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the schedule for freshman and seniors.




1 una hora


2 una hora


3 una hora


4 una hora

el idioma

5 una hora

la opci e or a-g

lunch is 30-45 minutes

almuerzo es 30-45 minutos

uno de los das cuando empiecen las clases los alumnos conseguir una hora para trabajar en
obra que es el lunes o el viernes
One of the days when school starts students get an hour to work on work thats on Monday or

Pe es igual a la de cualquier otro da

pe is every other day

el nombre de la escuela ser oliver alto. se va a celebrar alrededor de 500 estudiantes. es una
escuela pblica. habr alrededor de 10-30 clases.
The name of the school will be Oliver high. its going to hold around 500 students. its a public
school. there will be about 10-30 classes.

2. General description of your ideal school:

- Name/ Nombre
oliver high

- Size of the school/ Tamao de la escuela

Puede tener como 500 estudiantes como dos tres historias y como no era muy pequeo
it can have around 500 students and lot be cramped
- What type of school is it?/ Qu tipo de escuela es?
una escuela pblica
its a public school
- How many courses are offered/ Cuantas clases son ofrecidas?
aproximadamente 10-30
around 10-30
- General description of courses/ Descripcin general de los cursos

electives and a-g requirements

spanish 1-4
french 1-4
chinese 1-4
japanese 1-4
home ek
computer stuff
and other things i cant think of

description of one the rooms

it has tile floors, normal size windows that open up, white and black tables, chairs that don't hurt
when you sit in them after a while, outlets for stuff that needs outlets, a whiteboard for writing
stuff air conditioning, posters for whatever subject is being taught there, and a projector to
project stuff

my school an e3

provide education
has teachers
gives free lunch
has decent classes
ends in evening
starts in morning
has homework
provides resources
nearly same class sizes
DONT HAVE TO WALK UP 156 STAIRS EVERYDAY( and yes i counted)
different name
can leave campus during lunch
not cramped
on monday or friday when school starts students get an hour to work on work
classes are shorter

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