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Novato Unified School District

Curriculum and Instruction

High School Course Syllabus

____Marin Oaks High School_____


____Personal Finance
Contact Information

Personal Note / Welcome

Welcome to Personal Finance. In this class you will develop the mathematical skills need to
maintain your personal finances after high school. I hope to provide opportunities for you to
hone your basic math skills through the study of finance.
Course Goals
The goal of this course is to help students to become financially responsible, conscientious
members of society. To reach that end, this course develops students understanding and skills in
such areas as money management, budgeting, financial goal attainment, the wise use of credit,
insurance, investments, and consumer rights and responsibilities.
Course Objectives
Students will categorize and compile expenses in preparation for the construction of a budget.
Students will evaluate information on paychecks and use that information to estimate their future
income, contributions to pensions/social security, federal and state taxes etc.
Students will construct a budget spreadsheet for decision making.
Students will participate in a project in which they plan to purchase, finance, and get insurance
for a vehicle.
Students will understand and manage credit cards and credit card offers.
Students will understand savings accounts, bonds, stocks, and mutual funds. They will evaluate
and choose the best investment options.
Students will understand all the costs associated with retirement. Students will discuss and create
strategies for saving for retirement.
Basic Mathematics Through Financial Literacy
CK-12 Foundation
Progress Reporting (from Board Policy)
Grades shall be reported at the end of each progress reporting period for all students. Progress
reports will be mailed home and/or accessible to parents online approximately every five/six
weeks. Whenever a student falls below a C- after the second Progress Report for either semester,
the teacher shall arrange a conference with the students parent/guardian and/or send a written
report. (Board Policy 5121)

Novato Unified School District

Curriculum and Instruction
Classroom Policies
Students are expected to retrieve their spiral bound notebook and any other materials needed to
finish their class work at the beginning of class. Students are expected to work for the entire class
period. Students are also required to follow all class norms at all times. Students are required to
have their daily notes labeled with a date and heading. All notes the instructor writes on the
board must be recorded in the notebook and all problems must be solved correctly in order for
students to receive full credit.
Grading / Assessments
Students receive 5 points a day for participation, note taking and complete and correct solutions
to problems. (20-25 points a week) Students will also be given tests and quizzes after completing
a unit of study. These quizzes or tests will be worth anywhere from 50- 150 points. Students will
also work on some long term projects that will be worth 100-300 points.
Parent Communication
I can be contacted by email at Email is the best way to contact me. However,
you can leave messages for me at Marin Oaks (415) 892-8733. I will return your call or email as
soon as I am available. I appreciate communicating with families in order to ensure the success
of my students. If you are interested in scheduling a conference with me, the best times are
during my prep period (8:17 am -8:57 am) and after school.
Behavior / Consequences
Behavior and conduct are based on respect and integrity. Students who are disrespectful, defiant
or do not observe my classroom norms or school rules will be given one warning. If the behavior
continues the student will be removed from class and asked to fill out a behavior reflection (pink
sheet.) The principal will be notified and she will implement any other action she deems
necessary. Repeat offenders may face in-house suspension or restorative circle.
There is no Homework at Marin Oaks.
Classroom Tardies / Consequences
I take attendance right when the bell rings. If a student is not in their seat with their notebook
when the bell rings I mark them tardy. If a student is not in the classroom when I take role I
mark them absent.
Supplemental Materials / Media (See Board Policy 6161.11)

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