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fe aiftucen sydite ert fates Care arene 3 Us SCR) {A Govt. of India Undertaking) aii TT, Taycve ATA set Ts, f feret-et 2008 ORIENTAL HOUSE, A-25/27 Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi-410 002 MOTOR INSURANCE CERTIFICATE CUM POLICY SCHEDULE THE ORIENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED PRIVATE CAR PACKAGE POLICY - ZONE B PC x wort Poticy Wo 31 08/33/2014/5006 Prey Policy No = S3tt0so1ZNaSI04 over Rote No Cover Note Dt insureds Code: 51597764 lenee Oe Code = 381108 insureds Neve: DR.RE THAKUR Issue Oise Name > CBO 4 PATNA scoress S/OSRISHYAMNANDAN THAKUR adds C80 IV, GANGOTR COMPLEX SAREYAPUR, VADAVPUR FO BORING ROADPATNA GOPALGAR PATI aiHAR Bo0004 Tel Faxifmal > 1 (HA Tot iRanEmst 0612. 2500000 2595044 0512 2oase4s/ Sanjaykishore@orientalnsurance: AgorifBrokor Detatio DevoftCede —_NAODOADOSOS DIRECT (334103) ‘AgentBroker ‘Address ‘Tel Fax /Emalt Hil Period of Insurance ; FROM 00:00 ON417/10/2013 TO MIDNIGHT OF 18/10/2014 Goltecion No & Dt: CHO'4G7TCO8a49 - 0871072013, GossPrenium — | 13,408 Sewice Tax : 1.857 stamp buy. 5 Total: 15,085 Geographical Area INDIA. aoa ension Particulars of Insured Vehicle: Engine No. & Type OF Boey Cubic Year OF Seating Capacity Mark& Place Chassis No. Make - Modet Capacity —Manf. including Driver) BROEPAOMS 3196356 GENERAL SALOON pies 2000 +1 vuzaterpur MasaBsosieHo3 MOTORS 52 CHEVROLET Tavera 52-7 seats BSNIEG Umitations as to use 1. Ihe Patiey covers use cf the vehicle for any purpose other than a) Hire or Rewer b) Cariage of gacds (other than samples or personal luggage) c) Organized rasing d) Pace making e) Speed tasting f) Relebly Trials gj Use n connection with Motor Trade Driver Any person nelucing the insured, Provided that a person ativing holds an effective daving license at the time ofthe accent ard isnot disqualified from holding or obtaining such 2 cance. Previded algo that tho parson holding on offectve Learner cance may alse ctive the vehicie and thet such 8 person saltfies fe requirements of Rule 9 cf ine Gensel Motor Venices Rules, 1989, Lint of Laity: For and on behalf of Dre Oriental Insurance Company Liméed Ie <— ‘Authorised Signatory Page tots Place: PATNA x Date: agitarzara In case of any query regarding the Policy please call Ta Froo No. 1800 11 £486 ond 041 30208486, All the Amounts mertioned!in this policy are in Indian Rupees Now you con buy and renew solectod policies online ot www atientalinstrence org in THE ORIENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED {A Govt. of india Undertaking) ORIENTAL HOUSE, A-25/27 Asaf Ali Road, Hew Dethi-t40 002 Corea tart TT Sea) SPROUT TR, T3420 SURE eH Be, Af Fe -nto00 Atsched to ard forming pant of policy number 331709/9112014/5006 UUndor Section (1) in aspect of any one accident: as per Motor Vebidles Act, 1985, Under Section IL.) in respect of ary one claim o+ erie of cims acing out of ane event is Re. 750000 PA Cover under Section Il for Registered Owner Gum Driver (CSI): Rs.200000 Insured’s Declared Value Forthe For Trallets Non Electical Electrical Value of CNG Total Value Venicle ‘Accessories —_Acoessarias ee kit 499,000 a ° 499,000 ‘SCHEDULE OF PREMIUM ACOWN DAMAGE B.LIABILITY FASICOD COVER 19,673.00 BASIC TP COVER 3.42400 LESS UNDERWRITER DISCOUNT 1,981.00 BASIC TP TOTAL 3.42400 NOTOR OD BASIC - NEW 12,292.00 | ADD-PA FOR OWNER DRIVER-GRIGA 100.00 BASIC OD TOTAL 12:292.00 | ADD:LLPAD ORWER, 000 ‘OD LOADING TOTAL 12,292.09 | GONDUGTOR.CLEANERIMT-28 SD TOTAL 1292.09 | TPTOTAL 3974.00 LESS -No CLAN BONUS-GRI7 2.49040 | TOTAL PREMIUM 19,406.00 MOTOR TOTAL oD 9,804.00 STAMP DUTY 050 ‘ADD:SERVICE TAX 1,857.00 TOTAL AMOUNT 15,065.00 Deductioies under Section-t: Compulsory Deducitie 2000 Subject to IMT Endorsement Printed hereinvatacned t : 1MT-22 ,MT-28 , INT-S (Details of IMT Encorsemenis and GR also available on internet TAC website www Hypothecation Agreemont with S81.GOPALGANPATNA Hite PurchaselLesser Agrooment with: ln he event ofa cam under he polcy exceeding Rs. tac ora claim ‘or rafund of premium oxcooding Retlne,the insured wa comaly withthe provisions ef the ANIL pofey of ho Company. The ANAL plicy& avalae nal Our operating ices as ella companye website. ‘The insurance under this policy is subject to conditions, clauses, warranties, excistons, {MTs and OIG endorsements ‘mentioned heroin abeve which ere evailable on Company's website: www.orientalinsurance.orain or on demardl fon the policy issuing office. Werrartes that in case of dsicnour of premium eheque(s) the Comsany shall not be liable under the psi and the poly ell be void abingo (rom inception), Gaim for thet of vehicte not payable I thet ot reported to Company within 48 hours of ts escurrence. Camis not cdmissibi if Diving License is found fake or ie ot vald whether er not in the hnowlodge of Ue Insbred For and on vena of 1¢ Oriontal insurance Company Li Place: PATNA, Ke Date: oartar2013 ln-caso of any query regarang tne Paicy please cal Toll ¥ Free No, 1800 11 8485 and 011 S320a485 - ‘AulnoriseeSgnetory Allthe Acrounts mentioned in this poliay ae in Indien Rupees: Page 2 of "Now you can tuy and renew salactod peliies online at fe stftuven grata wert faties THE ORIENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Cars etert or Ue sar) {AGovt. of India Undertaking) aver EA, Gaye ARE oa Te, FF fare pRooe? ORIENTAL HOUSE, A-25/27 Asal Ali Road, New Delhi-t40 002 The Oriental Insurance Company Lite. BO IV PATNA CBO, GANGOTRI COMPLEX , BORING ROAD.PATNA., . PATNA . 800001 RECEIPT ‘fice Goce & Name ssrtogceo a PATNA, Rank Coco paneer s0.0:3 ‘corocton no, PosteaDects 07710889 Cotecientate rostweBoc03, : eerugoya ecole wits ha Fram Sh Set We. ve TheSemot > an goes Figen Thosand Sony Co |Tonardstte foning Pan aeons 51 Bent Poiey Ne Wonk enalenbe See OH Era So Amount CO GL, SLCede Fry Genk Sank strana nat OLE ho. ous Staub clamno. Eose coiecied °° Ese Waa Aime Benen ot suup.c0 CHOY MnQNUSTIOFE CH — Sue Gane PATNA ePSNET ate 8) 701405 How ' oy Bt aera yy 10 ¢ sm on ter saan f Pokey sspe5.00 OMEVROLET Tawa 827 seats SE ‘Bogntmbor erage paces -gemiea Tae Region to aasT OE ZH STG hic Roeoitincades SonieeTow Amouatof fy 1857 | Patiey Tyee (Zane prCWcEPOUCY ~ ZONED PACKAGE FOUCY — ZEB ine er yn ty crane tee ibe vibe est relator a Chew AL v2 euounts mestonsiatns apo ee in ian Ronse

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