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Instructions for the Great Awakening Paper

1. Read the excerpt from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan
Edwards. This is a primary source document; a sermon written by Edwards in
1741. Mark the text while you are reading.
2. Discuss with a partner why you high-lighted and circled what you did. Tell
your partner what the significance of the excerpt was in terms of liberty,
equality, or resistance to authority.
3. Answer the following questions in your notebook:
What does Edwards say about the power of monarchs in regards to
their subjects?
How does Edwards compare earthly rulers to God?
Why does Edwards include the passage of Luke 12:4-5?
4. Read the excerpt from A Discourse Concerning Unlimited Submission and
Non-Resistance to the Higher Powers by Jonathan Mayhew. This is a primary
source document; a sermon written by Mayhew in 1750. Mark the text while
you are reading.
5. Discuss with a partner why you high-lighted and circled what you did. Tell
your partner what the significance of the excerpt was in terms of liberty,
equality, or resistance to authority.
6. Answer the following questions in your notebook:
What does Mayhew say is the ultimate job of the government?
What statement does Mayhew make regarding kings that make laws
against Gods word?
What does Mayhew claim is the duty of citizens when kings make laws
that go against the word of God?
7. Read the excerpt from The Snare Broken by Jonathan Mayhew. This is a
primary source document; a sermon written by Mayhew in 1766. Mark the
text while you read.
8. Discuss with a partner why you high-lighted and circled what you did. Tell
your partner what the significance of the excerpt is in terms of liberty,
equality, or resistance to authority.
9. Answer the following questions in your notebook:
What does Mayhew say that all countries that have been long free
have done?
What is the general statement Mayhew is making about power?
What does Mayhew suggest in order to preserve and perpetuate
10.Read the excerpt from Americas Appeal to the Impartial World by Moses
Mather. This is a primary source document; a sermon written by Mather in
1775. Mark the text while you are reading.
11.Discuss with a partner why you high-lighted and circled what you did. Tell
your partner what the significance of the excerpt is in terms of liberty,
equality, or resistance to authority.

12.Answer the following questions in your notebook:

What does Mather say that the subjects who left England (for the
colonies) were entitled to?
What does Mather state as the reason for them leaving England?
What does Mather say the colonists were entitled to if they were still
British subjects?
What does Mather say the colonists were entitled to if they were not
British subjects?
13.Complete the graphic organizer.
Homework: Write a 1 to 1 page paper answering the question: How did the First
Great Awakening pave the way for the American Revolution? The paper should
include 5 paragraphs: an introduction including a clearly stated thesis; 3 body
paragraphs that back up the thesis using evidence from the primary sources; a
conclusion that wraps up the paper. You must include at least four (4) quotes as
evidenceat least one quote from each primary source.

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