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HIV/AIDS Prevention and Education

Core Facts Training

The purpose of the HIV Prevention and Education training is to help prepare participants to build the skills and knowledge they need
prevent HIV infection. Previous HIV education/experience is not required. Registration (see below) deadline for the
course is Friday, October 23, 2015. Lodging, mileage & meals are at participants expense. All training materials are included. A
confirmation e-mail with directions to the training facility will be sent prior to the training. A certification of completion by the
sponsoring agency will be issued to each participant. This training fulfills Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) requirements
for Fundamentals of HIV Prevention Counseling training and Substance Abuse Certification.

This training is sponsored by The Community AIDS Action Group of South Central Indiana
For further information e-mail:
There is a $50 fee for participants. Registration including fee must be received by Friday October 23,
2015. Fill out below, detach and mail with check.
Registration: HIV/AIDS Prevention and Education Training
Return to The Community AIDS Action Group by Friday October 23, 2015
Please include check: Make Payable to CAAG ($50)
Mail: 333 East Miller Drive, Bloomington IN 47401
Name____________________________ Address______________________________________________
City_________________ Zip Code________Phone__________ Email_____________________________

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