Assignment 1 Information Literacy Karla Rivas

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Assignment 1: Information Literacy

Karla Rivas
1.) Keywords I used to find my articles include the following:
Mobile technology
Mobile technology evolving
Privacy on networks
Database I used are the following:
Education source
Science direct
Business source premier
Academic one field
Environment complete
I used this database because it gave me the best journal articles
that were relevant to my topic.
Article 1 Citation: Huber, Diana, and Muguras Mucofan. "Training Teachers to
Use Mobile Technologies within Mainstream School Education in Romania."
(2015): 245-48. Web. 18 Sept. 2015.
Article 2 Citation: Tucker, Catherine E. "Social Networks, Personalized
Advertising, and Privacy Controls." (n.d.): 546-62. American Marketing
Association, Oct. 2014. Web. 19 Sept. 2015.

Screen Print #1- scholarly article #1

Screen Print #2- scholarly article #2

2.) Ex-Apple boss tackles poverty in India with mobile technology

Summary: Jeff Martin was a senior executive at Apple for 10 years and
is the founder and CEO of Tribal Brands and Tribal Technologies.
mPowering head quartered in San Francisco is working alongside
with Citta, a charity working in Orissa, which is one of the poorest
states in India. One smartphone per family was handed out and
although they had nerve utilized a smart phone; they quickly learned
to use their smartphone. mPowering provides phone chargers at school
since families dont have electricity. Children now earn points for
attending school and mothers earn points for attending preventive
healthcare classes. Then, families redeem their points for food,
clothing, and medicine each month.
Internet article #1: Canton, Naomi. "Ex-Apple Boss Tackles Poverty in India
with Mobile Technology -" CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 19
Sept. 2015.

3.) Keywords I used to do my search are the following:

Mobile technology
Mobile technology evolving society
Internet article #2: Empson, Rip. "Mobile Technology Is Transforming The
Health Industry, But To What Extent?" TechCrunch. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2015.

The different engines I am using to run the same search are Google
and Bing.
Which one is better
Why ?
Google gives more
Bing gives facts that
general information
have to do with
Google provides liable
Bing provides facts
that people may have
made up
Results received
About 556,000,000
Relevant ?
Yes, Google gave
No, Bing provided me
articles that actually
with irrelevant facts
were about the search
about the search
Organization of results
? Messy or
organized ?
Easy to navigate ?
4.) Time- This article was updated at 5:39am ET by Naomi Canton.
Relevance-This article does relate to my topic because it shows how
mobile technology has helped to improve society. Mobile technology is
affecting us more today then ever before.
Authority- The author of this article is Naomi Canton. She is qualified to
write about this topic since she is an Oxford University graduate and
an NCTJ- qualified senior journalist. Naomi Canton has a lot of
experience working across news and business in the economy of India.
Also, she has experience working for newswires and news agencies.
Accurate- Yes, the information is trustworthy because it is supported by
data that includes statistics about India like their levels of poorness. It
also includes quotes directly from Jeff Martin who is the ex apple senior
Purpose-This article was written to inform the audience about how
mobile technology has an impact on peoples daily lifestyle. A
smartphone allowed the number of diseases and poorness in India to
decrease tremendously and also provided families with the aid that
they couldnt once afford. The material in the article is biased to
smartphones. It shows how much of an impact a smartphone can have
on a state of the less fortunate.
5.) Ease of access-During my search for mobile technology, the
database article number one was easier to access than the Internet
article number 1. While searching for the article number one, I had to

make sure that the Internet articles were relevant and trustworthy
information. Meanwhile, finding an article on mobile technology was
pretty easy when using the database.
Timeliness-Finding the Internet article definitely took up much more
time than finding the database article because when I used the
Internet, it didnt give me much relativity like the database article. The
Internet gives irrelevant articles that dont have much to do with your
topic so you have to pick and choose between different links.
Authority- while doing search for the database article, it gave articles
with authors who had enough authority to speak about the subject
while the internet articles gave a couple of articles that had people
with authority, other articles about my topic that were on the internet
were just opinions coming from regular people who didnt have enough
intellectual history to speak on the topic.1

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