Mr. Haney's Week 9 Newsletter

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Week Nine

October 9th, 2015


a weekly look into the lives of the students of B116

Important Dates
10-9 1st 9 weeks is over
10-12/13 Fall Break
10-22 Mad Science Family Fun

Weekly Objectives
Reading - Comparing
Characters in Literature
Grammar - Quotations
Writing - Animal Research PowerPoints/Scary Narrative

Important Message
Students are not allowed in
school before 7:10. Mr. Smith
will be unlocking school doors
at 7:10 for entry.

Weekly Reminders
Reading Logs due on Thursday
Agenda Books signed Nightly
Friday Folders due Monday
Reading Homework - Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday Night

You know you are at a good school when teachers

are getting shaving cream pies to the face, and
principals are getting pelted with water balloons
while they ride a childs bike around the track
dressed in a batman costume! School spirit was just
one of the many highlights of this week. Others
included: sending emails to our French pen pals,
research paper and PowerPoint on an animal,
watching a slideshow prepared by our pen pals from
India, and stating our unit on narratives with a
spooky story. To cap off the week, the students got
to boogie down with their reading buddies. Hope
everyone has a safe and fun Fall Break!

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