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Model question paper for I PUC

Subject : Computer Science(41)

Time 3Hrs15Minutes
Instructions :

Max .Marks :70

Part A

I Answer all the following questions


1. Who is called as the Father of computer ?

2. Expand OMR?
3. Define debugging ?
4. Define a token?
5. Which is insertion operator?
6. What is selection statement ?
7. What is data type of the array subscript?
8. What does the keyword void represent?
9. Which are the standard alignments used in word processor?
10. How many rows and columns are present in ESS?
Part B
II Answer any Five of the following questions
11. Mention any two features of ENIAC.
12. List different types of ROM?
13. What is an Operating system ? Give an example.
14. Write the advantages of structured programming?
15. Briefly explain any two characteristics of OOP ?
16. Which are the different data types in C++ ?
17. What are the different types of values strcmp() can return?
18. Give the commands for copy and paste ?


Part C
III Answer any Five of the following questions


19. Explain impact and non-impact printers with examples?

20. Subtract 36(10) from 83(10) using 2s complement.
21. What is meant by the terms multiprogramming and multitasking?
22. Write a flowchart to find the greatest of two numbers ?
23. Explain the logical operators with example ?
24. Explain the cascading of input and output operators?
25. How do you initialize One dimensional array?
26. Declare a structure that contains the data of a student?
Part D
IV Answer any Seven of the following questions


27. Explain the Generations of Computers in detail?

28. Find FADE(16) = (?)(8)=(?) (10)
29. Explain while structure with an example ?
30. Explain the structure of C++ program.Give example?
31. Explain the working of for loop with an example
32. Write a C++ program to find the factorial of a given number?
33. Write a C++ program to read and print the elements of two dimensional
34. Explain the working of function with arguments and with no return
35. Explain any five built-in functions of ESS?
36. Using ESS, analyze the result for the following data and represent with help
of a Bar graph.
37. Design a Web page to display your details on a website.

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