall. This year, he was selected for
the 1st 4 which won both the coxed
and coxless race at the USSA sprints,
a first for Rhodes rowing. Based on
this performance, he was chosen for
the Blue Boat made up of the best
eight rowers at the regatta. His 4 was
elected to represent South Africa at
the international student games in
South Korea where they came 9th. In
September, he was appointed as the
rowing clubs Vice-President.

7 October 2015

The Oppidan Press

Kudzayi Michael Zvidzayi

Zvidzayi was the national Taekwondo
champion in 2014 and was awarded
Taekwondo Veritas Chang Hon Ryu
National Colours. He has also received
provincial colours and Rhodes Half
Colours for both 2014 and 2015. He
has been selected to represent the
Eastern Cape at the South African
National Championships this year.
He is also a member of the Rhodes
rifle club and has participated in both
national and provincial shooting
tournaments. He also helps run the
community engagement programme
for the Taekwondo club.

General Excellence

Investec Rhodes Top 100 2015

The General
Excellence Award
is presented to
candidates who
have excelled
in a number
of avenues
available to a
Rhodes University
Specifically for
those students
who have not one
but many talents,
this award goes
to students who
manage to juggle
several aspects
of student life,
excelling in each.

Nokukhanya Bonani

Kerstin Hall

Zweli Hlatshwayo

Bonani was a senior student at Truro

House in 2012 and a Hall Senior
Student for Allan Webb Hall in 2013.
She was the Secretary General for the
Rhodes branch of the Black Management Forum in 2014. She currently
sits on the provincial committee as
the Deputy Chairperson. She has
tutored in the Sociology Department.
She works as a conference committee coordinator at Rhodes and helped
run the Curriculum Transformation
conference earlier this year. She has a
passion for leadership and cultivating
platforms for students to unlock their
potential academically and socially.

Hall came to Rhodes after receiving a

scholarship for finishing in the top 15
in the De Beers English Olympiad. She
was the Academic Representative for
Hobson House in 2013 and 2014, during which Hobson became the number
one academic residence at Rhodes.
This year, she is one of Hobsons
sub-wardens. She founded the Ink
Society in 2013 as a home for creative
writing at Rhodes and has served as
its chairperson since. She has been on
the Deans List and received academic
Half Colours for the last three years.
Hall has won the Maureen Pyott essay
writing prize twice.

Hlatshwayo was born in Swaziland.

He describes himself as always being
a team player. He has coached the
Rhodes Pool Club since 2013 and
served as treasurer and captain. He
has also represented the Eastern Cape
at the 8-ball Nationals in 2012 and
2013. Hlatshwayo has received Sports
Half Colours twice and has sat on the
Student Sports Council. This year, he
played right back for the joint Cory/
Matthews House soccer team that
won the internal league and the league
knockout tournament. He believes his
passion for sports grew when he was
introduced to pool.

Marc David Lovatt

Diana Machingaidze

Nkateko Governor Manganye

Koaile Reitumetse Monaheng

Keamogetswe Kay Mosiane

Lovatt is a final year LLB student

working as a student assistant at
Kingswood College. He served as
the Academic Representative for
College House in 2012 and received
a Residence Merit Scholarship in
2013 and 2014. He was elected as the
President of the Rhodes Football Club
in 2013 and ran the Internal League
in 2013 and 2014. During the last five
years, he has played for and managed
several teams in the Internal League,
most recently Abu Dhabi. He has been
placed on the Deans Merit List in the
Law Faculty.

Machingaidze is a final year LLB

student, an Assistant Prosecutor for
Rhodes and a Legal Theory 1 tutor
and graduate assistant. She won the
Penultimate Year Moot CompetitionInternal at Rhodes and also won the
national Child Law Moot Competition
at the Supreme Court of Appeal in
Bloemfontein, for which she was
only given one night to prepare.
She also represented Rhodes at the
European Law Students Association
International Trade Law Competition
in Switzerland. She aspires to be a
leading advocate in the near future.

Manganye is a final year Allan Gray

Orbis Foundation Candidate Fellow. He served as the Treasurer for
Golden Key and the Student Christian
Organisation. He was also the Head of
Music for Voice of Glory. Manganye
recently completed a mentoring course
with CHERTL and mentored a group
of first year commerce extended studies students. He currently tutors both
Economics 2 and Accounting 1. He
also ran and hosted a Worship Night
fundraiser in conjunction with the
SRC to fund bus tickets for students to
return home over the short vacation.

Monaheng is a Bachelor of Social Sciences student interested in diplomacy,

politics and international studies who
hails from Lesotho. In his first year
he received the Fort Calata Community Engagement and Environmental
Awareness trophy from his residence.
In 2014 he was elected as the Calata
House senior student and managed
their residence soccer team, Hilltop
FC. He currently serves as one of the
Calata sub-wardens. Monaheng has
been heavily involved in the Rhodes
pool club as a media officer in 2013
and managed the 1st team in 2014.

Mosiane, a National School of the Arts

graduate, is doing her Bachelor of Music at Rhodes. She captained the Rhodes
Vocal Ensemble in 2013 and 2014. She
served as a sub-warden of Allan Gray
House in 2014 and 2015. Mosiane was
also the Sports Representative for Allan
Gray. She has worked on the International Executive Committee since 2013
and helped organise the International
Parade and Africa Ball. She is the lead
singer of the band Cookin n Steamin
and has been a lead cast member for the
Simply Broadway show at the National
Arts Festival in 2013 and 2014.

Melinda Moyo

Mbonisi Ncube

Farirai Charlene Nengare

Ida Lisa Anyango Okeyo

Jonathan Mark Rawlins

Moyo is currently studying towards

an Honours degree in Organisational
Psychology. She is a sub-warden
at Lilian Britten House and is a
graduate assistant for third years
in the Psychology department. She
was the Academic Representative at
Lilian Britten House, Secretary for
the Golden Key Society and class
representative for Organisational
Psychology. She graduated with a
distinction and was awarded the
John OMeara Prize for graduating
top of Organisational Psychology 3.
She is a holder of the Andrew Mellon
Scholarship and Academic Half

Ncube is currently working on his MSc

in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and is
the Teaching Assistant for Pharmaceutical Biochemistry. He was the 2011
Rhodes University Pharmacy Students
Association (RUPSA) Entertainment
Representative, the 2011 and 2012
RUPSA President and a South African
Pharmacy Student Federation committee member in 2012. He has presented
at many national and international
pharmacy conferences. Ncube worked
on the Transnet-Phelophepa Health
train in Bloemfontein this year which
aims to contribute to the improvement
of the quality of life in rural South
Africa through the healthcare system.

Nengare is a fourth year student

studying Honours in Management.
She graduated with a Bachelor of
Commerce with Academic Half
Colours and was on the Deans Merit
List. She has played for the Rhodes
Ladies 1st team hockey for the past
three years. She has been a committee
member of the Hockey Club for
the past two years as a Community
Engagement officer and a Secretary
and Transport Officer. She has tutored
Management 2 for the last two years,
coached both hockey and tennis at the
Diocesan School for Girls (DSG) and
is currently a student assistant at DSG.

Okeyo was born in Kenya but has

since relocated to South Africa. She is
studying a Masters in Pharmacy and
was featured on the Deans Merit List
from 2011 to 2013. She also received
Academic Colours in 2013. Okeyo is a
winner of the Michael Kapelus Memorial Prize which is awarded to the best
all-round pharmacy graduate. She has
presented at two national conferences
in 2014 and 2015. She is currently the
Secretary of the Golden Key Society
and the community engagement leader
for the postgraduate liaison subcommittee. She also works as clinical
technician at the Biopharmaceutical
Research Institute.

Rawlins is studying towards a Masters

in Science. During his undergraduate
degree, he won the RL Threlfell Prize
for Economics and the JVL Rennie
Prize for Geography. He also won the
VS Forbes Prize for the Best Honours
Research Project and the Kendall
Scholarship for the 2nd Top Rhodes
University Graduate. He played for the
Rhodes 1st XV for years and captained
it in 2014 as well as represented the
Rhodes cricket 1st XI for two years. In
2012, he worked as a sub-warden at
College House.

The Oppidan Press 7 October 2015

Ben Rule

Kudzayi Michael Zvidzayi

Rule is a final year LLB student.

He has represented Rhodes at the
European Law Students Association
(ELSA) Moot Court Competition in
Switzerland and at the LexisNexis
Mock Trial Competition last year.
He was awarded Best Orator at the
African Regional Round I for the
ELSA competition. He was a subwarden at Joe Slovo House for two
years. He was the Opinion Editor for
The Oppidan Press in 2014. Also in
2014, he won the Watch The Throne
rap competition. He will be completing
his articles at Norton Rose Fulbright in
Johannesburg in 2016.

Zvidzayi was the national Taekwondo

champion in 2014 and was awarded
Taekwondo Veritas Chang Hon Ryu
National Colours. He also received
provincial colours and Rhodes Half
Colours for both 2014 and 2015. He
has been selected to represent the
Eastern Cape at the South African
National Championships this year.
He is also a member of the Rhodes
Rifle Club and has participated in
both national and provincial shooting
tournaments. He helps run the
community engagement programme
for the Taekwondo club.

Gorata Chengeta

Anthony Davidovics

Chengeta is a final year Bachelor of

Journalism student at Rhodes University. She is currently the chairperson
of the Gender Action Project (GAP)
society and was the vice-chairperson
of GAP in 2014. She is also involved in
the 2015 Silent Protest Planning committee. In 2014, Chengeta served as a
sub-warden and a mentor in Amina
Cachalia House. She received a Community Engagement Gold Award for
Excellence for her work as a student
volunteer in 2013. Chengeta headed
the Community Engagement portfolio
in ACs house committee in 2014.

Student Leadership

Investec Rhodes Top 100 2015

This award
as well as
contributions or
by students.
this award is a
special honour.
A maximum of
25 candidates
are selected to
be recipients
of the award
each year.

Amy Barclay

Azola Benita Dorothea Bobo

Barclay started her undergraduate

degree at Rhodes University in
2011. She majored in Geography
and Zoology in 2013. She went on
to receive an Honours Degree in
Environmental Water Management
in 2014. Barclay is currently working
towards a Masters degree, which she
hopes to complete in a year. She is
studying the importance of wetlands
with regards to water resources.
Barclays studies recognise the
enormity of water issues that South
Africa faces.

Bobos approach to community

engagement can be described as
building bridges, breaking barriers.
Bobo was the Community Engagement
Representative for Thomas Pringle
House in 2011. She joined the Rhodes
community engagement programme
in 2014 and was a a tutor at Imkamva
Youth. Bobo further involved herself
through the River of Life Church by
running a computer skills programme
from 2010 to 2012 for women in
Grahamstown. In 2015, she was
elected to run the Joza Youth Hub PC
training programme.

Megan de Jager

Pedro Fernandes

Carissa Govender

Davidovics is currently completing

an Honours Bachelor of Commerce
degree in Economics. He hopes to
obtain a Masters degree in the future.
As both Sub-Warden and Senior
Student of his residence, Davidovics
has demonstrated a level of dedication
and commitment towards his duties.
In 2014 Davidovics was selected
to complete the second half of his
Honours degree at Leicester University
as part of the Rhodes Exchange

De Jager started at Rhodes University

in 2013. She is in the process of
completing her undergraduate degree.
Throughout de Jagers academic career,
she has taken on a wide variety of
leadership roles. She served as the
Chairperson of the Hellenic Student
Association. She worked as a Theory
of Finance and Statistics tutor at
Rhodes University. She is also one
of the founders of the Grahamstown
Clothing Collective. She was on the
Deans List and a recipient of the Allan
Gray top achiever award for all three
years of her undergrad. She also holds
Academic Half Colours.

Fernandes started his academic

career in 2010 at Rhodes University.
He completed a BA degree majoring
in Legal Theory and Linguistics.
Fernandes thrived in leadership roles
in residency at Goldfields as well as the
Black Lawyers Association, from being
Hall Head Student and coordinating
the Environmental Fashion Show
to being a part of Debating subcommittee and a group leader for Legal
Activism. He is currently in his final
year of the LLB degree.

Govender obtained a BA Honours with

distinction. She is a Masters candidate
in the Department of Journalism and
Media Studies. She was a sub-warden
at Allan Gray House for two years,
and the Community Engagement Rep
for Drostdy Hall. She has worked for
Cue Media and Think!Fest, covering
the National Arts Festival since 2013.
Govender was placed on the Deans List
three years in a row, received Academic
Colours and is a member of the Golden
Key society. She received the Rhodes
University Prestigious Masters Scholarship for 2015. Govender has presented
her research at the South African Communication Association conference.

Simphiwe Gumede

Stuart Lewis

Jason Manyenyeni

Fredy Mashate

Zikisa Maqubela

Gumede believes that he embodies

Rhodes Universitys slogan: Where
leaders learn. Gumede demonstrated
leadership in residence as a sports
representative in 2012 and a subwarden in 2013 and 2014. He was the
chairperson of the Anglican society
in 2012 and a committee member in
2013, 2014 and 2015. Gumede was also
awarded the 2014 Top All Rounder
award in Lillian Ngoyi Hall. He has
been an internal soccer league referee
since 2012 and is currently a Law
library assistant. Gumede is a Student
Representative Defence Councillor.

Lewis is a final year Bachelor of Journalism student specialising in Digital Media.

He is the current Editor-in-Chief for The
Oppidan Press and an Allan Gray Orbis
Candidate Fellow. He previously worked
as Assistant Online Editor, Online Editor
and Deputy Editor. He has presented
twice at the Varsity National News
Conference on the organisations behalf.
He has also served as the Administration Manager, Vice-Chair and Treasurer
of the Gender Action Project. He has
had work published in Mail & Guardian, The Daily Vox and City Press among
others and has several independent film
production credits to his name.

In his first year, Manyenyeni was

admitted into the exclusive 4-year LLB
stream after meeting the academic
requirements. As a result, he has been
enrolled as a full-time LLB student.
Manyenyeni studied Law 2 and Law
3 simultaneously. He has served as
President of Golden Key and Secretary
of the Law Society and is the President
elect for the Law Society in 2016. He
has also served as Head Student and
sub-warden in Jan Smuts. He has
excelled in the Law Faculty as a Moot
and a mock trial specialist and is the
elected Faculty Representative as well
as a commercial law tutor.

Mashate developed a passion for social

change through serving as a Wellness
Leader for the Rhodes Counselling
Centre in 2012. In addition, Mashate
acted as the Counselling representative
in his residence, monitoring academic,
spiritual, physical, mental and social
wellness or his fellow residents. As
well as providing this service, he also
offered guidance for students studying
law in his position as Mentor at the
Law Clinic in 2014.

Maqubela is a BCom Accounting

and Economics Graduate currently
completing his Post Graduate Diploma
in Enterprise Management. Maqubela
is the current SRC President. In 2014
and 2015 he has volunteered as a CE
Rep and has also been Vice President:
Public Relations for Toastmasters. He
has a CC 6 as well as a best speaker for
the night award from the Toastmasters
society. In 2013, Maqubela was
awarded the prestigious Allan Gray
Orbis Foundation Fellowship.

7 October 2015

The Oppidan Press

Investec Rhodes Top 100 2015

Ayanda Mbonani

Grace Moyo

Thomas Nicholson

Christopher Carlos Ferreira Rafael

Candice Rafael

Mbonani is dedicated to the ideal of

women being at the forefront of structural changes and progress in Africa.
She is currently doing a Bachelor of
Social Science (Law) majoring in Legal
Theory and Politics and International
Studies. In 2013, Mbonani was the
community engagement representative
for New House, a community engagement officer for Gender Action Project
and a community coordinator for
Young Womens Dialogue. Mbonani
served as a as a portfolio leader for
the Rape and Domestic Violence for
Legal Activism and was involved with
Inkwenkwezi Society.

Moyo is the Former Vice President

and Secretary General of the SRC, and
current Assistant Director of UNICEF
for the National Model United Nations
New York Conference. Moyos passion
for the United Nations and International Affairs has led her to participate
in conferences across three continents
and in committees varying in interest
from international peace and security,
to human settlements, drugs and crime.
She has been a sub-warden, tutor,
volunteer, and co-founder of a society at
Rhodes. Moyo identifies as an activist,
particularly around issues on women
and children, and humanitarian issues.

Nicholson was born and educated in

Pietermaritzburg, Kwa-Zulu Natal.
Nicholson came to Rhodes on a
Hockey scholarship. Nicholsons
fascination with science inspired him
to pursue an undergraduate degree
in biochemistry, microbiology and
human kinetics and ergonomics. He
has now refined his interests to using
biological systems to benefit industry.
Nicholson would like to pursue
entrepreneurship with the invaluable
leadership experience he has gained
during his time at Rhodes University.

Rafael is currently doing his PhD in

Chemistry. Following this, he would like
to work in a research environment, possibly teaching at University level. Rafael
has a passion for Rhodes DanceSport,
especially teaching and coaching. He
has been involved with dancing since
high school and has been working to
improve dancing at Rhodes as well as in
the Eastern Cape. Rafael has competed locally and internationally and
is currently working towards his South
African colours as well as International
Adjudicators and Instructors. He has
also had the opportunity to be involved
in starting up a new company.

Rafael is a third year PhD candidate in

Bioinformatics at Rhodes University.
She has been involved in society work,
sports committees, and teams all the
way to SSPC and Sports council. Rafael
has also been involved in the academic
side under the PGLSC as the president
in 2014. She is a team member, team
manager, committee member and
coach for the Rhodes DanceSport
Club. Rafael tutors Maths and EMS
at local Grahamstown schools. She
has presented her research at both
two national and two international


Tshwarelo Sikwane

Keelen Snyders

Ndana Tendayi

Sikwane is an Oppidan student at

Rhodes University in Grahamstown.
She is working towards a Honours
degree in Politics and International
Relations. Sikwane has been on the
Allan Gray House committee, Drostdy
Hall Committee and the Student
Representative Council (as Projects
Manager and member of the Executive

Snyders graduated from Rhodes

University with a BCom Accounting
Degree in 2014. He is currently studying towards his Postgraduate Diploma
in Taxation. Snyders received the Top
Cultural Involvement award at Stanley
Kidd House in 2012. In 2013, he was a
member of the Association of Catholic
Tertiary Students Committee, for
whom he served as Community Engagement Officer. In 2014, he was part
of the Student Representative Council
and organised the environmental
projects for Rhodes University. Snyders
is also a member of the Independent Electoral Board for the 2015 SRC

Tendayi started studying at Rhodes

in 2011. She has been involved in a
range of student leadership positions.
For two years, Tendayi acted as SRC
Hall Representative and International
Affairs Counsellor respectively. She
hosted the first ever Internationalisation Colloquium as well as the
Africa Night Ball. Tendayi has tutored
Accounting, Statistics and Theory of
Finance. She has also been invited to
join Golden key and she started her
own student-run female clothing business in Grahamstown. Tendayi is also
the 2015 KPMG case challenge winner
and currently a member of the International Office executive committee.

Somila Tshabe

Theresa Carolyn Ware

Lindokuhle Innocent Zungu

Tshabe has been involved in the

Pan-African Youth Dialogue Biennial
Leadership Summit as the Financial
Officer. He has been the Hall SRC
Representative for Nelson Mandela
Hall in 2013, Hall Senior Student in
2014, and a sub-warden in 2015 and
2016. Tshabe has been part of the
Siyafundisana Mentoring Programme
with the Rhodes Education
Department, and is a PGCE intern

Ware took a Round Square Gap Year

at Regents International School, in
Bangkok and is passionate about
mentoring high school students.
Ware became the first Round Square
Coordinator for the African Region.
She chose to pursue a degree at Rhodes
University in order to pursue teaching.
In 2015 Ware was elected into office as
the SRC International Councillor. She
was later on elected as the replacement
Vice-President. Ware has tried to make
the most of her time at this university
and will continue to be involved at
Rhodes University next year.

Zungu currently studies a Bachelor of

Arts in Economics and Law and resides
in Cory House. While serving as Activism and Transformation councilor, he
pursued transformation for students
living with disabilities. As the Rhodes
University Activism councilor, Zungu
hosted a #BringBackOurGirls Protest
which was aimed at showing solidarity with Nigeria. This reached national
media coverage. In 2015 he was
re-elected into office as the Activism
and Transformation Councillor. Zungu
was later elected as the new Secretary
General. He aspires to work for Boston
Consulting Group.

are proudly brought to you by

The Oppidan Press

The Oppidan Press 7 October 2015

Investec Rhodes Top 100 2015

Academic Excellence

The Academic Excellence Award is awarded to candidates who are top academic achievers. Deans
of each faculty presented the candidates who received the highest marks across their disciplines.

These candidates were
chosen for their academic
performance throughout
the year. Dean of
Commerce Professor David
Sewry chose them for their
excellent results in their
respective departments.
Sinenhlanhla Senzekile Bengu

Athenkosi Sibulele Mqoboli

Daniel Tim Orsmond

Adriaan Slabbert

Oliver February

Kaitlin Cunningham

Fiona Drummond

Laura Richardson

Shereen Essa

Grace Shalom Govere

Siyabonga Melamane

Tanyaradza Musakana

Kelly Dixon

Ryan McKerrow

Shivani Moodley

Melissa Scorer

Dean of the Humanities
Faculty Professor Tom
Martin has selected these
candidates as the top
achievers in the June
examinations. They have
been recognised for their
outstanding promise.
The Rhodes University
Pharmacy Faculty has
recognised the following
candidates for their
academics this year. They
were selected by the
faculty Dean Professor Rod

The following students
have been recognised by
Dr Rosaan Krger, Dean of
the Rhodes Law Faculty,
for their outstanding
performance in their
studies this year.
Dean of the Science
Faculty Professor Tony
Booth selected the
following candidates.
Each was chosen for
their performance this
year in their respective
Carla Kirk-Cohen

Alexes Mes

Kelly Schwarz

Richard Southey

Nicole Upfold

A note from The Oppidan Press to say well done and thank you
The Oppidan Press would like to congratulate all the winners of the 2015 Investec Rhodes Top 100 awards.
These awards are a testament to the dedication, drive and positive possibility of the future of our generation.
However, something as big as this does not happen overnight. We would like to recognise and thank those people who have worked to put together this years Investec Rhodes Top 100.
Again our gratitude is extended to Investec for their ongoing support and sponsorship, in particular to Carol Dlamini and Setlogane Manchidi for their assistance and direction.
Our thanks also go to the Division of Student Affairs Office and Dr Colleen Vassiliou for their continued support for this project.
We would also like to express our appreciation to the esteemed judges who gave of their time to assist in the judging process.
Finally, we would like to thank The Oppidan Press team who worked hard to bring this years project to fruition, particularly Editor-in-Chief Stuart Lewis, Deputy Editor Leila Stein,
Online Editor Liam Stout, Print Editor Lili Barras-Hargan, outgoing Chief Sub-Editor Kate Jennings, outgoing Sports Editor Gabi Bellairs-Lombard,
Marketing Manager Leila Kidson and Financial Manager Likho Sithole for assisting with the orchestration of this project.
Thanks are also extended to Chief Photo Editor Bronwyn Pretorius for her photography of this years candidates; outgoing Chief Designer Hannah McDonald, outgoing Assistant Chief
Designer Amy-Jane Harkess, incoming Chief Designer Tiffany Mac Sherry, incoming Assistant Chief Designer Lauren Dixon-Paver and their tireless team of designers for the design of
the edition as well as our Executive team for compiling the judges biographies and our fantastic team of sub-editors for going over all the content in this edition so thoroughly.

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